The Woman From Hell

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
“Theowy, I want to drink some water...” Even though it was painful for her, Cindy did not forget her lines. “Are you dead? Why
didn’t you pour her some water?” After Theo pressed the button on the bed, he turned around and shouted at me. His eyes and
expression were terrifyingly dark. If it were not for Cindy who was still in his arms, he would have eaten me alive. I lowered my
head and did not say anything. Although it was not my fault, this matter was ultimately related to me. I was the one who
provoked Cindy and made her feel uneasy. That was why she had hurt herself to prove her place in Theo’s heart. She did not
even need to prove herself. Everyone knew how much he treasured her! Mason rushed over shortly after. A large group of
people surrounded Cindy and started treating her burns. I quietly left the ward and walked out of the hospital. The rain was not
as heavy, but it was still drizzling. Since I was not allowed to appear at the funeral, I had no reason to go to the old mansion
anymore. However, I still took a taxi to the Grant family cemetery in advance. Grandmother was my benefactor, and she treated
me like her own granddaughter when she was alive. I had to go to send her off on a final journey. There was a small hill in the
Grant family’s cemetery. It was said that the ancestors of the Grant family had especially sought out a master to find this strategic
location that would help maintain the prosperity in the family. The ancestors of the Grant family were all buried here and
watchmen were guarding it. As it was still early, there were only a few workers who had come to prepare in advance.
Grandmother’s grave would be next to Grandfather’s. I found a small bush that was higher on higher ground. This way, I could
avoid being seen by Theo and send Grandmother off in my way. I sat on the wet ground in a daze and thought about my
situation. Thinking of Theo’s indifferent attitude towards me, I felt uncomfortable. At four-thirty in the afternoon, Grandmother’s
ashes and the Grant family members gradually arrived at the cemetery. Grandmother was a person of great virtue and prestige
when she was alive. Other than the members of the Grant Family, there were also countless other people from prestigious
families in Salt City that came to attend. The vast crowd had no end. However, I still saw Theo in the long queue. He was always
like a crane in a flock of chickens, and his black clothes made him look even more handsome. Theo was pushing a wheelchair.
With a closer look, I saw Cindy was sitting in it! He brought her along! He brought her to attend such an event today because he
could not wait to introduce Cindy to everyone. Although her feet and hands were wrapped in thick gauze, and she looked a little
exhausted, Cindy’s eyes could not contain her excitement. Haha, indeed Cindy’s sacrifice was worth it. He did not leave her
behind but even allowed her to appear at the Grant family’s funeral. She finally got her wish! My heart felt like it had been pierced
by a needle. It hurt so much that I could not breathe. Not wanting to look at the scene in front of me again, I turned around and
left the cemetery. I stumbled and my stomach churned. I could not help but throw up by a tree. I was gagging for a long time, but
nothing came out. Then I remembered that I hadn’t eaten anything all day except the cold plate of pasta from last night. If I was
alone, it would not matter if I had eaten. But for the sake of the child in my belly, I had to force myself to eat something. I turned
around and went down the mountain. I walked toward the Grant family’s old mansion, which was close to the cemetery. I planned
to ask Miss Woods for some food before going home while everyone was gone. I stood outside the mansion and looked at the
tall building with tears in my eyes. This might be my last time here. After the funeral, it would be time for me to fulfill my promise

and sign the divorce papers. The door suddenly opened from the inside. Miss Woods was surprised. “Young Madam, why are
you standing there?” I raised my head and smiled. “Miss Woods, is there anything to eat? I’m hungry.” “Yes. Come in quickly. I’ll
take you to the side hall.” Although I didn’t say anything, Miss Woods was clear on what happened when I had appeared here at
this time because she was someone who had been by my grandmother’s side for many years. She took me to a deserted side
hall. I forced myself to eat something. My stomach felt much better in no time. Just as I was about to get up and leave, Miss
Woods took out a box and handed it to me. With a pitiful expression, she said, “This is what Old Madam Grant left for you when
she was alive. Keep it well.” After a pause, she continued, “The Old Madam said that if the Young Master should ever force you
to get a divorce after she departs from this world, you should give this box to him. After he sees it, he’ll have some reservations
and won’t divorce you easily.” I looked down at the exquisite little box in my hand. It was square but firm. I couldn’t open it at all. I
looked at Miss Woods and asked, “How do I open it?”

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