Their Bonds of Love

Chapter 17

Conri stared at Lord Cadwin, wondering what the man was going to say to him. He said he wasn’t angry about Eleri’s mark, but Conri thought maybe he was just saying that to alleviate Eleri’s worries. The way the lord was staring at him did not give Conri much hope that the man had good news for him.

“You do not need to look so nervous, your highness. I’m not going to shift and bite your head off,” said Lord Cadwin.

“But you aren’t pleased by what happened.”

“I said I was not angry about it, and I meant it. I do wish it hadn’t been something that was forced.”

“It wasn’t forced. Perhaps the timing was moved up, but I didn’t feel like I did something I didn’t want. Marking Eleri is something I have longed to do for a while now. I wished I could have given her more time and courted her correctly, but now that it is done, it does not feel wrong.”

“Forced was the wrong word. I just wish you both had more time to spend together before you entered into such a sacred bond, but these are not usual times. You should have had years to grow accustomed to many things, including wearing the crown. Your father should have been around to guide you and teach you what it means to be king, but it cannot be. You will have to figure it out as you go.”

“When the time comes, I believe I will be as ready as I can. I will depend on the counsel of my court and you as well, Lord Cadwin.”

“What if I told you the time has come now? Are you ready to be called king?” asked Lord Cadwin.

“What do you mean, my lord?”

“Young Deri told me much about what is going on in the palace and around it. It seems to be in chaos. Last night, I received word from Lord Cecil that the place is in an uproar, not sure of how to go on without Lady Eleri’s presence. Lord Fellen still wishes to take the crown, but many are hesitant to call him king without Eleri by his side to fulfill the prophecy. If he tries to call himself a king without the full support of the lords around him, he must know it will go badly.”

“He will be a false, temporary king, no matter when he tries to take the Silver crown and throne. He can claim he was moon crowned by the goddess, but we all knew it is not true.”

Lord Cadwin nodded. “You have the witness of the true First Advisor and, more importantly, the Bright One. Lord Fellen can name a First Advisor, but he cannot call the Bright One to him.”

“So he can wear the crown and sit on the throne, but it does not make him king,” said Conri.

“Well, he can sit on the throne, but he will find it impossible to wear the Silver crown,” said Lord Cadwin as he pulled out a key from his pocket.

“Why is it impossible?” asked Conri.

Lord Cadwin bent down and unlocked a drawer of his desk. He sat back up with something covered in a black satin cloth. “Because we have the Silver Crown here.” He pulled off the cloth to reveal a large silver crown with tips all around it. On the tips we red jewels so dark, they almost looked black.

Conri leaned forward, drawn in by the object. He could almost hear a humming sound coming from it as he reached out and touched it. He drew his hand back as he felt something stir within him. “How?” he asked as he sat back.

“When Selven was running around the palace causing problems, he saw a door open close to the throne room, and two servants run out of it. He darted in it to avoid being seen by a few guards running by. The crown was just sitting there on a table. I suppose the servants were cleaning it for the ceremony at the festival.”

“So he just took it?” asked Conri.

“He found a bag and shoved the thing in it, carrying it with him back to Argenta House. He said it did not belong on the traitor’s head. It belongs on yours.”

“My father was the last person to wear this,” said Conri reverently as he gazed at the crown.

Lord Cadwin nodded. “I remember the day he was crowned well. He was a good king, Conri. He didn’t reign long, but he listened to his council and his people. I believe the day he took the crown was the second proudest moment of his life.”

“The second proudest?” asked Conri.

“Maybe the third. I would say his proudest moment was probably a tie between the day he wed your mother and the day you were born.”

Conri sat silent, looking at the crown, unsure of what to say.

“I know he would still be proud of you today. You remind me of him very much, though I think you are a bit more gentle and less impulsive. You are like your mother in that way. She was a kind, gentle woman. As high ranking and beautiful as she was, many thought she was too quiet and timid to catch the eye of your father, but he saw her worth almost immediately. She was very witty and wise when she did talk. Lady Cadwin grew close to her quickly. They were the best of friends in the end.”

Conri had never heard so much information about his parents. “And you were my father’s best friend.”

“I was, and he was mine. We grew up together and got into all sorts of mischief. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. I miss him as much today as I did when we lost him.”

“I’m sorry, my lord,” said Conri.

“I wish I could have been there for you as you grew up, your highness. I kept constant communication with Lord Havens, but I knew it would only draw attention if I visited often. I wanted to keep you safe, and I knew the Havens were good people.”

“They were, and I know you did what you had to for me and Elathia. I am sure my father knows it too.”

“And now I can see that you take your proper place. Conri, I would like to crown you here at the Winter Moon Festival in four days.”

“Here? Is that even possible?”

“We have the crown. Lord Cecil is escorting a priestess and priest from the palace temple as we speak. You will not be able to sit on the throne, but you can wear the crown, and we can declare you our king. I have many influential families coming to the festival. While the palace is in confusion about their supposed king, we can be secure in our choice.”

Conri sat back and stared at Lord Cadwin. “I’m not sure what to say.”

“I know it is a lot to ask of you. You may not think you are ready, but you will not be alone. I may not be officially of your court, but I will give you my full support. Lord Cecil will serve you until his oldest daughter is able to be present, and Lord Rees is very ready should you require him. You, of course, have Caerwyn and Eleri as well.”

“Will this help our cause? Will this make more people fight with us?” asked Conri.

“I believe so. Any on the fence will be more likely to choose us after we crown you. Especially if you agree to the second thing I ask,” said Lord Cadwin.

“What else do you wish to ask me, my lord.”

Lord Cadwin smiled a little. “What are your intentions with my daughter? What do you hope happens now that you have marked her? I know it was done quickly and without much thought. You could take it back if you wish. It would be hard on Eleri, but she would understand.”

Conri’s word came out in a rush. “I can assure you I do not want to take it back. I love her completely and do not want to go through this life without her if she will have me.”

“So you want her as your wife and queen?” asked Lord Cadwin.

Conri nodded. “There is no other for me.”

“Then, if we can get Eleri to agree, I would like to announce your betrothal at the festival as well. Letting the people know that Eleri has agreed to be your queen will satisfy those who believe in the prophecy. It could greatly increase our chances.”

Conri rubbed his forehead. “Lord Cadwin, I would marry your daughter this minute if she wished it, but I don’t want to pressure her into anything she isn’t ready for. My mark was already rushed because of Lord Fellen. She deserves so much more than a hasty announcement of our betrothal. She should be courted and given time.”

“I wish there we had the time because I agree Eleri is worthy of everything being done to make sure she is comfortable, but time is not on our side. If I thought a marriage between you would just be one of duty, I would not push for it no matter how much it might help our cause, but you have both declared your love. I believe you could make my daughter very happy and protect her as her husband. I think she would make you a good wife and queen as well.”

“Let us hear what she has to say. If she agrees, I have no objections, but if she is uncomfortable or feels she is not ready, I will not push her. I want to save Elathia, but I will not sacrifice what I have with Eleri.”

Lord Cadwin stood up. “I will go fetch her.”

Conri took a deep breath after Lord Cadwin left the room. He stared at the crown in front of him. He would be king in five days. He knew it would mostly just be in name only, but it was still a responsibility. He always knew it was his fate, but to stare into the face of it was something else. He would need to live into who he needed to be quickly. He felt he had already matured the past few months, but he would have to change even more. With every decision he made, he would have to think of the land and its people.

The decision of his queen was a very easy one. He would have no one but Eleri. He loved her, and she would be a wise ruler who would support him. He wished it didn’t have to be some rushed thing as it seemed it would be. He wanted to spend time with her, get to know her even better. He wished to prove to her that he was sincere in his professions of love. He wanted to show her that he would be the husband she needed.

The door opened, and Conri stood up as Eleri entered the room. She grinned at him nervously as she sat in the chair by him. He sat down, keeping his eyes on her as she noticed the Silver Crown on her father’s desk.

Jumping in her seat a little, she asked, “Is that what I think it is?”

“It is. Selven was able to take it from the palace the night you were rescued,” said Lord Cadwin as he sat down.

“What do you plan to do with it?” she asked, leaning forward to get a better look.

“I will place it upon the true king’s head,” replied Lord Cadwin. “At the Winter Moon Festival in four days. I have every influential family in Elathia not firmly on Lord Fellen’s side attending. Lord Cecil is bringing a priestess and priest. Everything is set.”

“And you agreed, Conri?” Eleri turned to look at him. “You want to take on the crown this soon?”

“I must. The palace is in confusion right now due to you being gone and so many working against each other. If I am declared king with the crown, it will push more over to our side,” said Conri. “While I am a bit nervous about taking on the title, I know that I am meant to be king. Part of being king is doing hard things.”

She took his hand. “I will help you, and so will Caerwyn. I am sure my father will offer his wisdom, and many others will see you through this as well. I know you will be a wonderful king. I don’t want you to doubt it.”

Conri gripped her hand. “I will do my best to serve Elathia as king as long as I have the queen I wish at my side.”

She smiled fully. “If you truly choose me someday, I will do all I can to support you.”

“You know I already chose you, Eleri. I will not take back my mark as long as you wish for it.”

Lord Cadwin cleared his throat. “Which brings us to the next event that needs to take place at the Winter Moon Festival.” He leaned over his desk, staring at his daughter. “Eleri, I wish for our king to announce his betrothal to you.”

Eleri dropped Conri’s hand gasped. “You want to tell everyone that Conri intends to marry me?”

Lord Cadwin nodded. “You know many believe the prophecy and see you as fulfilling it. If they know you will be Conri’s queen, they will support him. Some from Lord Fellen’s side may even change their allegiance.”

“But it is unfair to Conri,” said Eleri. “First, he is rushed to mark me, and now you wish to bind him to me even further?”

“How do you feel about it, Eleri?” asked Conri. “Are you opposed to declaring that you will be my wife?”

She sunk back in her chair and looked at Conri. “This is just moving so fast. You have only known me for barely six months. There is much of the land you haven’t seen, and many people you haven’t met. What if there is one out there better suited for you than me?”

Conri shook his head slightly before turning to Lord Cadwin. “Could you give me a moment with your daughter, my lord? I think I need to speak to her privately.”

“Of course, your highness, as long as Eleri wishes to speak to you.” He looked at Eleri, who nodded. Lord Cadwin rose and walked from the room, shutting the door behind him.

Conri turned in his chair and took Eleri’s hand. “Tell me this instant, Eleri, if this is too fast for you. You speak of worrying for me, but I know my heart, and it only wants you. I am frightened that you will be forced into something you don’t want to do. You say you don’t regret my mark, and I believe you, but marriage is a different thing. You could ask me to take back my mark. If you agree to be my wife and queen, I am not sure you could get out of it.”

“I do love you, Conri. I think I would be very happy as your wife, but I know what comes with it. What if I am not up to the task of being your queen? What if I bring you ridicule and frustrations? I can’t stand to see you grow cold towards me.”

“Eleri, that is nonsense, and you know it. You are much more ready to be a queen than I am a king.”

“You can say that, knowing the mistakes I have made in my life?”

“What mistakes have you made but to love boldly. You cannot help it as it is who you are. I love that about you, and I think it will help you serve our people well. Do not let any doubt about yourself make this decision. The only thing that matters is if you are ready to declare you will be my wife. I can tell you with certainty that I want nothing more.”

She put her hand up to her neck and rubbed it for a moment. “I can tell you that this feels right. I believe it does because I love you beyond anything I thought possible. I do wish we had more time before jumping into something only because I want you to get to know me better, and I wish to know everything about you.”

“I think you know me better than anyone, Eleri, but what we don’t know about each other we can still discover as man and wife. Also, we do not have to marry right away. I want to be married to you properly in the palace temple as my parents were. I will want everyone to know the pride I feel in taking you as my wife.”

“I doubt this is how either of us wanted this to go, but as king and queen, we will have to put the land its people over our own wants and needs sometimes. At least in this, it is not a huge sacrifice. All I have to do is agree to marry the man I love.”

Conri got out of his chair and kneeled before her as he took her hand. “I will live every day to show you that there is nothing I want more than to have you by my side. I will show you I love you not with my words but with how I live my life. I will prove to be a man and king worthy of you.”

“And I will do the same as your queen. I never wish you to doubt my love for you.”

Conri kissed her hand before he looked back up at her. “Lady Eleri Cadwin, will you agree to be my wife? It would make me beyond happy.”

“I will, your highness, because there is nothing I want more in this land.”

He leaned up and kissed her as she put her arms around him. They must have gotten a little carried away as they only broke apart when they realized the door was open.

“I hope this means you agree, Eleri,” said Lord Cadwin with a slight grin. “If not, then we will need to have a serious discussion about this behavior.”

She looked at Conri with a large smile. “I have agreed, father. You are free to announce our betrothal at the festival.”

Conri kissed her hand before standing up. “You spoke to me earlier of my father’s proudest moments. I believe this will be one of mine, my lord.”

Lord Cadwin’s grin grew into a real smile as Eleri stood up and kissed Conri’s cheek.

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