The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 31. Greatest pain and the Greatest Pleasure.

Isla POV

I sat on the toilet, my leg jumping with tension as I held the 5th tiny stick I had urinated on, Positive, Again. I was in disbelief "This cant be. I need the Doctor to check me out" I whispered to myself. I have to find out if I am really pregnant, I was in some sort of an emotional spiral when I connected the dots.

1.I have been Vomiting for the past month.

2.My breasts and ass has Increased in size and NOT from training.

3.Clayton sensed a change in my scent.

SHIT! I'm Pregnant.

'What is the trains mash all about?' Questioned Amera in confusion.

She was excited at the news but annoyed with me. ' Do you not want pups? You have Crassus and now you have your own blood pup and you are losing your Goddess damned mind, pull it together and talk to out Mate because He needs to know. TODAY!' She ordered me.

I could not deny her, I was not going to keep secrets from him and I wasn't going to act as he did, I will tell him but I will do it in a nice way although I am still furious with him but this is our baby and we will raise it together. Its been a month and I think I can start interacting with him.

I took out my cellphone and unblocked his number and typed one sentence.

“Meet me tonight by the lake. 10pm, I have news”

I then put my phone in my pocket and walked out of my bathroom mustering all of my strength I could.

I had left My mother in laws cabin straight after she declared I was pregnant so I asked her not to tell a soul and she agreed, She was booming with Joy at the fact that she soon will be a Granny and I spent the rest of the night pacing and stressing.

I left early in the morning and found a Pharmacy in the Human town and bought all of their pregnancy tests, the cashier looking at me as if I was mad but I smiled and said ” I work with troubled teens. They like to get pregnant so I'm stocking up for a monthly test run” I smiled at her.

Maybe its my South African Accent but she was seemed surprised, I just giggled nervously and left with all the boxes in my arms.

Why do I have to say stupid shit when I'm emotional, now I can never go back to that pharmacy and the town would be talking about a weird teacher woman piss testing Teenage girls who may or may not be pregnant, WTF is wrong with me.

I pulled myself back to reality after the flashback and walked downstairs straight to the Large Monument Hall, it was almost done and In a month we will have the festival. I was staring at its magnificence when my cellphone buzzed and it was the pack doctor confirming my booking and that I could see her immediately.

I sighed and walked towards the medical wing, leaving my masterpiece to be admired another day.

The walk to the west wing of the Pack house felt like it took forever as I walked slowly and dragging my feet, afraid of the truth I was already aware of so as I entered the doctors consultation room and was met with warm eyes and a smile she already knew the reason I was there as she was a Pack doctor and therefore looking forward to the Future heir as everyone else would.

I smiled at her and laid down on the consultation bed...

Claytons POV

"A month! a Fucking month of torture and she sends me this brief message", I was pacing in my Office talking to my new Beta who was shuffling Uncomfortably.

He was Older than Isaac and I , but he was strong and reliable, he fit the role perfectly and He was already Mated and had a son and daughter of about a years age.

When I received the Message from Isla this morning I was filled with hope then angst and rage. I was mad at her for ignoring Crixus and I and ignoring our connection, she hurt me at every turn. I understood why but it was too much, she was making things worse. I know I am being selfish but I want things fixed.

She had done a brilliant job with the Hall and I was so proud of her, she has made the best impact possible on our pack and I was so proud but couldn't even get the chance to tell her.

I read her Proposal and was yet again filled with Pride, she had written it perfectly and had many powerful points so I submitted the document without even needing to edit it, I emailed the document immediately for the councils attention.

I paced further feeling frustrated emotionally and sexually and I was ready at this moment in time to just take her wherever I see her next. I needed her mind, body and soul, I prayed to the Goddess that she would forgive me or even just speak to me.

I looked at the Documents on my desk, 5 Piles lay and wait for my attention.

One for Pack defenses

One for Pack funds

One for Council requests and payments

One for Pack expenses

One for a total summary of lands and businesses owned and or endorsed by the Romano Group that I am the CEO of.

I stared at the papers and sighed because I had so much work turning toat my Beta, he stood awkwardly awaiting my request. I had commanded his presence in my office 15 minutes ago and he watched me pace for 10 of them.

" Please take the pile of papers that are to do with pack defenses. I want you to sort them and research better and more cost effective ways we could run the defenses on our borders. Please ask your Mate to assist. She is now Beta Female and will also be provided with responsibilities. I will Introduce her officially to My Luna as soon as things ... (Sigh) that's all Jace Thank you” I waved him off.

I watched him take the pile and disappear towards his own office in his quarters within the pack house.

I still house all of the unmated females on the first Floor and My Higher ranking Officials that are mated or unmated on the second floor so the females remain under my roof for protection.

We have learnt from the past. I have made sure it would not ever be repeated again.

I spent the Day working through the Council requests and payments with my PA , He was a young boy that seemed very intelligent and had just finished High school and was studying accounting so I am paying for his studies to use him for our benefit.,I will never accept external help again. Septimus fucked us over properly.

We finished working and eating at about 9pm. I stood up and stretched feeling the pained muscles in my back and neck. I stared at the roof for a while and decided to take a quick shower and meet my Mate. I was glad the day flew by quickly, I can finally see her.

After my shower I walked towards the Lake and her white blonde hair shone in the Moonlight, She was seated on a bench at the waters edge. She was breathtaking in this light so I walked towards her with purpose, Crixus on the surface ready to take over and claim her if she asked for it but I doubted that we were asked here for this purpose.

She turned around to meet my eyes when she heard my arrival and she stood up and my heart beat increased, it felt like the first time, I saw the greatest beauty before me and I loved her more than anything.

" I'm sorry my love, I still love you and I know I'm not supposed to speak first, but My heart is broken and If I could take it all back I would, I swear I would do anything just to hear you speak to me” I breathed, Pleaded her to forgive me.

Her eyes softened and tears threatened to escape. ” Clayton I feel as though you betrayed me. I'm upset that you sold your soul and My little Crassus just to find me?” Her words hurt.

I knew they would but I had the change to beg for a chance and I would take it.

” Isla you are my mate and my love. I didn't know the boys importance to you and I know its not an excuse but we received dead end after dead end so Septimus hid his treachery from us so well that we couldn't find you and I wouldn't have survived, I did what I did for you and I know it does not make sense but I needed Hades help because we lost so much and I was at a low point so I did as my Father did and I made a decision as a leader. One boy and 100 years from me to save countless lives, It was a sacrifice I had made and that I regret it, but I still had to make it. Please understand” I begged.

I grabbed her hand and with wanting eyes I searched her face.

I found sadness and understanding, she listened and understood why I did what I did.

” I know why you did it now but do not keep things from me Clayton. I do not forgive you but I can no longer deny that we are meant to be and I want to be near you but I am pained by what you have done so I will also not keep things from you and will work towards forgiving you but we have to save him Clayton and yourself. Please” She was crying now and I brought her to my chest.

I felt the electricity and it calmed me and I knew my Scent and touch calmed her, we were designed this way to find solace with each other.

I drew back from my hold and looked at her Blue eyes ” I promise from this day forward to tell you everything, you are my confidant and best friend and Partner and I will prove to you that I am worthy of your love and kindness so Please give us a chance” I kissed her lips softly and her body responded to mine, It was a kiss of promise and love.

"Clayton. I asked you here to tell you something, Look at these. ” She pulled away from me leaving me feeling empty.

She picked up a bunch of small paper like prints and handed them to me with a stick that smelled of urine, I took them and examined them closely, It took a few seconds to understand, they were sonars, sonars of Babies, Two babies and a positive urine test. I stood in shock and pure joy.

"I'm pregnant my love, with twins. A boy and a Girl” She smiled at me shyly, waiting for my reaction.

I Bellowed a loud joyous cry and howled with joy. swooping my woman into my arms and spun her around and around like crazy teenagers. She laughed and so did I, I had heirs, Two heirs and they were to come from My White wolf.

The love I had for her Doubled tonight.

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