The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 46 Elnor Island

After a while, he caught sight of the silhouette of Elnor Island on the horizon.

Well, it couldn't really be called an island considering its massive size.

From a distance, he observed flying boats and ocean-going vessels coming in and out of the island.

Looking for a secluded landing spot to avoid drawing attention, he carefully descended.

Once he stowed the flying boat in his storage ring, he headed towards the island's center.

During his flight, he noticed others flying through the skies, displaying the strength of Tier 4 Sky Knights and Tier 5 Lunar Knights.

As for the mages, they were inconspicuous like him, likely concealing their presence while airborne.

Situated near the cursed woodland, this island served as a convenient resting and trading place for mages and knights seeking resources on the land.

Due to the abundance of tier 5 and occasionally tier 6 resources, it attracted numerous formidable individuals in search of these valuable materials.

Upon reaching the city gates, he decelerated and came to a halt.

The entrance was divided into two sections.

The left side was for individuals to personally register before entering, while the right side featured a large expanse of water for parking ships from other islands or continents.

He joined the line on the left and patiently waited his turn.

Fortunately, the line wasn't too long, and soon it was his turn to proceed.

"Place your hands on this," the guard said with a stern expression, pointing at a crystal ball.

Observing the device, he recognized it as a mana receiver, which recorded an individual's mana to determine if they had been on the wanted list before.

Once the crystal ball turned green, the guard handed him a metal plate engraved with his mana signature.

"It's one low-magic crystal for entry," the guard announced.

He wasn't surprised by the exorbitant fee for entry, knowing that this was no longer the mortal world where gold was the currency of choice.

On this island, where Tier 3 to Tier 5 beings were commonplace, one low-magic crystal was affordable for most people.

Without hesitation, he paid the required low-magic crystal.


After entering the city, he was greeted by a sprawling landscape of towering buildings and enchanting magical vehicles traversing the wide roads.

These magical vehicles resembled cars from his previous life, but they were far more impressive and is powered by magic crystals instead of fuel or electricity.

In this world, there existed a profession known as mechanics who utilized runes, various metals, and stones to craft magical devices and instruments.

Being this world's creators of modern like-technology. However, such machines were a rare sight in poor and remote places.

Having spent years transmigrated in this world, this was the first time he had witnessed such a captivating magical scene, reminding him that he had indeed traveled to a fantastical realm rather than an ancient world.

Enviously gazing at the vehicles, he thought of purchasing one for himself in the future, when he had amassed sufficient funds.

Speaking of which, his purpose for venturing to the central continent was to engage in reselling, to quickly earn enormous funds.

He possessed an incredible cheat-like system mall that offered products at remarkably low prices, and he intended to exploit it to amass wealth.

He had refrained from utilizing this advantage in the past for two significant reasons.

Firstly, it would attract too much attention, and secondly, and most importantly, he was very poor, with only a meager amount of gold coins to his name.

He couldn't risk exposing his system merely for the sake of a paltry sum of gold coins that he could earn.

After strolling for a while, he arrived at his first destination—a towering structure resembling a combined mage tower with bridges connecting it to other buildings.

This was the Elnor branch of the Etherium Gold Chamber of Commerce, one of the three most powerful forces in the central continent.

As he entered, a steward warmly greeted him with a bow, using the customary style employed by mages.

"Welcome, sire!" the steward exclaimed. "How may I assist you?"

"Could you introduce me to the products you sell here?" Maximus inquired.

"Oh, you're new here, sire?" the steward responded with surprise.

He thought that Maximus might not be familiar with the fact that the Etherium Gold Chamber of Commerce dared to sell virtually anything as long as one had enough money

"I have just arrived from one of the scattered islands," Maximus clarified.

"I apologize for my manner, sire," the steward quickly apologized, realizing his lack of decorum.

"We have a wide range of offerings, sire. Where would you like to begin?" the steward asked.contemporary romance

"Give me an introduction to the potions you have," Maximus suggested.

"First and foremost, we offer a variety of first-order to fifth-order potions in this establishment. However, should you desire a higher-order potion, we can accommodate special orders for an additional fee," the steward patiently explained.

The steward escorted Maximus to a comfortable lounge area and presented him with a list detailing the items available. Shortly after, a servant poured him a cup of tea.

As he savored the aroma, Maximus recognized the use of Tier 3 tea leaves. He took a sip and nodded approvingly.

Maximus was highly satisfied with the level of service, as expected from one of the powerhouses who specialize in commerce.

Glancing at the list, he compared it to his system mall. The prices of common raw materials were nearly identical, with rare materials priced at least twice as much.

When it came to finished products, there were large variations in price, with the system mall generally offering a price at least twice as cheap.

Considering his purpose of reselling products to earn money, Maximus carefully scrutinized the materials on the index.

After a while, Maximus called the steward over and somewhat embarrassedly asked, "Do you buy products here?" 

"Of course, sire! However, the recovery price for items is significantly lower than the usual market value," the steward explained.

"Oh? Then how much is the price for a Tier 3 Elemental Potion here?" Maximus inquired.

Elemental Potions were the most common meditation resource for nascent mages.

"Well, it costs 3 low-magic crystals per vial, sire," the steward replied.

This immediately excited Maximus. In the system mall, Elemental Potion cost 1000 gold points or 1 low-magic crystal, but in the store, it was 5 low-magic crystals.

Although the shop would earn a lot of low-magic crystal from the transaction, he would still not be at loss at he was just multiplying his money.

"In that case, I would like to sell 10,000 Elemental Potions," Maximus declared as he sipped his tea.

He had brought 10 million gold coins from the four-month profits of his kingdom. Buying 10,000 elemental potion quickly shrunk his wallet.

"Oh, um, I can't process such a massive transaction. Please allow me to call my manager," the steward exclaimed, shocked by the sheer quantity of Elemental Potions Maximus intended to sell.

Although Elemental Potions were commonly used by nascent mages, such a vast amount was still quite astounding.

"Please go ahead," Maximus replied nonchalantly.

He wasn't worried about any sabotage attempts for this amount of money. After all, just the Elnor branch of the Etherium Gold Chamber of Commerce earned hundreds of thousands of low-magic crystals on average each day.

The small quantity of resources he was selling was merely a fraction of their daily earnings.

After a while, a gentleman in a white robe arrived. Maximus quickly took notice, sensing the strength of a Tier 5 Mystic Mage emanating from the man.

"I apologize for the inappropriate attitude of the steward earlier," the gentleman bowed, which startled Maximus. Being a Tier 3 nascent mage, having a Tier 5 mystic mage bow to him was overwhelming.

"No, no, he was doing a good job," Maximus reassured.

"I see. Then, thank you for your understanding," the gentleman replied with a smile.

"I'm Lawrence, the manager of this establishment," he introduced himself. "I heard that you are going to sell us 10,000 Elemental Potions. Are you an alchemist, sir?" he inquired.

Being an alchemist was also a profession in this world, where one utilized the rules and various plants to create potions.

"Yes, recently I've been short on money and am planning to go to the central continent, so I need immediate funds," Maximus explained. Being an alchemist was a good excuse when selling other products in the future.

"Ah, that's excellent!" Lawrence's eyes lit up as if he had just found a walking money bag.

"May I see your Elemental Potions?" he asked, wanting to inspect the quality.

Maximus agreed and shook his hand, causing crates of Elemental Potions to materialize from his storage ring.

He had purchased them earlier when the steward had called for the manager.

Lawrence quickly scanned the crates with his powerful spiritual consciousness and showed a surprised expression.

"These are all high-grade potions," he exclaimed with excitement.

Potions were typically categorized as low, medium, high, and top grade.

Low and medium-grade potions contained impurities and required breaks in usage to prevent the accumulation of impurities in the body.

On the other hand, high-grade potions were free from such impurities, allowing consecutive usage with minimal risk.

As for the top-grade potions, they were blessed with the law, making them ten times more potent than regular potions. Such potions were exceedingly rare in this world.

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