The Win: Rebels of Ridgecrest High (Book 4)

The Win: Chapter 13

Jealousy’s a bitch.

I don’t know why. I just couldn’t watch them with her. I’d seen her kissing Roman and Hunter, and I’d been jealous. I wanted that too.

Then Mila kissed me. And I wanted more. I wanted to feel her sweet body naked under mine, wanted to taste her and have her coming around my tongue. Hell, she was my first kiss. Even if I wasn’t hers—not going ask her; it’s me, I know it—I want another first, but all her firsts have been taken. If not with guys in New York . . . Hunter has been with her for months, and I’m sure they have gotten up to a lot of things. He seemed very in control tonight. I didn’t know he was so dominant.

I got jealous watching her with them all. I didn’t know how to act in this group situation, then I felt like a fifth wheel. I didn’t want them touching her. I wanted to do all the touching.

She’s mine.

So, instead, I did the next best thing. I left the room. I wasn’t comfortable. I wanted to punch Asher when she sucked his cock. So, I removed myself from the room and came up here to the guest room. The one with the big bathtub. It’s not as big as Hunter’s parents’ one, but this is plenty big for two.

I thought I would find her after and do a first with her that I never did with a girl. I ran her a bath. I knew she would need to wash off after her sex session. I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. I’ve decided watching isn’t my thing. I hope Mila understands I don’t want to partake in any group activities. I don’t think I can.

I love her. I just don’t want to share her.

“Mila, beautiful?” I smile down at her in my arms.

She gives me a sleepy smile, and her eyes crack open a little as her eyes focus on me. “Hey, handsome.” Her voice is deep from sleep, and I chuckle a little. She’s so tired. The guys wore her out. But I’m about to take care of her. She can sleep after she relaxes.

“I ran you a bath. I want to massage you and let you soak for a while.”

She moans, and the sound goes straight to my cock. That wasn’t the plan. I really only wanted to give her a bath.

I place her on the edge of the bath, and she looks down at the bubbles. She reaches in and swirls her hand around the hot water. “Mmm . . . a bath sounds amazing.” She looks down at herself. She was wrapped in a blanket when I stole her from the puppy pile out there. Opening it a little, she looks down at herself then back up at me. “Are you coming in the bath with me?” She peers up at me with those big eyes.

“Yes, I thought I could massage your shoulders.”

She moans at that and rolls her neck. “I’ll just have a shower first,” she says as she stands.

I stand up straighter. Why does she want to shower? The bath is ready to go. “Is it too hot?” I ask. I thought girls liked hot baths. My mom does; maybe it’s just my mom who likes it hot.

Her eyes widen, and she shakes her head. “No, it’s perfect. It’s just, I have . . .” She waves down at her body, and my eyes widen. Oh shit. She’s got the guys on her.

“Oh, yes, a shower first.” That’s very thoughtful of her. I can’t get jealous or grossed out by that. She’s thinking of me, after all. I quickly rush over and start the hot water, testing it until I can turn the cold on. She smiles shyly at me as she drops the blanket in front of me, exposing herself, and she is a sight.

I whistle lowly at her, and she giggles, the shyness leaving. She steps into the shower, and I move back to sit on the edge of the huge tub. She smiles over her shoulder at me as she washes her body, tipping her head back and letting the water run over her face and hair.

She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. No one compares to Mila Hart.

I readjust my cock in my pants, but it’s no use. She wiggles her sexy little ass, and I chuckle. She knows I’m watching her.

“I love your perfect little ass.” She’s mine.

I quickly strip and get into the bath water. Fuck, it’s hot, and I swear I just burned my balls. But I’m in and ready for Mila. My balls might take a week to recover from that scolding.

I hear her turn off the shower, and her little feet pad across the tiles to the bath. I crack open an eye to catch her leg swinging over the tub. As soon as both feet are in, I pull her down to sit between my legs. Only, she’s surprised at the sudden movement and loses her footing and slips. Her ass crashes to my chest, and I let out a strangled sound as the air leaves my lungs and then she slips down my chest and crushes my cock. I jerk away at the sudden pain.

“Fuck,” I hiss out and she scrambles away.

“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry. The bath is slippery, and when you pulled me, I lost all traction. Did I break your dick?” Her brows are mashed together, and she looks at my face, trying to gauge how bad it is from my expression.

It’s bad. I don’t think my cock is ever going to work again. Okay, I think it might just be sore for a day or two. I wasn’t planning on using it tonight, anyway. So, it’s fine.

“Nah, just a little tender, so go easy on the poor guy.”

She giggles. Moving closer, she kisses me.

I cup her face and deepen the kiss. God, she tastes amazing, like . . . I pull away suddenly. Holy shit. She didn’t brush her teeth. It’s been a few hours, but still . . . am I tasting Asher’s cum? Am I cool with that? Fuck if I’m not, because I’m going to have to get used to their cum on her and in her. I don’t want to make a habit of asking her to brush her teeth every time I want to kiss her.

“Are you okay? Is your dick hurting? Do you want me to have a look?”

I burst out laughing, and she does too. I’m glad she’s not upset by my reaction, but I need to tell her. She said this only works with communication, and I’ll only learn if I open my mouth.

“No, it’s just . . .” I take a deep breath. I get too into my head, and then I get myself into situations that I make myself and end up alone. I don’t want to be the one on the outside again. “I was just thinking about cum.”

How do I word this without sounding like a total dick?

“Your cum? Do you think there is permanent damage down there?”

What? I let out a breath and drag my hand down my face. The bubbles stick to my nose, and I blow them off and shake my head.

“No, my dick and cum are just fine. It’s the others’ cum. Just like, now, when I was kissing you, am I tasting them on there? I don’t want to think like that. But now I have it in my head, and this relaxing bath isn’t going so well. And I’m trying to talk it out so it doesn’t become a thing . . .”

She puts her hand on my mouth. “It’s okay. It’s not gonna be easy for everyone at first. We have to find our rhythm, and we will. It just takes time. You’re the newest to this. You’ve seen us kiss and that was okay?”

I nod.

“But tonight, it’s all new, the stuff behind closed doors. I don’t have to be jealous, since I get all of you. But this is why talking out feelings is good. It’s the only way this can work, and I want this. I want it to work for us all.”

I do too. I pull her in and kiss her. She hesitates, but I sweep my tongue over her lips, and she parts for me. Her tongue meets mine and she slowly melts against me, being careful of my poor cock.

When we finally pull apart for air, she sighs. “I love kissing you. I can’t believe I teased you for so long and this is what I was missing out on.”

I take her small hand in mine and lower it under the bubbles to my cock, which is hard as a rock and doesn’t seem to care that it was almost crushed to death ten minutes ago.

“Mmm . . . I have been missing out on this too,” she says. “But I have already tasted you and I know I like it.”

My mouth drops open at the memory of that morning when she worked herself beside me on my bed, and I came from her tasting me. That was one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had.

“But no more of this tonight,” I tell her. “He’s just always happy to see you. Let me massage you. I bet the guys gave you a workout.”

She turns her back to me, nestling between my thighs, being careful not to hurt my dick again. Not that the first time was her fault.

I grip her shoulders and start working out the knots. She groans, and my cock responds as she rubs up against me, and I have to stop her.

“As much as he’s happy to see you, he’s still a little sore from the ass accident earlier.”

She stops and turns her head to look at me over her shoulder. “I’m sorry . . . should I kiss him better?” She grins wildly at me.

“Maybe tomorrow? He needs a little rest.”

She pouts.

I chuckle. “Haven’t you had enough dick tonight?”

“I didn’t get to taste yours.”

Well, fuck.

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