The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 10 The Death Of Crown Prince

Magic crystals are the most valuable resources that you can get.

They are often used to power magical devices, enchant items, and enhance the abilities of mages and other magic users.

When used to power devices, magic crystals can provide a nearly limitless source of energy.

They can be used to power everything from simple light sources to complex magical machines.

The crystals themselves can vary in size, shape, and color, with some being small enough to fit in the palm of a hand and others being the size of boulders.

Overall, magic crystals are a versatile and powerful resource, with a wide range of uses and applications.

And thus, the small magic crystal mine held immense strategic value for both kingdoms, serving as a crucial resource and the most valuable currency on the continent, surpassing even gold.

Control of the mine would mean significant strength and advantage for the kingdom that possessed it, hence the intense and fierce fighting by both sides to gain control.

The conflict over the mine had been ongoing for more than a year, with both factions experiencing significant casualties.

The opposing Kingdom of Jade had deployed their trump card, a Sky Knight, to launch an offensive against the mine, and the Faerie Kingdom had responded by also dispatching a Sky Knight, Shadow, to defend it.

As the battle escalated to a climax, a burst of shockwave the entire area, followed by a deafening explosion that reverberated through the valley.

Magnus Eryndor the king of the Faerie kingdom, A tier 4 sky knight joined the battle teaming up with Shadow to besiege the enemy knight.

After a few bouts, the enemy sky knight night was eliminated.

Realizing that they were on the verge of defeat, the Jade Kingdom surrendered and agreed to relinquish control of the mine.

As part of the peace agreement, the Kingdom also agreed to provide war compensation to the Faerie Kingdom, including gold, additional land, and other valuable resources.

The war had been long and grueling, but the death of a Tier 4 sky knight, one of the strongest protectors of the Kingdom, was a turning point that led to the eventual end of the conflict.


Magnus Eryndor the king of the Faerie kingdom, sat at his desk, perusing reports and documents concerning the recent war.

His prime minister, a seasoned statesman, stood before him, waiting patiently for his attention.

"Your Majesty," the prime minister began, "I have compiled a list of individuals who made significant contributions to the war effort."contemporary romance

Magnus nodded, "Please, let me see the list."

The prime minister handed over a parchment listing the names of commanders, mages, and knights who had distinguished themselves in battle.

As he read through the list, he nodded in agreement at the bravery of his people.

"I pledged to grant them land and titles for their contributions," the King stated.

"Ensure that the rewards are distributed accordingly."

"By your command, Your Majesty," the prime minister replied.

As the two continued to discuss and plan the distribution of benefits and rewards to those who contributed to the war effort.

They were interrupted by a sudden commotion outside. A guard burst into the room, his face pale and his breath ragged.

"The Crown Prince is dead," the guard gasped.

The King, Magnus stood up from his throne, shocked. "What happened? How could this be?"

The guard continued, "It seems that he was the victim of a conspiracy by the cultists. He was poisoned leading to his death."

Magnus was consumed with grief and anger. "Who did this? I want to know who is responsible for my son's death."

The guard promised to investigate, and as he left to carry out his orders, the Prime Minister spoke up. "Your Majesty, we should also be wary of the cultists. They have grown more powerful in recent years, and they may be a greater threat than we realize."

Magnus nodded in agreement. "Yes, we cannot underestimate them. We must root out their influence as soon as possible."

At that moment, a figure emerged from the shadows in the corner of the room. It was one of the Emperor's trusted advisors, Shadow.

"Your Majesty," Shadow said, his voice low and conspiratorial. "I have been keeping an eye on the cultists. I have reason to believe that they are working with some of the most powerful nobles in the kingdom."

Magnus' eyes narrowed. "Who are they? Tell me their names."

The Shadow hesitated for a moment before answering. "I cannot say for certain, Your Majesty. But I have heard rumors about Duke Charles and his alliance being seen with the cultists."

Magnus' face twisted in anger. "Charles? That traitor? I knew I should never have trusted him."

The Prime Minister spoke up, his voice measured and calm. "Your Majesty, we must be careful not to act hastily. We must not startle the snake and gather more information."

Magnus nodded, his face still red with rage. "You're right. But I will not rest until I find out who is behind my son's death." With that, he slumped back onto his throne, exhausted from the emotional outburst and the toll it had taken on his aging body.

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