The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘Born to be Wild – Epic Trailer version’ by J2)


‘The city of Budapest is still cleaning up after the invasion of apparent zoo animals and one…I can’t believe I’m reporting this… One black dragon.

The six wild animals tore through the city around 3 am last night. Investigators are still trying to piece together what zoo - or possible movie set – the animals came from and how they managed to be in Budapest.

The scientific community is also buzzing on the apparent existence of a mythical dragon. The animal has been the focus of several attempts at capture, but the animal retaliated with flames… of course. The increase in recent sightings of the giant reptiles has scientists believing that they may have discovered an entirely new species.’

“Damn it.” Krestin rubs his nape.

“Damn it, is right, mate. You got some work to do.” Dorian warns.

“I can’t cover that up. Not unless I can down him and find out who he is.” He glances at me and Zayden then turns back to the news.

‘Some have claimed the whole thing is a studio stunt and are now contacting studios in Hollywood for more information.

Zoologists are baffled by the seemingly pack mentality of the creatures. The leader, a male lion, seems to be leading the other members across Hungary to an unknown destination. The latest update from animal control still has the animals at large. Authorities advise to check outside before leaving your house and if you see any of the animals, do not try to capture them yourself. Call local authorities at this number…’

I click off the TV monitor in the council chamber and chew my cheek in silence. The others stand behind me with nothing to say.

“Ok. It looks bad. But there’s a lot of positives.” Nathaniel walks up to me and tries to find my eyes.

I’m hating myself so much right now. Avery tried to tell me. I shouldn’t have been there, but I just have to be the big bad fucking human.

“Yes! Positives! To which there are many.” Cora agrees as she enthusiastically, but nervously, steps to my other side. They’re both trying to diffuse a perceived bomb I’m holding. I won’t be blowing up. There’s no point.

I raise a brow to her. “Which are?”

She looks to Nathaniel and ticks her head to me.

Nathaniel shakes his wings a bit and clears his throat. “Ok. The good things… Williams dead.” He smiles as he motions to me. “We were worried about him, right?”

“Yeah. His own monsters offed him which are loose now. How is that good?” I shake my head, then glance at the news reel showing the six creatures I set free destroy a city street. I should have fucking listened.

“Yes. You're right, but… Um, Icarus is gone… We can celebrate that.” Cora adds.

“For now.” I roll my eyes to her. “Who knows when he’ll be back.” I turn around to face the group. “I highly doubt he's dead.”

“He may not be dead, but we collected Williams arrows and are studying them. He shouldn’t have been able to hurt Icarus. Maybe we found a weapon against him?” Demetri suggests.

“Yeah. That’s good, I guess.” I hold myself and nod.

“Zen. I realize you feel like we lost, but really, the battle was won…sort of.” Quaid tries to console my guilt, but it’s not working.

“The army escaped, Quaid. How are we going to stop that?” I grumble as I motion to the monitor.

“Six people do not make an army. At very least, be glad it was just six and not the fairytale we all thought it was.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and shakes me a bit. “Don’t worry. We'll contain them… Once we figure out how.” He looks around the huddle.

“Right. It’s just a bunch of cats and a dragon. How hard can that be?” Krestin snorts as he crosses his arms. “I have a harder time catching the trouble maker.”

“You forgot the ape.” Quaid supplies.

“And the bear.” Darius adds. “He looks familiar, but I don’t know who he is?”

He turns to Zayden. “Yeah. What gives? That dragon is a fire dragon, but not one of mine.”

Zayden smiles a bit. “Ah, but he is one of yours. A very old friend I had hoped was somewhere else, but clearly he’s not.”

Krestin turns his head slightly and narrows his eyes. “What do you mean?”

I raise my eyes to Zayden. “Who are they? You seemed to know them.”

Zayden places his hands behind his back and nods. “I did. But I didn’t know their fate. Had I known, William would have never gotten as far as he did.”

He glances around the circle. “What you saw coming out of that painting were nothing short of Cosmic Titans.”

Dorian scratches his temple. “Pardon me. Cosmic what?”

“Oh, come off it, Dorian. We all know you had a part. Don’t act surprised.” Quaid scowls.

Dorian leans to him and furrows his brow. “I told you. I have no idea who or what is going on. This is not my doing.”

I put my hand up. “Ok. Dorian… not now. Zayden…”

“I didn’t realize William made these creatures targets. Every single one of them were touched by a cosmic God. Just like me, my father, my son and my grandson. The cosmic energy that runs through my blood, runs through theirs as well.” Zayden informs.

“So, these are all Eternity’s love children?” Krestin asks.

“Not all. There’s other cosmic gods who touched down when the need arose.” Zayden smirks. “The practice ended with Eternity. But as we see with Zavier, not all abide by the rules. They’re just more sneaky about it. That’s why the Queen isn’t mentally affected as mine was. The being responsible for Zavier’s powers never touched her, per say. He, or she, could have implanted the power at conception. There’s no firm rules to creating a Zeta.”

“Sure. Now explain who these guys are.” Krestin motions to the monitor. “Where the hell did these shifters come from?”

“All of those people with the exception of the grizzly and the dragon, are extinct. They are the only one of their breeds left alive today. There was a short time where there was several species of shifter. A Zeta was assigned to each. Then man got in the way.” Zayden looks to me.

“We killed them.” I mutter.

“I’m afraid so, my dear.” He walks around the circle. “Leon. Fierce. Violent. A born leader. Zeta to lion shifters. He will be the one who will not come easily. His first mission will be to find a pride to turn.”

“Wait. He’s a turner?” Dorian asks.

Zayden nods. “They all are. The rules aren’t the same for other species as they are for wolves. I’m not sure why that is.” He chews his cheek in thought.

“Zayden…” I wake him up and get his attention.

“Right.” He snaps back to reality. “Zima. This lovely beauty is deadly. Zeta Queen of leopards. She’s stealthy, swift and allusive. You won’t see her until she kills you. Be prepared.”

He walks to the top of the circle and faces us all. “Golaith. This is a big boy, as you saw. Zeta of the apes. A Silverback. Joined forces with Leon to stop the cutting of the rainforest. He barely escaped with his life after the humans wiped out his family. Refusing to create more, he lived with Leon for many years until the humans came for the lions, too.”

“I’m sorry.” Hearing Zayden explain things is hitting my heart and my guilt deeply. I feel like I need to apologize for my entire race.

“Don’t worry, Dear. We created a lot of the problems. That’s why my council was so important. I just wish William saw things my way.” He gives me a gentle smile. “Hector. This is where you come in, my furry friend.” He motions to Darius.

“Hector? Are you sure?” Darius asks in confusion.


“Hector was the high priest of the temple. It was his disappearance that led to the Matriarch stating men were too unstable. William caused my people this heartache?” I could see the young man getting visibly upset.

“That would be the case, my boy. Had Hector not disappeared, life for bears would be different. With the Matriarch in power under temple rule, even if he were to show himself, they’d likely kill him.” Zayden warns.

“You need to stop this, Zayden. Please!” Darius insists.

“I'm sorry, son. You know the crown’s standing on the issue.” Zayden responds quietly.

He lowers his head as Cora wraps her arm around him and whispers words of comfort on his ear. He nods and wipes his nose.

“To continue introductions, Sari. Another beauty that will kill you as soon as look at you. She lives in darkness. As Zeta Queen of puma shifters, she will waste no time in hunting those down who destroyed her pack. She will be looking for revenge and I’m not sure if she will be able to recognize the time she’s in which could be even more dangerous.” Zayden informs.

“Wonderful.” Quaid clenches. “Let the bloodshed begin.”

“Bloodshed will be the last thing we need to worry about.” Zayden raises a brow and turns to Krestin. “Our biggest worry will be Java.”

Krestin’s face falls. “Pardon me?” He turns to the king and crosses his arms as he glares. “That’s who that is? My grandfather?”

“Yes. And the most dangerous, I’m afraid.” Zayden nods. “Java went missing in the early 1700s. My assumption was he buried himself underground to return to slumber. Clearly, I was wrong, or I was right, and William somehow disturbed that sleep and survived.”

“The arrows.” Demetri snaps his fingers.

“Possibly. The extent of William’s knowledge on lore was profound. His reach into the resources of the supernatural was extensive. It is possible these arrow are a weapon to bring down a dragon.” Zayden agrees. “Even still. With the genetic enhancements, Java is not only a threat to me, but to you, too.” He nods his head to Krestin. “He will try to take the hoard he built for you.”

“Over my dead body.” Krestin snarls.

“He’s most likely expecting that. Don’t take him for granted. He’s a very old dragon and can easily sway a young nest. He can unseat you, if you’re not ready.” Zayden arches a brow.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be ready.” Krestin says with conviction.

“These people are powerful. They know their skills and if we are to beat them, we will need to know those skills.” Zayden instructs.

“And I think I know just who to ask!”

The circle parts just as Zander walks in shaking papers in front of him.

“What are those?” Demetri asks as Zander joins his father’s side.

“Reports. While searching for Miranda, Ricky found a rash of Lycan and Vampire kidnappings across the United States. More than double what it has been over the last 30 years.” Zander hands the reports to his father.

“Why?” I ask as intake the reports. “She should be looking for the painting.”

Zander nods. “Should be, but not. I think she found out. These hidnappings started after the escape from the lab. The theory is she lost the painting to Icarus, found out it only had 6 people in it, and is now upping her version the experiments.”

“How? She needs Zetas.” I cinch my brows and hand the papers back.

“Maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she just needs a Zetas blood.” He turns to his father.

“Well, I didn’t give it to her.” Zayden defends.

“I’m not staying that, Dad. I’m saying any blood she did take is now being used in her experiments.” Zander folds his arms.

“It’s not an endless supply.” I say low.

“No. It’s not.” Zander replies.

“Which means, we need to remove those Zetas off the board.” Quaid nods.

“Agreed.” Zander nods back. “If she manages to capture them, it would infinitely tip the scales.”

“Well, she can have my grandfather. I don’t need him flicking his tongue around my hoard.” Krestin scowls.

“Can you be concerned for someone else… just once.” Cora snaps.

“When there’s money involved, no. I can’t. A Drakon challenge is to the death and I’m not dying today or any other day. If Miranda can keep Java out of my hair, I’ll thank her for it.” Krestin says smartly.

“Dragons.” Cora mutters while shaking her head.

“Well, start the search. I’ll call Ricky and…” He pulls out his buzzing phone and reads it. “I swear, the woman's psychic.” He shakes his head and answers the phone. “Yes, My Queen…” His brows cinch and he looks around the group. “Show me…”

He motions to the monitor and we all turn.

“Oh my God.” Cora mutters.

“How many hurt…”Ok. Send everyone.. I want lists of everyone who was in that building and every criminal file sent to council room. I need to know escaped. How did they get past detection… “No. I’m not blaming you… Baby, I swear I… Rick… Come on… I just asked a…” He hangs up and pockets his phone. “She’s a little stressed at the moment.” He clears his throat. “So it seems a group of battle angels came down and broke Mikael out of prison. It looks like every floor was destroyed right down to his cell and this caused a mass release of all the cells in the invent of an emergency. Needless to say, most of the criminals inside are now free.”

“God! Can this get any worse?!” I flop my hands to my sides.

Quaid opens his mouth.

“Don’t even think of mentioning Avery.” I grit as I point to his nose

He snaps his mouth closed.

I turn to the monitor that shows the high prison in a pile of burning rubble. Ground zero is chard black People from the town are frantically trying to dig people out. Just another thing I can blame myself for.

“We better get down there.” I suggest.

“Teams are already being sent to help. I’m sorry, Zen. We have to take care of this, now.” He motions to himself and his father.

“I know.” I hold myself tighter as wild thought runs through my head. “Just… don’t be hard on him. Most of this was my fault, ok?”

“I can only move as much as the law allows me to.” He says quietly. “Don’t go far. We may need you during the proceedings.”

I press my lips together, nod and walk out of the chamber. Once outside, I lean my back on the wall and rest my head on it.

“It’s not fair”

My voice echoes in the quiet hall as I lower my head.

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