The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 41🔥🔥🔥

(Chapter song ‘Desperate Measures' by Marianas Trench)


The world is insane.

So insane that when you get to take these little pauses, you soak up every minute until the crazy knocks on your door.

My ear twitches as the room fills with the sound of song birds outside the open window of my room.

My eyelid rises slightly and I’m hit with the soft orange light of dawn. A small smile grows on my lips as I remember last night and feel how warm my bed is.

As I make small stretches, I’m engulfed in a large arm and a head buries in my neck.

“Good morning.” He mumbles in my hair before kissing my neck.

“Good morning.” I whisper as I turn to my back.

He continues to kiss my chest and neck as I stretch out fully and start to wake up.

“Sleep well?” He asks as he kisses under my chin.

“Yes. You?” I try not to giggle at his scruff on my skin.

He kisses my chin and nose as he straightens my hair. “Like a baby.” He grins. “I think it feels different now.”

“How do you mean?” I run my fingers through his hair and fox his bedhead.

“I don’t know. I don’t feel so pointless now. It’s a strange feeling.” He runs the back of his fingers across my cheek.

“Well, you are a strange animal.” I grin while I stifle a laugh.

He gets on top and pushes my knees apart. “Oh… I’m an animal, huh?” He smirks and the tip of his nose brushes the tip of mine.

“Yeah. What are you going to do about it?” I smile on his lips.

He pushes his hard girth onto my core causing a moan to escape my throat. “How about I ravage you until you can’t take it anymore?” He purrs as he kisses my neck.

“Could I stop you?” I whisper as I arch my head back.

“Not a chance.” He playfully growls, finds my entrance and shoves his length onto my pussy.

I gasp and wrap my arms around his neck. “God, yes…”

“Damn, I love how tight you are…’ He drawls as he pulls out and thrusts deeper.

“Yes, Ave!”

He lifts up on his knees and takes full strokes. He fills my pussy harder and faster as my legs raise around his waist.

“Fuck!... So good…” He pounds harder and I arch back.


He lowers and cups a breast. He rolls my nipple in his teeth as his hips speed up. His dick throbs inside me as my walls tighten around him. Fire races across my nervous system as his dick hits all the right spots.

“Fuck, Zennie… so damn good.” He grits as he thrusts his hips into mine.

He holds my hip down as his hips rock faster. My nails dig into his back and his hand slides in between us. He rubs my clit and lips as he pushes deeper inside me.


He grunts and growls as my walls grip his swelling cock.

“Soak me, baby… Come on…” He pants as he rubs my clit harder.


The fire inside turns up the heat and my climax hit the peak. He pushes down on both hips and slams his dick into my pussy.

“God, yes! So fucking wet!” He gives his all as my orgasm crashes and my juices coat him.

He pins my wrists, stares into my eyes and bites his lip. “I’m filling that sweet pussy.” He grins and his hips slam the crap out of mine.


I feel him swell and his hit release explodes in my pussy.

He slams the last thrusts into me as he bruises my lips. His tongue meets mine and I grip his hair.

He slows and stops as he breaks the kiss.

“You better not do that too often. We'll have little Avery's running around.” I giggle.

“Oh. You don’t have to worry about that.” He slips out of the blanket and goes to the bathroom. He comes bake with a towel and proceeds to clean me up. “I got the snip when I was 19. I have full intention of making my father die with me.”

“Oh.” I sit up. “You never told me.”

“Kids never came up.” He shrugs. “I don’t need kids.”

I lean on my knees. “You sure about that?”

“Well, yeah. I told you about my childhood.” He leans a hand on the bed at my legs. “Why? Do you actually want kids?” He snickers.

“I don't know. Maybe.” I shrug. “I just didn’t know it wasn’t an option.”

He grabs my hand and tins his thumb slowly across my skin. “Does that change things?”

“No. Besides. There’s always adoption.” I grin.

“Sure. A hunter and a wolfless shifter would make great candidates.” He chuckles.

“I think we'd make amazing parents.” I slap his arm and he laughs.

He leans to my lips. “Just not too soon. I want you to myself for as long as I can.”

“I can agree to that.” I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses me deep.

He brushes my hair off my forehead. “You’re really cool with me being a half-wolf.”

I think for a quick minute. “I think, if anyone was right for me, a half-wolf would probably be it. You taught me a lot, Ave. Number one is patience. I needed a kick in the ass. You did that. I need to be quiet and listen more. If I learned anything it's to never judge a book by its cover. The story will surprise you every time. Number two is not being afraid of the truth. No more secrets and lies.”

“No more lies. Zennie, I’m not saying it will easy, but I really think, with a little effort, we can make a beautiful marriage full of love and acceptance.” He gently runs his finger down the bridge of my nose and kisses the tip.

“As long as he stays put.” I tap the band on his finger.

“He will. Right to the end. He’s going with me when my time comes. I promise that. You will never have to worry about my father… ever.” He says with a serious tone.

“And that’s why I never stopped loving you. Even when I thought you were a cheating jerk.” I chuckle.

“Sorry.” He grins.

“It’s fine. Just don’t do it again.” I narrow my eyes as I tap his nose.

“Don’t worry. You got me chained. I ain’t going anywhere.” He chuckles.

“Chained… I like that.” I smile as I wraps my arms around his neck.

“Yeah? You want to chain me up?” He smirks.

“In the worst way.” I mumble on his lips.

“All you gotta say is I do.” He whispers.

“I do.” I whisper back.

He lets out a growl and takes my lips just as my phone vibrates on the nightstand. I clumsily reach for it as Avery kisses me harder.

“Don’t answer that.” He mumbles on my lips. “I’m not done… Zen!” He groans and rolls over on his back.

I hold my phone up and read the text. “It's Jolen.”

“Yeah?” He rolls out of bed and finds his pants. “What's he want?”

I drop my phone. “He found Miranda.”

He turns. “What? Where?”

“Eden.” I answer.

He cinches his brow. “Like… the garden?”

I jump out of bed. “No. The town. Why would you think of a garden?”

“Well, you never know with this damn place.” He pulls his shirt over his head.

I walk up, fix his hair, and kiss his lips. “Let's go.”


“What the hell was she doing here?” Avery asks as we walk out of the shadow tunnel with the rest of the council.

“Don’t know. She was spotted heading into town. I can only assume she wanted the lab that’s here.” I inform.

“Right. The one under the pack house.” Avery confirms.

“Are you absolutely sure?” Cora asks.

“Yes. Ricky had both Falcon Ridge and Phoenix confirm Miranda was in the area. This is also within the area that Zayden could have escaped from. Add that to the lab that Avery says is here. I can pretty much guarantee it. Both Units have been informed of our presence here and have agreed to step aside while we deal with this.” I smile at her.

“Look at you following protocol. Good show.” Cora chuckles and I push her.

I look to Avery. “I blame you.”

He grins and kisses me.

We step out of the shadows and look over the town. Avery raises a brow. “Kind of a boring town considering the file I read.”

“Looks can be deceiving. Ricky didn’t have a lot of positive things to say about this guy.” I stuff my hands in my pockets and kick out a leg.

Some people walk down the street and there’s a few cars, but it doesn’t look like a town run by a sociopath.

“Of course. It’s Oliver Fredericks. My dad told me they've had him on a watch list for some time, now. He’s not very well liked.” Nathaniel says as he joins Cora's side.

“From what I read in our database, this guy has the potential to be a real bad guy.” Dorian side eyes Zander.

“I knew Adrian.” Avery clenches. “That guy didn’t care who you were or what he did to you.”

“Where is he now?” Zander asks.

“You'll have to ask him. Miranda took over for him just before I left. I don’t know where he went after that.” Avery supplies.

We look across the street to a large white house with black trim around the windows and a black roof. It has three floors that we can see and two wings off the main house. We all cross arms and place hands on hips.

“I will remind all of you, we do need her alive.” Cora reminds.

“You can speak to her ghost.” Zander grinds.

“True.” Cora ticks her head. “But I would like her not to have that kind of freedom of movement. Ghosts can be slippery. Miranda’s slippery enough.”

“Fair enough.” He grumbles.

“Um. I heard the Alpha is a little…” Darius starts.

“Mean.” Nathaniel finishes. “Be careful. This man has no limit.”

“Him and his father have been hiding an Alliance lab. He shouldn’t even be breathing.” Zander side eyes the angel.

“Why don’t we have your army behind us?” Dorian asks.

“Until we figure what we're dealing with. The less people that know about my father the better. I’ve avoided questions this far, I’m not about to have my ranks taken by rumor, as well.” Zander holds his head high as he looks around Oliver’s pack house.

“Falcon Ridge sees worth in him. He has an army of… What did you call them?” Cora asks.

“Dire wolves. Evolved rogues.” Nathaniel informs.

“He refuses to let the council study them fully. He won’t even report numbers. I may have to come back.” Zander narrows his eyes.

“I doubt the queen would like that.” Quaid replies.

“Are you kidding? The only present she wants from me is to move to Phoenix. I don’t listen, of course, but she’s pretty clear on what she wants.”

“Just be careful.” Nathaniel warns. “These creatures are very deadly.”

“I’m sure I’m deadlier.” Demetri eyes him.

“I’m sure we all are.” Krestin puffs his chest out. “We aren't Highs for nothing.”

“Yes, and Oliver couldn’t give two shits about that.” Nathaniel arches a brow.

“Angel. Language.” Cora scolds.

“Sorry.” Nathaniel smiles. “Curtis has been teaching me to curse in context.”

“Ugh. I may have to have a word.” She scowls.

“Ok. So do we knock or bust out the door?” Dorian asks.

“Burn it down.” Krestin grins evilly.

“We go in force! It’s illegal. No time for kid play.” Giovanni growls.

“So, where’s Miranda?” I ask.

“Let’s go find out.” Zander balls his fists and start to cross the street.

We follow and walk onto the Eden pack house property. The front door opens and a large man steps out wearing black pants, a black dress shirt with the top buttons undone, and a hard look on his face. He lowers his sunglasses down off his head as he steps into the setting sun.

“You know it’s a good day when his Royal Douche bag is standing on your doorstep.” He stops, pulls a cigar out of his pocket, bites the end off, and spits it out. He puts the cigar in his lips and lights the end.

He puffs smoke as he steps up to us. “I've seen you snooping around my files. That’s rude.” He points his cigar fingers at Zander and speaks deeply. His words drip with sarcasm.

Zander doesn’t move an inch. “Where’s Miranda?”

He takes his cigar out with his thumb and forefinger, then casually taps the ashes on the ground. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Facial recognition. Ever heard of it.” I kick up my attitude and tick my head.

“A smart mouth. I like it.” He grins and puts his cigar in his teeth.

“Tell us, Oliver.” Nathaniel demands as his wings flick.

Oliver adjusts his glasses. “Weren't you taken by the bird brains?”

Nathaniel scowls. “Yeah. I escaped.”

“Oh. The bird bath is that way… out of town.” He points down the street.

“Oliver.” Zander growls.

Oliver steps up to the group. “Let’s see… living dead girl.” He points to Cora. “Living dead pussy.” He points to Demetri. “The bigger pussy.” He points to Dorian. “The circus clown and a kid.” He meets Zanders eyes. “This is what you’re going with?”

Zanders eyes narrow. “You’re skirting a thin line.”

“Whatever, Zan.” He scoffs.

“This a respected high council. I have half a mind to…” Cora starts.

“Princess, you’re lucky you can pretend to insult me.” Oliver smirks.

“Hey! Don’t talk to her like that!” Nathaniel challenges.

“The turkey has a soft spot.” He chuckles.

“She's my…” Cora nudges him and gives him a look.

I study them both and that weird feeling I had before came back.

“She’s your what?” Oliver questions.

“My friend.” Nathaniel grits. “Don’t talk to her that way.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want to piss off Tweedy birds crush, now would we?’ He snickers as Nathaniel scowls harder.

“MIRANDA!” Zander yells.

“She’s here.” He motions his head back to the house. “She’s just taking a little nap.”

“Hand her over.” I demand.

He looks at me and pulls his neck back. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Who are you?”

“The hunter who has a number on your ass if you don’t produce Miranda.” I threaten.

He smiles. “Hunter.” He starts to chuckle. “You?” He starts to laugh harder. “That’s cute.”

I pull out my batons and extend them at my sides. “I’ll show you cute.” I snarl.

“Zen.” Avery pulls me back.

“This must be the boyfriend. Anyone tell you, you look like a lumberjack?” He smiles.

“I will kill you.” Avery warns.

He nods. “Alright. Let me introduce you to my Luna. ERZA!!” He bellows loud and a sick howl came from the house.

My batons fall to my sides and everyone freezes as a thin, ugly wolf bent down and walked through the door. It’s unnaturally long legs stride across the property to where Oliver is standing. The dark grey body and head is elongated, has patches of black stripes, and ends in a pointed black nose. It’s thin lips snarl showing a large count of sharp teeth. It’s fur is hard, sharp, and spiky. The long tail looks like Zaydens without the stripes. It taps its pointed claws on the pavement as it stops beside Oliver. It comes at least 3 inches above his head. Oliver looks to be 6 foot 6 and he could easily ride that thing.

“Guess I’m opening up a new file.” I mumble.

Avery pulls out his phone and snaps a picture. “On it.” He starts typing out location, descriptions and other details to tag.

I glance at him with a smirk. “Still a hunter.”

“Always.” He smirks back.

It's thin ears twitch as it eyes us all. “Meet my Luna. Ez. Meet the Royals. I guess.” He puffs his cigar, crosses his arms, and bounces a brow.

“Is this supposed to scare me?” Zander mirrors his posture.

Ezra yawns and her mouth opens wider than most wolves. Her long tongue curls then licks her lips as she closes her mouth again.

“One second. One bite. That’s all she needs.” Oliver says low. “Leave.”

“You are running an illegal lab that’s experimenting on people. I have all the authority of the planet to enter.” Zander projects his Zeta. “MOVE.”

“I don’t know where you get your info, king, but someone is making you look dumb.” Ezra lowers her head, tilts her ears back, and growls. Her fur stands up and the low light reflects off her armored fur. “I'm not experimenting on anyone I’m not allowed to. I have full permission on rogues from Falcon. If you have a problem with that, talk to the idiot with the ponytail. He signed the papers.”

I see the slightest of flinches in his eye.

Oliver raises a brow. “You can try to compel me, and I can fight it thanks to a little extra strength my mate gives me, but you can’t compel them. They’re crazy. Your power only works on sane minds. And they really don’t like it when I’m threatened which tends to trump most compulsion magic. Now, it’s almost snack time. I don’t approve of junk food, but I don’t see a problem with a treat or nine.” Oliver smirks as he eyes all of us.

“You dare threaten me?” Zander flares his eyes.

Oliver leans to him. “I've seen you cry. You’re about as threatening as the human.”

I narrow my eyes and Zander gets his back up. “I can have your head removed by sundown.”

Oliver looks him up and down. “You've been saying that since Book 10. You ain’t got the guts.” He glances at Ezra. “I do though.” He smiles.

Demetri steps forward with fangs and claws bared.

Oliver puts up a finger to him. “Dead or undead, she doesn’t discriminate. It’s all the same going down.” Oliver warns.

Demetri hisses and Ezra snaps with a growl.

Zander puts a hand up to the Vampire. “Stand down, Oliver.”

I don’t know this Oliver guy, but just by looking at him and hearing him speak, I want to kick him in the throat.

He challenges the High King even more, and I’m starting to get the feeling Zander’s time in America softened him a bit too much. “Zander. When have I ever done anything you said. Never. So stop trying to be important.”

His dire wolf stands behind him and growls as her long skinny muzzle snarls. Her thin eyes glow gold and her long tail with sharp, hard fur gently sways. She’s really giving off that fuck around and find out message.

Oliver looks around the group with hard, serious eyes. “You want in my lab? Say please.” He raises his chin and stares at Zander with complete defiance.

I don’t know where he gets his balls, but holy shit.

“Fine. Please.” Zander grits as he eyes the drooling dire wolf that towers over him, too.

Are you kidding me? Yep. This contest couldn’t have come at a better time if the King of wolves is being pushed around like this.

A roar echoes across the sky, and Krestin falls out of the sky like a freaking train engine. We stumble as the ground shakes from behind us.

Krestin growls as wicks of flame dance from between his lips. He stands behind us and lowers his massive black head down to Oliver, who’s standing firm.

Krestin snarls his lips, and Oliver lowers his sunglasses to look Krestin over. “Please.” He says with a snarky tone as his face reflects the word.

He raises two fingers and crooks them. Three dires jump over him, land, and whip their razor-sharp tails into Krestin’s nose.







Krestin cries out and pulls back. The dires rear up, then launch themselves at the dragon. Krestin bites, roars, and fights as the dires cut up his scales with their long claws and teeth. The dragon takes off down the street with the dires crawling all over him as his screeching reptile wails fade with him.

My mouth hangs open as I slowly turn back to the man. Five more dire wolves appear behind him.

Oliver stands tall. “Anyone else want to overcompensate?” He smirks as Zander glares.

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