The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 52 The Blue Moon Part 2

(Chapter song ‘See What I've Become’ by Zack Hemsey, ‘Marry Me' by Train)



‘Push him back!’



‘I’m sorry.’

I sit on my knees in pure blackness. My worried face looks all around and my panicked breaths echo in the void.

I rise to my feet. “ZEN?!!” I spin around as I call out. “ZEN! I… I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING!! ZENNN!!”

“She can’t hear you.”

A shiver runs up my spine as I slowly turn to the dark in front of me.

“She’s not worthy of hearing you, anyway.”

“What’s going on?” My lips shrink as I scan the darkness.

“A chance meeting I wasn’t expecting, but remember… You called me.”

My brows cinch as I stop where the voice is coming from. “Who…”

I swallow and step back when tall, black leather boots step out of the dark. A long black coat swirls around his ankles and his hands adjust black gloves on his fingers.

“No…” I shake my head as fear fills me.

His head is lowered and his short white hair comes into view. He stops and slowly raises his head to me. His red eyes find mine and a smirk crosses his pale lips. “Hello, Avery. You’re a hard one to find.”

I shake my head and point to him. “You’re fucking dead.”

He places his hands behind his back and holds his head high. His smug face stares into mine. “There’s plenty who believe that and I let them.” He grins.

“You… You’re real. This just isn’t my wolf…” I try and wrap my head around this.

He steps closer. “Yes. I’m very real. You wouldn’t be where you are had I not been… real.”

My jaw falls. “What did you do?”

He stares at me. “EVERYTHING!!” He booms, making me flinch.

He strides across the dark and walks circles around me. My eyes try to follow.

“I gave you life and what did you? YOU SUFFERED!” He glares.

“I gave you power! What did you do? YOU CHOSE WEAKNESS!” His face twists in anger as he spins around me.

“I GAVE YOU, MY ONLY LEGACY, EVERYTHING!!” He stops in front of me with only an inch between us. “And you squandered all of it.” He sneers.

“I don’t want it.” I snarl back.

He looks me over. “You dare deny the ingrained destiny that I put in your veins. I spent countless years. Collecting and improving on the very chemistry that keeps you alive. You dare take my name…”



I shake my head. “No. You built it for Alexi and Chase. You built shit for me.” I tilt my head. “And I’m OK with that because I don’t want your spilled blood.”

He slowly nods. “I can only assume this is the Alliance and their hatred pitting you against me. You believe the lies, Avery. You believe the delusions they feed you because you are weak. You were born weak and you'll always be… weak.”

I feel my anger rise and I throw a punch to his head. He catches my hand and squeezes. I cry out and drop to a knee. The pain in my arm rides to my chest. My body shakes as I open my eyes to him.

He leans down to me. “Join me. Become the destiny you always knew you were. You will follow. I will lead you. I will teach you my ways. I will give you everything you could ever want. All you need to do is obey.”

“NO!!” My anger boils and I shove him back. He stumbles and stops on his feet. He looks at me with disgust. “I’m not you. I don’t want to be you. I DON’T WANT YOU!!!” The void shakes as my words roar out. “I'll die first.”

The corner of his lip raises. “As I have proven many times. Death… is only the beginning.”

I walk up to him. “You can’t control me. You have no power over me and the only weak bastard here is you. Now GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!!” The void comes alive and a band of shockwave ripples hits him right in the chest.


‘Come on, Avery.’

He looks up at me with confusion as he stands straight. I look up into the dark as Zen's voice penetrates it.

“I will find you. I will subdue you and you will bow to me.” He grinds. His gloves stretch as he balls his fists. “I could have let you die in that lab. If not for me, you wouldn’t have been given the life essence to rise. If I didn’t protect you from those who wished to kill you, you would not be here to lose yourself to that unworthy woman. You’re lost. You need me.” He slowly approaches. “You need what I stand for. You need… Draco Torrent.”

“NO!!” I yell as I rush him and land a fist to his jaw. He hits the floor and I stand over him. My fists hang at my sides as my shoulders heave. I lean down and point to him as he wipes blood from his nose. “I have proven I don’t need you. I have proven that I won’t be taken by your psychotic shit! You and your self righteous BULLSHIT ARE DEAD TO ME!” My fist come down on his head and he cries out as his head hits the floor and he rolls to his back.

I straddle him and grab his jacket collar. I pull him to me and lock with his evil eyes. “You will never see the light of day!” I throw a punch to his face. “You will never control my body!” Again, I deliver another blow as he lays helpless on the floor. “YOU WILL NEVER… MAKE ME… YOU!!!” Three more strikes fill his face with blood.

I pull my fist back and he grins at me with bloody teeth. His swollen face twists to weird happiness. He laughs and I cock my head.

“You don’t see it…” He laughs maniacally.

“See what?” I glare.

He stops laughing and his face falls. He lifts his head closer. “You’re already me. I already won.” A smile grows on his lips as my rage boils over.

“NOOOO!!” I bring my fist down with all my power as he ripples out of existence and my fist hits the floor.

As I pant breaths, I raise the empty hand that had him. I slowly look around the void and it’s empty.

‘I won.’

I shake my head. “No. Fuck that.”

I stand and walk into the dark where he came from and I’m swallowed by it.



I throw a hand up and grit as I push back the last of my father.

“Avery?!” Zen drops her gun and rushes to me she drops to her knees and lifts my head.

I watch the light from my eyes in her eyes fade. “I’m alright…” I pant. “I’m OK…” I force a weak smile. “I won.”

She rubs my sweaty hair off my forehead. “What happened?”

I stare into her eyes as my eyes heat. “I said no.”

She smiles as her eyes well and wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her to me and bury my face in her neck. “I said no.” I whisper as I hold her tight to find the safety I need and love.

“He's back in the ring.” She pushes my head back and studies my face.

I glance at the council as they disarm and nod. “Yeah. He’s in the ring and he’s not getting out as long as I live.”

“I love you.” She grins.

“I love you, too.” I smile back.

Quaid approaches and stands over us. We look up and he smiles. “I now pronounce you… Husband and wife.”

We both laugh as I grab her and kiss her within an inch of her life.

The council claps and whistles as I drown in the lips of the most gorgeous woman on the planet.

I break the kiss and look up at the moon slowly moving off its peak. I find Zen’s eyes. “I beat him and I beat the moon. I’m here for you and I always will be. I promise you that.” I lift my ring. “This… won’t ever be a threat again. I made sure of it.”

“I’m trusting you on that, Kirkland.” She smirks.

I lean to her lips. “You have nothing to worry about, Mrs. Kirkland.” I mumble as I smirk on her lips.

Quaid claps his hands. “Ok, everyone! Let’s give the newlyweds some privacy! The pub is on Dorian.”

“Why is it on me?” Dorian scowls.

“In your hundreds of years, I think it’s time you shelled out.” Quaid struts through the group.

“I shelled out plenty!”

“In 1806! Don’t act like you have.”

“You’re a liar!”

“A sorcerer always tells the truth.”

“That’s bullshit, Quaid.”

“Honesty is the best policy.” Quaid sings.

“Oh my God!”

We snicker as I help Zen to her feet. I close the gap and kiss her lips. As I thread my fingers into her hair I look into her beautiful eyes. “Ready to make this official?”

“I’ve been ready for 5 years.” She giggles.

I laugh and shake my head. With a playful growl, I scoop my bride in my arms and she yelps as I spin us around. I stop, slam her lips, and walk to the lake house. I open the back door and carry her over the threshold. I’m doing this whole thing right.

I break the kiss. “I can’t show you how much I love you, but I’m going to try everyday forever.”

“I don’t care what you do. I will never stop loving you.”

I kiss her gently as I walk us through the living room and down the hall to the bedroom.

I lay her down on the bed and deepen the kiss. My heart is thumping a mile a minute and the pressure in my pants is growing fast. I don’t know what a bond is supposed to feel like, but this feels much more intense than all the other times we've been together. It feels like the energy we're both putting out is filling the room and adding to the love we have for each other.

I think Quaid said it best. The chance we’re taking on each other just makes everything that much more important and binding. And we're taking some really big chances. I will always love Zen for that.

As I look into her eyes, I pull off her shirt and jacket. I kiss her softly as I undo her bra and slowly pull it off her arms. My lips glide across her delicate skin to her neck and chest.

She arches back as I kiss and lick her skin to her soft breasts. I wrap my arm around her chest and taste every inch of her as I lift her up. I hold her neck as her silky hair hangs off her head.

She lifts up and pulls the back of my t-shirt up. I allow her to pull it off me, then consume her lips.

I reach down and unbutton her jeans. She unbuttons mine and I pull my pants off with my boxers. My rock hard erection is freed and I can’t wait to get inside her.

My emotions are all over the place as I pull off her jeans and boots. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her with me to the middle of the bed.

I fist her hair in both hands as she straddles my legs.

“I love you so fucking much…” I say as I shove my tongue past her lips and feel her love with every dance our tongues do.

I pull her head back and kiss her long neck.

“Ave…” She breathes as she responds to every touch. Her body waves on my thighs and I press my dick to her core. I grab her ass and help her rub her wetness up and down my shaft.

I reach between us and my fingers slip into her pussy. I watch her moan and wave her body on my fingers as I rub circles around her clit. “Yes, baby… You like that?”

“God, yes…” She runs her fingers into my hair and digs her nails into my shoulder as I rub her wet pussy a little faster. I bite and lick her skin as I slide a finger into her entrance.

“Yes, Ave!”

Her hips gyrate as I pump her pussy. Her juices coat my fingers and her body trembles in my arms. “Come for me, baby.” I whisper before kissing and nipping her chin and jaw.


I pull her ass faster as she bucks her hips. Her thighs shake and her pussy walls tighten around my finger. “Do it, Zennie. Soak me.”

I rub her clit with mu thumb as I pump her pussy faster. She leans back and her pussy tightens even more. She rides my finger as her body tenses.


Her orgasm crashes and I pull her to me by her nape. She moans and screams on my lips as I devour her.

I don’t even wait for her to calm down. I slip my finger out, grab my dick, and push into her entrance with no hesitation.


I hold her to me as I buck my hips into hers. I push in to the hilt and pull out quickly. I slam in each thrust as she screams in my arms.

She matches my rhythm and her pussy feel so fucking good. I can only think that this is what the bond is for someone like me. I don’t get the same experience. I get my own. I’m being directed by my heart. Not some cosmic tether. I think it still comes with all the same intense emotions I heard you feel. I certainly feel more than I have in years. But the thought that it truly is me and me alone. It’s surreal

I watch Zen’s beautiful body as I run my hand up her chest to her neck. My dick pounds her harder and faster as I lift up a little and hold her hips in my arm. I pull her down on me and kiss her within an inch of her life.

I lay her down on her back, wrap my hands around her waist and lift up on my knees. Her ass is lifted off the bed as I thrust into her deeper and harder.


I cup her breast as my hips rock faster. “Come on my cock, baby.” I growl through a smirk as I look into her ecstasy filled face.

Having her this way is so fucking euphoric. I grab her hand and pin it to the bed. I see my wedding band and smile before kissing her neck and ear.

Her pussy grips my dick like a vice and I feel my climax building fast. For a second I kind of wished I could mark her, but I can still make this good. I can claim her just as good as the wolf who would mark her. She’s mine and I’ll make her feel that every time I take her. I will always be hers every time I make her feel like the Queen she is. There won’t be a second where I won’t worship her and what she does to me.


I pump her deeper and faster as her orgasm crashes. As soon as I feel it, it sends me right over the edge.

My balls slam up and my dick swells inside. We come together in almost perfect sync.

“Fuck… Yesss!!” I lift myself up as I slam my release deep inside her. I growl out every stroke as her pussy pulses around my length. Her juices coat me and my dick buries into her for the last drops.

I lower myself and kiss her slow and passionately. Our tongues intertwine and I will get drunk off her scent and desire.

I pull out and give her little kisses as she catches her breath. “It will always astound me that we actually made it.” I grin.

“Well, you did come crawling back.” She ticks her head.

“Yeah. I did.” I laugh. I take a deep breath. “I’m so glad I did.” I bite my bottom lip. “You’re so beautiful. I don’t deserve it.”

“Yeah. You do.” She whispers as she runs her fingers down my beard. “Just like I deserve you. We deserve the love we’re creating. Don’t ever think that you don’t.”

I stare into her eyes and shake my head. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She smiles.

I kiss her deep and we ended up consummating our marriage several times before falling asleep in each other’s arms. And I will fight every day to make sure this is our life forever.

My love will beat my evil and there’s nothing that will ever change that.



“Hey, Ave?!”

As I pull my jeans up and grab my t-shirt as I look to the bathroom. “Yeah?”

“Um… When was the last time you check on your… um… snip?”

My brows come together. “Snip? You mean my vasectomy?”


I walk around the bed to the bathroom door. “Never. Why?”

She comes out and holds a stick up at eye level. “Because I think your wolf had other plans.”

My jaw drops and my brows shoot up as I stare at the plus sign in the little window.

I meet Zen’s eyes as she raises a brow.

I swallow, grab the stick, and look back up at her.

“Oh, shit.”

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