The White Wolf ||A Paranormal Romance Novel||

Chapter Thirty (kinda 🌶?)


“Are you ready, Mircea?” Anne asked as I pulled my hair into a bun at the nape of my neck.

“I don’t know.” I responded, looking in the mirror at myself in clothes I normally wouldn’t be comfortable wearing. A pair of black slacks and a silk button-up shirt the colour of freshly spilled blood, the part that wasn’t comfortable was the fact I was wearing it half undone.

“Remember, we are in Faerie. Expectations are different here, you need to be comfortable in your body and show it.” Anne said bluntly as she walked over to me and began rolling up my shirt sleeves to just below my elbows. It was enough to show my entire forearms and the veins that were popping in them from how tense I was. “I can almost guarantee you’ll be the most clothed person there.” She added as she looked in the mirror, fiddling with her sheer white dress that showed her slim silhouette.

“That doesn’t make me feel better about myself.” I said, she shook her head.

“You should be confident in yourself, you’re very easy on the eyes Mir.”

“Then why has Vali barely spoken to me?” I asked, and I heard the almighty sigh that left her body.

“Because she’s likely uncomfortable being vulnerable, you just need to show her that you can be trusted with everything she throws at you.” She said, not even looking at me.

“What if she’s still angry about Derek?” I asked, she smiled as she turned to look at me.

“Talk to her about it tonight at the party after dinner. Sort it out yourself and clear the air, but don’t even think about taking control of the conversation tonight.” She told me… again.

“I know.” I said through gritted teeth. On the plane ride to England, where the portal to Faerie was located, Anne had caught me up on the plan. And I didn’t like it one bit.

“Especially not when Vali gets close to Adonis.” She said, and I gave her a tight smile.

“I know.”

“Do you?”

“Well I can’t guarantee I won’t lose my shit when I see my mate flirting with the Fae King, but I will do my best to hold myself together.” I snapped, maybe a little too harshly all things considered. While Vali had been ignoring me, I hadn’t really made the effort to talk to her either.

Although that wasn’t because I was scared to let her in; it was quite the opposite. With every passing day… no, hour, the bloodlust for her grew. It was getting to the point where if I looked at her for longer than a second my canines would start to elongate and my cock would harden.

“God, you two need to lock in your Bond before I throw up.” Anne said, likely smelling the fact that just thinking about sinking my teeth into Vali’s neck, marking her and making her beg for more was sending my body into overdrive. “Fuck this, you need to calm down and then come to dinner. Go deal with yourself if you have to, but don’t you even think about walking into the dining room smelling like that.”

Anne left before I could even think about responding. She was right though. I couldn’t walk into the dining room smelling of desperation and lust, it wouldn’t be a good look for me. Maybe if I dealt with this now then it would help me stay calm during dinner.

Okay, fuck it.

But I’m going to have to wash away the evidence or I would be stuck in the same situation. Right, shower it is.

With my heart hammering in my chest I walked into the bathroom attached to the bedroom Adonis had given me in his castle. My breath shook as I took off my clothes and forced my body under the cold water, which was doing nothing to calm the way my body burned for Vali. Fuck, there was only one way out of this.

The same way there had only been one way to calm myself after the library.

I was already hard as a rock when I took my cock in hand, the water rolling over my shoulders as my other hand was propped on the shower wall. My eyes squeezed shut as I began pumping slowly, wanting to torture myself for allowing my body win over my mind. But with my eyes closed all I could see was her.

All I could imagine was her forehead against mine, her hand wrapped around me instead of my own. A smile on her lips as she knew she was torturing me with each painfully slow stroke, her thumb brushing over my head before she would make her way back down my shaft. And then I imagined those pretty lips wrapped around my cock instead… what must her mouth feel like?

“Fuck.” I grunted as I pumped myself harder and faster. Each movement built the pressure at the base of my spine, a pressure that would have to release soon or it might be the death of me. A pressure that was making it far too difficult to breathe or keep a grip on the real world.

To add onto that feeling, my brain started to tingle, just like it did when Vali was in my mind. What if she was? What if she had just reached out to me and here I was, fucking myself in the shower to get the thoughts of her out of my head?

Do you see what you’re doing to me? I asked, just on the off chance that the sensation meant what I hoped it did. That it wasn’t a feeling I was imagining. Do you see how much I crave you? Do you feel it? I asked as I kept stroking myself, as I sped up the movement and that pressure in my spine reached a tipping point.


Her voice reverberated in my soul. The word echoed as a growl through me and it was all I needed to growl in response as I reached release. As I did the realisation of what I'd just done hit me; or more rather the fact that she had watched me, that she was in my head and felt everything I felt and heard everything I thought.

That she was still with me.

I can’t do this anymore, Vali. We either need to lock in the Bond or you need to break it. It’s up to you but I need a decision tonight before it kills me. I gave her an ultimatum, which was likely a bad idea but it needed to be done. I couldn’t do this anymore, not when it was affecting my every waking minute.

Okay. She replied, and then she was gone.

With her presence in my mind gone, I felt completely alone as the cold water from the shower kept running over my back. I felt so extremely desperate as I planted both hands on the shower wall and I kept trying to suck in air. If just imagining her touching me and hearing her growl a single word was enough to push me over the edge…

What the fuck would I do if she was actually here?

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