The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 18

(Chapter song ‘You Said You'd Grow Old With Me’ by Michael Schulte)


I watch the world float by as I blink the tears in my eyes. If I actually believed all that shit I told Avery, I wouldn’t be here. The truth is I starting to believe him when he said he we could make it work. I was willing to risk my life with him.

That was until Nova.

I can’t. I can’t do what she wants. I can’t play her game. My heart couldn’t take it. What she wants… I won’t do it. Fuck her truth. It’s not worth that. I don’t even know who or what she is.

But in the small chance I got myself mixed up with some new supernatural monster, I need to put as much distance between Avery and I. He’s safer if he knows it’s him and not me.

If I do that, then at least I know he'll always be out there. I can live without him. I've survived this long. What’s the rest of my life? It’s a calk walk.

I sniff and lower my head as I sit on the travel bench in the sitting area of the ferry. I fucking hate this. The universe is dangling Avery in front of me like a carrot on a string. It’s torture to not just go back there and take back everything I said. Love is fucking cruel.

He's right. Wolf or no wolf. He’s still the beautiful soul I fell in love with. That’s what hurts the most. He’s not like any of the creatures I hunt. Why does he have to be right? This would be so much easier if he wasn’t.

I wipe my cheeks and stand. I face the window and look out to the sea as the sun starts to set.

So many promises. So many vows. Being human is joke. We put so much stock in these things. We have to. We’re given 100 years to make it the best thing ever. That’s it. If we had all the time in the world, this would be a different conversation. Still we go through all the shit and somehow come out on top on the other side.

Now, that lines are being crossed, we need to make such hard decisions because time isn’t on our side. We can’t waste a minute in the world compared to other creatures. We can’t afford unnecessary risks. If that means sacrificing those we love, we have no choice. No matter how much you love them, you need to cut them loose if it’s going nowhere.

It's amazing how much I lie to myself.

I pace around the little area as I think about how fucked up my life is and I stop when I hear shouting.

I step out into the hall and get shoulder bumped by a guy running for the front deck.

“Oh my God! What is that?”

I hear more shouts of questions as I walk toward the deck. I stop and I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I pull out my phone and dial. I take a few steps as I wait for an answer.

I watch a fire orb float down from the clouds like it’s supposed to be there. Not in my book.

“Jolen… “I’m on the 3 o'clock ferry from Italy to Greece. There’s something… “What? More? Where?... “Hold on. It stopped.”

I step slowly toward the entrance as I stare at the ball floating over the island.


“Avery?” I question when I hear his voice.

My eyes widen when the fire ball starts to grow.

“Shit. Jolen I don’t know what this thing is but…”Call the council!!...”Do it!” Just then I’m hit with a stampede of bodies running to the back of the ship.

“AVERY!!” I yell out as I try to push my way through. I see him run and stop.


I shove my way though the panicking people, then my ears are almost blown out by what sounds like trumpets blaring. I hold my ears and cringe as I watch the orb stop.

Like time slowed, I watch Avery turn his head to me.

“No.” I whisper.

The orb explodes and the boats front lifts I’m thrown back in the massive pile of people.

We're shoved to the back of the cabin area and then everything shakes. I let out a blood curdling scream as the boat tips almost on end then disintegrates around me. It’s ripped apart and we're blasted through the back of the boat. Bodies, wood, cars and debris shoot out into the ocean like a wave of destruction.

As I soar helplessly through the air, my last thought was Avery’s smile. I hit the water with the hundreds of other people on the boat and it rains pieces down on all of us.

Under the surface, I felt light as I floated in the water. I felt free.

But I wasn’t going out this way.

I recover with a jolt. Look around to find which way was up and swim to the surface. I gasp for air as I thread water and try to figure out what happened.

My ears are ringing so bad, I see people screaming and crying for help, but I can’t hear one word.

I desperately try to make sense if it as I search for the one thing that means anything to me.

“AVERY!!” I choke out a scream. I frantically search faces and don’t see him in the amount the bobbing heads.

I reach into my shirt and pull out my beacon. Being human, I don’t get the luxury of mind links. So Quaid made a rescue beacon for me. I keep it on me at all times. It’s a small red crystal.

My shaking hand rises out of the water. The crystal is already blinking red. This will alert Quaid I’m in trouble. It senses my state of being. If I have the luxury, I take it to my lips. “Avery… Mediterranean.” I whisper. It blinks faster and this message will also carry to Quaid.

I don’t know how long I was in the water, but I felt myself tiring quickly. A piece of wood floated by and I hung onto it. I allowed myself to rest and placed my beacon on the wood.

“Avery." I whisper as the world floats away.


My ears begin to hear when a high-pitched reptile roar cut through the black in my mind.

“Kres…” I mumble.

There’s a giant impact behind me like a someone threw a car into the water and I’m tossed in the waves that came from it.

As the water starts to settle, the world starts to grow. Like a mountain rising from the ocean, I feel something hard hit my boot.

Krestin carefully raises his head out of the water under me. The board I’m hanging onto and my body rise higher and higher above the ocean's surface as his massive, square head pushes the water up between me and him. I let go of the board as he crests and his spiked nose breaks the water tension. His dragon skull is almost the full width of my arms stretched out. My chest hits his forehead and my head rests over his eyebrow ridge. My hair hangs and my legs are picked up last.

He roars as he takes to the air and I open my eyes to slits. “Thank…”

He huffs a growl and his gold eye meets mine. The wind blows over me as Krestin keeps me balanced in the air. His wings push more air and the sound of his trilling makes me feel calm.

But it doesn’t stop my brain. Avery consumed every corner as I felt myself melt away again. My last thought was a prayer that Avery survived so I can tell him I love him and I don’t want to play games anymore.

Please be alive.


The sounds of quiet beeping lull me back to reality. My throat is dry and my body hurts. My head pounds as I slowly open my eyes. I adjust to the dim light and look around.

I’m in a room. I raise my arm to wipe my eye, but stop when I realize it’s in a cast. I feel it with my other hand and a sting of pain runs up it.

I look around and see machines. I look down and there’s tubes in my arms and in my nose. I raise my head and my left leg is in a cast up to my thigh.

I flop back down. “Just perfect.” I grit as I add another thing that sucks about humans. This puts me out for 12 weeks at least.

“You’re awake.”

I raise my head to a brown haired doctor in blue scrubs standing in the doorway.

“What happened?” I groan hoarsely.

He walks over, drops his clipboard by my leg and presses the button to raise the head of the mechanical bed.

He helps me adjust the pillows behind my head. “You were in a boating accident. Broken arm. Broken leg. Some water was in your lungs and several lacerations. But the good news is I expect you’ll make a full recovery.”

“Where am I?” I mutter as I rub my eyes with my good hand.

“London. The council brought you in. You’re lucky.” He says quietly.

“I don’t feel lucky.” I mumble as I pick the blanket laying across my lap.

He leans to me. “I don’t know the official numbers, but it looks like most on the ship survived. If that makes you feel any better.”

My eyes meet his. “I was on the ship with a friend. Avery Kirkland? Can you…” I choke.

He gives a little smile. “I’ll make some calls. I’m sure he’s fine.” He holds my hand. “I'll come back when you need bloodwork done in a few hours. You get some rest.”

I nod and try to fight my tears. I’m supposed to be tougher than this.

“There’s people in the hall. They’ve been waiting for you to wake up. Should I send them in?” He asks as he grabs his clipboard and stands.

I nod. “Please.”

“Ok.” He smiles and leaves the room.

The minute I see Cora’s dark eyes, my lip trembles and my eyes well with tears.

“Oh, love.” She says quietly as I lift my arms for a hug. Her sympathetic face crushed me. Damn human emotions.

She rushes me and takes me in her arms as I quietly cry out my fear of almost dying and thoughts of Avery. “Thank you.” I choke.

She pushed me back and wipes my eyes. “Thank you. I’m so glad you remembered your beacon.”

She sits on her bed as I see another person walk through the door.

He strolls in wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans. “Hi…Zen.” He smiles.

“Hi.” I sniff and wipe my nose. “Nathaniel… right?”

He nods as he steps to the end of my bed. “Yeah. That’s right. I’m… uh… I’m glad you’re OK.”

“Me, too.” I smile and turn to Cora. “Avery?”

She lowers her head. “I’m sorry. He wasn’t with the rescued. Nala is searching the ocean as we speak. We have yet to hear from her.”

My lip trembles. “Why? What happened?” I hitch as I try not to fear the worst.

“What did you see? I know it hurts to remember, but it’s important.” Cora takes my hand and questions.

I look down and search my mind. “Well, I saw fire ball, then I was in the ocean. Cora? What was that?”

She glances at Nathaniel and he nods. She turns back to me. “It was an attack… by angels.”

I smirk a little while I furrow my brow. “I’m sorry. I thought I heard angels.”

She nods. “That’s right.”

I huff a chuckle. “Angels aren’t real.” I flick my eyes between them.

“Zen…” Cora starts.

This gets me mad. If the council is covering for the lycan or vamp. “Don’t lie to me, Cora! Who did this?!” I lose my fight to block my emotions. “Who did this to Avery?!” I slam my hand with hers on the bed as my face turn angry and tears flow.

She raises her hand and rests it on the side of head. She looks directly in my eyes. “Angels are real, Zen… and they’ve declared war.”

My chin drops. “What?” I search her face. “Why?”

Nathaniel clears his throat. “I… um… I can answer that.”

I turn my attention to him. “Explain.”

He rests his hand on his chest. “I’m a hybrid. A shape-shifter and an angel. I’m a Nephilim.”

“A Nephilim. You mean like angels getting nasty with humans?” I give them both a confused look.

“Yes. I mean. Not… entirely, but… Anyway. Yes. I’m a hybrid. The angels that you know, aren’t the ones doing this. Angels are a species of creature that lives in a Nebula in space. They run a facility called Capricorn. I was a prisoner there for four years until I escaped and fell to earth. But I didn’t do it alone.”

I'm having real trouble with all of this. Cora is my friend and not one for delusions. I find it hard to believe that this man would suck her into his mental illness.

“That’s crazy.” I grumble.

“No. It’s entirely true. Please. Believe me. Because everything that’s happening now is my fault.” He says with such guilt and sadness in his eyes, that I’m finding it hard to not trust him.

“Your fault.” I repeat.

He nods. “I took something from them. Something extremely important. I didn’t realize it, but now I do, and I need to find her."

“Her.” I turn my head slightly and arch a brow.

“A girl.” He starts. “A six year old girl named Nova. She’s extremely important and dangerous. She’s what’s known as an ark. Like the ark of the covenant here on Earth, Nova is a container for the universes most precious secrets and weapons.”

My lips shrink. “Weapons.”

He glances at Cora and takes a breath. “Nova is a ticking time bomb. In her body lies the energy used to create the universe itself. If she were to unleash it she'll destroy the entire universe as we know it.”

“Ok. That’s a bit concerning. Where is she?” I ask.

“I lost her.” He admits.

“You… You stole a nuke and lost it?” I scowl.

“I didn’t steal it… her… She followed me and it was too late to put her back. We separated in the fall and now… she thinks this is a game.” He explains.

My brain clicks.

‘Don’t tell anyone.’

“Wha… What does she look like?” I ask innocently, but my body is filling with great concern that I was mere feet from ground zero.

“About this tall. Brown hair. Brown eyes. She wears white dresses most of the time, but can change her appearance.” He describes.

“Can she grow?” I ask as I remember everything but the height fits.

He nods, but looks me over curiously. “She can.”

I slowly nod as I flick my eyes to Cora. “I saw her.”

“What? Where?!” Nathaniel rushes around the bed and stands behind Cora.

I look at them both wondering is I should break her stupid rules. Would that stop her plan?


I suck in a breath. “Kansas. At least, I think it was. She kidnapped me… sort of. Said she was playing a game. She needed to sort out rules. I told her didn’t want to play and she kind of just left. She looked 12. Not 6.”

“She’s grown more.” Nathaniel mutters.

“That’s not good.” Cora looks back at him.

“Why? Why can’t she grow?” I search both their eyes.

“She doesn’t have control of her powers. She could really hurt someone. Her growth is supposed to be controlled by mature angels. She’s growing on her own.” Nathaniel informs.

“Well, I can tell you from meeting the kid for 5 minutes, she has control.” I state.

“She does?” He asks.

“Threw me into another part of the world through a dressing room. I’d say that takes a lot of control.” I supply.

“Damn it, Nova.” He growls.

“Where did she go?” Cora asks.

“I don’t know. I was back in Paris and she was gone.” I supply.

“What did she say?” He asks.

“Nothing really. Just that she wanted to play truth or dare. I don’t know why and I have no idea why she picked me to play with.” I float my eyes between them.

“She has something in mind. I need to find her.” Nathaniel says to Cora’s back.

“Agreed.” Cora stands. She leans down to me. “Get some sleep, lovely. We'll pick you up when your ready to leave.”

“Thank you.” I say as she kisses my forehead. As they turn, I stop them. “Hey… You think… I could see…” I point to Nathaniel.

He glances at Cora. “Uh… Sure… um…”

He steps back and makes sure he has room. He crosses his arms and smiles.

My eyes widen as black feathers grow out of his back. A cloud of glittery dust rises in the air around him that almost makes him glow. The wings grow larger and spread across the room. My eyes fill with wonder as he stretches them out and gives them a gentle flap. He looks them over and looks back at me.

“Beautiful.” I breathe.

“I know.” Cora chuckles as she looks over Nathaniel and he smirks.

He tucks them against his back and lifts a finger. “And…” He steps to the end of the bed and lays the pad of his forefinger on the tip of my big toe. My skin instantly feels warm. The warmth grows into my leg and climbs it. It runs into my body and I lift my chin. I close my eyes as I feel the warmth wrap around me. It travels down my arms, across my chest and up into my head. Once my body is filled, I feel so much peace. Like everything is going to be ok. I just need to trust it.

The feeling absorbs into my body and I open my eyes. I blink and lower my head. I smile and find Nathaniel’s eyes.

“There. That should speed things up. Get you back on your feet.” He grins.

“You healed me?” I ask.

“Not totally. You need to do some work. I just helped.” He smiles with an arched brow.

“Gee. Thanks, Angel man.” I snort.

Cora taps my leg. “See you soon.”

“Bye.” I wave as they leave. I watch Nathaniel pull his wings straight back and watch them pull back into his body as he walks out the door. They’re gone by the time he closes the door behind him.

I heave a breath. It would have been great if he cured me. I could get out there and find Avery. But no. I’m stuck here.

I lay back and look out the window. I watch the city and hope that wherever Avery is, he’s looking at the same sky I am.

This whole thing is so confusing. I spent years hoping he would stay away. Now that he’s gone, I’m hoping he walks in that door.

Then there’s Nova and her dare.

Maybe now that Cora and Nathaniel know, I won’t have to play her stupid game. I can find Avery and we can do what we were supposed to do.

Grow old together.

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