The Win: Rebels of Ridgecrest High (Book 4)

The Win: Chapter 24

I can’t believe that Mila bought my house. Our house. All our names are on the deed like she said they would be.

Mom said she will stay here until we want her to move. But she intends to travel the world with the money she got from the sale. First, she tried to give it to us. And Mila flat out refused.

And Joe’s a fucking magician. Roman and Mila are back, and I can’t wait for our senior year to really get started.


We might have a chance to win this year. Asher can fuck off he thinks he’s wide receiver. Jace has been training with him as a running back the past week since he said he’s coming to Ridgecrest with us.

Emerson’s our tight end and there’s no way we would replace him. Asher really needs to be a running back. He is built for it. Hell. Roman said he’s thinking of going for wide receiver now that Sam has left for college. Which is fine by me. I know I’m the best one on the team.

“Miss Mila.” I say as she walks into the house. She pauses and eyes me warily. I just grin.

“Come on through here.” I take her by the crook of her arm and lead her to the living room where the other three are waiting. She stops when she sees them and narrows her eyes at me. I put my hands up.

“Hey, I’m not the one with a M&M addiction. I had to stage an intervention before you turned into one.” I tickle her and she laughs.

“hey, it’s not that bad.” She defends herself. And Asher cocks his head.

“Really? You bit my finger last week when I tried to take one.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “Now wait up a minute. You didn’t ask. You tried to steal one.”

I laugh, this isn’t why she’s here but fuck, I think she has a problem with her chocolate. And I need to get this over fast as Jace brought his Christmas gift and I’m kinda pissed off at him over it. Because… its better.

“Just sit your pretty ass down. We have gifts to give you.”

She scrunches up her nose.

“Gifts?” And I take my hoodie off and show her I’m wearing the ‘Property of Mila Hart.’ Tee, she gave me for Christmas. And the guys all do the same and she gasps.

“Oh my god. Christmas?” she asks, and she sits in the floor beside one of the gifts. It’s Asher’s. He didn’t tell me what it is. I had asked a few times to get it out of him, but nope. He wanted to surprise her.

“Mine first.” Roman hands her gift bag and she looks inside and squeals. Pulling out a black tee that says, ‘Property of Roman Valentine, Hunter West, Jace Montero, Asher Rossi.’

She instantly takes the top she’s wear off and we all grown in unison as we see those beautiful tits. She slips it on and has a huge grin.

“Thank you, Roman. But isn’t the order wrong?” she peers down. I’m confused, what order?

“It’s the order of who feel in love with you first.” And I shake my head and laugh.

“Dude if that’s the case, Jace will be first.” I point out.

“No, true love. Not just love, but that deep soul love.”

“You never stopped loving me, Roman.” She kisses him and I get it now. The order is correct. Roman loved her on another level. He always had and that’s why he waited for her to return. He never kissed another girl, even look at them. He’d been waiting for his true love to return.

I fell hard for Mila when she returned. A love so deep and pure it snuck up on me when I wasn’t expecting it.

Jace said he loved her, but I know he didn’t truly fall for her until the stuff that went down with Grady. He saw pure love right there, and he was done for. That’s why he fought it so hard.

And Asher… you could say they were neck and neck really. He tried to fight it, but Mila’s like a freight train. There’s no getting out of the way with that hurtling towards you. He never stood a chance the day she walked into his life.

Asher gives her his gift. Its small like me but I hope he listened when I said I was getting her a necklace. She pulls out a small box and opens it. We all move forward to see what’s inside and she chokes up. Her hand goes to her throat as she looks up at him.

“Asher, this is perfect,” She pulls out a small chain, a bracelet. Attached to it is little butterflies. Five in total.

“Red, Blue, purple, black and turquoise.” She looks at us all and now I wonder what color am I?

“You’re purple Mila. I’m blue, Hunter is red, Roman is black and yes, I asked him what his favorite color was before I bought it. And Jace said turquoise is his.”

“You didn’t ask me.” I protest. He spoke to everyone but me. I see his cheeks pink and I wonder what I said. But how did he guess my color was red?

“You wear red a lot. Especially your shoes, man. I’m sorry, am I wrong? I should have asked. I just assumed and now I feel like a dick.”

Mila’s eyes widen and flick between us.

Fuck. “yeah, mine is red. I just…” I have no idea. I didn’t realize he noticed me that much. He smiles and I nod. Fuck. Ugh. My heart is doing that shit again when I’m around Asher and my cock wants to touch him.

“Mine next.” I hand Mila my gift. Only I know I originally put us all as kids in there. I spoke to Kate and got a photo of Asher when he was nine and did some Photoshop on my computer, and now he looks like he always belonged.

Mila gasps as she opened the locket and see’s our faces. I watch as the guys all lean in and smile. Asher’s eyes meet mine and I smile. Yeah… I got you in there too. Might not have been here from the start but he sure as fuck was meant to be with us.

“I love it.” I love them all.

“Okay Mila. Final gift.” She looks to Jace, and he looks to the kitchen door where James and Kate walk out with mom. Madison right behind and they have a box… a big box.

Jace couldn’t afford his gift on his own, so they all put money in for this very important gift.

As soon as James places it her feet, Mila cries.

“No, don’t cry, baby girl. This is a happy time. We waited until you were more settled, and you can’t cry. You need to open your gift.”

I bring my phone out and start recording. She’s gonna want to watch this over and over.

She opens the bow on the box and Madison can’t contain herself. She squeals. Mila looks in and gasps, her hands fly to her mouth as if she can’t believe it. Tears well up in her eyes as the little kitten meows up at her.

“Oh, my god.” She sobs as she reaches in to get her. She brings the cute little white fluff ball out and hugs it to her chest. Sobbing and thanking everyone.

I’m more of a dog person, but I think this little thing is super cute.

“It’s a rag doll. We went in together and I order it. So, we kinda waited longer to give you your gifts as we were waiting for her to get old enough to come home.

“It’s a girl?” Mila’s up and hugging everyone. She comes to me. Gives me a hug and kiss.

“I love my necklace.” She says and I pat the little fluff ball in her arm. The poor thing is scared as it’s so little, but I know Mila will be the best cat mom.

“What are you going to name her?” I ask. And she looks down at the kitten, then grins.

“Rebel.” She smiles as she strokes its fine fur.

James’ laugher booms around the room, and I follow suit.

“That’s a perfect name.” Mom says, and Kate agrees.

Rebel the kitten.

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