The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 14 The Aftermath

The morning sun had just risen over the castle of Marquise Laxus.

The guards were going about their usual duties, patrolling the perimeter and checking the gates.contemporary romance

But something was off, there was a sense of unease in the air.

Then they found him. Marquise Laxus, their lord, lay lifeless in his bedchamber.

His body had been discovered by his attendant, who immediately raised the alarm.

The news of the assassination spread like wildfire throughout the castle, and soon everyone was talking about it.

The guards were in a state of shock and disbelief, trying to piece together what had happened.

It was clear that the killer had been skilled and had left no trace of their presence.

As the day went on, the news of the Marquise's death reached the surrounding villages and towns.

The people were shocked and saddened by the news. Some even began to speculate about who could have done such a thing.

Rumors began to spread like wildfire, with many pointing fingers at the neighboring lords and nobles who had grudges against Marquise Laxus.

Some even whispered about the possibility of an inside job, with one of the Marquise's trusted men betraying him.

The guards were on high alert, searching for any clues that could lead them to the killer.

But as the days went by, it seemed that they were no closer to solving the case.

Meanwhile, Maximus, who had orchestrated the assassination, was quietly reading the report about Marquise Laxus's death.

He was pleased to see that they were still in the dark about his involvement.

Days turned, and the rumors continued to spread.

Some people began to speculate that Marquise's death was a punishment from the gods for his supposed sins. Others whispered about the possibility of a curse on his family.


The death of Marquise Laxus sent shockwaves throughout the kingdom.

As the news spread, reactions varied among the people, especially the nobles who knew of the Marquise and his influence.

Some nobles, who had no idea who was responsible for the assassination, went about their daily lives as usual, attending to their duties and matters of state.

These nobles did not want to get involved in the matter, as they believed it was not their place to do so.

However, some of the nobles who were involved in the recent sending of assassins and spies to Maximus' city were suspicious.

They suspected that Maximus was involved in the assassination, as the assassins and spies they had sent did not return.

They believed that Maximus had hidden his strength and had a hidden force that he had used to take out the Marquise.

These nobles were afraid of Maximus and his power.

They feared that he could use the same tactics against them if they crossed him.

They were also concerned about the impact of the Marquise's death on their positions in the empire.

The Marquise had been a powerful ally for some of them, and they were worried that they would lose their influence without him.

As the days went by, tensions rose among the nobles.

Some openly accused Maximus of being responsible for the assassination, while others kept their suspicions to themselves.

The authorities investigated the matter, but no concrete evidence was found that pointed toward Maximus.


As the weeks passed, the investigation into Marquise's death continued, but no one was ever officially charged with the crime.

The nobles who had suspected Maximus eventually let go of their suspicions and moved on with their lives.

Ultimately, the identity of the assassin who killed Marquise Laxus remained shrouded in mystery, and life in the empire carried on.

Maximus already anticipated that the news of the Marquise's death would spark suspicion among the nobles, he was unperturbed by the rumors.

As a Tier 2 Great Mage, he was only one step away from becoming a Tier 3 Nascent Mage, the strongest in the kingdom.

His power surpassed the understanding of most individuals, and he possessed the confidence to face any challenges that might come his way.

However, He decided to lay low for a while.

He didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to himself or his family, and he wanted to avoid any potential conflict with the other nobles.

Maximus knew that he had enemies in the empire, and he didn't want to give them any opportunities to strike.

Despite his concerns about the other nobles, Maximus spent his time tending to his business affairs.

He was aware of the rumors and speculation about his involvement in Marquise Laxus's death, and some of the nobles were convinced that he had a hidden force or army that he had used to carry out the assassination.

However, Maximus found the notion amusing, as his strength lay in his abilities, and he knew he could handle any situation on his own.

In fact, even the existence of the Phantom Group was simply a byproduct of his abilities.

As the days passed, Maximus remained vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on this situation.

He knew that there were forces at work in the kingdom that were beyond his control and could still threaten him.

Despite this, he still made time for his family, enjoying moments of relaxation and fun with his family.


Maximus sat contentedly on a picnic blanket, surrounded by his family.

The warm sun beat down on his face as he watched his children play dumbly in the backyard, surrounded by a sea of colorful flowers.

His wives sat beside him, chatting and laughing, and the delicious smell of food filled the air.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, Maximus had time to spend with his family.

The death of Marquise Laxus had scared off many of the nobles, and the number of assassins and spies coming to his city had decreased significantly.

It was a welcome change for Maximus, who had been dealing with these threats for weeks on end.

He looked at his wives and smiled, feeling grateful for their love and support.

Luna, his third wife, was pregnant with their fifth child, and he couldn't wait to welcome another addition to their family.

Livia, his fourth wife, was also pregnant with their sixth child, and he felt blessed to have such a large and loving family.

Erica and Hazel, his first and second wives, respectively, had given birth to their children just a few months ago.

Maximus felt a sense of pride and joy as he watched them care for their little ones, and he couldn't wait to watch them grow and thrive in his home.

As he took a bite of the delicious food, Maximus felt a sense of peace wash over him.

He had spent so much time worrying about the threats to his city recently that he rarely had time for his family.

He watched his children play, amused by their silly antics.

The two babies, just a few months old, cooed and gurgled as they lay on their backs, kicking their little legs in the air.

The two one-year-olds toddled around the yard, chasing after each other and giggling with delight.

Maximus felt his heart swell with love for his family.

They were his everything, and he would do anything to protect them.

He knew that he had to remain vigilant, but for now, he was content to bask in the warmth of the sun and the love of his family.

As the afternoon wore on, Maximus and his family enjoyed a leisurely picnic, eating delicious food and savoring each other's company.

The children grew sleepy, and Maximus and his wives took turns holding and soothing them.

As the sun began to set, Maximus felt a sense of contentment wash over him. He had spent a beautiful day with his family, and he felt reinvigorated by their love and support.

As the evening fell, he knew that he would return to his duties as the leader of his city, but for now, he was happy to simply be a father and a husband.

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