The Worst Wedding Date

: Chapter 23

My balls are blue. My cock is permanently hard. And Laney Kingston has ruined me for all other women ever.

I knew this would happen. I knew I was already at the tipping point of falling for her. I knew it would barely take a nudge before I’d be tumbling head over heels all over again, dreaming, wishing, hoping that this will end differently than it would’ve in high school, even though I know better.

I know I’m a vacation fuck.

I know I’m a moment of breaking free.

I know she’ll go back into the cute little perfect box she’s supposed to live in the minute her plane touches back down in Denver in a few days, and I know the day she hears what I do for a side hustle, she’ll be horrified with herself.

But I’m still mellow as a fucking mushroom as I open the bungalow door for her.

She’s happy.



That’s what matters.

Right now, she’s happy.

Tomorrow, I’ll care that I’m happy too. But a quick shower with a nice little yanky-yanky on the ol’ dick will go a long way to fixing my junk, at least.

At least, that’s the plan until I look inside the bungalow. “Fuck,” I gasp.

The door’s open.

The kittens’ bedroom door.

It’s open.

My heart stops. The bottom of my stomach drops out.

My kittens.

Fuck me, if something happened to my kittens—

Laney is still moaning over my cookies and stops mid-noise as she spots it too. “Oh my god, how? Where are they? Are they okay? Are they still here?”

She tosses the last cookie on the counter as she speeds into the room almost before I can process that I need to do the same, and I’m no slowpoke.

“Miss Doodles?” she says softly while we enter the main bedroom, me still unable to form words for the horror at the idea that any of my kittens are missing or hurt. “Are you here, Miss Doodles?”

Jellybean meows at us from the bed. She and Snaggleclaw are bouncing over it like they managed to get up but don’t know how to get down.


Two kittens.

Miss Doodles isn’t in the bedroom.

Fred is though.

He’s still under the bed, cowering.

Three kittens. Fuck. Where are the rest?

“Where’d they all go, Fred?” I ask him through the crushing weight of fear in my chest.

He backs up against the wall, arches his little back, and stares at me like he wants to be a big brave kitty who can defend his barely-one-pound frame all by himself.

“Are they down there?” Laney drops to her knees next to me and peers under, her shoulder touching mine and making my skin flush hot all over my body.

“He’s skittish,” I tell her. “Move slow.”

“Oh, you’re beautiful,” she croons softly. “Do you want a treat? Here, sweet thing.”

“Slow—” I start again, but it’s Laney.

Never does anything wrong.

Unless I’m involved, and then she’s all-in for sex in a public kitchen before running away and hiding.

Which isn’t wrong.

It’s just different from what she’s used to.

She slowly reaches under the bed and deposits four of the treats from the purple bag as far under as she can, then backs up. “We’re gonna go find the rest of your family, sweetie,” she says, and the way she touches my arm tells me she’s talking to me as much as she is to the kitten. “Don’t worry. You’re safe. They will be too.”

It’s crazy in this moment to think of how much her confidence used to annoy me.

After last night and the car accident, I know she doesn’t have it all the time. But right now, she’s saving me with her belief that everything will be okay.

A dozen needles suddenly plunge into my back.

I stifle a startled squeal of pain but make enough of a grunt that Laney jerks her head to look at me.

“Cat,” I say. “Back. Claws.”

She straightens, and then she claps in triumph. “Where did you come from, you pretty thing? Up you go. Up on the bed with your siblings. We have four kittens in here, Theo. How many are missing?”

“Three and Miss Doodles.”

“Great. Let’s go find them.”

With the kitten off my back, I straighten too.

Laney’s already on her feet, holding out a hand like she thinks I need help up.

If half my kittens weren’t missing, I’d take that hand, haul her onto the bed, and kiss her until I was sure this was real.

Not just a temporary dream state in paradise before her parents get here, before we all head back home, before reality pulls her back into that safe, predictable, boring bottom-line world that she lives in.

Instead, I take her hand and rise slowly, my thumb brushing over the back of her hand, not using her for leverage at all. “Thank you.”

“M-my pleasure,” she stutters.

Thank you,” I repeat.

She smiles softly at me. “I’m kinda good at fixing problems.”

And I’ve never been more grateful.

“I didn’t open the door the last time I was in here,” she says as she leads me out of the room. “I promise.”

I jiggle the handle while I follow, then close it behind us. “Miss Doodles can probably operate one of these.”

Just has to hit it right.

“Oh! Look! Kitten in the sofa.”

I flip on the flashlight on my phone and aim it under the hide-a-bed, still sticking halfway up. “Two kittens. Blinky and Panini.”

I’m breathing easier with every passing minute.

My kittens are okay.

“Six, then,” she says. “Who’s missing?”

I head to the back porch to check the door while I answer her. “We have Jellybean, Snaggleclaw, Fred, Blinky, Panini, and Cream Puff. Miss Doodles and Widget are missing. Wait. Correction. Only Miss Doodles is missing.”

Widget is climbing the curtains covering the door.

Laney’s right on my heels. I untangle Widget, turn, and drop the furry little gray beast into her hand.

Balcony door is locked still.

So Miss Doodles— “Found her,” Laney says.

She points to the kitchenette, where I swear there wasn’t a cat a minute ago.

But Miss Doodles is there now, sitting on the counter and grooming her butt.

She pauses to look at me—stupid human, you think I’d give up a cushy place like this with toys and food and clean litter—then goes back to licking herself.

I’ve never in my life been so glad to see a cat licking her own butt.

“I’m locking your kittens in the bedroom,” I tell her.

She keeps licking, one foot up in the air.

“Oh, that’s a relief,” Laney says. “I’ll look at the door and see if I can figure out how to—”


“Right. Right. You can solve things yourself. Sorry. Habit. Can’t help myself.”

“Not what I was going to say.”

I snag the kitten back from her, then collect the two hiding under the broken-ass couch, and put all three back into the bedroom.

Should go change the litter.

Make sure they have enough food for overnight.

I’ll get there.

Right now, though, Laney’s watching me like she, too, is afraid I’d rather have reality.

“You’re not putting Miss Doodles back in?” she asks.

“You ever know a mama who didn’t want a break sometime?”

Her gaze dips to my chest again.

And now that I know my kittens are safe, yeah. That’s what I like to see.

Her eyes going dark. Lids getting heavy. Her pink tongue darting out to lick her lips while she drops another quick glance to my torso.

“It’s really sexy to watch you save kittens,” she whispers while she closes the distance between us.

I swallow hard. “It’s really sexy to watch you save kittens.”

“I want you to kiss me again.”

“What if I want you to kiss me?”

She licks her lips again and settles her hands on my shoulders, then slides them up my neck. “I suppose that’s only fair.”

“Not everything’s about fair.”

She flinches a little, but she’s also sending goosebumps all over my skin as her fingers make their way behind my ears and into my hair.

“I—I want to kiss you,” she breathes.

The years—the years—that I’ve wanted to hear those words from her. And here they are. And I don’t know if I can keep them.

But fuck it.

We have tonight.

I’ll worry about tomorrow when it gets here. “Not so hard, was it?”

“Good girls aren’t supposed to.”

“Fuck that.”

Her lips spread in a wide smile that brings out the subtlest dimple in her right cheek and lights her blue eyes up even as they’re smoky and heavy with need, and fuck me.

Making Laney smile is a headier rush than anything. And I’ve done some daredevil shit.

I’m in trouble.

I am in so much fucking trouble with how much I want her.

“Fuck that,” she agrees.

She pushes up on her tiptoes while she pulls my head down to her level, and then Laney Kingston, the prim-and-proper buttoned-up princess of Snaggletooth Creek, licks my lips before thrusting her tongue into my mouth.

There’s no kissing foreplay.

It’s all deep and hard and instant, diving in headfirst without measuring the depth of the creek.

And the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life is to let her be in charge.

But it’s also the hottest thing I’ve ever done.

Who knew Laney Kingston would be so invested in fucking my mouth with her tongue while gripping my hair and turning us so she can walk me back toward the bedroom with her?

I thought I was hard last night when she was riding me in the car. I thought I was hard just a bit ago in the kitchen when she was stroking my cock in her bare hands.

But having Laney using her body and her hands and her tongue to boss me around is making me so hard it hurts.

In the best fucking way.

“I want to strip you naked,” she breathes against my lips.

“Whatever you want, princess.”

“We should have a safe word.”

There’s zero chance I need a safe word with Laney. She saved my kittens. She can do anything she wants to me. “Your choice.”


I crack up.

Can’t help it.

“Right.” There’s barely a blue ring visible around her dark, wide pupils, and her breath is coming in short gasps while she walks me through the doorway to our bedroom. “Too long. Beans. Beans should be our safe word.”

“You gonna remember that when I’m ripping your pussy to shreds with my big, thick cock?”

Oh my god. More. Talk more. All the dirty things.”

“Kiss me. Earn it.”

She whimpers softly, and then she’s shoving me down onto the bed, straddling me, and kissing me like she’ll drown if she doesn’t.

Maybe she will.

Maybe she’ll suffocate under the weight of all those fucking expectations, and I’m the only person standing there next to her, urging her to leap for her life.

I’m the difference between living her life for someone else and living her life the way she wants to.

“Touch me, Theo,” she gasps between kisses.


She straightens, rips her dress off, getting her hands tangled in the process and giving me the most fabulous view of her bouncing, rosy-tipped breasts.

I want to hold them. Suck on them. Bite them. Worship them. And it takes every ounce of control I don’t have to keep my hands on her hips instead of all over her chest.

“Help?” she whimpers.

Fuck it.

I lean up, sliding my hands up her smooth, silky sides, and bury my face between her breasts while I blindly fumble with her dress until it’s gone.

“Oh, more, please, more,” she gasps, gripping my head and holding it nestled between her plump, gorgeous breasts while I taste her.

“More what, Laney?”

“Lick me. Touch me. Strip me. Do everything to me.” She shimmies in my lap, and I realize she’s trying to pull her panties off.

“Lick you where?”

“My b-breasts. And my n-nipples.”

“I like your big words.”

She gasps out a laugh a moment before I suck one of her nipples into my mouth, and then there’s no more laughing.

Only panting. Gasping. Jerking her hips against my hard-on through her panties and my pants. Holding my head to her breast.

I pinch her other nipple, even though she didn’t ask, because I can’t help myself.

I love hearing her lose control. I love making her lose control.

Feeling all of the good things her body can do for her.

“How—didn’t—haven’t—more,” she pants.

“More what, Laney?”

“More hands. You need more hands. Oh god, that’s so good.”

More hands.

Always figured if I ever got naked with Laney, it would be solid hate fucking.

Instead, I’m smiling against her nipple.

I flick it with my tongue, and the unearthly sound of pure pleasure that comes out of her mouth makes my balls ache.

I want inside this woman.

I want—I just want.

She reaches between us, her hands dipping under the waistband of my pants. “I want to touch your penis,” she says. “I want to hold your penis and be totally naked with you.”

“Tell me you want to stroke my dick.”

She shudders, and I don’t know if it’s the thrill of saying something so dirty, or if it’s terror at the idea of those words on her tongue.

“I want to stroke your dick and then I want you to fuck my pussy until I can’t walk,” she says.




“I want to come all over your big, thick, hot cock,” she pants. “I want to come so hard I cut off all circulation to your—your—your meat stick.”

I have zero idea what kind of noise is coming out of me. Or that it could be possible to be so fucking turned on that my nuts feel like they’re inside out while wanting to laugh at the same time.

Meat stick. Oh my god. I said meat stick. And that’s not sexy. It’s—mmph!”

Yeah. Totally silencing her with a kiss.

A long, deep, wet, thorough kiss that has me at the edge of blowing my load in my pants—again—while she melts back into my arms.

I squeeze her breasts, then trail my hands down her sides, rolling us when I reach the waistband of her pretty pink panties so that I can pull them off her.

By the time I’ve rolled on top of her, I have my pants yanked down too.

But not before snagging the condom from my back pocket.

“Theo,” she pants. “I want—I want it all.”

“Welcome to living, Laney.” I push up to my knees to roll the condom on and look down at her while I make quick work of suiting up.

Her pussy is so perfect.

It’s Laney. Of course it is.

But I like it. The slick wet pink skin hiding beneath her light brown curls. The scent of her. The way she’s clearly squirming under my gaze but still parting her thighs to let me see more.

“Can I be on top?” she whispers.

Roll over, Theo, I’m in charge,” I whisper back with a smile.

The smile that blossoms on her lips in return is everything. “Roll over, you big lug. I’m the boss of this bed.”

“Make me.”

Determination lights those dark, dark eyes ringed in blue, and then she has her legs hooked around my hips, and she’s twisting, all power and sex goddess, until she’s straddling me on the bed again.

But her bare pussy hovers over my straining cock.

This close.

So close.

And I still don’t believe I’m the lucky bastard who gets to be inside of her until she grips me and guides herself right over me, then sinks down.



She’s hot. Slick. Tight.

And I have to clench my teeth to keep from coming from the simple act of this woman taking me deep inside her.

“Good?” she whispers.

“You’re a fucking goddess,” I whisper back.

“You’re so big.” She cringes even as she lifts herself and lowers back onto my dick. “Sorry. That sounded—”

“Perfect,” I thrust my hips up to meet her and am rewarded with the sight of one of her eyes sliding shut while the other crosses. “You own me tonight, Laney. Do whatever feels good.”

“You feel good. God, you feel so good.”

Her breasts bounce as she picks up her pace, and fuck me.

I have no stamina when it comes to this woman.

I’ve wanted her too long. Denied wanting her too long.

Still don’t believe it’ll last.

But she wants me. And I can’t resist being wanted by her.

I’m thrusting up to meet her while she rides me, her breath coming faster and faster, desperate to make this so good for her that she’ll want me again.

And again.

And again.

Even knowing it’ll end. That we’re more alike than either of us ever could’ve expected, but I’m still not the kind of guy Delaney Kingston wants or needs for all time.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I tell her while I tease her nipples.

She’s braced herself against my shoulders, her fingers digging into my skin while she bounces faster and faster, her breath coming in short pants that match mine, her eyes unfocused, the hottest noises coming from her lips.

“Oh, god, Theo, so good,” she pants. “So—so—so—”

I can’t.

I absolutely, positively cannot hold back a minute longer.

Not with my name on her lips and her pussy clenching my dick and those gorgeous breasts bouncing in my hands.

I’ve had this dream.

I’ve had this wet dream.

Theo,” she gasps, and I am done.

Spilling my load. Coming harder than I’ve ever come in my life. My gut cramps. My balls ache.

And that’s before she moans like she’s trying to be quiet while her pussy clenches tight and hard around my cock.

“Let it out, Laney.” I can hardly talk. “Don’t hold back.”

So good,” she cries. “Can’t stop.”

“Don’t stop.”

Fuck. I can’t stop either. And every time her sweet pussy clenches and spasms around me, I think I’ll die.





I’m coming so hard, I can’t feel my toes.

And I don’t care.

This? Being buried deep inside Laney, the tendons in her slender neck straining as she presses her pussy down on my hips while she rides out the waves of her own orgasm, and knowing that I did this, that she wanted me?

Take my toes.

Take my fingers.

Take all of me but my heart and my dick and whatever parts she wants.

I don’t need it anymore.

All I need is whatever she wants.

She collapses on top of me with a soft moan, her breath tickling my neck as the last of my own climax finally fades on a string of small spasms.

I can’t catch my breath.

Don’t care.

Just care that I’m wrapping my arms around her while she gasps for breath too.

“Oh my god,” she whispers.

“Not the safe word,” I murmur back.

She giggles.

Sucks in another big breath and giggles again.

It makes her pussy tighten around my overly sensitive cock, and for a second, I swear to god it’s gonna kill me.

Forget worrying about tomorrow. I won’t last that long. I’m gonna die right here, right now, by her pussy squeezing my dick.

I should ask her to take care of my kittens when I’m gone.

“Do you do shower sex?” she asks.

“I’m a fucking god in the shower.”

That was seventy percent my dick thinking he can be a superhero and thirty percent the rest of me.

Because the rest of me is pretty sure I’ll never move again.

My arms are already sliding off of Laney’s back.

They’re noodles. Limp spaghetti noodles.

Probably should’ve had one of those tacos.

But it doesn’t matter because Laney’s giggling again.

She sounds so young. So carefree. So fucking perfect.

But the good kind of perfect.

The happy kind of perfect.

“Can we try that tomorrow?” she whispers.


Her parents get here tomorrow.

Will she still want me tomorrow?

“We can do anything you want tomorrow, princess. Anything at all.”

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