The Wicked

: Chapter 9

Standing up, I shuffle my pants and boxers off and step out of them, then I pull my shirt over my head and toss it down onto the bed. I look at Penelope, who’s curled on my bed with her panties bunched up between her legs watching me. Wrapping my hand around my cock, I smirk.

My chest is tight with anxiety, but my limbs feel light from my orgasm. I step to the nightstand and pull the drawer open, fingering through the different baggies scattered around loosely. When I find the one with molly in it, I open it and pour a couple out into my palm. Placing my knee on the mattress, I hold one out for Penelope.


She sits up to meet my hand, drops her mouth open, and I place the pill on her tongue.

My brows raise playfully. “Swallow.”

Her lips twitch with a smile as she swallows the pill, then she watches as I toss the second pill into my own mouth and swallow it down. I lie back next to her to wait for the molly to kick in, and she stares up into my eyes. A comfortable silence falls over us, and the sounds of our breathing fill the room as we share space.

After thirty minutes, I stand up and hold my hand out for her. “C’mon, beautiful. Let’s go swim.”

Instead of grabbing my hand, she crawls across the bed and places her hand around the base of my thickening cock before licking a line up my shaft. My head drops back. “Fuck.”

When she swirls her tongue around the head, my chest rumbles with a groan and my cock hardens. I look down at her, finding her bright green eyes turned up to watch me. When our gazes lock, she opens her mouth and sucks down my cock until her lips meet where her fingers are wrapped around me.

She bobs her head, suctioning, while her tongue swirls against the underside of my cock, and my fingers thread into her hair. My spine burns with pleasure, my legs feeling weak and sated as I let myself be consumed by the feeling of her mouth. I want to pull her hair so hard that it rips from her scalp, but I don’t. I take a breath through my mouth while she goes to work, humming around my cock and making my shaft vibrate.

I feel exposed, standing here butt-naked letting her have her way with me. I’m almost uncomfortable, or at least I would be if her mouth didn’t feel like fucking wet silk taking care of me in the best way.

My chest tightens as I moan, and my skin tingles as the molly starts to flood my bloodstream.

“Penelope,” I groan, gently pulling her hair.

She meets my eyes once more, letting my cock slide from her lips and her hand trail down my shaft until she can rest it on the bed again.

“You looked so fucking beautiful standing there.” She rotates her body so she’s sitting on her ass before she stands up and drags her fingers up my stomach. “I just needed to taste both of us on you.”

Her hand wraps around my neck, her nails lightly scratching my skin as she goes onto her tiptoes and kisses me.

I’m on fire, my chest heaving with unshed need and lust, so I grab her panties with both hands and rip them from her body. She squeals in the back of her throat with surprise, pulls back and looks down at the scraps of material falling to our feet.

“Those were my favorite,” she murmurs, a chuckle in her tone.

“Then you should probably take your bra off before I rip that too,” I say, reaching for her.

I feel like I’m watching her move in slow motion as she reaches behind her back and undoes the clasp for her bra, then shakes it off her arms. Her nipples are pebbled with desire, standing at attention, and without thinking, I lean forward and suction around one, my hands circling her waist.

She moans, her fingers gripping onto my forearms.

Pulling back, I look up at her. “Swim?”

I’m starting to feel the effects of the molly, and I know she is too when I find her eyes and her pupils have dilated to twice the size. She smiles, nodding before launching herself at me and wrapping her legs around my waist. I laugh, stumbling as my hands slide underneath her ass to hold her up.

“Carry me.” She giggles, her arms going around my neck.

I squeeze her ass as I carry her downstairs, through the house and into the kitchen. I deposit her on the counter, run my eyes over her naked body, then pull open the pantry. Grabbing two bottles of water and a bag of lollipops, I balance them in my hands, and then pick her up again.

“Your house is fucking crazy big,” she whispers like she’s telling me a secret, looking around as I carry her through the living room to the back doors. “What do you do?”

“What do I do?” I repeat, flipping the switches next to the glass patio doors to turn on the lights that illuminate the pool area.

“Yeah, like for work,” she clarifies. “You’re young as shit and can already afford a house like this. You must be someone important.”

I laugh, pushing open the sliding glass door and stepping out into the humid, summer night. “I have family money.”

“Jesus Christ,” she breathes, looking out at the patio. “This is beautiful.”

I’m not blind, I know my house is stupid over-the-top, just like everything my father stamps his name on – and that’s typically the reaction I get when someone comes here for the first time. However, I couldn’t care less. This house is tainted in ways I don’t want to think about, covered in dirty money and bad memories. It could be the best fucking mansion in the country, and I would still despise it.

I drop Penelope on one of the lounge chairs next to the pool, and then hand her a bottle of water. “Hydrate.”

She narrows her eyes at me, her mouth cutting across her face in a wide smile. “You are a gentleman.”

I laugh, twisting the cap from my bottle of water and taking a few mouthfuls before I put it on the table. “I’m not.”

She hums between her curved lips, tightening her hand around the bottle of water and raising her brows. “You’re making sure I stay hydrated.”

I drop to my knees on the concrete, grabbing her legs. “Because I don’t want the molly to suck all the moisture from your body and make you pass out. The last thing I need is to go to the hospital tonight when I have far better plans for us.”

Her mouth has dropped open a fraction as she watches me. “What plans?”

I tip my head at her. “Drink the water, Penelope.”

Her chest rises and falls as she stares at me, her bare breasts lifting with the motion, and after a few silent moments between us, she finally opens the water bottle and drinks. When a quarter of the bottle is empty, she replaces the cap and drops the bottle to the floor.

“I feel good,” she says, her eyes closing.

I drag my fingertips down her thighs softly, ghosting them over her knees and down her calves to her ankles. “Yeah?”

“Mmhmm,” she moans, pressing her nails into the skin of her thighs.

Grabbing her ankles, I pull her legs apart, then lean down and run my tongue up her calf, her thigh, her hip. My cock has returned to stone, hanging between my thighs heavily while my skin burns and throbs with pleasure.

Penelope moans again, lifting her hips an inch instinctively. “Hayden.”

My lungs have grown tight, my chest rising and falling quickly and making my breath come out in a pant. “Feel good?”

The only answer she gives me is an incoherent moan, so I continue running my tongue over her skin.

I lick over her belly, up the center of her chest and around each nipple before I crawl up on top of her and kiss her lips.

Her hands thread into my hair, and she pulls, plunging her tongue into my mouth and curling her legs around my waist.

I feel the wetness between her legs press against me, and it takes all my strength not to plunge my dick so hard inside her that she splits in two. She kisses me like she’s trying to absorb me, gripping onto my hair for dear life and grinding her body against me with so much hunger that the chair shakes.

I moan, my body being overloaded with sensation and need.

She pulls back, breathing hard against my mouth. “I want to feel the water.”

I nod against her. “C’mon.”

Standing up, I hold my hand out for her. When she grabs it, I pull her up and start walking to the water. Her fingers stroke along my back from behind, so I turn to look over my shoulder at her while I take the steps into the shallow end of the pool.

“You have so many tattoos,” she says, staring at the piece covering my back. “Did they hurt?”

I chuckle, pulling her down the steps behind me until we’re standing on the floor of the pool. Turning to face her, I put my hands on her hips. “Some of them.”

Her hair is a mess on top of her head, but she doesn’t seem to care. She seems completely comfortable standing here in her birthday suit, a bird’s nest on her head and smeared mascara under her eyes. She still looks beautiful, messy and chaotic, and I hate how much looking at her makes me feel serene.

She bends her legs, sending the top half of her body under the water for a moment before she plunges her head below the surface. When she comes up, she gasps and runs her hands down her face. “God, it feels so good in here.”

Water glistens from her lashes, making it look like there’s glitter in her eyes, and I step forward to kiss her. She moans against my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck as I slide my hands under her ass and settle her legs around my waist.

When I pull back, I roll my hips against her. “Do you feel how fucking hard you make me?”

She trails her hand down my body, in between us, and curls it around my shaft, her eyes finding mine as my mouth drops open breathlessly.

I move quick, carrying her to the opposite side of the pool and slamming her against the wall, making her cry out. Capturing her mouth with mine, I let her guide me to her entrance, and then I push inside until she screams.

Running my hand down her throat, I pull back to look at her. “That’s it, Penelope. Scream.”

I buck my hips hard and fast, pulling another scream from her mouth before I circle my palm around the column of her throat and squeeze. Her hands fly to my arms, and she presses her nails against my skin as I keep fucking into her powerfully.

My balls pulse with pleasure as I continue to jackhammer between her legs, and when she tightens her grip on my arms, I look into her eyes. She’s gasping around the hold I have on her throat, and my mouth twists into a smile. “Come for me, and I’ll let you breathe.”

I fuck her harder, faster, feeling her cunt clench around me so tight that I groan and grunt, my other hand slamming against the side of the pool to hold on.

“There you go,” I groan, feeling her pussy tighten to the point I can barely keep moving, then her body shakes and twitches against me. “There you fucking go, Penelope.”

Her face is starting to turn red from lack of oxygen, but her eyes close and her head tips back as her climax takes over her body. I let go of her throat in time for her to yell so loud that it echoes out around us and continue pounding into her.

Her nails start to split my skin next to the scabs she left the night we met, and I smash my lips to hers and moan into her mouth when my orgasm barrels through me.

“Oh, fuck,” I shout, fucking her through the rest of my orgasm before we both fall lax against each other.

My heart is beating so fast, I can feel it tearing through my entire body, my chest heaving and trembling.

Penelope sighs, dropping her face against my chest and holding on to my arms, “I think I just had an out-of-body experience.”

Her comment makes my chest shake with laughter. “How was it?”

She looks up at me. “Spiritual.”

I chuckle, running my hands down her waist and lifting her quickly, placing her ass on the side of the pool. “Let’s see if we can make it happen again.”

Grabbing her legs, I put them on my shoulders, then dive between her thighs and suction around her clit. She falls back, catching herself with her hands. “Oh, God.”

Her hips roll against my face as I start to lick her clit, and she cries out above me before her legs tighten around my head.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop,” she chants, her feet curling up to bring her thighs up against my ears.

Stopping is the last thing I plan to do with the mix of sweet, tangy, and salty flavors of her pussy and my release filling my mouth. Instead, I slide two fingers inside her and curl up to her G-spot as my tongue moves in hard circles against her clit.

“Fuck, I’m right there, don’t stop.” Her hands slap down on the concrete beside her, urging me on and making me fuck her harder with my hand. When I feel her cunt squeeze my fingers, I pull her clit between my teeth and roll it until she screams into the air.

A chuckle catches in my throat as I release the sensitive bud from my teeth and slide my tongue against it again. She falls over the edge of her climax with a shout, her hands slamming down on the concrete again as her back curls upwards and her legs squeeze my head until I can’t move.

She bucks against my face as she rides out her orgasm, cutting off my oxygen supply, so when her release subsides and her legs fall, her feet and ankles plopping into the pool, I gasp against her pussy to fill my lungs.

Pulling my fingers from her, I take a step backwards as my hands trail down her thighs. I stare between her open legs as she lies gasping on the edge of the pool, then reach out to push a finger inside her slowly.

She moans above me, her body staying lax as her chest rises and falls as she tries to catch her breath.

“Look at my cum dripping from you.” I pull my finger out, finding it covered in our mixed releases. Sliding it between my lips, I suck around it before I let it pop from my mouth. “We taste fucking amazing.”

Another deep moan escapes her, before she’s sitting up and grabbing my hand. “I want to taste.”

She slides the soaked digit into her mouth and swirls her tongue around it, moaning in her throat as her eyes drop closed.

My stomach clenches and my balls pull up as I watch her, and I slide my finger deeper into her mouth, tickling her throat until she gags.

I pull back, stroking my thumb over her lips. “God, you’re perfect.”

She laughs, sliding across the concrete and down into the pool, her breasts bouncing with the motion. I try to help her, but by the time I go to grab for her, she’s under the water and swimming between my legs, pushing off against the wall. I turn to watch her surface, and when her head and shoulders break through the water, she gasps.

I watch her, my back against the side of the pool, as she laughs and floats onto her back.

“Holy shit, look at the stars,” she whispers, just loud enough for me to hear her, and I crane my neck to look up at the sky.

The stars are glittering, the entire sky filled like they were placed there to guide us to this moment. I let oxygen fill my lungs and hold it, trying to listen to nothing at all.

When I hear Penelope laugh again, I blow out the breath I’m holding and look at her. She’s still floating on the surface of the pool, and it looks fucking ethereal, like she’s being held in place by whatever god is accompanying us tonight. I push off from the wall carefully, stroking my arms across the rippling water to try to memorize the feeling of now – the feeling of floating here with this heavenly creature I let into my world, and when I reach her, I twist onto my back and float next to her.

I don’t know how long we lay there on the water. Time moves slow and fast all at once, and I realize I’ve dropped my eyes closed when I feel her reach out and grab my hand, her fingers sliding between mine.

I take a breath, opening my eyes and looking back up at the stars.

“Hayden?” she says, her fingers toying with mine.

“Yeah?” I answer, wanting to look over at her, but not wanting to ruin the moment or fall under the water.

“I’m pretty glad we met when we did,” she says, squeezing my hand.

“Me, too,” I answer her, pulling on her hand and turning both of us upright so I can look at her. I find her eyes blown out from the molly, but the tiny sliver of green left around her pupils is brighter than I’ve noticed it to be. Leaning forward, I press my mouth against hers, kissing her and pulling her body flush to mine.

Her hands grip the back of my neck, her legs rising and wrapping around my waist as she kisses me back. The world slips away around us, the motion of our bodies grinding together making the water ripple and thrash.

I feel safe with this person. Even after just meeting her, something has clicked, and I can feel her under my skin. I’m desperate to get closer to her, like I want to share the same skin and never let her go. When she moans into my mouth, I realize my hands are gripping her sides and my cock is sliding between the lips of her pussy powerfully.

“Hayden,” she moans, pulling back to look at me. “I think I’m going to come.”

I thrust my hips quicker, my cock sliding against her clit.

Her eyes press closed, and I dig my fingers into her flesh to get her attention. “Look at me.”

My dick has grown painfully hard, my balls tight and throbbing between my legs, but there’s no way I’m stopping. I want her orgasms like they’re mine to claim. I want to watch the pleasure wash over her face while I slide through her wet heat until she’s begging to be fucked.

God,” she moans, rolling her hips. “That feels so good.”

I slide a hand up her back and into her hair. “God isn’t here, Penelope. Call out my name instead.”

She gasps as her orgasm washes over her, her hips bucking and grinding like mad, and her fingers grab me hard as she yanks my mouth to hers. She doesn’t kiss me, though, she just yells one word against my lips over and over.


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