The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 129 Setting Up The Guild

Looking at the token in Maximus' hand, you wouldn't know that it was a Tier 9 treasure.

The main use of this token is for escape and protection.

With this Tier 9 treasure, he can be protected from Tier 9 attacks a few times.

Giving him time to teleport to a safe location.

Of course, the concept of a safe location is relative.

If a Tier 9 being really wants to find you, there is no way to hide.

Unless you can completely suppress your presence to the point where even the laws of the world can't detect you.

Naturally, as the holder of this token, a Tier 9 apex sovereign will quickly come to his rescue as long as there is a problem.

Meanwhile, while the little fairy was informing him of its upgrade, he confirmed the authenticity of its words through a system scan earlier.

This little fairy is truly bound to him, with no tampering whatsoever, which made him relieved.

"Hmm, how about I name you Tintin?" Maximus muttered.

"Tintin?" The little fairy placed her hand on her chin, thinking.


"I like the sound of that, host. I will be Tintin from now on," the little fairy exclaimed joyfully as she flew around.

"Now, how do I get to the administrative floor?" Maximus said, recalling his initial purpose for coming here.

"Oh! I have the map of this tower," Tintin said, producing a virtual map.

"Unfortunately, it's not in real-time, so you can't peek," Tintin added with a wink.

"Enough, I'm not that kind of person," Maximus said, looking at the path to the administrative floor.

"Hehe," Tintin simply stuck out her tongue.

"Oh, so there is a teleportation array set up here..."

Maximus quickly made his way to the teleportation array and entered the administrative floor.


At the Origin Arcana Tower, Administration Floor:

Gazing at the bustling crowd, he didn't know when to proceed for a moment.

This floor, or should he say World, was filled with various stations that extended as far as the eye could see.

This was where all kinds of administrative procedures in the whole arcane continent process

"Host, should I lead you to the guild registering station?"

"Sure," Maximus replied.

Although he can look through the map himself, it's too bothersome.

After navigating with Tintin's guidance, they finally arrived at the guild registration station.

"Hello," a student greeted him.

In the Origin Arcana Institute, there were only two types of people: students and teachers.

Teachers have a minimum of tier 8 strength.

And, seeing that the strength of the one who greeted him was only Tier 6, he assumed it was a student.

"Hmm, I'm here to register my guild."

"Sure, but you need to be at least Tier 5 to register a guild," the student reminded him that he didn't meet the criteria.

"With Tintin, he qualifies," Tintin interjected, releasing her Tier 9 aura.

Though it was powerless and fake, the aura was still quite intimidating.

"Spirit treasure?!"

This time, the student was shocked.

He initially thought it was just a pet, but upon feeling the aura it emanated, he realized it was the spirit of a treasure.

After all, if it were a Tier 9 pet, the pressure alone would have overwhelmed him.

"You?!" The student seemed to be thinking something but hesitated to confirm.

"That's right, I'm a core student," Maximus said with a smile.

"T-that, I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier," the student bowed.

With Maximus' power, he could easily expel him from the institute.

"It's okay." Maximus didn't mind.

"Then, please follow me." The student didn't linger and guided him to the highest reception room.

Once inside, the student left quickly, walking out timidly.

Maximus waited a few seconds until someone else entered.

"Hello, I'm Professor Hugh," a plump and cheerful man entered.

"Hello, I'm Maximus," Maximus smiled.

"I heard that you are here to set up a guild?" Knowing that Maximus is a core student, Hugh was respectful.


"Do you already know how guilds work?"

"No, please tell me."

"Well then, guilds are divided from the lowest to the highest rank, from Rank 1 to Rank 9."

"Guild rank is determined by the strength and influence of a guild."

"As for the benefits..."

Hugh began to explain the benefits according to guild ranks.

First, there's the discount available to all members.

Meaning, besides the student discount, there is the guild discount, which is a double discount.

Second, there's a tax discount for doing business all over the Arcane Continent.

Don't think that if you don't join the EGCC, you don't need to pay taxes.

The EGCC is just a shareholder, receiving a percentage of your profit.

The primary tax comes from the owner of the domain, the apex sovereign in charge.

For example, in his shop in Silverleaf Floating City, he needed to pay the owner of the Silverleaf domain the tax.

Since it was a new shop, there was a tax exemption for 3 years, so he didn't need to pay taxes for now.

Of course, since there is no heavy supervision like the EGCC, the taxes they receive are based on estimates which are usually 30 percent of your profit.

The third benefit is access to guild resources.

Although it's not useful as with his core student privileges, he can buy anything regardless.

Fourth, the Guild can issue missions through the institute and all the other guilds.

Fifth, The influence in decision-making.

This gives a guild the ability to vote in the governance of the whole Arcana Continent.

The value of your vote varies depending on your guild's rank.

As for others, it's mainly legal and political support and some miscellaneous perks.

"That's it. Have you decided to set up your guild now?"


"That's it. Can I have this little spirit to assist me?"

"My name is Tintin."

"Then can Tintin help me?"contemporary romance


With Hugh and Tintin processing the matter and Maximus' cooperation, the guild registration was done quickly.

"Done! Have I done a great job, host?" Tintin said, flying around him.

"Hmm, good."

"By the way, the rank of your guild has been automatically promoted to Rank 7," Hugh said.


"Yes, being a Core student is equivalent to Tier 9, so your guild can automatically be promoted to Rank 7."

"Is that so?" Maximus was a little shocked that his status was comparable to Tier 9.

Of course, it's only his status, not his strength, resources, or wealth.

"That's it. Then I would like to congratulate Shadow Hunter's Guild on their success."

"Thank you."


Somewhere in the City of Arcana:

"Boss already registered the guild?" Andrew muttered excitedly, looking at the prompt in his token.

He quickly messaged the others through his token to inform them of the guild's formation.

[Andrew: Guys, the guild is registered!!!]


[The leader is really efficient.]

[Ready to join!!!]

[Count me in!]





Andrew also accessed the Shadow Guild interface, ready to register.

Joining a guild is easy as long as you meet its requirements.

As for those old guilds, their requirements are so demanding that it's better to apply for a review and hope you're lucky enough to pass.

"Hiss..." Andrew was a little shocked seeing the simple yet demanding requirement.

"Special student? Boss is really Caspricus," Andrew clicked his tongue.

He was still thinking about the demanding requirements of those old guilds.

But upon seeing his boss's requirements, he could only say, "Awesome."

At least Seeker and Official students could join those old guilds if they were lucky.

However, the Shadow Hunters Guild could only be joined if you were a special student.

"Boss is probably taking the elite route," Andrew thought.

After all, they would be hunters of the Chaotic Sea.

How could they join if they were weak?

Soon, he quickly registered.

Looking at the ticking number of members, he became nervous for a while.

There were ten thousand people in the trial and Andrew wanted everyone to join the guild.

They were all his buddies who had faced life and death together, so he didn't want anyone to betray them.

"Sigh, fortunately..."

Seeing the exact number 10,000 on the guild members, he heaved a sigh of relief.

With Maximus and the others, there were exactly 10,000 people in total.

Even Silas, who had initially considered not joining Maximus' guild before the trial, registered and joined the Shadow Hunters Guild.

[Guild Leader: Welcome to our guild!!!]

[I didn't expect all of you to fulfill your promise and join my ragtag guild.]

[Anyway, thank you for joining.]

[We will have our formal meeting in one month.]

[See you...]

"One month later..." Andrew muttered, excited to meet Maximus again.


Maximus smiled as he finished messaging the new guild members.

"That's it. Let's go," Maximus said to Tintin.

The reason for waiting one month is that there is still a lot to do in the coming months.

First, he still needs to visit his empire to ensure everything is in order.

Second, the shop in Silverleaf Floating City.

Edward needs an upgrade in strength and alchemist rank to sell high-tier potions.

Third, and most importantly, is the auction that will happen two weeks later.

"Coming, host..."

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