The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 120 Shadow City

A week later:

"Boss, how's it going? Did you finish the Tier 4 weapon?" Andrew asked as he entered Maximus's workshop.

"Hmm, it's almost done," Maximus replied, his gaze fixed on the massive weapon resting on the table.

"How's your progress with the signal transceiver I mentioned?"

"Boss, it's quite difficult. I still need a few years to create such a powerful transceiver," Andrew sighed.

Maximus had asked him to develop a transceiver capable of covering at least the entire continent they were on.

If it's just a normal transceiver then it's easy.

But what Maximus needed is a transceiver that can forcibly connect with other transceivers.

"Hmmm, take your time. After all, we still have 7 years until the 10-year mark."

"As for the tier 4 monster that was coming for me?"

"As long as this tier 4 weapon is finished they were done for."

"That's great!" Andrew's eyes lit up with determination as he returned to working on the transceiver.


Another week later.

In Maximus's workshop:



[Wandered: Host, a Tier 4 monster is approaching from 998 kilometers away.]

"Oh? It's finally here," 

"Fortunately, the Tier 4 weapon is complete, albeit a bit rough," Maximus mumbled, eyeing the somewhat bulky weapon before him.

Due to the rushed construction, the weapon appeared bulky and cumbersome.

It hadn't even been properly mounted onto the RV.

"But it'll suffice."

"Go call the collection robot to mount this thing" Maximus order Wanderer.

[Wanderer: yes host] 

..contemporary romance

A few minutes later...

"Boss, are you testing the weapon today?" Andrew emerged due to the commotion and asked.

"No, a Tier 4 monster is headed this way."

"So soon?" Andrew murmured, but a glance at Maximus's expression told him the reason.

With a danger magnet like Maximus in the vicinity, it was hardly surprising that the monsters flocked to them.

"Enough chitchat, help me mount this thing," Maximus urged, giving Andrew a nudge.

"Sure thing, boss!"

With the assistance of collection robots and Wanderer, Maximus and Andrew mounted the Tier 4 weapon onto a platform, allowing Wanderer to have full control over it.

"Wanderer, is the energy reserve sufficient?"

[Wanderer: Host, there is approximately 0.8 exajoules of energy remaining.]

"It should be enough," Maximus reasoned.

After all, clearing over ten thousand Tier 3 monsters from before had consumed at least 0.4 exajoules of energy.

As for the corpses, Maximus hadn't had the time to process them, as he was busy creating the Tier 4 weapon.

"Wanderer, ready and fire!"

[Wanderer: Firing sequence commencing.]

[Coordinates: (728, 23,2)]

[Speed: 300 meters per second]



[Fire initiated...]


The tremendous explosion generated sonic waves, causing various robots to topple.

Even Maximus and Andrew were affected by the shockwave.

"Wanderer, report!" Maximus fought dizziness and inquired.

[Wanderer: Report—no observable remains within a 3-kilometer radius from the epicenter of the blast.]

"Hmm," Maximus lay down, allowing his body to recover.

A few minutes later...

"Damn, boss, your weapon is way too intense," Andrew couldn't help but complain.

Both of them were injured by their own weapon, so it was only natural for Andrew to voice his grievances.

"Shut up! I rushed through the whole process, using subpar Tier 3 materials to create a Tier 4 weapon. What did you expect?" 

The weapon's performance was clearly a disappointment.

If it wasn't his creation, he'd toss it aside like rubbish.

"Oh, right! It's still impressive, boss."

"You managed to create such a powerful weapon in just two weeks," Andrew corrected himself.

"Sigh, it looked like it needed some major upgrade"

"Don't worry, boss. Take all the time you need..."


Three years later...

The vast wasteland once teeming with biological monsters had been replaced by a sprawling mechanical factory.

In the periphery, there is a hint of vegetation adding color to the previously desolate landscape.

In one of the rooms, Andrew gazed at the transceiver with tired eyes and a numb spirit.

Every beep seemed to momentarily halt his heartbeat.



With each subsequent beep, Andrew's excitement grew.


The third beep displayed hundreds of thousands of signals received, indicating his success.

"Finally!" Andrew's energy surged as he leaped up.

"Boss, I'm finished!!!" He shouted, racing toward Maximus.


"Alright, calm down. I'm busy here," Maximus waved his hand, engrossed in his work.

"Boss, I finished the transceiver you requested," Andrew said, hoping for praise.

"Oh? You did a good job. You finished it quite early," Maximus finally turned his head to Andrew and commended.

"Hahaha, I'm that awesome," Andrew laughed, holding his hips confidently.

"Hmm, now we can recruit others."I think you should take a look at

"But how do we do that, boss? Everyone here is so arrogant. How could they join us?"

"Just send a general message displaying images and information about our base."

"And for those who don't want to join, offer to trade items of equal value."

"Wouldn't that expose us, boss?"

"Hmph, look at our surroundings. Even if Tier 5 monsters come here, they'll be turned into minced meat due to our bombardment."

Maximus didn't worry about his safety.

In the past three years, besides upgrading the RV, he had fortified the base into an impenetrable stronghold.

Unless it was a horde of tier 5 monsters, they could just dream of breaking into his base.

"Um, you're right, boss"

Glancing at the densely packed Tier 4 weapons, Andrew broke into a cold sweat.

He could only hope that any coming visitors would behave themselves.

"How should we name our base, boss?"

"Let's call it Shadow City."

"Simple and clear. Then I'll get to work, boss."

Andrew proceeded to fulfill his role, spreading the word to anyone about Shadow City.

Once he was done, he returned to his work, aiming to enhance the transceiver's range to cover the entire world.


Soon, the message reached hundreds of thousands of people within the transceiver's range.

"Huh, did I receive a message?"

"What's this? Another survivor?"

Cereb muttered to himself as he heard the beeping sound.

"Let's see..."

Upon reading the detailed description of Maximus's base, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"Shadow City..."

"How amazing, so much progress."

"Huh? It's possible to trade?" Cereb read and looked at the bundles of Tier 4 materials in his room.

He was fortunate to have spawned in an area rich in Tier 4 materials.

However, unfortunately, using Tier 4 materials was a hundred times more challenging than Tier 3, so he hadn't made much progress.

"Oh, they already have Tier 4 weapons?"

"Should I get one?"

Cereb decided and packed his things as he made his way to Maximus's base.

Others also packed their belongings in hopes of exchanging technology with Shadow City.

As for recruitment, only a few individuals saw the value in it and bothered to consider the offer.

Unless they were truly desperate, most were hesitant to join any group.


Several months passed, and Cereb came to Shadow City.

"Is this Shadow City?" Gazing at the imposing mechanical city before him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"What a genius, I'm no match for this..."

As he approached, a drone flew toward him.

[Please state the purpose of your visit.]

"I'm here to trade..."

[Please follow me.]

The drones were controlled by Wanderer, giving them a bit of intelligence.

Cereb followed the drone to a designated area for trading.

Upon seeing that he was here, he stepped out of his vehicle, clad in bionic armor.

"Uh, how do I initiate a trade?"

Observing the empty shed, he couldn't help but ask.

[Wanderer: Hello there, I'm Wanderer. You can inquire with me about trading.]

Suddenly, a bright screen appeared, projecting the virtual image of Wanderer.

He was portrayed wearing a cowboy hat, a futuristic outfit, and smoking a cigar.

"Hmm, can I see the list of your products?"

[Of course...]

Soon, a list of available products along with an exchange list was presented to Cereb.

"So many varieties of Tier 4 weapons?"

"I'll take three."

"Oh, there's also a portable home. I'll take that..."

"This scanner is more powerful than mine. I'll buy it..."

"Huh? What's this energy crystal?"

[It's a concentrated energy source containing about 1 exajoule of energy.]

"So much?" Cereb couldn't help but be shocked.

One of the reasons he struggled to utilize Tier 4 materials was due to the lack of sufficient energy.

Encountering concentrated energy was a pleasant surprise.

"I'll buy it!" Cereb clicked hastily.

"Huh? You also accept monster corpses?"

Realizing that energy crystals could be exchanged to seemingly worthless corpses, he couldn't help but grow excited.

"Hahaha, I'll buy some weapons and hunt monsters and earn money," Cereb thought with a grin.

"That's it! How much is the total?"

[Tier 4 weapons, various auxiliary devices, energy crystals, exquisite synthetic food...]

[The total is xxx Tier 4 materials or xxx Tier 3 materials or xxx corpses...]

"So much?"

"Uh, I don't have enough materials."

Cereb suddenly realized that he had selected many items.

He had become so absorbed in the excitement of browsing that he clicked on whatever he fancied.

"Disregard the other items, just keep this Tier 4 weapon and 1 energy crystal."

Cereb compromised, deciding to earn more money before making further purchases.

[It's advisable to join Shadow City. You can receive a 50% discount.]

"Is this solicitation?" Cereb chuckled and shook his head.

[Then that will be...]

Soon, the transaction concluded, and Cereb embarked on his journey to hunt monsters instead of being hunted himself.

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