The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 27

(Chapter song ‘Mission Zero' by 2WEI)


His armor clinks as he walks around us watching the skies. I don’t know where he took us after the field, but it’s in the middle of nowhere. There’s open land all around us and trees off in the distance.

He’s got us tied with some sort of lighted ropes. I’ve been trying to get my wrists out, but the ropes make my wolf too groggy to help. I’m effectively human.

To be honest, I kind of like the feeling again. All my wolf has done is make my problems worse. To feel relieved that he’s pushed aside makes me think that maybe I should have thought this through. I relied on the one person I shouldn’t have. I should have taken the failed turns as a message. Instead, I did what all Torrents do. Do the unimaginable. I crawled to Miranda and begged her to put my father’s corrupted venom inside me. I knew it was wrong. I knew it shouldn’t have even been a consideration. If Razor didn’t need my help and spark some hope in stopping the foundation, I’d be dead and I would have accepted that.

As Mikael turns his dagger between his hands with the tip of it on the pad of his finger, I glance at Zen. She’s watching his every move, too. She’s also trying to wriggle out of the ropes.

“I'm sorry.” I whisper as I glance at Mikael’s back.

She side eyes me. “Not now.” She says quietly.

“I know. I just… I meant to tell you." Mikael comes up from behind me and I watch him look up at the stars.

“That’s bullshit “ She grits under her breath.

“It’s not. I was just waiting for the right time.” I turn as beat I can to face her.

“The right time?” She glares and grits under her breath. “There is no right time to tell someone you’re the son of a psychopathic killer, Avery!”

I nod. “I know. But Zen. Theres more to it.”

Mikael glances at us then continues to walk around in his circle.

“No.” She snaps. “I’m done listening.”

This pisses me off. “That’s why we have so many goddamn problems, Zen. You fucking cut me off and never let me explain!” I grind as I watch Mikael stop in front of us with his back turned. He places his hands behind his back. His black wings flinch and he tilts his head up to the skies.

“That’s a lie! I always listen to you when you tell the truth. I don’t listen to lies.” She scowl.

I lean to her. “No. You don’t. You cut me off. Become avoidant and pretend I don’t exist until I have to force you into a fucking corner to listen!”

“It’s a waste of time." She clenches.

“A waste of time. Our marriage is a waste… See… I don’t even know why I bother.” I lean back and face forward.

“We don’t have a marriage, Ave. You ruined that by lying to me.” She barks quietly.

I turn back. “We would have if you weren’t so goddamn stubborn!!”

“Will you two shut… Up.” The pompous, deep voice is followed by Mikael looking over his shoulder. “She’s here.” He turns back around and scans the open land.

“She’s here? Where?” Zen tries to look around him.

“She’s around. She’s listening.” He says slyly as he bounces his dagger in his hand.

We both look around and I’m not seeing anything. Then in the corner of my eye I see Zen casually look over her shoulder. I slowly turn my head and lean back. I see the light of her ropes start to flicker. My eyes widen then one tail starts to the move on its own. “What the fu…”

“There you are.”

Mikael growls, turns, and flios his dagger in his hand. He throws it and the good blade barely misses my nose.

“SHIT!” I fall backwards as I hear a child’s scream and feathers flapping.

“DON’T RUN FROM ME PRINCESS! WE BOTH KNOW HOW THIS GOES!” Mikael holds out his hand toward us and the dagger flies back to him. He flips then throws it again.

The dagger soars toward the stars and the voice cries out. There’s the sound of something hitting hard and dust rises from about 15 feet away.

I can’t believe what I see when a girl in a white dress appears in the spot with white wings. She slowly sits up and holds her arm which is coated with blood. He hit her.

“Zen… What the hell is going on?” I mumble.

“No time. Quick. She took the power off.” She scouts her back to me.

I turn my back to her and my fingers try to work out the knot. “What are you going to do?”

Her eyes meet mine. “Save an angel.”

I get her rope untied. “Zen! That’s nuts!”

She rips her hands out and grabs a rock. “I know.” She grins and runs.

“ZEN!” I bark and try to force my hands out of my ropes. As I pull, I try to wake up my wolf. I need his strength. If these angels are anything like in Zander’s files, she’s dead. “Come on!” I grit as I call him louder. “Wake up, you son of a bitch!”

I look up and see Zen run to Mikael as he picks up his dagger. The child is cowering on the ground and Zen hauls back and throws the rock. It hits him square between the wings. He lurches forward, holds his head and turns back to her. He snarls as he turns right around.

Zen stands her ground in front of him. “Hey, smiley. You… uh… you need to pick on someone your own size.” She says as she takes a step back.

He tilts his head to her, lifts the dagger and spreads his wings out. The metal on the tips of his feathers rub together as he stretches them out and the moon makes the sharp edges gleam.

“You think you can stop me.” He say smugly. “A measly human.”

“I may be human, but I’m not stupid.” She retorts.

As I struggle with my ropes, she runs straight at him. “ZEN! NO!”

He raises his dagger in the air to prepare for her attack, and as he brings it down on her, she ducks. She slides under his wings, grabs four feathers and pulls behind him as she swing up to her feet. He screams, drops the dagger, and tries to pull his wing back. Zen digs her heels in and pulls harder.

My jaw drops when Zen rips out four of his largest feathers. Mikael roars out and falls forward. He lifts his wing to see the blank spot. He looks ahead, juts out his chin, then throws his wing back. He turns and rises.

“HA! YES!” I laugh as I bounce on my ass.

Zen is standing in front of the child with two feathers in each hand. She spins them like knives on chains, and smirks. “You want her. You need to go through me first." The tips shine as she spins them faster.

Mikael roars as he runs at her. She backs off and swings the bladed feathers. Mikael throws a wing in front of him and the feathers make sparks on impact. A damn shield.

“Fuck! Come on, buddy! Wake up!!” I yell to myself and struggle harder. He just refuses to move.

I watch Mikael outstretch a wing and spin. The giant mess of feathers spun over Zen’s head as she ducks. She growls as she swings the feathers in her left hand and catches Mikael’s side. He cries out and launches off the ground. He lets out a caw and flies up into the dark.

Zen turns as she watches him like a hawk and twirls the feathers. “Come on down, pigeon!” She yells.

He soars through the night sky, then comes in. Zen backs up and as he rockets toward her, she swings out the feathers and misses. Mikael grabs the back of her coat and takes to the air. Zen screams and kicks as he flies higher.

“ZEENNNN!!” I struggle harder to get out and I feel him start to try. “That’s it. Come on!”

“Need help?”

I look up at the 12 year old girl holding her bleeding arm.

“Yes! Hurry.” I breathe.

She rushes around me and undoes the ropes. I instantly feel my wolf come back. I look over my shoulder. “Thanks.” I grin, then explode out of my clothes.

My wolf howls, then breaks into the run. He keeps his eyes on the angel and barks at them. He wants to save her, but there’s just one problem. How the hell are we going to do it?

I figure the only thing I can do is prepare to catch if he lets her go. As I run across the grass and they move over the trees, my paws leave the ground. My wolf kicks and growls and bites until he realizes the girl that saved us has him under his front legs and she's taking him up. Her white wings beat and I see her face is struggling with the pain in her arm.

‘Don’t worry, Avery. We'll save Zen.’

‘How are you in my head?’

‘I’m everywhere.’

‘What does that mean?’

My wolf looks up and she smiles.

‘Get ready.’

‘Ready for what?’

‘For this…’

My eyes widen as she lets go. My wolf spins out of control and howls as he freefalls.


I look down and see Mikael’s back under me as he flies toward my descent path. I right myself, narrow my eyes, and my wolf opens his jaws as our paths meet in midair.

I land on his back and he cries out as I grab one of his wings in my teeth.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Zen screams as he loses control. He tries to reach for me, but can’t reach as Zen kicks and struggles.

I plant my paws on his back and ride him like a water board. I shake my head and pull. He banks down to the left and the trees are left behind us. The open ground is now our landing site and this motherfuckers going down.

I feel bones snap in the wing and Mikael cries out more as the ground suddenly appears. We hit like a meteor. Dirt and grass fly up like a wave as we all hit at once. The angel bounces and Zen screams as she's thrown of somewhere. I continue to hang on as Mikael bounces and hits again. We roll across the grass and my wolf locks his jaw.

On the last roll, Mikael raises his wing and flicks it so hard, I’m thrown off and land in the dirt.

I stop sliding and rise to my feet. My eyes glow gold, my paw scrapes the grass and my fur stands on end. My wolf barks and growls as he licks his lips.

Mikael stands as he holds his shoulder. He grits his teeth as he pulls his wings into his body. He drops his hand to his side and his dagger shines. My wolf walks in a distance circle.

“Filthy mutt. Even your own kind doesn’t accept you. An abomination amongst abominations.” He smirks as he readies for my attack.

My wolf lowers his head and was about to go when a white ball fell from the sky and exploded between us. I’m blasted back and so is Mikael.

The sound of a dragon roar fills the sky and as my eyes focus, something heavy lands in between us.

My wolf raises his head to black wings, white t-shirt, jeans and converse? Another angel? Where the hell are they coming from?


Mikael rises and I take off around them. I look at the guy I’ve never seen before. He’s thick. Covered in weird rune tattoos and looks like Clark Kent without the glasses.

The ground shakes as something else lands. I look out beyond them and my lips shrink in my mind. “Crap. Krestin. Come on, buddy. Get Zen. We need to get her out of here.”

My wolf breaks into a sprint as the large dragon struts out of the dark. He lifts his head and roars to the sky as his giant tail sways and his wings flutter.

Mikael stands at the ready. “You can’t beat me, Nephilim. The ark is mine.”

Nephilim? What’s that?

“She’s no one’s.” The guy in the jeans replies.

“On contrary. The angel with the ark is God.” Mikael says with snark.

“No. You’re wrong. You’ll only kill us all.” He warns.

“Not if she submits and supplies the power. You have a lot to learn about arks.” Mikael eyes Krestin as the dragon looms over them both.


I watch Cora exit a shadow and join blue Jean guys side.

“I knew you couldn’t fight your own battles.” Mikael sneers as he surveys the situation.

The guttural roar of a bear and the sudden glow of two red magic balls also walk out of the dark. Darius and Quaid eye the angel ready to strike.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, Mikael. We can protect the ark together, but this war you started needs to stop.” Nathaniel says.

I run behind Mikael and search for Zen. As I scan the dark I see her trying to stand. My wolf barks and runs to her just as she stumbles and falls. I get my back under her to catch her. She holds her head and sits on her but. “Thanks.” She mumbles.

I whine then turn back to the stand off.

“Never will I join forces with the likes of you. You insult our very species with every breath you take.” He clenches.

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” Nathaniel says. “I don’t feel the same. I feel the Angels of Capricorn are just misguided. There’s peace, Mikael. An understanding we can both come to. But I can’t do that if you continue to hurt people.”

“I’ll see you dead first.” He releases his wings and flicks out his feathers.

“You'll die.” Nathaniel says quietly as his brows stitch up.

Krestin huffs. He flicks his tounge as flames flicker out of his mouth. His neck and stomach glow red hot.

Darius growls and scrapes the ground. Quaid bounces a magic ball and ticks his head.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had Angel blood. I might make it a new delicacy.” Demetri inspects his nails as he enters the circle. He meets Mikael’s eyes and cracks his knuckles as he drops his fangs and hisses. Dorian stands beside him and loads his gun. “Think onyx bullets will do the trick?”

“You could try.” Demetri shrugs.

The roar of a lycan comes from behind Demetri. As Giovanni leaps over Demetri, the vampire remains stiff as stone. The black lycan lands in between the Vampire and Mikael. His wolf man form grows and he leans forward and roars in Mikael’s face. Mikael remains still.

“The choice is yours, Mikael. Two generals have already failed. We can easily make it three.” Nathaniel walks up to him and holds out his hands to his sides. “Make a move.”

He floats his head around the circle as Giovanni’s lycan snarls and breathes heavy through clenched teeth.

He meets Nathaniel’s eyes then turns his attention to his bleeding, broken wing. The metal tips drip blood in the grass as he slowly lets go of his dagger. It sinks into the soil as the arch angel falls to his knees.

Nathaniel looks to Quaid. “Contain him.”

“As you wish.” The sorcerer puts out his magic balls and holds his hand up. He says some words I don’t understand as he walks to the angel. Mikael arches back and grits in pain as a white thin line of magic surrounds his neck and a single line of magic travels from the collar down his chest. It splits in two and they both travel to Mikael’s wrists.

Mikael lifts his head as he seethes through his teeth.

“Put your wings away.” Nathanial orders.

The black wings are folded back and pulled into his body. “This isn’t surrender.” He says quietly.

Nathaniel walks up to him, squats down and locks eyes with the angel. “No. It’s a first step.”

“Others will come. They will kill you.” Mikael warns.

“I know. And I’ll be ready.” He looks over his shoulder. “He needs a cell away from everyone. Angel runes on every inch. Quaid, if you can access soul magic for security, do it.” Nathaniel stands and looks down on Mikael. “Allow him to heal. Do not hurt him. If he talks, we can discuss release.”

“Nathaniel…” Cora starts.

Nathaniel holds a hand up to her as Mikael meets his eyes from the ground. “He’s not a prisoner. He’s first contact and I’m making it good. We sway the angels through him… if he allows it.”

Mikael stares at Nathaniel for a few seconds longer then lowers his head.

“Take him.”

Giovanni's large clawed paw, grabs Mikael's arm and lifts him to his feet. Cora opens a shadow tunnel and the rest prepare to leave.

I shift and help Zen try to stay upright. “HEY!!”

Nathaniel, Cora and Dorian turn my way as I wave them down. They run to us and Cora drops to Zen.

“Zen. My word… What’s happened?” She flicks her eyes to me as she holds Zen’s head in her hands. I move her hair from her eyes as she tries to keep them open.

“Mikael. He took us and we were flying… We crashed. She hit hard.”

Dorian drops beside Cora and takes Zen’s head in his hands to examine her. He forces her eyes open, then carefully inspects her bleeding ears and nose. “Possible skull fracture.” He lifts her shirt. “Broken rib. It pierced her side.” I look and see the bone sticking out.

“Fuck.” I rub my head as I lean on my knee. “I tried to save… I didn’t mean…” I hold my hand out to Cora.

She lays a hand on my arm. “We know, Avery. We can help her. She’ll be alright. Just be strong.”

I purse my lips and nod as I choke back the lump growing in throat from the guilt.

“Lay her down. I can repair the damage, but the rib needs to pushed back.” Nathaniel instructs.

“Got it.” Dorian lays her down and lifts her shirt. “I’m sorry, darling. This will sting.” He places two fingers on the bone and holds her down with the other hand.

As he pushes the rib in, Zen wails in agony and arches back. I clasp my hands in front of my lips to fight the hurt I feel for her.

Dorian leans down and places his lips on her forehead as he holds her side. Zen sobs as Nathaniel lays his hands on her legs. “Almost over. I’m sorry. Hang in.”

I crawl over to her and grab her hand. “I’m here, baby. I’m here.”

“Ave…” She chokes.

“Yeah.” I smile. “I’m here. I'm so sorry.”

“I’m…sorry.” She hitches. “You're… right…”

“Shhh.” I quiet her down as I wipe the blood from her nose and head. “We can talk later. Get better.”

She nods and I hold her head as we watch Nathaniel’s hands warm up.

They glow white and my eyes light up. “It’s going to be a lot for her. She won’t be conscious when I’m done.”

“Do it.” I grit.

He looks down, his eyes glow white, and he shoves the white light in his hands into her leg. Her body lights up and she gasps. She arches up and her eyes and mouth open. White light pours out of them and her grip on my hand tightens.

“Zen?! What’s happening?!” I whip to Nathaniel.

“I’m healing… everything.” He says as he increases his magic. The light becomes more intense and Zen clenches her face.

“IT HURTS!!” She screams from behind her teeth.

“HOLD ON, ZENNIE! HOLD ON!” I yell over her.

“A little more." Nathaniel says calmly and my eyes meet his swirling silver ones.

I lean my forehead down to hers. “Be strong. I love you.” I whisper as she cries.

“OK. That’s it.” He rips his hands off and Zen falls. Her back hits the ground and her head flops to the side.

“Zen? Zennie?” I hold her cheeks and try to wake her up.

“She'll sleep until morning. She’s fine now.” He gives me a small smile.

I lock with his eyes. “What are you?”

“I’m an angel.” He stands.

I shake my head. “No. You can’t be.”

He grins at me and joins Cora. He’s nothing like the guys I read. Nothing like Mikael. He’s something different. Something more. Something… I need.

I look down and move a lock of Zen’s hair. “An angel.” I turn back to him.

I pick up Zen in my arms and walk with them. “Hey. Do you guys mind if we come along?”

Cora and Nathaniel stop. “Not at all. Then you can tell us how this happened.”

I swallow and look at them both. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” I walk a few steps then my brain clicks. “The girl!”

They both turn around.

“The girl angel. I think she was hurt bad.” I look back out to the field.

“Nova. She was here.” Nathaniel grabs my arms and turns me back.

“Yeah. Mikael hurt her.” I stitch my brows up.

He runs around me and out into the dark. “NOVA!!”

I watch the area light up from his eyes.

“NOVA! I CAN HELP!!” He paces around and looks like he’s searching.

He looks to the sky, waits, then shakes his head and jogs back.

“Anything at all.” Cora asks.

“No. Nothing. I don’t sense her here. She’s gone.” He rubs his head and looks saddened.

“How hurt was she?” Cora asks.

“He cut her arm with the dagger. She was bleeding pretty bad.” I inform as I adjust Zen in my arms.

“If her blood is on the dagger, I can use my magic to track her.” Cora says.

Nathaniel takes the dagger from his belt loop. “Do it. If she’s hurt, she’s going to be unstable until she heals. She’ll have to land to do that. She'll be vulnerable.”

“Right. This way.” Cora directs.

We enter the shadow and I’m a little frightened. “Where are we?”

“The shadow realm. It’s fine.” Nathaniel replies.

We walk down dead versions of forest paths, until we come out under the cover of darkness in a clearing. In the center of it, is a castle.

“Is that…” I start.

“The High Council building. There’s rooms upstairs where you can put Zen. You'll be safe here. Once she’s comfortable, you meet us in chamber. We have much to discuss.” Cora instructs.

“Lead the way.” I say as I hug Zen tighter.

I was lead to a room that was on the third floor. I laid Zen in the bed with curtains, poster poles and red silk bedding. I pull the blanket up to her shoulder and kiss her forehead. “I'll be right back. I promise.”

I leave her there and head down the stone steps. Nathaniel got me some clothes and I dressed. I walk with him down the decorated stone hallway. It looks unsettling in the dark. The torches flicker on the walls and I hear heavy doors open up ahead. The bang echoes off the walls as we turn the corner.

I see an open door and Dorian is standing at it. Nathaniel leads me in and I suck in a breath. People of my standing never see this room. I follow the pillars up to the stone carved, cathedral ceiling.

“What the hell does Draco Torrent’s son have to do with this?”

I stop and watch a large man rise from a throne. I look down and the glowing eyes of a tiger blink in the shadow of it. The man walks around his throne and as soon as I see the deep blue eyes, I try to stay calm.

“Zander Maximus.” I whisper.

He saunters up to me and stops. “You’ve been lying, Avery. Why?”

“Because I have a problem.” I swallow. “And I need your help.”

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