The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 35 Ambush In The Valley

While the integration of the defeated army was underway, General Smith and General Johnson gathered their officers and strategists in the war room, planning their next course of attack.

"We need to continue attacking while the noble alliance hasn't reacted much," General Smith declared.

"Yes, but this time we shouldn't divide the troops to be safe in case the nobles ambush us," General Johnson nodded and advised.

They then discussed whom to attack and how to distribute the available troops while integrating the defeated soldiers. They also addressed the logistical needs for the upcoming operations.

The strategists quickly studied the detailed map of the faerie kingdom, their minds racing to devise a strategy that would allow them to conquer the next city quickly and safely. Moments later, they identified various weak spots and devised a coordinated attack to maximize the value of their troop strength.

As the officers and strategists dispersed to relay orders to their respective units, the defeated soldiers, who had recently joined the army, were energized for the next day of training. They quickly heard the news that the army was going to attack another city.

They murmured to themselves, praying for the good luck of the unlucky city they were about to attack, jokingly referencing their own experiences of despair when facing such an abnormally strong army.

The mobilized army attacked the next city according to plan, with speed and precision, conquering designated cities one after another. Their assault caught the enemy off guard, overwhelming them with the sudden and coordinated onslaught.

City after city fell, coming under Maximus' control. In just one week, they captured seven cities. The defeated soldiers were again integrated into the training. Maximus had plans for them after he united the entire faerie kingdom.contemporary romance


In the grand meeting hall of Watchtower City, Lord Harrington, the leader of the noble alliance, fumed with anger upon hearing the news of Count Maximus' raid of seven cities in just a week. They had been preparing to retake the last three cities, but now seven more were added to their list.

Lord Harrington knew that this could not continue. As he held a meeting, gathering the nobles, advisors, and generals, Harrington laid out his strategy. "I've had enough of this, Maximus attacking our territory one after another. I will lead the attack this time. I want you to gather all of our available forces. We will set an ambush and crush him once and for all."

The room buzzed with noble cheers, and the generals volunteered themselves to lead an army.

Lady Isabella chimed in, "Lord Harrington, we only have about ten thousand men available as they are needed to defend against possible attacks from the dukes and protect our territory."

"That's fine. We'll just bring some strong knights. That should be enough. And don't forget Bartolom, a Tier 4 Sky Knight. Although we hired him to deal with the dukes, I will bring him in case something happens beyond our control," Lord Harrington said with confidence.

A hushed silence fell over the room as the nobles and generals absorbed the plans. Although they would have to pay additional money and resources to the hired knight, Bartolom, it would ensure the defeat of that scum Maximus for daring to attack their territory.

With the plan in place, Lord Harrington, the generals, and the nobles dispersed, each taking on their assigned tasks to gather the available troops and prepare for the ambush. Driven by the feeling of vengeance and fueled by the desire to bring down Maximus, they quickly went about their jobs.

Little did they know that their plan had been quickly discovered by an insignificant officer in the corner, a spy from the Phantom Group in their midst, who swiftly reported it to Maximus.


In the dimly lit study of Moonshadow Castle, Maximus sat at his desk, poring over a letter delivered to him by the Phantom Group. With a light tug, the letter's seal broke, revealing its contents written on parchment.

The letter contained vital information intercepted by the Phantom Group--the detailed ambush plan set by the noble alliance, to be led by Lord Harrington.

Maximus's eyes narrowed upon reading the news. He knew that the noble alliance would fight with all their strength in this battle. However, what concerned him was not their strength, but rather the fact that his army alone was no match for them.

While Maximus believed his soldiers could crush an ordinary army, he was certain that the enemy would also have strong knights who could break through his forces.

Yet, knowing their ambush plan in advance presented him with an opportunity. Regardless of the strength of the army brought by the noble alliance, Maximus was confident he could defeat them.

Standing up from his seat, he made plans to secretly join his army and participate in the upcoming battle. It would also give him a chance to test his newfound spells, which he had been experimenting with recently.


In the depths of the valley, an eerie silence settled over the rugged terrain as ten thousand soldiers of the noble alliance, led by Lord Harrington, positioned themselves quietly, their eyes focused on the narrow passage below. They awaited the enemy who would unknowingly walk into their trap.

Lord Harrington stood tall under the gleaming moonlight, with the formidable Tier 4 Sky Knight Bartolom by his side, exuding an aura of confidence. Bartolom was Harrington's trump card, boosting his confidence against any unknown troops Maximus might have.


As the moon hung high in the sky, a rustle in the distance signaled the arrival of the enemy army. The soldiers lying in ambush held their breath, ready to attack at any moment.

Lord Harrington tightened his grip around his sword, listening to the enemy drawing nearer, confident in his impending victory.

Just as they were becoming excited about their successful ambush, a sudden silence gripped their hearts as a chill ran down their spines.

Puzzled, Lord Harrington looked ahead and saw torches illuminating the sky as the opposing troops took their stance as if waiting for them.

"They've noticed us!" Harrington yelled through gritted teeth. "He is indeed no ordinary man to have seen this coming from so far away," he muttered, calming himself as he realized that Maximus must have learned of their plans through a spy, as they were not particularly secretive.

Fear tingled among the soldiers as the element of surprise had been lost. However, seeing Lord Harrington's composure, they calmed themselves as well.

"Prepare to fight!" Lord Harrington yelled as he raised his sword.

With calculated precision, Harrington commanded his soldiers to encircle the outnumbered enemy. The soldiers of the noble alliance moved swiftly, positioning themselves strategically to cut off any chance of escape.

They formed a wall, closing in on the thousand-man army.

"There is no escape for you! Blame this on your ambitious lord, Maximus, for daring to attack our noble territory!" Harrington's voice resounded with triumph and arrogance. "Surrender now, and perhaps we will grant you mercy!"

Not taking Lord Harrington's words seriously, the thousand-man army released their aura, revealing their strength. They were shocked to feel such a palpable aura, sending shivers down their spines.

Harrington was momentarily taken aback but quickly regained his composure. He already knew about such a force, as he had investigated how Maximus conquered those cities so quickly. At the time, he had been shocked and unaware of how maximus had such a huge amount of resources. That was why he had hoped they would surrender, as such a formidable army would be helpful for his conquest in the future.

What he didn't know was that the thousand-man army he admired and wished to possess had mastered a unique and powerful formation, giving them fearsome abilities. Additionally, two Tier 3 Earth Knight generals had yet to make their moves. Maximus, a Tier 3 nascent mage, concealed himself in the darkness, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

The once calm valley became the backdrop for the impending clash between Maximus and Harrington, both fueled by their ambitions and desires to shape the destiny of the kingdom.

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