The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 8

(Chapter song ‘Somebody Told Me' by The Killers)


The canopy of leaves cover me as I ride through the trees on the small road that leads to the secret location of the Highs.

The High council.

You can see this road from the air, but it goes through the forest and keeps going. At least that’s what regular people see. Me? I see marker 1080 and my black bike starts to glow. The road in front turns to a watery curtain. The enchantment opens a wormhole developed by our resident sorcerer. Only council members can activate it. Travelers just drive on.

What’s on the other side? This.

My bike hits the watery curtain and I’m surrounded by shimmering light. I hit the throttle and my bike exits the other side with a little boom. The small road continues on like someone switched train tracks. The trees above me disappear and I am now in an open space. Green grass spreads for acres and is lined with dense forest. In the middle is an old graying castle tower. It has vines growing up the sides and decorative arched windows. That…is the high council building. Yeah, we rich royal types hang in some cool places, really.

I pull into the circle driveway and stop at the steps leading into the place.

As I kick out my stand, a high pitched reptile roar fills the sky above me. A black shadow covers me and I look up.

I get an uninterested look on my face as a black dragon flies over me and circles the clearing. His black, leathery wings flap once then glide as he banks around.

“Great.” I groan as I lift my leg off my bike and slam my helmet on the handle bars. I could use a meeting without Krestin Arrax. If anyone needs to be put down, it’s that guy. Just for the crime of being an annoying asshole.

His dragon comes in for a landing and his four dragon feet hit the grass. He roars out as he struts across the clearing and tucks his wings to his side. His long neck holds his head high and his long tail swings back and forth. He shakes his scaly, spiked black skin as I cross my arms and raise a brow. His dragon adjusts his tongue behind his sharp teeth then flicks it out to smell the air.

He stops on the grass and his square, spiked, armor plated head looks down on me from about 20 feet up. He puffs out his chest and a faint red light glows just above the apex of his front legs under his black scales.

His sharp eyes lock with mine and he huffs a small growl while releasing a small amount of black smoke.

I smirk, then turn around. “Nope. Nothing.” I say stoically and walk to the steps. I hear a growl and the sound of him shifting.

“Nothing. You felt nothing with that display of dominance. Are you kidding me?” His 6 foot 3 muscular frame jogs up to me and I look him over.

“I’m not attracted to lizards, Krestin.” I mutter.

His cat like, sharp human eyes narrow. “I’m not a lizard.” He grits.

I jog up the steps. “Scaly. Cold-blooded. Self-centered. Looks like a lizard to me.”

“Stop fighting. You know you want this.’ He says to my back as we get to the door.

“I would beat myself senseless with my own batons if that thought even remotely crossed my mind.” I clench as I throw open the large, wooden castle door.

“That actually could be hot.” He smirks as we walk in.

I groan. “I’m not interested in Dragons…” I spin around and face him. “Or streakers.” I scowl as I cross my arms and flick my eyes down.

He looks down at his naked body then back up. “You work with shifters. It’s kind of expected.” He smirks.

“Unfortunately.” I grumble then turn around to walk down the stone hallway to the council room.

“I think you’re scared. You don’t have to be. I may be strong, powerful, and intimidating, but I treat my women as gentle as lambs.” He leans over my shoulder as we walk.

I eye him. “Then you eat them…literally.” I shake my head as we turn down another hall.

“Ok. You have a point, but I wouldn’t eat you, Zen. You’re too cute for that.” He smiles.

I turn around at the council door. “Krestin. The day I even think of going there with you, is the day Zander gets his balls back from Ricky.” I stare him down and his face falls.

“Damn.” He scratches his hair. “Ok. Well… That’s not happening…” He drops his hand and leans to me. “But that doesn’t mean I still can’t try to break you. You'll eventually fall to the Dragon King. Every little lamb does.” He says smugly.

“Ugh! Go get dressed!” I growl and shove him out of my face.

He fixes his long on top crazy hair and steps backward. He points to me as he leaves for his office. “I'll get you, little lamb. You won’t even see me coming before I snatch you up.” The corner of his lip ticks up.

I shake my head, turn around and walk into the council room. The decorative stone room opens up with high ceilings and molded, stone frames around stained glassed windows. It looks like an old church.

On my right is an audience area for people to witness our meetings if they wish. Staff mostly, but some are special invites by council members. I never bring anyone with me. They don’t need to see the insanity I put up with.

As I walk by, I glance at a group of people talking and I quickly remove my eyes. I make a bee line for the council floor where my throne is and I’m stopped in my tracks by an irritating blur.

I stop and look to the side as I fold my arms and sigh. I don’t need this.

He stares at me with angered, pale green eyes and slides his hands into the pockets of his suit pants. I meet his eyes and watch as he chews the inside of his cheek. He looks pissed.

“Good morning, Demetri.” I say with defeat.

He crosses his arms, narrows his eyes and leans to me. “Care to explain?”

I look over his pale, square face and push past him. “Explain what?”

I walk to the council floor and he follows me. “Why were you across the border, Zen?”

“Why do you care, Demetri?” I say with irritation.

“It’s my territory!” He barks.

“A territory YOU don’t even want to be in.” I toss my hands to the side as I pass Zanders throne.

“That’s besides the point. Explain!” He demands.

I spin around in the middle of the circle of thrones. “I had a warlock on the ropes. I did you a favor.”

He tilts his head and runs his long, thin fingers through his brown, nearly cut short hair. “A warlock. Why didn’t you inform me?”

“And have you ruin my fun? No thanks.” I spin around and walk to the two thrones at the bottom of the circle, opposite Zander’s chair. Mine is on the right side and my best friend, Quaid, sits on the left. I wish he was here. He could put this vamp in his place. I don’t have the energy today.

“You are supposed to inform us when you cross borders.” His lips shrink and his anger rises as I sit down and drape a leg over the arm of my chair.

I inspect and pick at my nails. “Ok. I was in your territory to kill a warlock. Don’t worry, I got it. Go back to whatever it is you do.” I wave him off. “There. You’ve been informed.”

He leans down and puts his hands on the arms of my throne. He leans to my face and locks with my eyes. “I can rip your throat out in a split second, and your little human reflexes aren’t quick enough to stop it. You might want to remember who’s patience you’re trying.”

I nod, press my lips together, then reach into my chest pocket. I whip out a small sprayer, point it at him, and without hesitation, spray it in his face.

He yells out, and stumbles back while he holds his smoking face. I lift my leg off the arm of my chair, and stand as I watch him pull out a cloth, and try to wipe off my spray. The room fills with the smell of lilacs.

“Like my perfume, Demetri? It’s a spring scent with a hint of iron flakes. It's a little expensive, but it gives me the confidence to know that if you even try to go near my skin, you'll burn your vampire mouth off.” I smile as I kick out a leg and fold my arms.

He stands straight, and runs his handkerchief down his face. Burned skin flakes off in burning ash revealing healed skin underneath. He fumes, and I give him a smug look.

“I may be human, but I’m not stupid.” I step closer to him. “That was only a small squirt. Threaten me like that again, and I’ll give you the whole spray. Trust me, it will fucking hurt.” I say with conviction.

He shoots daggers at me, and I can tell I shot his ego down several pegs.

“Now, I wouldn’t waste my time worrying about why I was in your country." I saunter up to him. “I would question why a warlock would risk his life to enter a vamp hive. You obviously have something he needed. It’s the only reason he’d go there. The spell he was doing could've been done anywhere. We also question why this is third magical being in six months we've caught around your place. What are you doing, Demetri?”

He stuff his cloth into his pocket. “What I do is none of your concern.” He points to my nose. “If I find out you, or any of your little hunters are in my borders again, I won’t hesitate to enact my right to end you. Iron spray or not.” He grinds. He stares at me for a little longer, then turns to his chair on the left side of the circle two chairs up from mine.

I lick my upper lip and go back to my seat.

“What’s going on here?”

I raise my eyes to Cora Marin, our necromancer princess. And a tall hunky man in a cloak. I cinch my brows with a smirk. “Cora. A new boy toy?”

She stops at Zander’s throne and glances back at the man quickly. “Yes. Right. I was… doing some shopping before the meeting. What’s all the yelling about?”

I kick my leg over the arm. “Just Demetri trying to look tough.” I quickly look at him and he narrows his eyes as he sits with his legs crossed, elbows on the arms and his fingers laced in front of his face.

He flicks his eyes to Cora. “I was just giving Zen a little reminder of respecting ones boundaries.” He says in a dignified tone.

“A vampire respecting boundaries. That’s rich.” I snort.

“Zen.” Cora snips. “No need to be rude.” She holds her pale chin high and walks to her throne beside me on the right side of the circle. She points to a spot on the floor where her concubine stands, then sits down. “What have you done?” She eyes me.

“Nothing!” I say as I sit up. “I got rid of a headache for him and now he’s throwing a fit. See if I help him again with that attitude.”

“You broke your treaty, you disrespectful worm.” Demetri growls.

“I didn’t break it. I just bent it a little. I’m allowed to chase hunts anywhere I want to. I just forgot to call you. That’s all.” I shrug.

Cora leans on her throne arm and rubs her forehead. “Zen. Must we go through this. You must follow procedure.”

“Look. The guys had hours before completing a spell that will make hell break loose. I’m not surfing through politics while the planet suffers a coven of ramped up warlocks. Forget it.” I scowl.

“I would have dealt with it on my own, Zen.” Demetri mutters.

“Not the way I did it.” I glance at him then turn to Cora. “It was so cool. The effects of holy water on that evil son of bitch was definitely a work of art. With the weapons we have now, all the magical assholes should be running for the hills.”

She places her hands in the lap of her black legging covered thighs. “You’re not supposed to pride yourself on taking a life.”

“Hey, I pride myself in my work. If they make me kill them, it’s a bonus. I rid the world of something that shouldn’t exist. Damn right, I’m proud of that.” I shrug.

“You’re sick.” Demetri snarls.

“What’s a matter, Demetri. Worried I’ll come after you next?” I say over my shoulder.

“Hardly.” He grumbles.

Cora sighs. “However you feel, Zen. Taking pride in taking any life isn’t what respectable people do. Life that’s taken, good or evil, is a sacrifice and we mustn’t celebrate it.”

“Is that what you tell yourself after harvesting one of your boys, Cora?” She turns and looks confused for a moment when Dorian Black, our immortal man, walks in.

He stands with a smug look on his face, wearing a long black coat, sharp suit and a top hat. He takes off the hat and hangs it off the top of his throne on the right side next to Zanders.

“No. I don’t like taking life. Even when it’s needed.” The hooded man leans down to her and whispers in her ear. She waves him off. “I know it’s not. Please. Just be quiet.”

“A necromancer that doesn’t like taking life. Now I heard everything.” Dorian snorts. “Your little house of nightmares says different, princess.”

“Can we change the subject…please.” Cora clenches as her brows cinch.

“Well, I certainly can.” Dorian adjusts himself in his seat. “While you all were causing utter destruction, I had a fabulous weekend with a young miss.”

“Really.” Cora raises a brow. “You found someone who doesn’t mind your ego?” She smiles.

“Haha.” Dorian groans. “Yes. She’s American and here for a visit. She really is a breath of fresh air from the rest of the women that circle me. We had a wonderful weekend.”

“That’s great, Dorian. Let’s hope she doesn’t mind the real you.” I smile and bounce my billy club off my leg.

His brow furrows. “She’s fine in that regard.”

“What are you talking about?” Cora asks.

“Nothing. Honestly, I want to be close, but not that close.” He shrugs.

“You’re using her. Figures.” I give him a judgmental look.

“I'm not using her. I’m entertaining her while she’s here. I’m not looking for commitment and she knows that.” He lands forward and fixes his suit jacket.

“Why do I feel like that’s a complete lie? Men like you only think about yourselves.” I sit back and eye him.

“Think whatever you like. I know you’re only jealous. You need to deal with your anger, Zen. Quit punishing us for your bad choice in men.” He ticks his head and brow.

“I’m hardly jealous of you, Dorian.” I scoff. “I feel sorry for the woman who has to put up with you. I’m done with all of you. Have been for years.” I adjust myself in my seat.

Cora leans to me. “You can’t give up on love, Zen. I realize you've been hurt, but you can’t let that stop you from moving forward. You just need to remember, he walked out on something special. It wasn’t anything you did. Punishing yourself…”

“And us." Demetri states with annoyance.

“Quite.” Cora shoot him a look then looks back at me. “Punishing yourself won’t help that. You need to pull yourself up, lift your chin and say he won’t rule me. That’s all.”

Her hooded friend leans down and whispers to her. She looks to him. “No. Stay out of it.” She warns in a hushed tone.

“Stay out of what?” I flick my eyes between the two.

She chuckles nervously. “Pay no mind. He’s new and we're still learning the rules to being a concubinus to a Necro.” She waves me off.

“If he’s smart, he’ll run before you get the urge to harvest his organs.” Dorian snorts.

Cora whips her head to him. “I told you before. My concubines know exactly what they are for. It’s voluntary.”

He narrows his eyes with curiosity. “You’ve never said that to me before. We've actually never talked about them until now.”

Cora looks like she swallowed a bug. “Well…” She stammers. “I’m telling you now. Mind your business.” She lightly growls and turns her head.

I stare at her in confusion as her hooded friend whispers to again. She nods and he stands straight. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m definitely getting some really weird vibes. I mean, Cora’s weird to being with, so I shouldn’t be really shocked.

“We have a huge problem!”

Our banter is interrupted by a massive blonde man strutting into the council room. His gold and black robes billow around his legs as his tiger trots at his knee.

Zander, the King of Wolves and the High King of the council. I can’t believe my father could even stand to be in the same room with him. The man drips in arrogance.

“Zander? What’s wrong?” Cora asks.

“My father…” His deep blue eyes look around the room. “He’s alive.”

All the air got sucked out of the room and we look at each other like he just told us the world was flat.

Demetri stands. “Where?” He gets his back up and growls.

“Outside of London.” Zander eyes us all. “We move now.”

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