Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail Novel Read Online

Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Nora’s POV 

“Wait.” What do you mean by untouchable? Isn’t the matebond a magic thing?” Ares interrupts and I tilt my head as I too am confused. 

“Correct, my prince. The matebond is born from magic and I think that is why Miss Nora, have two mates, since you boys are twins.” 

I nod my head slowly but still there is something fishy about this. So I hold up my hand and William nods at me to speak. 

“You said that I am untouchable for magic and I can walk on cursed land, but what about the traits from all kingdoms, that can’t be right. My parents came from two different kingdoms?” I say and look him in the eyes. 

“You are correct, your parents are from the two most powerful kingdoms but at the same time all the kingdoms were once, one. In some mystery way I believe you are the loophole to magic since you woke up two lycans from the curse that was placed upon us and I do believe and I hope that I am right. 

Because in that case, we will have found our new queen but of course we need to test that theory out and perhaps you are wondering why the king here wanted you dead. The witch that cast the curse said that one day a born werewolf but shifted lycan will come with the inheritance from the Blaze and Knight kingdoms, and will destroy this kingdom and the king’s sons.” William explains which makes me look toward the king. 

The king is glaring at me and I look down at my hands in shame. To 

think that when I finally get out of my home pack I will go to my mates pack and his father wants to kill me. So much bad luck. 

“So what will you do to me now? Kill me? Or just use me first to break the curse and then kill me?” I shakily ask and dares to slowly raise my head and look directly at the king. 

*Nora. He can’t kill you sweetie. His lycan and me have been talking and he won’t allow it. Oh and now I know why I cared so much for Daniel. His lycan and me are siblings, it took awhile to recognize each other. Mmmm and I need to tell you about Ares lycan. He has suggested so many fun things to do and did you know that Helios is into s&m? What is that by the way? Can I eat it?* 

I blushed so hard that I felt the heat on my cheeks and I slapped myself on them a few times. 

“Miss Nora?!” Please stop. What is the matter?” William asked and even Ben walked over to me. I shook my head so they wouldn’t touch me, instead I mindlinked Helios. 

*Helios. Why do my lycan think that she can eat s&m?* 

Helios started coughing and everyone stared at him and me. 

“What is going on? What did you do to my son?” The king demanded that I answer and I took a sneak peak at Helios but he didn’t look at me. 

“Uh my lycan said something and I asked Helios about it” I said quietly. 

When I looked up at the men in the room, I noticed that all of them stared at me but the king himself was on the verge of shifting completely. 

“Miss Nora.” What is your lycans name?” William asked and I raised 

my eyebrows at him. 

“Aria, but I think that is a nickname for her. “Why?” I ask him. 

“Well all of our lycans have names but not even a true royal lycan can actually speak to their lycan. We can feel their emotions since we are like one. But this comes from the moon goddess herself. Now I really believe that you are our true queen.” William smiles brightly. 

“That’s good and all but I want to know what Nora asked Helios about?” Ares pouted and Helios slapped him over his head. 

“Shut up” 

I tilted my head. 

“Sir William, you said that I can tell when someone is lying? What do you mean by that? My mother said something to me before, that it is no use to even try to lie to me, that I would see through it anyway.” I ask 


“Yes.” That was one of the kingdoms’ powers, if you would like to call it that. But I think it would be easier to call for the coven tomorrow morning. Since they tested you already I guess they will be here tomorrow to see you. For the witches you are in high interest because the curse backlashes and for every female lycan that died so did the male witches.” William say and I feel an headache coming on strong 


“Well I think we better go to bed and Miss Nora can sleep in one of the guestrooms tonight because I guess that she will have a lot to process after the library visit. “Ben say and clap his hands together. 

I nod and rise from the seat and walk over to Ben that looks surprised at me and at first I don’t know the mistake I did until I turn my head and look at Helios and Ares that have shifted and are blocking me from 

the king. 

“Wait. I’m sorry. I rose out of my seat without waiting for the king to speak. It’s my mistake.” I say tiredly and go between my mates and now I see the kings lycan and I gasp. 

I expected a huge dark grey lycan but he is small, even smaller than his sons. His back was bent so he looked broken and the fur had started to fall off of him. His once glowing purple eyes were now tired and cloudy. 

I touched both my mates and then I warily took a step forward toward the king and another but he didn’t move at all. He just kept looking at me with curiosity, I stretched out my hand toward him and when I was close enough, I gently stroke his cheek and like he knew what I wanted he sat down onto the rug. 

I took a hold of his face and closed my eyes. 

*Hello Nora and Aria. My name is Nat. I am this stubborn old man’s lycan and I will gently show you the most exciting and the very same day that we almost died* 

It was the king’s lycan and he willingly let me and Aria into his mind. And what a heaven we saw there and then there was hell. 

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