The Wolf Siren (Released for a limited time)

Chapter 10 – Your Name Is?


I rolled over with a moan, tying my hair into a messy top knot, I stretched from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes. Huh, no dreams last night. I slowly pried open my eyes to see violet tapping rhythmically on the glass window.

“Violet… are you hungry?” I move to her with an ink quill and scroll, “write.”

She grabs the quill and writes, ‘FOOD’

“Okay, but first, I need your name, we can’t keep calling you violet, can we?” She grabs the quill and again writes, ‘FOOD’

I sighed heavily and tap on my chest, “me, I am Drea… you are?”

Defeated by only one word, FOOD. I decided to give up and grasped her hand, leading us toward the banquet hall.

“There will be more wolves, they are safe.” I turned her head to focus on my lips, “safe, help, good…yes?” I motion with two thumbs up as she nods in understanding, “good, okay.” I confirmed more to myself with a furrowed brow.

We entered to a beaming bright, toothy smile from one strikingly handsome Alpha. “Good morning beautiful ladies… please, sit,” he gestures for us to join him on the bench.

“Good morning Hunter, how did you sleep?” I strategically placed Violet between Hunter and I, to help shield her from the curious stares. Hunter notices and lets out a deep husky grunt that has the packs heads snap back to their food and I offered him a grateful smile.

“I slept well, did you?” His urge was asking more like - did violet wake with any nightmares?

“Perfect,” I winked at him with a small smirk playing upon my lips.

“Good, well, what do you have on the agenda for today?” he enquires.

“Well, I was hoping Violet here, would like to look around and see her new home?” My thoughts were more on her but my answer was directed at him.

“Sounds wonderful, Violet should get to know her family.” She takes a quick peek up at him through her dark lashes.

We finished our breakfast in silence and headed out to the backyard. After a couple of hours, I laid on the lush green grass watching her as she played with the daisies in the meadow. Her onyx coloured hair, definitely needed a cut as it still hung rather tattily down her back, she had a small button nose and pink rosy lips and cheeks but what made her unique, besides her purple eyes, was the unusual markings that started from behind her ears, came down her throat but spread across her chest. From a distance, I could see the intricate woven pattern - they looked almost Celtic as if they were a group of knots.

“Hey,” Hunter had managed to sneak up on me, I jolted in surprise while he plopped himself down.

“You scared me.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Those markings on her are like knots, almost like a Celtic binding - who put up your protection grid?”

“Our witch.”

“Do you think we could see her… today?”

“She only comes out at night, when her powers are strongest with the moon. I will bring her to your room.”

“Thank you, Hunter.”

I flopped back onto my stomach with my chin resting on the back of my hands. “I have filled the wardrobe with clothes for the both of you, I hope they are to your satisfaction, we know, she can’t keep walking around in your attire,” he lay down next to me.

“That was kind of you - you have proven yourself to be a far greater man than any I have known.”

“I told you, I will always be there for you… no matter, what you need.”

“Why? You had no idea who I was, less than a week ago, yet you trust so easily.”

“A feeling, intuition…”

“A mate bond?” My gaze captures his and I could feel my eyes swirl pink.

“What do you know about that?” He queries.

“Just what I’ve read… I don’t understand it but I presume it is the same for when Elves find their soul mate… their twin flame… their Ononi-nar. (twin flame)”

“Is that what you think we are? A… Ononi-nar?”

“You mentioned it the other night, is that what you think we are?”

He draws in a deep breath before exhaling. “Yes, I didn’t plan on telling you, I had planned to let you go when this is over, but I don’t think I can.” I blinked rapidly - calculating my reply.

“I’m 126 years old, did you know that?”

“Really… how long do elves live for?”

“A thousand years give or take a few, far longer than your exceptional wolf.” I watched him intensely, “so even if the faerie tale were true and this connection we feel is some bond? We can never be, all I can offer you is friendship.”

“Don’t I get a say?”

“It’s not viable… realistic…”

“You choose to write me off, again, without so much as a conversation. You brought moonstone onto my land because of a preconceived idea of who I was, pushing me away, despite my proving that your best interests are at heart and now you throw me aside?”

Hunter gets up and leaves us in the field. I was torn, destroyed at sensing him hurt but I spoke the truth and after all these years I have lived on this earth, logic was better than emotion and the logic pointed out clearly, that a union between mixed races would not make sense. My parents had always insisted that elves, marry our own kind and when they find their twin flame they are completed, despite the fact that my parents were not twin flames. They were chosen for each other and over the past four hundred odd years, resided themselves to a friendship, out of the ruling need in the kingdom.

Hunter had proved to be a great man, honest and decent, kind, caring, strong, resilient and a damn good leader and Alpha to his kin. Who he chooses as his mate, will be very lucky indeed, he was a picture perfect sculpture and essence of all masculine entities and my heart bled at having just rejected him. A werewolf’s lifespan could touch a couple hundred years but then what happens? Was I doomed to walk this life alone?

Many hours we lay, playing in the meadow, talking with pack passers-by. The sun had begun to set and it was time to bathe and to get ready for dinner, a task, I was not looking forward too.

We arrived at the banquet hall only to see Hunter missing, luckily though, two other crazy faces were there to greet us.

“Violet, Drea, how was your first day of pack life?” I waited for Violet to answer but my wait was in vain.

With a sigh, I replied, “fantastic, thank you, Max, you all have such a wonderful home.”

We sat and chatted amongst ourselves, my eyes repetitively scanning the doorway entrance for him.

“He’s not left his office since this morning,” Ryka whispers.

“Who?” I reply shakily and feel my eyes change to burnt orange.

“Don’t lie to me, you know who. I may play the fool at times but I know your eyes change to reflect, and I quote, your feelings or situation - I was listening.”

“Dammit Ryka, you wouldn’t understand.”

“People think Max and I are idiots because we are inquisitive and have no social filter, the truth is, we are not idiots and we are very perceptive of situations, it’s what makes us great warriors at such a young age. We can see the closeness between the both of you and the connection you share, we can see when something has gone wrong… today, something went wrong. Now, I don’t know what that something is but I know it will fix itself and should you need a friend, Max and I will happily help or take your mind off it with more elven questions, like do you really have six toes?”

Ryka had my mouth open and gaping like a fish. He was very perceptive and I could see now, exactly how ‘playing the fool’ as he put it, could indeed be used to his advantage. He was clever, very, very clever.

“No, just five, but we can transform into vampires. However, if we drink blood? We become vampires permanently.” My eyes swirl to burnt orange.

“No way… really… hey, you’re lying again?” He gasps in shock.

“No, not really and yes,” I chuckled.

“That’s mean,” he feigns hurt.

“You seriously believed me?”

“Yes, until your eyes changed, why would you lie now? You’ve told the truth the whole time.”

“It was a joke.”

“I know, a terrible one though, we need to work on your joke skills. Do you elves know how to joke?”

“Wolves… you never cease to amaze me and you Ryka are exceptional.”

“I know, I tell myself every day,” he replies with a cheeky grin on his face.

He was exceptional though, they all were. I can’t believe how wrong you can be about someone or about an entire species.

After dinner, we meandered up to my bedroom to get Violet tucked in and hopefully Hunter hadn’t forgotten about the witch. We are sitting on the bed as I’m retelling a rather adventurous bedtime fable when there was a knock at the door.

“You may enter,” I called out and in he strides with a rather beautiful and delicate elder with one eye. She had long silver-grey hair and rested heavily on a beautifully carved walking stick, Violet jumps into my arms. “Shh, it’s okay, she is help - always help.” I cupped her cheeks and forced her to focus on my eyes, “help okay? Always help.”

“High Priestess, Eleczonjdrea Lumerian,” The Elder bows.

“Please, do not bow, it is I that should bow to you.” I smiled, “How do you know me?”

“I was there the day you were born Elfling, and again when you came of age.”

“My apologies, I did not recognize you.”

“I have blessed you twice, you received an ample number of visitors on both occasions, I do not hold against you.”

“You are kind,” I tipped my head in respect.

“Is this the girl Alpha, spoke of?”

“It is, she is very shy but I have requested your presence in regards to these markings that adorn her throat and chest. I’m afraid this type of magic exceeds my knowledge base.”

“Hello Violet, my name is Alamiera Thundercloud, may I please have a look?” I grabbed her the scroll and ink quill.

Violet scribbled, HELP? The question mark I guess was there for confirmation that she can trust. I placed my right hand over her throat gently and established, “yes, help.” I stood up and moved to the other side of the door frame. Hunter, who also stood there, refused to give me eye contact, my heart hurt. Thick with sadness and feelings of rejection, it was - horrible. Despite my affirming a friendship, I still felt heavy, tortured by him not acknowledging me. I hung my head low before refocusing on Violet and Alamiera, forcing those emotions from my mind and my body.

“Alpha, High Priestess, I request some time alone with the girl.” Hunter nodded before exiting, I looked between them in panic, unsure if Violet would be comfortable with me leaving but a large hand gripped my arm and pulled me out before closing the door.

There I stood, face to face with him, a mere five centimetres away from each other. His fingertips grazed my cheekbones before cupping my face. I felt light, dizzy from the amount of pleasure radiating off of his hands, panting at the lack of oxygen suddenly felt. His thumbs stroked gently as the calming effect clouded all of my senses and he moved closer as my eyes closed. I could feel the heat radiate from his lips as he moved towards my earlobe, shivers wreaking havoc on my body.

“Do not go in that room unless Alamiera calls you,” he pulls back completely from me and I instantly feel the cold as he strides off, leaving me flushed and overwhelmed.

Hours pass by and not so much as a squeak is heard. I sat on the floor outside the door with my back against the wall, forearms resting on my knees, head resting on my arms, when Hunter finally returns.

“You look exhausted,” by this stage, I am fuming at him. Yes, I rejected him, not entirely but as a lover but I had damn good reasons for my doing so and he punishes me by ignoring me - turning me on and then disappearing for hours on end? He puts my young girl in a room, with a witch I do not know and has me sit outside waiting, all while he does god, knows what? With goddess knows who? While I stress myself out on a cold wooden floor - yearning for his comfort when I have no right.

“Thank you, captain obvious, for that well thought out perception,” I snapped back.

“Hey… what is your problem?”

“Nothing,” I reply through gritted teeth.

“Calm down Drea, everything will be al…” but I cut him off.

“You don’t know that, I’ve heard nothing - nothing, come from that room for hours, do you have any idea what I’m feeling right now?”

“I understand you’re worried…” again, I cut him off seething.

“Worried… worried?” I scoffed. “It’s more than just worry, Hunter…” his arms wrap around me and I fall into his strong comforting embrace.

“It’s okay,” he soothes, “she knows what she’s doing…” I look up at him, I can feel my irises burning pink, how does he render me so incapacitated?

Just then the door opens, causing me to break free from Hunters hold, “You may go in...”

Alamiera starts to say but I rush past her with fierce determination, “Violet?” I see her standing by the window, her markings have disappeared from behind her ears and throat and sit at the base of her neck.

“No,” she croaks hoarsely, “Thelexapia.”

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