The Wolf Of Penshaw Lake

Chapter 31

Dark themes are going to continue in this chapter, 18+ advised once again and triggering themes of sexual assault, abuse and kidnap plus other scenes of a dark nature.


The words echoed in my ears as I tore away from the four wolves down the narrow corridor, the three men almost instantly biting at my bare heels. I ran my hand along the unpainted wall to steady myself, not running nearly as fast as I wished. I found the stairs with ease, this house was clearly only a small two story building and the lack of carpet on the stairs told me that it had been neglected and left in disarray for a while. I barreled down the staircase as fast as my feet could take me, letting out a loud squeal of pain as my foot caught on a nail sticking up through the floorboard. The nail sunk its way into my flesh and I pulled it out immediately, wishing I could stop and cradle it as it bled all over the floor.

Unwanted tears spilled from my eyes, distorting my vision and slowing me down, I hobbled away from the stairs, but I knew that the men could have caught me by now; they were teasing me and playing the game. My blood ran cold as I stopped in what used to be a kitchen and realised I couldn’t actually hear them behind me anymore. Were they stalking me? Had Dan called them off? Why hadn’t they caught me yet? I knew I was no match for a lycan, be it in human form or wolf. I threw my gaze around the kitchen, hoping for some kind of weapon, but none that I could see. I limped to the drawers and pulled open each open, desperately wishing that a knife or heavy object would jump out and smack me in the face.

I shivered, the house had no heating and my bare body was feeling the effects of being wet and cold for so long. My wet hair clung to my skin only making it worse and I just wished I could curl up with a large blanket and a steaming hot cup of tea. Suddenly I heard mocking voices walking down the stairs and I instinctively looked for an escape, my eyes locking on an old, wooden back door. My hands led the way as I leaped for the handle, shaking it a few times, only to find it locked. Tears once again slipped down my cheeks, although I should’ve known it would be locked. Dan was evil, cruel and sadistic, but he wasn’t stupid.

“Did you really think the door would be unlocked?” Scoffed one of the wolves who had walked leisurely into the kitchen.

I pressed my back into the door, praying that somehow it would collapse and I could get out, but my efforts proved futile, as deep down I knew they would, when the other two men and Dan joined the first in the kitchen.

“You’ve had your fun,” I stated bravely, “Let me go.”

Dan laughed, “Sweetheart, I’m just getting started. Have you fucked your Alpha yet?”

I stared at him through red-rimmed eyes and folded my arms across my breasts as I could see the men eyeing me hungrily through my peripheral vision.

“Well? Has he tasted you like I have? Felt how tight and warm your sweet, little...”

I removed my arms from across my body and held them up over my ears, refusing to hear any more, “Shut up,” I cried.

Dan took a step forward and took a clump of hair in his hand, yanking me towards him. He grabbed my breast in the other and squeezed it painfully, “Answer the question, or I’ll give everyone a go,” he threatened.

“No,” I whispered, “We haven’t had sex.”

Dan’s eyes lit up, “So I’m still the only one?”


“What do you think boys, is she lying?”

“Her heart never jumped boss,” came the reply from one of his mutts.

“Excellent, I thought so, but my hearing isn’t so great these days. You’re still all mine like the old days.”

“You won’t give them a go?” I replied feebly, keeping my eyes on the floor.

“Promise to do everything I say from now on? No escaping, talking back or fighting me?” He asked, talking to me as though I was a child.

I nodded quickly, I could handle Dan and my body would get used to the assault again, but I couldn’t handle three other giant werewolves, I had to be smart and pretend that Dan was breaking my spirit. If he thought that I was co-operating, it would buy me more time to escape, or for Mason to find me.

“Good girl, go back upstairs and wait for me in the bedroom.”

“You’re letting her go by herself?” One of the mutts spat incredulously. “Isn’t that putting a little too much faith in your whore?”

I had just begun to make my way to the stairs when a loud crack startled me and I spun around to see the man rubbing his jaw that looked suspiciously bent and out of place.

“What the fuck, you broke my jaw over that bitch?”

“Listen here Trent,” Dan said calmly, “If I wanted you to voice your opinions about her, I’d have given you a fucking podium, got it?”

“Yes boss,” Trent grumbled, glaring at me through hate-filled eyes.

“I thought I told you to go upstairs Heidi,” Dan turned his attention to me and I remembered his earlier words.

I widened my eyes and ran back upstairs before he could change his mind and hand me over to the men on a silver platter with an apple in my mouth and ass on display. I skipped around the nail going back up, using the handrail to steady myself as my head began throbbing. I clearly hadn’t gotten off scot free from being thrown into a wall. I rounded the corner and headed into the bedroom, taking it in for the first time since being here.

It was a simple double room, once the master bedroom with an old, wooden bed in the middle of the room. Blankets littered the bed messily in place of a duvet and I reached for one, wrapping it around my body to try and preserve what little body heat I had left. At the end of the bed sat an old, oak chest of drawers that were cracked and broken; having seen happier times quite a while ago. A layer of dust sat on the top and I ran my finger across it absentmindedly.

There was a small wardrobe in the room too, but a quick check found it devoid of clothing save a few of Dan’s hoodies and jeans; he had clearly been staying here for a while if he thought it sensible to hang his clothing. I closed the door quietly and turned around, only to spot Dan standing inches behind me. I let out an involuntary scream at the fright and held a hand to my now galloping heart as though to calm it from leaping out of my chest.

“Sorry little lamb, did I frighten you?”

“I was just startled,” I replied, taking slower breaths to calm myself. I didn’t want to show too much weakness in front of him, yet I couldn’t have him think I was getting too cocky. I didn’t want those wolves anywhere near me.

I glanced behind Dan, almost expecting them to be behind Dan, his earlier words just a joke and he was going to let them all have a turn; my body just a toy to play with and dispose. Dan caught my glance and rolled his eyes, closing the door with a bang.

“There, I told you before Heidi, you’remine,”he stressed,“Not that Alpha, not those idiots, you might not be my mate, but I’ll be damned if anybody takes you from me again. You belong to me and that’s the end of it. Understood?”

I shivered, although I wasn’t sure if it was hypothermia beginning to set in or the cold, harsh glare Dan sent my way, spreading ice through my blood and deep into my bones. I understood perfectly and nodded solemnly to tell him so. Dan smiled, cocking his head to the side as he took in my body once more, taking his time to thoroughly assess me as though I were a cattle to buy at the market.

“You’ve put weight on since living with me,” He commented.Asshole.“I quite like it, you’re curvier and more womanly. Don’t get me wrong, when you were sixteen you were hot but now...I can see why that Alpha staked his claim on you.”

I couldn’t help myself, “Is that supposed to impress me?” I spat.

His eyes narrowed dangerously, sending me shrinking backwards involuntarily. He watched me for a moment before bursting out into laughter. “I don’t think I’ll ever truly dull that spark in you.” He walked forwards and took a hold of my arm, pulling me towards the bed and this time I didn’t resist, not when I knew what was at stake. I was already emotionally exhausted, not to mention physically and I didn’t think I had much fight left.

“C-Can I ask?” I stuttered as he leaned his weight over me, drowning me in his toxic scent of musty cologne, slight body odor and a hint of whatever he’d had to eat today. He placed two hands either side of my head and placed his knees either side of my legs to trap me in.

“What?” He asked, kissing down my neck and leaving wet patches across my skin that made me want to heave.

“How come we never realised you were a werewolf? Why did you never tell us?”

Dan paused his lips as they brushed against my nipple and leaned up to look me in the eyes, “Good question,” he paused to think of his answer, “I’m surprised it’s took you this long to ask. To be honest, I’m not really sure. There were times when you were a kid that you did something so irritating that I wanted to just swipe my claws across your throat and be done with you, but that was never in my plan. My lycan side is...unpredictable. I couldn’t let it loose and kill you or your mother. Not when I was so eager for you to grow up and I was still having so much fun with your mum,” he grinned gleefully and my stomach twisted as disgust swam around as vomit, threatening to rise up and spew across Dan’s face.

I swallowed my hatred and simply nodded as Dan continued his assault on my body, roaming his hands around places I never wanted him touch and making his mark once again. As he used his fingers to penetrate me, I closed my eyes and thought of Mason. I thought of his loving touch and how it would feel to lose myself in pleasure with him. A sudden, sharp bout of pain made me gasp and shoot my head forwards to face him.

Dan withdrew his fingers and I grimaced at the blood on them, it had been a long time since he had touched me and he was always so rough. Dan shrugged and wiped them on his pants, “At least you’re pretty much ready for me now.”

I wanted to close my eyes and look away, enter another place in my mind where this could never happen. Not to me or any woman, but as Dan removed his pants and violated me, I couldn’t help but cry out in pain. This hurt, more than it had before and I could tell it was Dan punishing me for running away from him, for the year he missed out on me and for having the audacity to fall for another man. Tears slipped down my cheeks; as much as I tried to keep them in, hot tears that tasted salty in my mouth.

“Turn over,” Dan grunted, grabbing my hair painfully and flipping me onto my belly. He kept one hand on my hair as he used his other hand to grip my hip and keep me in place. I sobbed quietly into the pillow, having been under the impression that he would have been done by now.

Finally, Dan finished across my back and on the bed and leaned back with a sigh as I dropped my pelvis onto the bed, not bothering to move my body. I felt the bed move and knew that Dan was cleaning himself up in the bathroom. I took a deep breath in and halted my sobs, wiping my eyes and my cheeks. I sat up on the bed, just as Dan came back in with a wad of toilet roll.

Silently, I let him wipe my back as my mind tried to wipe away the memory. I knew it would haunt me for a while, but I was good at this now. I envisioned a box in my mind, shoved the memory deep down and locked it. I was strong, Dan could fuck me over and over again and it wouldn’t break me.

I wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction.

“We’re going to Germany,” he said casually as he threw me an old, grey shirt of his.

I frowned, as though I hadn’t heard him correctly, putting the shirt on quickly and sighed at the warmth it brought, even if it did smell of him.

“What?” I voiced.

“Your Alpha is closing in on me every second. I booked a flight to Germany two days ago, I know where there are some old, abandoned pack lands that Mason will never think to look.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll run once we’re in the airport?” I scoffed, folding my arms.

“Nope,” Dan replied cockily, folding his arms as he copied me. “You know the punishment for defying me and I can make it much, much worse. Do you want that? Plus, I’m sure I can get a few of my friends to have somefunwith your friends. Josie is it? She’sspunky,”He laughed.

Tears poked at the edges of my eyes as I looked down defeated, I nodded slowly, “Okay. I won’t run.”

But I was going to at leasttryand escape.

I just had to formulate a plan.

“When?” I asked.


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