The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 146 Token Virtual Apps

Soon, all of Maximus' children received their own rewards. 

Sam and Luke, received a whole collection of robots, along with advanced facilities for modifying and creating them.

For Serene, she received a little palace made of clouds.

For Cyra, it was also a little floating palace with a stellar theme.

Although this might seem redundant, as they already had a house.

The little girls really liked having their own palace.

For Neo, it was a small library without any specific topic.

Apparently, Neo liked the atmosphere of the library as it provided him with the most optimal sleep.


At night, the family gathered for dinner.

"What are your plans for the vacation?" Maximus asked.

Students in the Lumina Crysalis Guild have a month of vacation.

"Just play at home?" Lily said.

"It's boring. Why don't you take us out for a fight or something, Daddy?" Lyla asked, as she really enjoyed the feeling of fighting.

"That's right; I still want to fight," Max agreed, expressing his desire to engage in combat.

"We're okay at home," Sam said, still excited to play with their machines.

"That's right; it's boring outside anyway," Luke agreed.

Seeing that all of his children would like to stay at home, except for Lyla and Max.

"Then you can stay at home," Maximus said.

"Oh~" Max and Lyla were a little disappointed but still agreed.

"Don't worry; you can fight while you're at home. I'll activate the virtual worlds app in your tokens," Maximus said.

Due to all the training, he had forgotten that his tokens had virtual world applications.

"Is it possible to activate it when you're not an official student?" Isabella asked in surprise.

The others were also surprised, unlike their husband, who didn't even bother to try these virtual worlds.

They had heard a lot about them.

For example, there was a virtual world where you could buy all known materials in the world at a very cheap price.

Although they were virtual, you could still train yourself without wasting anything.

"It should be possible, right, Tintin?"

"Yes, host, but please don't abuse this function; otherwise, the institute will issue you a punishment," Tintin reminded.

According to its database, there was once a core student who had abused this function.

He had conducted a private business, offering to open various functions to a seeker's token for money.

Unfortunately, he was soon caught and heavily punished.contemporary romance


"Then activate all the permissions eligible for my family."

"Yes, host, please wait..."

"Finish eating first, and we can look at it later," he reminded his wives and children.


After dinner, each of them went to their respective places and accessed their tokens for new functions.

Maximus was also curious as he opened his.

"Tintin, recommend me a few virtual worlds."

"Right away, host."

[Virtual World:

Etherium Realm 2.0

Ancient Battlefield

Abyss Escape

World Trade Realm

World Myriad Trials


"These are the top virtual worlds, host."

"Etherium Realm 2.0? What is that?"

"It's the exact replica of the Etherium realm, without any living beings."

"So it's just land and the chaotic sea?"

"Yes, host?"

"Then how did it reach the top of virtual worlds?"

"It's because you can buy all the materials known to the Etherium realm."

"It's also known as the testing ground."

"All the laws and rules of this virtual world are the same as reality."

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

"What about the others?"

"The Ancient Battlefield is the largest and most comprehensive battle venue in the token."

"The Abyss Escape is a simulation of the abyss world to prepare for its invasion."

"World Trade Realm is the biggest trade world, where 99 percent of the Etherium realm's merchants can trade."

"Oh? Why doesn't my shop in the Silver Leaf Floating City have this?"

"Are you talking about the Jewel Crown Pavilion, host?"

"Yes, that's the one," Maximus nodded.

He didn't need to hide this from Tintin, as she was bound to his soul.

Anyway, those interested could see that he was the real owner after looking at the shop's bank transfers.

However, the alchemist Edward and the source of the potion were hidden.I think you should take a look at

So the possible exposure of the system was negligible.

The only thing that didn't make much sense was why a Tier 6 alchemist worked for him.

But with his status as a core student, everything made sense.

Maybe Edward had noticed Maximus's talent and invested early on.

"Host, according to data, the shop alchemist personally declined the admission to the World Trade Realm."

"The reason is there is not enough stock of potions," Tintin said after some searching.

Tintin had a huge amount of authority, so she could search these things arbitrarily.

As long as they didn't infringe on anyone's interests, it was fine, otherwise, Maximus would be held accountable.

"Indeed, there is not enough potion," Maximus was speechless.

There was indeed not enough potion, as Edward was the only capable (fake) alchemist.

"Looks like it's time to sell Tier 6 potions, and there are also those wild alchemists," Maximus thought, planning to visit the shop when he had free time.

"Anyway, what about the World Myriad Trials?"

"It's all the worlds saved and retained from all the official student trials that have happened since the beginning."

"That must mean there are countless worlds there?"

"Yes, host."

This got Maximus thinking about the wasteland world where he underwent his trial.

"By the way, how are these trial worlds generated?"

"I heard that every official student trial needed a new world, that must be a lot of work."

[S-list, confidential information, please don't spread], Tintin's voice changed and became more solemn.

"What happened?"

"Host, it's from the main core token. When I tried to access this information, it warned me," Tintin said with a pout.

"Can you do anything about this?" Maximus grew worried.

After all, there are many things Tintin will do in the future.

If something can control it at any time, then it's not very safe.

"Don't worry, host. This is just some procedure, and I can cut the connection with it, nothing will happen."

"Is that so?" Maximus just nodded but decided to keep an eye on Tintin.

"Hmm, anyway, to get the information you asked for, the host is required to give an oath not to tell this information to anybody."

"Alright," Maximus understood and gave an oath of confidentiality.

Of course, it had a very hidden loophole that he could take advantage of whenever he wanted.

This is what he learned when he mastered the oath knowledge to transcendent mastery.

"Done, tell me what this is about."

"First, the normal official student trial is just randomly generated by the main core token, which is not that important."

"However, the core student trial is a real world."

"Basically, you who are undergoing the trial are a soul projected by the Main Core Token; that's why you die if you die in the trial."


"A real world?!" 

"Does it mean that the Etherium Realm is capable of communicating with other dimensions?"

Maximus was shocked as he thought of various possibilities.

"By the way, Wanderer!" Maximus muttered.

"Wanderer? Is that the artificial world you left in the trial world host?"

"Yes..." Maximus sighed, thinking of the poor artificial intelligence he left in the trial.

"Don't worry too much, host. Without any real intelligence, that thing you created will be erased by time."

"Heh, you don't know how advanced the self-coding I created is," Maximus silently thought.

Because he was always busy with things, he programmed Wanderer to upgrade itself.

Although there might not be results in a short time, given enough resources and time, Wanderer's growth is almost limitless.

"By the way, how is the time dilation between that world and this? Is it still a year to a day?"

"No, the previous trial was powered using this world's energy, so it could be sped up to that degree."

"Now that everything is back to normal, that world will only be fifty to a hundred times faster than us."

"Is that so..."

Maximus thought that if he were strong enough and could travel through dimensions.

He could visit that world and see what Wanderer was doing.


In an unknown dimension, after an unknown time:

"Damn, these machine plagues are here to plunder our planet!"

"Defenses! Our planet is losing all its resources!"

"Sigh, when will this end?"

A group of soldiers and citizens from an unknown planet were talking as they witnessed mechanical machines raining down on their planet.

They referred to this as the doomsday machine or machine plague.

It started decades of years ago when an autonomous spaceship began stripping a planet of its resources without leaving anything.

Now, that planet had regressed to a primitive state, without any minerals and materials to create tools.

All that remained were worthless plants, rocks, land, and water.

Strangely enough, this autonomous spaceship didn't harm a single living being directly.

Though many had died due to misfires and retaliation by the planet's natives.

Some more advanced civilizations had attempted to eradicate this autonomous spaceship.

However, it appeared to possess the most advanced reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

Before anything could threaten it, it would escape without a trace.

[Wanderer: Not Enough... Find Host...]

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