The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 39

(Chapter song ‘Criminal Mind’ by Gowan)


I stand in silence as the two kings talk amongst themselves. With my wolf’s hearing, I could eavesdrop, but I’ll just play this out as human.

Zayden sits tall and rests his arms on the arms rests. “The actions performed at the battle in Transylvania has raised a lot of questions. Since you told us it was your idea, we have no choice but to place you under arrest at this time. Using a soul trap on your wolf is very serious offense. We do not restrict the freedom of our wolves no matter the choice we had in acquiring the animal within. You are here by charged with the violation of shifter rights and freedoms. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

I take a breath as I receive the charges against me. My mind spins with thoughts of what’s going to happen if I lose this.


I pause for a moment as I prepare my case in my mind. I bite my top lip, stand true and meet both Zetas eyes. “Have you ever needed love so bad, you’d do anything to get it?”

The two Zetas glance at each other, then back at me. “I’m sure we’ve all gone to lengths for love, but there’s lines we don’t cross.” Zayden says regally from his throne.

I focus on Zander. “Like using your father’s loophole to be with a Cosmic Being even though there were clear laws against you being with her?”

“That was different.” He responds.

I turn to Zayden. “Or how about removing the freedom of an entire species because the woman you loved didn’t want you?” I furrow my brow and tilt my head as I question his actions from that chair.

Zayden adjusts in his seat. “I had more reasons than that."

I float my eyes between the both of them. “I’m not ready to die… I’m not ready to leave Zen… My love for her is worth what I did... Lock me up… but just realize. Both of you would be massive hypocrites if you do.” I take in a shaky breath as I put them both on the spot. Wolves that are much higher than I am. My brows cinch up and I fight the pain in my chest as the true thought of my life being over sits in their hands.

“We may have made mistakes, Avery, but what you did… You realize who else made these kinds of decisions for the love he thought he was owed.” Zander says with warning on his words.

“That’s the other reason I did it. The last thing I want in my body is Draco Torrent’s DNA. I may have used the same kind of practice to accomplish a goal, but trust me. My intentions are not the same as his.” I make sure I’m clear on what I was trying to prevent.

“This is where I have the problem.” Zander crosses the floor and stops in front of me. “You may have good intentions, but you hurt someone to get them. He may not be present like you or me, but he exists. Thoughts, feelings, and yes, opinions. You took that away from him. Draco fully believed in his intentions, and believed that his actions were justified in his head. Thousands were hurt because of them. My problem I have, Avery. Is now that you’ve opened that door and proved that you will go to any lengths to have the woman you desire, what can you do to prove that you won’t escalate your need for love… Just like your father did?”

“I know how it looks. But I’m not maniacal. I’m desperate.” I plead. “This cancer… it’s not natural, Zander. I tried every form of magic and medicine from light to dark to cure it and all the tumor did was get bigger and eat me faster. I believe at this point even the pool couldn’t cure it. I think I can conclude the amalgamation of chemicals in my fathers system congealed in me somehow. My father’s way of killing me. I had no protection from it. And it didn’t show up until I was happy with Zen. Leave it to my father to kill a life worth living from the grave.”

I carefully collect my thoughts. “I further confirmed it when I tried the venom of other turners. When I didn’t die from them, but didn’t turn either, I knew what my father did. He made it so I had no choice but to become him.” I try to keep my emotions in check. “I know how it sounds. It’s impossible for him to do that when he didn’t even know I existed, but this is beyond any kind of logic. It’s the only conclusion that makes sense to me.”

“After Miranda contacted me with my father’s venom, I took it because I was on my last leg and I didn’t want to die without seeing Zen. I take full responsible for what happened after between us. But I had a lot of time to put things together.”

I stand rightfully accused, but the reasons are immense. “I dove into my past. Every person who came into contact with my fathers blood is either dead or in prison. Except three. Alexi. Saved by the skin of her teeth. Charges ranging from assault, assault with intent to kill, attempted murder of no less than four Alliance Alphas and kidnapping. If it wasn’t for my fathers Beta Nash, she’d be dead right now.”

“Luke played a big part.” Zanders states.

“Yes. He did. And I’m grateful. Chase wasn’t so lucky. Draco left my brother confused with a power he didn’t understand. He was a psychopath turned psychologist with the power to dream walk. He manipulated minds and turned people to follow him. He rose to power and that eventually lead to his death. My own brother got himself killed because of my father’s blood.”

I pace a little bit, then turn. “Samantha Gale. An innocent 5 year old girl turned raging lunatic because my father bit her. She killed because of the drive of the wolf that my father created.”

“Again. Bastian Cole played a big part.” Zander states.

“That still didn’t stop it from happening. My mother. In a coma, pregnant with me, died on the table at my birth. Chase’s mother. Suffering from a form of dementia no one has ever seen before due to her bite. Alexi's mother, dead. Everything Draco ever touched is black and swimming in death and I want no part of it. But I don’t want to die. I don’t.” I feel my throat close as I spill every truth I know. “It’s a looming black wall I can’t get over and I want to in the worst way. I finally found a place I can be happy. I’m sorry it had to be this way, but you have to know where I’m coming from. It all starts with the wolf. Even deeper than that. The blood. If I remove the wolf, most of my problems are gone.”

“You really believe that?” Zander asks.

“I do. I swear, my demons left when Dorian took them. You won’t hear anything from me after this.” I fight to keep my heart steady as I try and judge the kings faces.

Zayden nods. “I can’t say I’m up to speed with Draco character. He does sound a lot like an advisory I had long ago. Stubborn and deadly. I can understand your wish to cleanse yourself of such darkness. Have you ever displayed any behavior that questionable before this?”

“Not really. Except maybe lying to Zen, but it’s only because if how I felt about her and I knew how she felt about wolves. I’m doing this for her, also. She deserves a normal life. Well, as normal as I can give her. She doesn’t need to fear me anymore. I will always protect her.” I fidget with my fingers as Zander leans to his father.

He whispers to his dad, then straightens up. “Wait in the hall. We have to deliberate and meet the council. We’ll deliver the decision after.”

“Yes, Alpha.” I slightly bow and walk past them.

“Oh, Avery!” Zayden stands.


“Congratulations.” He smiles.

“For what?” I question.

“The wedding. It was beautiful.” He laughs.

My brows cock and I can’t help but chuckle with him. “Thank you, your Highness.”

“I just wish I had known. I would have brought a gift.” He says with real disappointment.

Zander groans, places a hand on his face and shakes his head.

“You know what? Don’t worry about it. You can make it up when you get married.” I grin.

He points to me. “Yes. The next battle we'll do the exchange of wedding gifts. I like that.” He beams.

I break into another quiet laughing fit as Zander crosses his arms and looks at his dad like he has two heads.

“What?” Zayden holds his hands out.

“Nothing.” Zander heads to the door.

“Tell me you know nothing of proper wedding etiquette.” Zayden says to his back.

“I don’t think etiquette is necessary when your heads about to be ripped off.” Zander answers.

“Who’s ripping heads off at a wedding?” Zayden asks as they leave the room.

I start for the door when my path is interrupted by the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen.

“We… um… We should talk.” Zen closes the gap.

I look to the floor. “Yeah. We should.”



After hearing him pour his heart out in the chamber, I felt like I couldn’t be mad at his reasoning. But the problem is, his wolf did nothing wrong. This was all him and his fear.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers as we stop at a castle wall opening that over looks the clearing.

I lean my back on the stone leg of the arched frame. “I know you are. I also know why you did it.” I look out to the tree at the edge. “Everyone knows when it comes to shifters, I’m not a fan, but being with you all this time… it made me one.” I smile as he leans on the leg across from me. “I was getting used to the idea and I thought the plan we had was sound.”

“It was until I asked Zander. He said it’s not a long term solution. Eventually my wolf will snap on you and force you under the moon to be marked. I couldn’t have that. Then the fear of what that might do to me. To us.” He looks to the blue sky. “To the world. Heartbreak is not something we process well. I mean, God. I followed you… stalked you for five years.”

“You were concerned…”

“I was obsessed. I needed to be near you. I needed to see you. My wolf pushed and I caved.”

“You were in love.” I turn and lean on my shoulder. “I was to. I’m sure I took my heartbreak to unhealthy levels.” I look down and play with my fingers. “Hunting was my outlet. Killing creatures made me feel better. I enjoyed killing people. And that’s what they are. People.” I glance at him. “You taught me that. My great grandfather proved to me how wrong that thinking is. These creatures have rights just like anything else on the planet.”

He pushed off the wall and walks up to me. “Your human history proves that not everyone deserves rights. Many people took thousands of lives for their own selfish wants.”

“True.” I lean my back on the wall and face him. “But normally, those people commit a crime first before we punish them.”

He sucks in his top lip and lowers his head.

I close the gap and lift his chin. “Ave. I don’t know how you’d think you were even capable of being your father. You don’t have it in you. I know my evil Supernaturals. You’re not it. You didn’t have to do this.”

“I didn’t want to leave you. I need you. And truth be told…. Zen… I’m scared to die. I’m terrified. I know this is a cowards play. But the risk is too great. I don’t know for sure of I’ll snap. I don’t know what my father did to me. I could be worse.” His voice cracks as he lays out his truth to me.

‘I dare you to find the truth.’

I think about the words Nova said to me at the park. As I stare into his eyes, I realize it’s all coming now.

‘His monster is real. You need to kill it.’

Her words hit me in the gut. “We need to talk to Zander.”

“What? Why?” He asks as I grab his hand.

“Just come on!” I pull him with me as we run to the council chamber.

I throw open the doors, stride in, and all eyes turn to me.

“Zen?” Quaid asks.

“His monster is real.” I say as I stare into Zanders eyes. “Please… don’t kill him. His monster is real.”

I feel my eyes well, and I swallow the lump in my throat as Avery blinks at me like I just threw up pea soup.

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