Their forced luna

Chapter 30


The Amanda clone stared dumbly at me like I'd grown another head. "Please, you can't, I'll talk but..." she stopped talking, looking away from me.

"Out with it," I ordered.

"You're not going to believe me."

I scoffed. "I think I'm the one in charge of what I believe or not. You want to get off your high horse and come back to reality? I'm not asking again Answer my damn questions or I'm going to grab your hand, and I'm going to bend your fingers back one at a time until they snap."

She whimpered, falling to the ground and writhing at my feet in the dirt. "My name is Clara."

"That's not what I asked," I snapped. I grabbed her arm, lifting her off the ground with it. "I warned you."

"No!" she struggled against me. "Please!"

I ignored her cries, grabbing her index finger and slowly pulling it back.

"I'm her daughter!"

I let her finger go.

"What?" I demanded. I couldn't have heard right. I gave Clara a little shake. "I can't believe you're still lying to me after I warned you what would happen to you."

A relative would explain her near identical scent though.

"I'm not lying, I promise. She doesn't even know about me." I nodded for her to go on. I'd listen to her little tale for now. "My father is the Alpha of the pack, he's a cruel heartless person, and he loved to hurt mom. He forced her to have us, then took us away from her."

"Us?" I demanded. Not only was she claiming to be Amanda's kid, which didn't seem possible considering they looked almost the same age, but there was more than one? Why was I putting up with this? Why wasn't I just torturing this bitch?

She nodded. "There's three of us, now. There was four but dead killed Anna the night mom got away."

I sighed. "You said I wouldn't believe you. What the hell are you talking about? I'll listen, but if I don't believe you, I'm going to eat you from the toes up. Giving you that death you want but I'll make sure its agonizing."

Clara took a deep calming breath, and met my eyes. "Can you let me down?" she whimpered.

I wrapped my hands from her wrist and let her fall to the ground. "Speak."

She rubbed at the red mark I'd left on her skin. "Dad isn't a normal werewolf. He's got a wizard that lives with us."

A wizard? Was I wasting my time with this crazy wolf? If she didn't look so similar to Amanda I'd have snapped her neck and been on my way. Something was staying my hand.

"I know, you don't believe me. No one does." She huffed. "But I'm telling the truth. Mom was forced to be pregnant with us, we were born and she was told we were killed because she wasn't listening. Instead of breaking her, it gave her the courage to get out of here. She prayed to the Goddess and she was saved, but we weren't. The wizard turned us into adults so we could serve the pack."

I sniffed at her again. That would explain why her scent was almost exactly like Amanda's, but this whole thing didn't sound believable at all. "If you're telling me the truth, I need to get you all out of here and back to her."

"Take us away?" her eyes widened. "But, no we can't do that."

I almost groaned. "You wanted to die, what's so different from that?"

She frowned, glancing away. "Because, if I'm dead another soul can be stuffed into my body. It's what happened to my aunt. My dad had her killed in the worst possible way and that wizard took another's soul and put it in her body."

"Fine, but you're going back with me, showing me who your siblings are, and I'm going to go kill your dear old dad. Normally I'd let the Prime have the honor, but I'm too fucking pissed. Clara, you're leaving here and going back to your mother."

She stared at me. "Please, don't lie to me. You're going to break me," she whimpered, her voice cracking. "I can't take it."

I ignored her, cracking my knuckles. "Listen, kid. I'm in a hurry. I've got some mates to go back and have some adult time fun with and I don't want to waste any time from eradicating this asshole off the planet."

She grabbed my arm. "Can you just get us and our aunt out of here first? If you really can take me to safety, please, take all of us and come back and kill him after."

"Whatever, sure." I sighed.

Clara grinned at me for the first time, it made her cute. "Thank you so much... umm what's your name anyway?"


"Thank you, Bo."

I took my shirt off and wrapped it around her body. If she truly was Amanda's daughter I really didn't want to be subjected to her figure. "Wear this. Now let's go get your family free. Is that all that's left of you? Three sisters and the aunt?"

"Yes..." she trailed off, biting her lip again.

"What are you hiding from me, Kid?"

"I'm not a kid!" Clara stomped her foot, eyes flashing as she glared at me. Pretty sure that Amanda didn't have crimson eyes, that was kind of weird. "But, I am hiding something."

"Oh, really? I never would have guessed," I snapped at her. "Out with it. I'm not going to put up with this for much longer. I'm about to toss you over my shoulder and march you back to my Prime where he can get answers out of you."

"We're not her only litter," she whispered. "She's had cubs before, and the first one was all boys..."

I was pretty sure I was going to regret this. "And why aren't you wanting to tell me about them? Let me guess, they're a chip off the old block?"

She cried, curling up into a tight ball. "They'll kill my baby sister," she sobbed.


The growls came from a loose circle around us. "When I'm done beating their asses, I'm spanking you, Clara," I snarled at her. I cracked my neck and bounced on the soles of my feet. It was time to get to work.

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