The Wife Situation: A Billionaire Age Gap Marriage of Convenience Romance (Billionaire Situation Book 1)

Chapter 12

Birthday countdown: 37 days

Since meeting her: 9 days

Company takeover: 44 days

We arrive at the small Italian restaurant my grandfather and I frequented when I was a boy. The idea to start the company that changed my family’s life came to fruition inside these walls; sharing this place with her is fitting.

Alexis flawlessly dismounts the bike and removes her helmet, shaking her long brown hair out before tucking it behind her ears. I watch her from behind my visor, hidden from her gaze. She’s naturally beautiful, a woman who doesn’t have to try to steal my breath away, but somehow manages to.

Will this fire that’s threatening to ignite last more than two weeks? I guess we’ll fucking see.

I take off my helmet and strap them both to the back of the bike before I look around, knowing we’re safe from the paparazzi—at least for now. I spot Brody across the street, keeping watch. He nods when I glance in his direction.

When we’re close to the entrance, I open the door for her, moving my hand to the small of her back. I guide her to the booth across the room, tucked in the corner. It has more privacy than any other seat, and the paparazzi can’t capture a good image because of the tinted windows.

A red and white checkered tablecloth covers the scratched tabletop. If anyone peeked under it, they’d find my and Weston’s initials carved into the wood. We did it before we left for university. That was the first and only time we went our separate ways in life. It was hard because, before that time, we were inseparable. He knows everything about me, and vice versa. It’s a requirement when you wear the same face.

Once I received Alexis’s text this morning, I called my brother, and we had a long discussion about this. About her. About the company.

Weston invited me to join him in his fuck it era. I think I might.

As I sit in front of this woman, recognizing the undeniable attraction that streams between us, it’s a yes.

Alexis leans back and reads the laminated menu as I try to read her. The restaurant has served the same items longer than I’ve been alive. I’ve got it memorized at this point.

“The usual?” the owner, Giana, asks with a smile.

I pull my attention from Alexis and meet her warm brown eyes. “For me, yes.”

Giana glances at Alexis and gives a slight nod of approval, but I don’t miss it. I’ve never brought a woman here in the years I’ve visited. This is a first.

Alexis scans the front and back again and sets the menu down. “I’ll have what he’s having.”

“Excellent choice.”

Moments later, a bottle of red is brought to the table with two glasses. Two cups of water are placed next to a pile of napkins and two forks. When we’re left to ourselves again, Alexis fills her glass and moves to mine.

I hold up my hand. “I’m okay.”

She nods, taking a sip. “I never thought you’d step inside a place like this.”

“Why?” I ask.

“You seem more like a caviar and champagne kind of guy.” The sunshine reflects through the windows, making her brown hair shine.

“But do I?” I ask, lifting my brows, knowing she’s being facetious. “Truth.”

She glances away, unable to handle the eye contact as she sucks in a ragged breath. “No. It’s hard to believe you’re somewhat normal.”

“It’s hard to believe you’re somewhat not.”

This plan might work better than I ever expected it could.

“So, if I read the intentions behind your text, you’ve made your decision?”

A hint of a smile plays on her beautiful face. “I’ve decided to give you my answer after this date.”

“Date?” I interlock my fingers on the table, smirking. I know more than she thinks I do.

“What else would you call this?” she asks.

“A meeting.” I tilt my head, keeping my voice low enough for only her to hear. “You can’t play games with me, darling. After the performance you gave last night, I know you’re all in.”

She shakes her head. “For once in your life, be patient.”

“No. It’s a complete sentence.”

That twinkle in her eye, the one I recognized in the photos of us posted online, returns. This time, I don’t miss it.

“Why are you smiling like that?” she asks as our spaghetti and giant meatballs are slid in front of us.

“No reason.” I offer a thank you to the guy who delivers our meal. We both reach for the silverware. “So, Alexis, what did you do today?”

Her lip twitches, and she lets out a humph, but it’s adorable.

“Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that you know what I did today?”

“I have a bodyguard watching you for your protection.”

She grins mischievously. “Really? Did your guard dog tell you I went to my fuck buddy’s place?”

“Never thought I’d meet an actress who’s a terrible liar.” I lift a brow. “But you should know, I’m very jealous about what’s mine, and soon, that might include you.”

I know this dance; it’s a classic, and we’re already spinning together—something we shouldn’t do—but the temptation and her willingness to bust my balls every chance she gets encourage it.

“We might have more in common than we think,” she says, twirling the spaghetti around her fork as she takes a bite.

I check my watch; it’s the first time I’ve looked since I picked her up. “I have an engagement party to attend at seven thirty.”

She unlocks her phone, glancing at the time. “That’s in two hours.”

“I know,” I admit. “I need a plus-one. Do you have plans?”

“It sounds like I do now.”

A sly grin touches my lips. “It’s your decision, but I’d love to introduce you to my friends.”

“Wait, you have friends?” The sarcasm drips from her tone. “I heard you were a recluse.”

I nod. “Soon, you’ll learn that people see what I allow. I try to protect those I care about as much as possible. A lot of my life stays private.”

She twirls the spaghetti noodles on her fork and takes another bite. “So, tell me about tonight.”

“It’s a test to see if my closest friends believe our façade. If they don’t, we should call it quits before we waste any more time.”

She smiles. “Luckily for you, I’m always audition ready.”

“Lucky me,” I say.

Eventually, she’ll be able to read me like a book, like those fictional billionaires she’s obsessed with.

“That was a truth,” she mutters, and I tilt my head at her. Maybe she already can.

I nod and glance down at my wrist, knowing my grandfather’s watch is the only reason we met. The thought encapsulates me.

“Love is always on time,” I mutter with a huff.

“Yeah. I read that on the back of your watch when I stole it,” she says with a playful eye roll.

“But what if it is?” I question, wishing I knew the answer.

We stare at each other for a few seconds too long.

“When you look at me like that, it’s like you’re reading my mind,” she says.

The temperature rises in the room. I remove my rider jacket and set it next to me.

Her eyes slide over the tattoos on my arms. “I don’t need mind-reading abilities when you eye-fuck me like that.”

“Is that against the rules?” She picks up the wineglass, swirling the dark liquid in the bottom, but she doesn’t deny it.

“It’s welcome. Without attraction, this would never work. I’m good at pretending, but not that good, Alexis.”


“So, that’s Lexi or nothing?” I wait for the confirmation.

“Eventually, you’ll catch on,” she says.

After we finish eating, we return to the bike, and I glance at Brody. He points north and holds up two fingers, which means we’re being watched. I hand her the helmet as I put mine on and turn to her. Her eyes slide over me before she puts her helmet on.

“Paps to the right,” I tell her over the voice-activated intercom system.

“Let me drive.” She holds out her hand.

“See, now, I don’t know if you’re kidding.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“I grew up on a ranch, Easton. I can ride anything. I thought you said to do your research.” She scoffs.

I place my hand on her hip. “Get your ass on the back of my bike and pretend like you don’t want to let go.”


I crank the engine and she lifts her leg, scooting forward until her body is against mine. She lets out a contented sigh, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist, and we take off. We ride in silence as I take it in. The smile that’s found residence on my lips since meeting Alexis lingers.

“What if your friends don’t like me?” she eventually asks.

“I’m afraid they’ll like you too much,” I admit.

“Is that a problem?”

I hesitate. “One for future me to deal with.”

“Mmm.” I can feel her shaking her head. “When you play with fire, Mr. Calloway, you risk getting burned.”

“I fight fire with fire, Alexis, so try not to get scorched.” I give the bike more power as the sun hangs lazily in the sky.

She chuckles. “If we successfully pull this off at the end of three hundred sixty-five days, you might not want to let me go.”

“And now, you’ve discovered what I’m afraid of,” I admit, knowing what the possibilities are.

The silence draws on, but I notice she holds me tighter.

“About tonight,” she whispers, “I don’t have anything to wear.”

“I’ve already taken care of everything, darling.”

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