Their End, My Beginning

Chapter 2

*Katherine's pov (it will be kat's until said otherwise)

"Whhaaaaaaat!!!!" I screech and run down the stairs.

"Sweetheart slow down, you will hurt yourself. Sorry to disappoint you but I have to go there to... uh... help uncle Nick."

"But why do we have to stay there, dad? Why can't we come back? All these years uncle nick handled things by himself and you helped him occasionally while staying here. Why now we have to stay there?" "Sweetheart, some questions are better unanswered." Dad turns to Ry. "Ryder, son, go back to your parents they will explain things to you. After you have grown older, come visit us."

"But un-" "No buts. Son, go home." Ry was interrupted by dad and forces him to go to his house.

"I am ready with suitcases." Announces mom after arriving to the hallway where we were standing. "Mom, you knew about this too why didn't you tell this to me. Why did no one tell anything to me?" "Sweetheart go wash yourself and wear the dress I picked out for you it will look cute on you."

"Mom, don't change the subject." By now tears started building up in my eyes.

"Don't you want to see your best friend?" I nod with tears falling from my eyes.

"Sweetheart I know this might be hard for you but right now we don't have any other option before us when you grow up you will understand why. Now go and wash yourself and come down.” I ran upstairs afte knowing there's nothing that can change my parents' decision.

Why are they doing this to me? They know that I love Ryder and I can't leave him. Why do they have to be so cruel?

I get into the bathroom and let my tears join the water falling on me. When there are no more tears left, I get out from my bathroom and saw the dress my mom has picked up for me. My favourite pink umbrella type frock that has square neckline, with flower patterns on upper half. This is the frock

Ryder gifted me with his piggy bank money. When I asked what he is saving his money for he said it is for buying something for his most important person. I fought with him for over a week because he is said i is not for me when I asked him. Thinking about all that made me cry even more.

After crying a lot, I got ready after wiping my face with the wet cloth because every time I thought to clean my face after crying, new tears started forming by the mere thought of not seeing Ryder again. On my brunette hair, I wore a pink hair band that has a little pink flower on it; I wore matching earrings and a small chain that my mom prepared and finished it by wearing the bracelet that Ryder made by himself for me. Gosh! how jealous was I when I saw him with a bracelet near a girl. Apparently it was with the trash stuffs of her doll he made the bracelet. I felt new set of tears forming in my eyes remembering that incidence. I got to stop crying like a baby and be a little matured though I am just 5 years old. Aren't I one?

With a sigh, I went down the stairs and saw my parents already ready and were waiting for me. When my mom saw me with big red puffy eyes, she had tears in her eyes but kept it from falling and retained her composure and opened the door for me I walked out the door without saying a word.

"You have eaten nothing as you went out to play, so I have packed the food. We can eat when we are on the road." says my mom behind me. Neither did I hum nor did I say anything cause I was too angry with my parents for not saying anything, knowing that I wouldn't be able to see my Ryder anymore makes me even more sad.

I got into the car silently. My dad was watching me the entire time but said nothing. And so, we started this horrible journey to New York after my mom got seated beside my dad. I know I should be happy that I get to see my bestie, but the thought of not seeing Ryder is the only thing in my mind and so it filled the entire journey with an awkward silent.

"Kattyyyy." yells my bestie and ran towards me.

"Mandy." I call out half happy and half sad and walk towards my bestie. She noticed the unhappiness on my face but didn't mind it. I thought she would ask a lot of questions about that, but all she did was hug me and I return the hug but tightly.

Later she asked questions on that and I told her everything. Finally, dad promised me he would take to Ryder someday.

"You lied to me!!!!!!!!"

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