The White Wolf ||A Paranormal Romance Novel||

Chapter Thirty-Three 🌶


The world around us faded away, and I didn’t want to change a single part of it. The only thing I was aware of was how perfectly his lips conformed to mine, how the contact was lighting my entire body on fire. How I was realising that ignoring the Bond had been one of the most naive mistakes I’d made in years.

“Should we…” He whispered as he pulled away, his nose resting against mine as the music that filled the room slowly returned to my senses. The sound of feet dancing around us reached my ears and I was suddenly hyper-aware of the bodies that surrounded us. As well as how bright his eyes were glowing.

“We should…” I replied, training my focus back onto him. He nodded before he dragged me through the crowd by the hand. With each step I felt more and more fundamentally inadequate. Even though I had been telling myself that I didn’t need to earn this, it still hadn’t quite reached my soul.

Even as we reached his room I couldn’t stop the feeling that I wasn’t equal to him, that I wasn’t deserving of him. But this felt right, and he no doubt felt the same.

His eyes watched me carefully in the moonlight that blanketed the room. There was no need for candles or lights when the moon was as bright as it was tonight, or when the both of you had the ability to see in the dark. It was how I could see his furrowed brow as his mind pressed against mine. I wondered if he knew what I was thinking; that I didn’t deserve the draw of my soul to his.

I knew he did when he grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to meet his. If anyone else had handled me in such a way I would have unleashed everything I had onto them, would have torn out their throat for even thinking of disrespecting me. But Mircea? I knew it wasn’t to exert power over me, but to assert dominance in this moment alone.

“Have you forgotten you’re a goddess to me?” He asked, closing the bedroom door before he backed me against it. Both of his hands were against the wooden door, one either side of my head as he stared into me with his predatory eyes. “How about you take that fucking dress off and I’ll show you.”

“Why don’t you take it off of me if you hate it so much.” I replied, tilting my head back so I could look into his eyes without my eyelashes getting in the way.

“Because I don’t hate it, Vali. I just wish no one else had seen you in it…” He trailed off, still not touching me. God, I wanted him to touch me. No, I needed him to touch me.

“A little possessive, are we?” I asked, knowing all too well that I felt the same. The way that different fae had looked at him back in the great hall, their eyes dark as they scoured his chest and arms, had made me want to rip out their hearts out of their chests.

“Maybe I would be happier about it if they could see the mark I want to leave on you. They can look all they want, but knowing exactly how they’re thinking about touching you kills me inside.” He told me, and since our minds were still connected I felt my chest constrict just as his was. The lasting affect of jealousy.

“How do they want to touch me?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

“Do you want me to tell you... or show you?”

“Show me.” I said, and he smiled something that could have been read as a warning, but I knew better. It was a promise to do exactly what he said he would back in the library, back in Slovakia. To worship me like a goddess.

His hands were on my waist, his body trapping me against the door as his lips met mine. It was slow but desperate, and through our mental connection I felt how the kiss affected him. It had knocked the air from my lungs, and I didn’t know how I was supposed to breathe again, but to him it was like he was inhaling for the first time in his life.

His lips broke away from mine to my neck, my eyes closed as I tilted my head towards the ceiling, feeling him searching for my pulse and finding it. I exhaled as he sucked on my skin, sending electricity through my body as his fingers trailed around to my back, undoing the zipper on my dress before he pushed the sleeves off my shoulders and the blood red garment fell to the floor.

“Fuck…” he whispered as I kicked the mess of material away from us.

“What?” I asked, but judging from his eyes and the feeling that was settling into my stomach I knew exactly what it was.

“You weren’t wearing a fucking thing under that dress…” He trailed off, and I shook my head while I wore a killer smirk. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He added as he kissed me again, his hands ran up my thighs and my stomach before one cupped my breast and the other dipped between my legs. I moaned at the touch, at the way his thumb brushed over my peak at the same time his finger began circling my core.

His lips moved to my neck once more, locking onto my pulse and the soft skin that covered the vein. My body jolted as his canines grazed me, his fingers still moving slowly and purposefully. If I had any kind of ability to focus left I would have started unbuttoning his shirt, but I couldn’t even lift my arms beyond the bottom of that damned thing. My hands were clasped around the soft material, creasing the silk, but I didn’t fucking care. I needed more.

I needed him to sink into me, in every possible way he could.

“Not yet…” his whispered against my neck; clearly I had projected my exact thoughts to him. Either that or he still had the capacity to hear words, to know the difference between his sensations and mine. For me it was all the same, each form of pleasure feeding into the other in a vicious cycle that was simply making it hard to breathe.

“I need you to be ready before I sink into you, my little goddess, because I fear I won’t very last long once your blood hits my tongue. Once I feel you wrapped around me.” Each word was breathed against my neck, and I dropped my head against the door as I relished in each separate feeling. A moan left my throat as my core burned, tightening in knots that I wasn’t sure could be undone.

“I’m ready…” I whispered, opening my eyes briefly to see him shaking his head.

“Almost.” He replied, as he stopped his slow, torturous circles and instead pushed his fingers into me, curling them to reach a part of me that made my body shudder. “Don’t you even think about finishing without me in you.” I groaned and rocked my hips against his hand as his fingers pumped inside of me.

“Then hurry the fuck up.” I growled, to which I heard a breathy laugh in response.

“Fine…” He whispered, taking his hand away from between my legs, where I was dripping for him. With his hands now free he started to undress himself while I caught my breath, taking off his pants and briefs before he tried to close the distance between us again. Tried because I had placed a hand on his chest, the only part of his torso I could touch since he still had his shirt on. Why did he still have his shirt on?

“Mir…” I trailed off, and his eyes pleaded with me briefly.

“Vali, I…”

“Does my horrid bite scar turn you off?” I asked him, having a guess of what was making him insecure. He shook his head.

“It’s not horrid, it’s part of who you are.” He said, his eyes landing on my shoulder where the scars still remained and would remain for the rest of my life.

“Exactly, it’s a part of who I am.” I agreed, my eyes on his. “No amount of scars, no matter how horrible you think they are, would make me want you less. What’s more of a turn off is you standing in a shirt with nothing else on like fucking Pooh Bear.”

“Well, when you make that comparison…” He trailed off, and I watched as he tried undoing the buttons but his fingers were shaking too much to grasp them.

“I can do it.” I whispered, closing the gap between us and taking hold of the buttons for him, undoing them slowly before pushing the shirt off of his shoulders. My brow furrowed as it fell to the ground, revealing at least twenty burn scars on just his stomach and ribs alone. Traian. The burns were carefully placed, to hide them from peering eyes. They were on his upper arms too, and I was sure they were all over his back.

“I’m going to rip his throat out with my teeth.” I growled, touching a burn that was located on his hip. None were longer than a couple of inches, no wider than two of my fingers. So specific, made to inflict pain and wreck Mircea’s view of his body.

“You’re so fucking attractive when you talk about killing someone in cold blood.” He said, his heart pounding as he took the back of my neck in his hands and collided his mouth against mine. The absolute whiplash of the situation was something I quickly came to terms with, especially as his tongue ran over my bottom lip and I granted him entry.

With each hastened kiss he backed me towards the wall again, his hands moving to hold my waist and his grip tightened with each second as my own hands ran up his abdomen. I felt him tremble at my touch, at how I caressed each scar and each lean muscle. But when I moved to hold his cock he hissed at my touch.

“That's a bad idea if you want me in you…” He warned, his forehead resting against mine, so I smiled and stroked him slowly. Just as he had imagined I would in the shower. “Fucking hell.” He whispered before he grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me, pinning me to the wall with his chest as I let go of him. “You want this?” He asked, one last confirmation before we would inevitably change the course of our lives.

“Yes.” I answered, and not even a moment later he sunk his length into me. “Shit.” I whispered as he rocked his hips into mine, my legs wrapped around him and squeezing him closer to me as he fucked me against the wall. Each thrust made my body shudder, made me inch closer to the release I wanted to feel. Made me feel closer to him.

Made me feel whole.

There was just one thing that was missing.

“Claim me…” I whispered, the words leaving my mouth in a tremble.

“Only if you claim me.” He replied, his fangs already grazing the skin above my vein.

“What if I kill you?” I asked, barely able to breathe as he kept rocking his hips. Unable to think as his half-closed, red eyes looked up into mine, he shook his head with a smile on his face.

“What a fucking way to die…” His voice was barely a whisper, and it brought out my own canines before I sunk them into his shoulder and he hissed in pain. I didn’t realise I’d done it until I tasted blood on my tongue, until my canines retracted and I tipped my head back against the wall, involuntarily panting as his thrusts hit me deeper and harder.

I whimpered as he nuzzled his face into my neck, and again when his fangs pierced my skin. The pain that I felt quickly dissipated, replaced with complete euphoria that nothing could hope to compete with. My body felt completely weightless as he sucked on my neck, as he drank the blood he needed from me.

As my eyes squeezed shut and my core tightened.

As the air in the room went unnaturally still around us.

As my entire body trembled for him.

As he rocked his hips one more time…

I screamed as I came undone in his arms, barely aware of the furniture in the room being thrown away from us. Barely aware of him finishing inside of me.

He slowly walked us to the bathroom, where he turned on the damned shower and put us both in to wash away the sweat and the blood from our temporary wounds, ones that were already healing.

From what I knew about marks they would heal into pretty silver scars, and if the Bond wanted, it would give us new markings to show our connection to one another.

“Well, I’m not dead.” He said as he moved me to stand under the water and began washing my body for me. I was still far too out of it to even think about moving my own muscles. God, is his venom going to do this to me every single time? “Are you okay?” He asked, and I nodded slowly.

“Should I have reacted better to you saying you aren’t dead?” I questioned, my words slurred together as I looked up at him. He smiled as he shook his head.

“I might have liked a bit of excitement at that fact, but I guess it shows how well I did.”

“You could have done better…” I trailed off, feeling the buzz beginning to wear off. My head was slowly levelling out, and feeling was coming back to my fingertips.

“How so?” He asked, and I smiled.

“You told me back in Slovakia, that you would be on your knees for me whenever and wherever I wanted.” I said, he smirked as his hands rested on my waist before he reached behind me to turn the water off. He then slid down, lips leaving a burning trail along my chest and my stomach until he was down… on his knees. He looked up at me through his eyelashes, and his irises were already glowing red.

“Is this what you want, Goddess?” He asked, and I bit my lip as I nodded. His hand took hold of my ankle, then ran up my calf before he grabbed my knee and propped it over his shoulder as I leaned against the shower wall.

“You sure you want to start this again?” His voice was velvet, and it was something I was excited to listen to for the rest of our lives together.

“Oh, it’s going to be hard to get me to stop now.”

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