The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 21

(Chapter song ‘Minefields' by Prodigy)


We break from the trees as the animal rears up.



‘Animal control is on its way.’

“Tell them to hurry their asses up!!”

I stop in front of the cop who answered the call over the radio and look at him like he has two heads. “Animal control?”

“Yeah.” He looks me over.

I throw my hands to the dragon and glare at him. “Animal control!”

He flicks his head between me and the monster. “Worth a shot.” He shrugs.

“Ugh! EVERYONE MOVE! WE GOT THIS!” I yell to all the humans on the field. “OUT OF THE WAY! RUN!!” I shove them back and push them away as Darius hits the dragon first.

His brown bear jaw-pops before letting out a loud, low growl. He runs full force and his large, thick-furred body slams into the dragon’s thigh. He bounces off it and lands in the grass.

The long neck of the dragon bends and he lowers his gigantic head to Darius who just got to his paws. The two stare at each other for a hot second before Daruis leaps like a jack rabbit and lands on the Dragons face like a bear rug. The dragon rears up with a shocked roar and Darius digs his claws into the scales while he tries to bite into its forehead.


I point to the air and she looks up. “DARIUS! YOU STUPID BOY! NATHANIEL!” She grabs the angels attention and Nathaniel looks.

The dragon swings his head back and forth, trying to shake the bear off.

Nathaniel takes flight and was going to save Darius, but the bear lets go, flies into the Nathaniel, and they hit the ground. A large wave of dirt rises into the air on impact.

Myself, and the men around me cringe and let out Ooo’s.

I watch the dust settle and press my lips together. That had to hurt. “They’re fine.” I side eye the men.

“You sure?” The cop’s brows stitch up.

“Yeah. I think.” I tick my head. “They do this all the time.” I wave them off. “It’s OK. Um… run.”

We take off just as the battle heats up.


Zander runs up the back of the lizard and tries to bite through its scaly hide. His wolf growls, barks and holds on as he rides the dragon like a bull. I stop and turn as the men run past me. I watch him and think, he’s having way too much fun with this.

Nathaniel takes to the air again. The dragon swipes and bites at him as he buzzes around its head like a fly.

“NATHANIEL! SHADOW!” Cora orders.

The angel throws his wings straight up, lands fast, and snaps his wings out. His wings cast a shadow across field that Cora can pull from without losing it in the fight. She commands shadow balls and throws them at the dragon’s side.

Dorian runs up to his side and shoots the soft underbelly. The dragon bellows out in pain and the bullet hole becomes a fountain for hot magma.


“WHAT?!” Dorian yells back before jumping away from the splashes of magma. “WHO THE HELL DESIGNED THESE THINGS?!”

With lava spraying everywhere, it tries to cough up more, but it looks like it’s tank it too low. It tries again, lowers its head and manages to puke more lava.

Dorian shoots holes through its wings and Krestin takes to the air. His underbelly glows red hot and he roars.

Zander looks up, then jumps down.

Krestin’s square, spiked head rears back as he takes a breath, then shoots forward as his jaws open. Flames blast out and hits the dragon directly on the back.

The red dragon rolls onto its back and hollers. It tried to spit lava, but it just shoots out and lands on its chest. It rolls back over and the magma slides off it scales.

Krestin trills as he flies by at eye level. The two lock eyes and Krestin flies up into the air.

The red dragon tries to follow, but the holes in the leather doesn’t allow for lift.

Cora climbs to the dragons head. She tries to blind it with her daggers, but it bucks her off. Nathaniel catches her and flies her back down to the ground.

We watch as the fight now becomes a game of corral. They bite, push and tease the dragon while Krestin burns its but in a series of fly bys.

The animal starts to turn to go after Krestin, but Krestin banks around and slams into the side of the Dragon

It’s feet leave the ground and my eyes widen.

“MOVE!! THIS WAY!” I yell as I try to gather all the men who are trying to beat this thing. “TO THE TREES!” I direct.

The dragon’s body hits the ground and bounces several and pushes waves of soil and rock with each landing.

As we run to the tree line, there was something itching my brain. Something I forgot.

Dirt rains down over our heads as men shout and run faster.

My legs pump out speed, and as I get closer, it clicks. “SHIT! NO! TURN AROUND!”

The men get closer and I hear a scream. I turn my attention to it and see a man disappear.

“GO BACK!!” I yell as I put my hands out.

Five more roots shoot out and grab more men. The rest stumble back as the dragon huffs, trills and let’s out a reptilian growl. My eyes rise with it as the dragon gets to its feet and shakes.

“GO THAT WAY! THAT WAY!” I wave the men that are left away from the trees and the dragon.

Then I hear it.

The groaning whine and snap of long tree root. It shoots out of the forest, wraps around my waist, and I look at the men with wide eyes.

“Aw, crap.”

I’m lifted off my feet. My arms and legs flail in front of me as it yanks me into the dark screaming the whole way.

The trees speed by me and I’m flung up. “WHOA! SHHIITT!!”

I’m pulled down and stopped abruptly in a giant hole. The walls smash as more roots break the soil and grab my legs, arms, and body. I’m thoroughly wrapped up and left swinging at the bottom of the pit.

Seconds later, an earthquake shakes everything. I hear trees break and hear a dragon roar. I’m hit with leaves, branches, and more dirt as a gigantic body flies over head, taking a wave of trees with it.

I spit dirt and leaves as the roar fades and stops. I wipe my face off as I look up at the opening. “Well… it worked.” I pant.

I look down at my chest. “Damn it.” The roots are coiled around me like snakes. I try to pry one off and four more replace it. “Double damn it!” I look back up. “HELP!!”


My brows shoot up and my heart skips. “AVERY?!”

He pokes his head over the edge and I tried to still be mad, but I smiled big. I’ve never seen such a handsome face in my life. The confirmation that he’s alive had me gushing inside. The fact that he came back to me has me somewhat confused, but also grateful.

“Are you ok?!” He asks.

I look myself over. “I’m a little stuck, but fine!”

“Ok. Hang on. I’m coming down.”

“NO, WAIT! AVERY, DON’T! AVERY, STOP!!” I yell up.

He swings his legs into the hole and begins to climb down. In an instant, a four inch thick root shoots up from the bottom of the pit, wraps around his waist and yanks him down.


He’s quickly wrapped up and swinging across from me as I press my lips together.

He looks around, then looks at me with confusion.

“Enchanted tree roots.” I grit.

He raises a brow and looks to his body. “I guess that’s what all the ‘wait'…’don’t...’stop’… stuff was about, huh?”

“Yeah.” I sarcastically nod.

He starts to wiggle. “Ok. If I can just… get under… pull this… FFUUCCKK!”

He tries to pull several roots off, but ends up flipping over several times and I’m in tears trying to not laugh.

He finally stops and his hair is crazy looking now. His arms are also now bound and he’s spitting at a thin tendril that keeps poking his lips. His eyes meet mine. “Don’t.” He gives a warning look.

“Ok.” I whine as the tendril strokes his cheek. “It likes you.”

He shoves it away with his head. “Yeah, well. I don’t like it. Screw off!!” He growls as he shoves it away again.

I look up and assess. “Quaid should be here any minute to spring us.”

“Quaid did this?” He asks.


“We’re dead.” He grits.

“Oh, come on. He’s never killed anyone.” I scowl.

“No. But he’s injured you all enough to make you wish you were dead.” He furrows his brow.

“Accidents.” I look up to see if I see movement.

“Accidents or not, Zen. The guy’s a menace. He's half the reason I wanted you to quit the council before he kills you.” He tries to wiggle more and shoves the tendril back.

“Oh, please. You only wanted me to quit the council because you were jealous.” I meet his eyes.

“Of Quaid?! Ha! Hardly. That pissant can’t chant his way out of wet paper bag. There’s nothing to be jealous of.” He snorts.

“He’s nice. He cares. He has my back…” I correct.

“You don’t need him to do that?!” He glares back.

“Who’s going to do it? You?” I argue.

“Yes! If you’d just check your damn ego for two seconds…”

“My eg… MY EGO?! ARE YOU KIDDING?!” I yell.


The hole falls silent as I look around the walls as I try to calm my emotions. I swallow and take a breath. “Avery, I…”

“I’m dying.” He says low.

The air left the hole for a second and I tilt my head. “What?”

“I mean. I was…dying.” He raises his eyes to me. His face is serious. “Stage four lung cancer. The doctor told me two months before the wedding."

The shock hits me and my mind can’t process what I’m hearing.

He licks his top lip, looks around, then locks with my eyes again. “The doc… He gave me six months, Zennie. I only had six months on this rock to make you happy.” He sniffs as he smiles. “I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave you alone. I promised you forever and I wanted to make good on that promise.”

I stare at him as try to find something to say. “You… you did this…”

“For you.” He looks down. “I tried. God knows I did. Potions. Spells. Witch doctors. You name it. That time I was gone, I searched for a cure. All I could buy was a few extra months and that wasn’t good enough. I was going to come home and tell you, but then I got sicker. It must have been all the traveling or something because it felt like the cancer was eating me alive. My time was up. I wasn’t able to make it back you, Zennie. I was done. I made my peace and that’s when Razor contacted me. She heard about me and my problem. She made me an offer. I give up the Foundation and Miranda and…”

“The wolf cures you.” I finish.

He smiles and nods. “I knew you’d react the way you did about the turn, so I just let you believe what you wanted to.”

I wipe my face and look around. “You really are an ass.” The tears well and I turn back.


“You think you did good? You think what you did was right?” I wipe my cheeks as he stares at me.

“Well, yeah.”

“You may be alive, Avery, but I spent years hating you. I suffered because of a betrayal that never happened. You made me believe a lie! Did you think I wouldn’t help you? Did you think I would leave you?”

“No, I just…”

“TILL DEATH DO US PART!” More tears fall. “You took my chance to make your life happy. You made me think the worst of you and now…” I look away, then turn back. “We could have found the cure together and you threw that away. You didn’t come to me when you were at your lowest and needed help and that’s what hurts.”

“I thought I was sparing you from the pain of watching me die, Esmerelda. I didn’t want to be a burden. I didn’t want you crying over me.” His brows cinch up and his voice quiets.

“Well, I did. For five years I cried over you. I just wish it was for love and good memories, not resentment and hatred. You ruined that.” I hitch. “100 years or 5 minutes, Ave. I wanted to be with you. In sickness and health. For richer or poorer. Good times and bad. I wanted that. I wouldn’t have thought you were a burden. I loved you so much. I would do anything for you, Avery. Anything.”

He lowers his head. “I never looked at it that way.” He raises his eyes to me. “I’m so sorry, Zennie.”

I pick at the root around my chest. “I’m sorry, too.” I roll my eye back up to his. “You can tell me anything. I can’t promise I won’t get upset, but there’s nothing so bad that we can’t talk about it. I want to trust you and I want you to trust me.”

“I do trust you. I knew you'd be all for finding a cure, but I felt it was my problem. Not yours. I was hoping I’d come back and you’d be happy with someone else, but…” He drops off and I lower my eyes.

“I never found anyone as good.” I smile then sniff.

“Well. I guess I screwed up even more than I thought I did.” He mumbles.

“I get why you did it. I know it sounds selfish from my end. I don’t want to watch you die. But I want to fight with you. I want to stand by your side and kick the ass of whatever is trying to tear you down because that’s what partners do.” I start to calm as the shock of what he told me wears off.

“You certainly kick ass.” He chuckles.

“I’m good to have around.” I grin.

“I won’t be dying anytime soon.” He says quietly. “So, you can calm the hunter.” His lips fall just a bit. “But I was serious for a second chance. I think we could make it work.”

“How?” I raise a brow.

“We can talk about it later. Let’s get out of this hole first.” He motions to the opening as the tendril twirls his hair.

“I won’t argue with that.” I smirk.

We both raise out heads to the opening.


Suddenly, we're yanked out of the hole. We scream as we’re shot out and into the air and the roots around my body let go. I hit the dirt and roll. I groan as I stop on my stomach and spit dirt.


I look up and Avery is hanging by one foot as a root holds him up.

Quaid is standing tall with his hands behind his back.

“PUT ME DOWN!” Avery yells as he swings punches at the wizard.

I stand and brush my clothes off as Quaid looks down his nose at Avery.

He waves his hand, Avery rises into the air, and Quaid faces him. “I apologize. This pissant is a little hard of hearing.” He’s face is smug and his words drip with attitude.

Avery nervously chuckles. “You… uh… You heard that.”

“Every syllable.” He clenches. “I have half a mind to teach you a lesson.”

“Quaid.” Avery warns.

“Tell me, Mr. Kirkland. Have you ever considered a life as a wombat?” Quaid arches a brow.

“You wouldn’t.” Avery narrows his eyes.

Quaid wraps an arm around his waist and rubs his chin. “Or perhaps… a ferret.” He looks Avery over. “Maybe… a sludge gopher.”

Avery’s brows stitch together. “What the hell is a sludge gopher?”

Quaid leans to him. “I’ll show you.” He says darkly and steps back. He raises his hands and starts his magic.

“NO! WAIT!! I'M SORRY! I’M SORRY!!”” Avery throws his hands out and tries to grab at the wizard.

“Quaid, drop him.” I saunter up to them.

“Aw. We were just getting to the fun bit." He complains and drops his hands.

“We both know you’d were just going to fill his pants with fire ants.” I shake my head and place my hands on my hips.


Quaid groans and flicks his hand in the air dramatically. “You ruin the surprise every time.” Avery drops and hits the ground. He looks down at Avery and lifts his nose. “He’s not good enough for fire ants.” He turns and strides out of the forest.

I can’t help but snicker as I walk up to Avery and help him up. He brushes his clothes off and smiles. “Thanks for not letting him put ants in my pants.”

I laugh and place my hand on his cheek. “You’re welcome.”

He threads his fingers into my hair and his lips engulf mine. Our tongues meet and I feel like everything said in that hole changed so much. I feel his honesty and love. His heart and soul poured out and so did mine. We met somewhere. We need to find out where that is.

We have a lot of talking to do, but now that all the cards are laid out, I feel like we could possibly work at repairing what we had.

As far as the wolf goes, we deal with him later.

He breaks the kiss and grabs my arms. “Ok. Now that we’re out if the hole. We need to get out of here.” He grabs my hand and starts to pull on me.

“No. We have a dragon to take care of. Avery…” I rip my hand from his.

“Zen! I don’t have time! We need to go now!” He insists.

“Why? What are you talking about?” I study his face with confusion.

“I’ll explain later. We need to leave before they show up.” He grabs my hand again.

“Before who shows up?” I stop and question.

“Before we do.”

We turn and my brow furrows. Avery sighs and lowers his head.

The woman who’s been controlling us all steps out of the woods with three other men behind her. She smiles and tilts her head as she straightens her white business suit.

I step up to the woman with short read hair. “Miranda. What are you doing here?”

She glances at Avery. “Fulfilling a business arrangement.”

“Miranda. Don’t. This isn’t smart.” Avery says.

“Oh, I think it’s very smart, Mr. Kirkland.” She reaches back and a man hands her a gun. She looks it over, cocks it and aims it at me. “If you’re smart, you'll encourage Miss Striker to come with me before I finish your little story.”

“WHAT THE HELL, MIRANDA?” I hold my hands out and back up into Avery.

Her eyes meet Avery’s and I turn. “Avery, what’s going on?”

His lips shrink. “Just… do what she says, Zennie.”

“You’re kidding. No.” I reach behind me and pull my batons.

“No, Zen!” He grabs the batons from me.

“What the fuck?!” I reach for them and he keeps them out of my reach.

“ESMERALDA, MOVE!” He glares at me and points to Miranda.

I step back and stare at him. “What did you do?”

He shoves my batons in the back of his pants. “Something I’m going to regret for the rest of my life.”


I turn to Miranda and she waves the gun to follow. I glance back at Avery and he nods.

With my mind twisting in all sorts of thoughts, I reluctantly walk toward Miranda and the men. They all pull guns and one pulls out handcuffs. My wrists are cuffed and we’re lead through the trees.

Avery walks beside me in silence and as we turn through the trunks, I see a purple shimmering light.

I turn my head slightly and see an electric purple portal window.

“What is this?” I ask with caution.

“A shortcut.” Miranda answers.

As we get closer to the rectangle shaped portal, I see people walking around in the haze like a window.

“Where are we going?”

We stop in front of the portal. “We’re going to free mankind.” She smiles.

“Excuse me?” I fill with concern as she shoves me and I’m consumed by the watery waves of the window.

I step into a giant control center and the place is filled with military, suits, scientists and other business people.

There’s a viewing window that shows a larger room filled with computers, machines, security, and other equipment.

As I walk through the dimly lit control area, people perform check ins and bark instructions.

“What is this place?” I breathe.

“This was your great grandfather’s dream. This is Liberty.” She says as I walk to the glass.

My brows cinch as I look down to the ground floor and see people scanning, poking, and examining.

“What’s that?” I motion my chin to the glass.

Miranda steps up beside me. “That… holds the largest human army the world has ever seen.”

I turn my head to her and our eyes meet.

“And we need you to let them out.” She says confidently.

My jaw falls slack as I slowly turn my head back to the window. My gaze locks on a huge, wall sized oil painting. Doctors barely come half way up its height and it’s at least 15 feet long. From what I can tell, it’s a painting of a charging army with horses, flags, armor, and weapons. Like something from the 18th century.

I turn my eyes back. “You’re crazy.”

She smirks. “We live in a crazy world. And now. You’re going to save it.” She pats my arm and walks away as I turn back to the oil painting.

I fixate on the central soldier in gold armor. His face is twisted in rage as he holds a sword above his head. It might have been a trick of the light, but the more I stared, the more it looked like he was moving.

“This is crazy.”

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