Their End, My Beginning

Chapter 10

Two weeks later,

I am running to my office as I am little late because I couldn't sleep till it was 2 hours before the time for my alarm to ring. I just wore an off-shoulder white top with a tight black skirt that reaches till my knees and has a small slit that shows little of my right thigh with little makeup and a chain that has a small bird charm on it. I wore the makeup while I was in the traffic. And my habit of wearing little makeup helped me in this case.

Today is the month end meaning I have to work overtime which actually is not bad nowadays at first it was worse as I had to do it alone. Nowadays my friends Cassy and Richard stay along with me as they recently got promoted to my block and Cassy being Cassy waits till the deadline to complete her work and later complains about it and though she has told us many times, she is going to change her habit, never has she done it.

Richard differs from both of us cause he is the perfect employee, the guy who completes everything on time. But then you may why do he stay to work overtime if he completes his work it's because he stays to keep me company. And that is the reason why I said working overtime is fun nowadays cause I don't actually do my work, but I do it anyway by taking it home. Richard and I are not in a relationship if that is what you are thinking we just have casual sex 'no strings attached'.

As I walk through the passage, I said good morning to everyone seated on their desks on either side of the passage, heading to my cubicle. Yupp that's the best part of this job I have my cubicle, everything was already prepared by my dad I only had to come in for the interview ace it and boom I got the job cause I did pretty good in my academics if the scholarship I got was of any proof. The interviewer was pretty impressed with the way I dressed, which by the way was full sleeve white t-shirt with grey coat and grey pants; I wore little makeup as in just eyeliner; I am not a fan of cosmetics that much hence with the light makeup. Finally, finished the look with updo hairstyle which by the way was pretty hard considering the fact that every 5 minutes some strands would come down from the updo. The way I spoke with confidence also surprised her, lets just say that's the training from my father considering I am the future CEO of Marshal co. which was snatched from me.

The job I got was of an architecture in 'Simiona Architects' named after Mr. Simon and his wife Fiona. It was a highly reputed firm, though not that famous, but had enough name to get big clients.

As I sat in my chair and power on my computer, I saw an email of my deadline of the design I am working on for Waynst Itd. It seems the client is pretty big to take over this company if I don't hand the design on time. Rude, I may say. The email made me remind of the letter I got from dad the events followed by it.

Soon after I decoded the letter and read it, I burned the original letter and added locks to the scanned letter. It's just not any locks if unlocked by any person other than me, it will affect their device with virus. My dad taught that, he is very good in computer all the hackings and stuffs although I have no idea why or from where he learnt it from. He taught me many coding and told me to figure the rest out by myself which I haven't done ever since but I will have to seeing that now every findings for any clue leading to reason behind my parents' demise depends on it.

After all the burning and locking, I told Uncle that I am moving out to the apartment arranged by my dad and he said okay since he has nothing much to say in it. Though I am very grateful for every help, he has done for me I think I need to give him his space since I am not the only person who lost someone dear to me he lost his sister too; I need to move out so that the future drama taking place in my life will not affect him in any way this is the only way I can show him my gratitude.

Like dad mentioned in the letter soon after every essential item of mine was packed from my home and Uncle Nat's house I went to Uncle Nick and told him about the letter which by the way was not surprising for him since he was mentioned in it. With Amanda's support not only in moving the boxes to my new house but also mentally as going back to the house I used to call home was filled with too much memories that I couldn't stay there without a tear in my eyes. I thought I had passed the stage of crying, but I was not how will I ever be.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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