the Wife

Chapter the Wife 100

Chapter 100 Retaliation Against Mia

Mia didn’t want to leave, but Daniel couldn’t hold back his anger. “What are you doing here? Do you want to keep embarrassing yourself?” he snapped.

Reluctantly, Mia followed the driver and left.

Daniel quickly left the scene as well.

At that moment, Sally looked at the news on Weibo, a atisfied smile spreading across her face.

This was exactly what she wanted to see.

Mia had the audacity to publicly slander her, so Sally no longer felt the need to consider Mia’s feelings.

However, Sally soon found herself in an awkward situation.

Calvin, without her knowing, had registered a Weibo account and posted a message supporting her, stating that he believed Sally wasn’t a traitor.

The internet erupted.

Sally had mixed feelings about Calvin’s actions.

She hadn’t expected him to stand up for her.

With a sigh, she decided to ignore his post.

She didn’t know how to face Calvin now.

Anders was also aware of the online commotion.

He was furious about what Mia had done. He couldn’t believe that Mia, who

had once been such good friends with Sally, could hurt her so deeply.

Unable to tolerate it, Anders called his assistant. “I need to talk to Mia. Find a

way to get her to meet me,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir,” the assistant quickly complied.

When Mia returned to her place, she immediately went to take a bath.

Ana Who are you? Why should be to you?

Stranger: You dont have to come down. But I might send those photos of you

fooling around in the hotel to others. You wouldn’t want Daniel to leake you

would you?

Terified. Ma hurned downstairs

She couldn’t remember who this strange might be, but she did recall her frequent clandestine meetings at hotels

The thought of her private photos being leaked made her pale. How could this person have her photos?

As she rushed to the elevator, Anders and a few bodyguards were waiting

outside her apartment building

The assistant glanced at his phone and assured Anders, ‘Boss, she’ll come

down for sure.”

Anders nodded silently.

Two minutes later, they saw a disheveled woman emerge from the lobby

Seeing Anders and his men, Mia was taken aback.

What’s going on? Are they waiting for me? Did Anders send that message?

Feeling uneasy, Mia sent Daniel a quick text, saying she might be in trouble

and asking him to come over.

Nervously, she approached Anders.

“Do you know what you did wrong?” Anders asked coldly.

Mia’s heart raced, but she quickly replied defiantly, “What did I do wrong? You called me down just to say this?”

Seeing Mia’s lack of remorse, Anders felt a wave of disgust. “What’s the deal with all that happened online?” he asked bluntly.

Mia shrank back.

Anders could tell she was guilty.

“I’m giving you a chance,” he said. “Post on Weibo admitting that you fabricated all the negative comments about Sally. Otherwise, I’ll make your life unbearable.

Sally again!

Mia’s mood soured further.

Why did so many men go to such lengths for Sally?

“I’m not apologizing! Even if I die, I’ll never apologize to that woman!” Mia spat defiantly.

Anders clenched his fists.

He couldn’t believe Mia’s shamelessness.

“You’d rather die than apologize?” he asked, a dangerous smile forming.

Mia stubbornly glared at Anders, but her bravado began to falter.

She had spoken so boldly because she had Daniel’s support. But Anders was powerful, even Daniel had to show him respect.

“Anders, it’s not all my fault,” Mia began defensively. “You need to know that everything isn’t entirely my fault.”

Anders raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Do you think Sally is to blame too?”

“Of course!” Mia retorted. “Don’t you know? She hurt me before! If she hadn’t

gone too far, I wouldn’t have slandered her online.”

Mia was unaware that Anders had broken up with Mary. She still hoped that Anders would show her leniency for Mary’s sake.

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“Sally did wrong first! I was just retaliating. Are you not afraid of upsetting Mary by treating me like this?” Mia argued.

Anders, knowing Mia was ignorant of his breakup with Mary, responded coolly, ‘Mary being upset has nothing to do with me.‘

“What?” Mia was stunned.

Looking at Mia like she was trash, Anders said, “Mia, I’m here to tell you one thing. Sally is my woman. You messed with her, and you’ll face the


Mia couldn’t believe how far Anders would go to protect Sally.

“Anders, have you lost your mind? How can you disregard Mary’s feelings? How will she see you after this?” Mia instinctively stepped back.

Anders stepped forward. “You have two choices: publicly apologize to Sally, or face my punishment. Your choice.”

Terrified but defiant, Mia shook her head. “No! I’ll never bow to that woman! Apologize? In your dreams.”

Anders‘ expression turned even more menacing.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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