Their Bonds of Love

Chapter 27

Knowing he would find no rest, Caerwyn stared out the window of the parlor long after others had retired. They talked over the prophecy quietly for some time. For a while, they dismissed it. How could it be trusted? It was just some words an old woman spoke long ago after claiming the goddess had visited her. Who said it even applied to their times or Eleri? They drank tea and laughed nervously, speaking of superstition and silly people.

As the evening went on and drinking tea turned into drinking wine, the conversation went to what sacrifice could mean. It didn’t have to mean death, Efa had argued. It could be anything. As far as tears of a king and sorrow, Conri already had much to mourn. He never knew his parents and grew up in hiding because of Lord Fellen. Killing a man was never easy, no matter how satisfying, and there would be some sorrow in it as well. There was no reason to jump to the conclusion that the prophecy pointed to Eleri’s death.

It seemed others were able to comfort themselves with these thoughts. Efa and Grace went to bed first, and Caerwyn couldn’t fault them. They would want to spend time together before traveling off into danger. Lady and Lord Havnes left soon after, claiming fatigue. Lord Cadwin and Lady Aella left the room around the same time after quietly talking for a little less than an hour. He wasn’t sure where Emilia was. She spoke with him earlier in the evening briefly before leaving the room. He supposed she had gone to bed.

He wasn’t sure where he stood about the updated prophecy. He did not want to think that they might have to sacrifice Eleri to save Elathia. He wasn’t sure how many of them would go forward. Lord Cadwin would be beyond devastated, losing his daughter and only the only family member he had left. Caerwyn wasn’t sure how the king would go on. He and Eleri seemed so bound together that to untie them could do nothing but destroy the one left behind. As for himself, the loss of Eleri from the land would leave him hollow.

He would not let it happen. If he had to sacrifice himself for her, so be it. She was necessary to the king, so saving her was still be performing his duty. Perhaps this was how he could demonstrate his love for her by giving up himself so she could live her life with the king.

“I thought you might still be awake,” said Emilia as she walked into the room.

“You aren’t in bed yourself?”

“I went to the library to be alone for a bit and give you time to think over what you heard. I’m know how affected you must be.”

Caerwyn nodded. “For years, I lived in dread of that prophecy. When it seemed to come to pass by her uniting with the king, I could at least take comfort that she was safe and happy. Now that it implies she will have to be sacrificed to save Elathia, I’m not sure how I can take it.”

“We don’t know if that is what it means or even if it is true. I like to think we have some control over our own lives and that the goddess shows mercy. How could she let Eleri and the king love each other so just to rip one of them away? That sounds too cruel for a benevolent goddess who gave us life.”

“Perhaps she thinks she has to be cruel to open our eyes to the mess all around us. Elathia has been wrong for a while. People suffer for no reason. Perhaps a sacrifice is needed to shock us back to where we need to be. Maybe she demands a sacrifice for how much wrong has been done,” said Caerwyn.

“But it wasn’t done by Eleri or the king. Why should they pay the cost? Why should any of us? Perhaps, if we can stop those who have truly taken advantage of the vulnerable, the goddess will show mercy and let Eleri live,” said Emilia. “I will not leave here tomorrow thinking her way is set, that all of our steps are preordained with nothing we can do but follow them. I make my own way in this land, and I believe we all do, including Eleri.”

“She ended up with the king, didn’t she?”

Emilia nodded. “She did, but I don’t think it had to do with some prophecy. Eleri also loved you. She might have chosen you had things been different. I doubt your feelings for her and hers for you would be a part of the goddess’s plans if she wanted to ensure Eleri and King Conri ended up together.”

“It has caused more complications than is needed,” said Caerwyn.

Emilia took his hand. “Have faith that we choose our own way, Caerwyn. Eleri will go to the palace expecting to survive. She wants to live a long life with her king in this land.”

“I must focus on what I can control,” he said as he looked at Emilia. “I have let others dictate too much of my life. For once, I want to feel like I have a choice.”

“You have always had a choice, Caerwyn. It is time you realize it.”

He turned and pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. He didn’t let any thoughts in his head of doubt be heard. He drowned them out by focusing on his feelings for Emilia. He had loved her in some way for so long. He wanted her, and what was stopping him from taking her. She wanted him as well. She had told him multiple times. He had to let his guilt, fear, and anger go and do what would lead him on the best path.

If he died within the next few days, he would die with remembrances of loving a beautiful woman who cared for him. If he lived, he would find a way to make sure Emilia knew how important she was to him. He vowed she would never feel second to anyone.

She pulled back and looked at him as he held her close. “Come with me, Caerwyn. We don’t know what the next few days will hold. All we can control is tonight. Let me love you. Let me help you with my burdens.”

“Yes,” he whispered before kissing her again.

She took his hand, and together they walked to her room. He wasted no time after closing the door. He cared not if they slept at all. He spent every moment that night loving her the way he should have since the beginning. He whispered words of devotion to her whether she wanted to hear them or not. He strove to give her pleasure in a way he never had. Instead of taking from her, he made sure he gave first. By the time the sun came up, he was satisfied.

Caerwyn stood outside fidgeting with his new black cloak. It had a bit of gold on the edge of the sleeves that felt stiff to him. He knew it was necessary to dress as one of the Gildan Court, and he was sure he would get used to it soon. He began looking around as Emilia took his hand.

“It will be fine, Caerwyn. We will be successful in all the ways we need.”

He squeezed her hand and let it go. “I’m just ready to leave. We should already be there if we wish to organize everything by tonight.”

“We can’t leave without our king and future queen,” said Efa with a grin.

“Has anyone seen them this morning?” asked Lord Cadwin. “I thought they would join us for breakfast. I was going to check on them but thought better of it.”

Everyone smiled as Grace laughed out loud. “I doubt they wanted anyone disturbing them. They will come soon.” Her face became somber as her merriment vanished. “It is not too much to ask that they spend as much time together as they can.”

“Do not get sentimental, Grace,” said Efa. “I have a good feeling about this trip.”

“Our goddess is too good to take her away from us, Efa,” said Grace as she dabbed at her eyes.

Caerwyn grunted agreement as Efa comforted Grace for a moment. They were all silent until finally, the front door opened, and the king and Eleri walked out of the house with the Havens behind them. They were dressed very much alike, both wearing black with golden embellishments on their cloak sleeves. Conri wore the same shirt and pants he did at the Winter Moon Festival, while Eleri wore a black dress, emblazoned with the golden wolf of the Gildans on the bodice.

As they came close, they both held their heads high. Their expressions were ones of confidence, and Caerwyn thought they made an impressive pair.

“We are not late, are we?” asked Conri as he stood in front of Caerwyn.

“If you were, no one would dare speak it, your majesty,” said Lord Cadwin with a grin.

“We should be going,” said Eleri. She turned with the king, and both traded hugs and handshakes with the Havens.

Lord Cadwin walked up to say something to the Havens. Caerwyn thought it was probably to give them instructions of what to do while they were gone. Before he walked back to the group, Lord Cadwin took Aella’s hand and kissed it. Caerwyn looked down at Emilia at this, but she did not look at him. He turned to Eleri to see her watching her father as he walked away.

“Conri, I think Eleri can take you with no problems,” said Efa.

“I can manage Caerwyn as well,” said Eleri.

“Are you sure, my dear,” said Efa. “You do not need to tire yourself out before this even starts.

“I am sure. I feel powerful this morning, and the court should travel together. Come take my hand, Caerwyn.”

Caerwyn looked down and Emilia and picked up her hand. He kissed it tenderly before walking to stand by Eleri. As Eleri grabbed his hand, she gave him a smug grin that made him smile. “You don’t have to say anything,” he muttered.

“I wasn’t going to, but now I find that I must.” She squeezed his hand. “I hope you will be happy, Caerwyn, and strive to make her so as well. The goddess knows you both deserve it.”

“You do as well,” he said quietly. “I will see that you get to spend many years in this land with your king.

She leaned into him for a moment in response.

Efa told Lord Cadwin and Emilia to each grab one of her arms as Grace held on to Emilia. She looked at Eleri and nodded.

“Well, this is what we have been waiting for. I hope you are both ready because I feel like I was very much born for this,” said Eleri.

“You were, my love,” said the king before he looked at Caerwyn. “We all three were.”

Caerwyn nodded before closing his eyes. He felt the wind pick up around him.

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