The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 8. Two Long Weeks

Isla POV

I Woke up in the morning feeling better than I obviously looked.Taking a quick shower and making sure my bedding was in the wash hamper I got dressed for My training.

By the time I reached the Training grounds, I was Late, as Usual.

And there he was, Clayton, Shirtless. Black shorts barely holding on to his hips. It hung so low I could almost follow his V-line to his private bits. His body covered in sweat, making him look like a tanned fitness model. Midnight Hair tussled as he slammed the poor opponent to the ground. He was magnificent.The way I felt for him was so strong it scared and intrigued me. But the strongest emotion I felt was lust, Amera played Scenes within my mind, I felt like I was watching my own personal Porno, and shit it looked so hot.

As if on Que, due to my 5 min long stare, He turned looked at me. I almost creamed my panties at the heat radiating from his eyes towards me. Slowly I pulled myself together.′I can’t act like a horny frat Girl, Have some damned Class Isla’ I scolded myself.

Straightening up and making my way forward to the training grounds, trying to look regal, But most of my focus was on what was ahead of me and not what was below me,I face Planted so hard I almost choked on the grass that invaded my mouth. I stood up realizing what caused me t,o “fall?”, and the Culprit was Angelique.

Angelique is a real piece of work. From what I’ve heard she is a whore, to be frank, August explained to me that I should avoid her because she is a huge bully and a brilliant fighter, Plus She is also smitten with My Alpha and has made it known to myself and the pack she will go out her way to make my time in the pack miserable.

Moral of the story, She doesn’t Like me and I pretty much wanted to remove her lungs with a spoon.This was her first "attack" on me, I smirked at her, This behavior will not do, I will not stand for this shit.

Back to my trip, fall/lawnmower scenario. I stood up spitting sand and grass from my mouth, She seemed so pleased with herself. Her smile so wide and she still said in a snarky voice “Oops, Maybe if you paid more attention to walking you wouldn’t have fallen so hard”.

I woke up today in a Good damned mood. She will not get the best of me today. I walked to her, Calmly. I placed my mouth to her ear and I said in the lowest most threatening voice “Don’t fuck with me, not today, Stop your childish Bullshit. It’s pathetic. Stop spreading your legs like cheap butter on toast, it’s not very ladylike. Oh and Lastly, Fuck with me one more time and I’ll take a shit on your porch and Ill set it on fire”.

Her expression was priceless. I won this round, I beat the bully with dirt and grass still between my teeth. Today will be My day, and Beware anyone who tries to mess it up.

I walked away victorious. Feeling like a Boss I walked straight to a confused and Concerned Clayton, Using the Confidence I built up I asked If I could spar with him.

If I’m being honest I just wanted to touch his body.

“May I spar with you alpha?” I asked politely

“You may, I would like to see what you learned so far” He seemed both happy and surprised at My request. I desperately wanted to move on, move forward, 'If the only way I can do so is by touching this man's body, well then so be it' I said to Amera, who purred in response, she wanted this as well.

None the less I had my Ass handed to me today Multiple Times, but I took it as a win.

Our Bodies were in a violent war with each other. The sparks making the sparring intimate as we tried (I tried) to best each other. I found Myself pinned to the floor so many times that I marveled at his strength and glistening muscles. Our bodies continuously seeking a way to be close with each move, at one point I swear we weren’t even sparring, we were dry humping each other.

Touching subtly or softly to tease each other. This was not a spar of strength and skill, this was a physical, emotional, and lustful competition to see who would break first.

I won, to say the least, I was flipped and knocked to the ground so many times, but in the silent teasing game I won.

I was pinned to the ground, I stared deep into his eyes, I knew that this was the only battle I was interested in winning. I brought my hand to his face, softly and slowly I felt his muscles tense under my hand, I trailed upwards, Caressing every muscle in his arm, teasing and taunting him. I watched his eyes blacken. I knew what was coming and I wanted more than anything.

He bent forward and Kissed me, The sparks and electricity exited me, I felt his body lower over mine in a dangerous position, His body was seeking mine, Our mouths were at war, Both seeking more, seeking release and the pleasures that were there, ready to be explored.

As soon as the passionate kiss started, it ended. I felt a wave of disappointment as he pulled away from me, taking my hand and bringing me to my feet.

“I am sorry Isla, I hope that I can see you tonight in my office? for a private dinner?”, he seemed so apologetic. I grinned in response feeling empty all of a sudden.

“I have urgent business to attend to, I have been called by my Beta to my office via the mind link, I wish to see you tonight”, I could see his eyes pleading for a positive response from me, So I gave it to him. I smiled and said it was ok.

Off he went in a fast and speedy Hurry. I stood in the middle of the training ground, the blaring sun hitting my flustered skin, I felt more hot than usual as there was no cool breeze to cool me down, Feeling slightly claustrophobic I walked towards the packhouse.

'Stop staring at the Door Isla, He already went inside and you look like a lost pup, let’s go inside, get showered and do our kitchen duties' Amera said to me in a positive voice, she was happy with our progress.

I puffed my chest and walked to my room. Feeling Like crap inside and looking like a crack whore on the outside.

I worked the rest of the day in the kitchen, keeping my mind occupied as well as my hands, when my duties were done I headed for the Library, I wanted to do as much research on Werewolves and the mate bond. I liked learning as much as I could about what I was and the world I am in, Learning about the other species and their origins as well.

Later that day I went upstairs to get ready for my private dinner with the Alpha. I am not someone to blow my own Horn but I wore a stunning yellow dress and Silver sandals, My Hair hung loose, I felt good and Looked even better, I wore minimal makeup making me look effortless.

I was in his office waitingby 20h00, A maid told me that he had left the office about 2 hours ago and hadn’t returned, I assumed that it was because of his business and he would be here shortly.

45 minutes Passed and he didn’t arrive, A young warrior arrived with a letter stated The following

My Dearest Isla

I was waiting the entire day to spend dinner with you.I am unfortunately already left for an emergency meeting at Council. I am so sorry. I will not make it to Dinner with you.I might be gone for a While.When I come back I promise to make it up to you.

Yours Truly

Your ever Faithful Mate

I felt the sinking feeling of Disappointment sink in. I sat in his office, dressed up for Disappointment. Amera said nothing, she retreated to the Back of my mind. A single sigh left my lips as I placed the letter on his desk, I headed straight for my room. I was going to spend the rest of my night in bed.

I spent the Better part of two weeks silently doing all my chores, Training, and running every Night to let Amera’s Frustration out. I spent many nights at Lydie’s Cabin, chatting, and learning about the family history and Drinking tea.

Lydie explained that Clayton Like his father was a hard man, they spoke only when they needed to and controlled themselves and their emotions. I was curios as to why they went to such an extreme to constantly fight to be in control. Lydie explained that their wolves are abnormally strong and if the wolves were allowed more power they would be more unpredictable and could be a danger to the pack.

It made sense to me in a way, but Amera and I worked to be in sync with one another, There was never a power struggle, But As Lydie explained, Their Alpha wolves were exceptionally strong and needed to be restrained.

I spent most of my days, visiting Lydie and August. But The emptiness and sadness remained, His absence bothered me, This was the Mate bonds doing, He was far away on business and I hoped in secret that he also felt the same way as I did, I longed for a man I barely knew.

I walked Aimlessly trying to better myself emotionally. But Amera explained we won’t feel better until Clayton returns to us.

This was the way of the Wolf. Once we have our mate we are supposed to lay together and eventually mark one another. We were designed this way, We were designed to crave each other, We were soul mates and made for each other. Perfectly matched.

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