The Wheel Of Fortune

Chapter 36-Twenty Fifth

Nadya goes back to the kitchen to bring the cake. I glance at Finlay, he slaps my back before sitting down.

“When did you arrange all of this?”

“In the morning, I just decorated the living room once you both left. It was Nadya’s idea. She wanted to give you a gift but can’t think of anything so we decided on this at the last.” He checks the direction of the kitchen and continues, “I know it was hard for you after Her Majesty died...and all the incidents after that never gave you a moment to live. I was not sure of the idea at first but Nadya insisted so...”

I knew it would be Nadya’s idea, if it was Finlay’s then he would have done this years ago. “Thanks, I actually liked the surprise.”

“...How did she handle the banquet? And how did His Majesty react?” Suddenly, Finlay tunes into the serious conversation. We both know that my purpose in taking her to the banquet was not the celebrate my birthday but to give her an idea of what was coming.

“Just like before, she is very good at using her words.” Her words to Chege made me dumbfounded for a second. I planned to introduce her to all the Cabinet Members but unfortunately, the tuhu incident happened at the last moment. “He didn’t say anything but...Strangely, I don’t think he was displeased as well.”

His expression as soon as he saw Nadya was strange. What is going through his mind? He was fine with her till a month ago, what changed his mind suddenly?

Finlay and I tactically fall silent once Nadya runs back in with the cake, she puts the cake on the table before going back upstairs to bring the camera. She puts aside the camera and pushes me towards the middle of the table, “Sit here, I will click the photos. Finlay, turn off the lights”

After making myself comfortable in the middle of the sofa, I look down at the cake, “Who bought the cake?”

“I did. It took me an hour to go around the city to find the right one. I know you don’t like chocolate so the chocolate cake was not an option, at last, we settled on red velvet.” Nadya answers while getting on her knees opposite me to light up the candles. I look away from the cake, at her face to find her concentrating on lighting the candles. I smile on seeing her excited face, “Are you excited because you want to eat the cake or because of my birthday?”

Her hand pauses and looks up, “I would be lying if I said only because of the celebration. The cake is much more delicious than you.”

I lean forward and whisper so Finlay couldn’t hear us, “How would you know when you haven’t even tried both? Shouldn’t you try ‘it’ before judging? ”

Her face goes blank for a moment before the realization hits her. I watch as her eyes widen and she glances at Finlay to see if he heard what I said but Finlay is was too busy going through the camera. She leans forward and slaps my shoulder before mirroring my pose, and whispers back in a trembling voice, “ are you saying?”

“What are you both talking about?”

We both lean away and glance at Finlay at the same time. Before I could say anything, Nadya starts speaking, “Let’s cut the cake.” She doesn’t glance at me and hurriedly takes the camera from Finlay’s hands.

“Wait, wait..make a wish before blowing the candles.”

I take a peek at Finlay and Nadya and close my eyes.

I wish I could have a moment like this again. Even if it is only for once.


As soon as I pick up the plates, Ryou stops me, “I will clean up. Sit down for a minute.” Once I sit on the sofa, he returns to his room before coming back with a first aid box in his hands. Finlay stands up at the sight of the first aid box, “What happened? Did you get hurt?” He scans Ryou from up to down.

“Not me.” At his answer, Finlay looks back at me and I squirm at my place. Ryou puts down the box on the table and moves to sit down on the carpet beside the sofa but Finlay stops him, “I will do it. Where did she get hurt?”

Finlay sits on the carpet while I lean my back against the sofa arm and sit sideways. I hiss as soon as Finlay touches the bruise and reddened area on my feet. Ryou goes around the sofa and leans over the backrest as he watches Finlay work over my feet. “You are not allowed to wear heels for at least the next two weeks.”

I press my lips tightly at Finlay’s firm tone. It is rare that I see him this serious. “How come you are the one who always gets hurt? Ryouhei never got hurt so much even during his training. Try to stay at home for some time.” He says more to himself than to me.

“...Okay.” I have to study and complete my assignments anyway. It is a good chance to take a short rest. I look up at Ryou, “How long did your training last before becoming an Extander?”

“Around one year, it should have taken longer but it was 10 months into the training that I discovered that I had two types of powers. They let me off pretty soon compared to others.”

“And did you find that person with tuhu?” What were the plans they were talking about?

“No, Juan checked everyone’s location but there was no one out at the time you were in the corridor. Their timings don’t match and the barrier was also intact so...about how did she get in, I don’t have any idea. The barrier works 24/7 which is also the reason no tuhu had tried to attack the palace before.”

“Ryou, why do you assume the person that tuhu talked to was from the banquet? What if it was someone from the staff? I never saw his face, it could be anyone.” In fact, while in the palace I also assumed that the old man was attending the banquet, it was only after reaching home that I think of the other possibilities.

What if it was someone from inside the palace?

Ryou’s expression freezes, the possibility also just struck him. “It was because....why would a staff meet with a tuhu? What use it would be for him? And I automatically assumed it because of the content of the conversation.”

I was thinking the same as him, before, but not now, “But, Ryou, why go through all the trouble only if they wanted to meet a tuhu? Couldn’t he meet her in his house, more safely than in the palace? This way no one would know of their meeting.” Coming to the palace just for the meeting which could have been held outside doesn’t make sense.

Ryou cups his mouth with his hand as he thinks over my words. I can see his gears turning while he tries to think of what to do next. Suddenly, he turns to Finlay, “Finlay, can you give me a list of all the people on the staff over 35?”

“There are only 27 people who are over 35 and only 16 of them are men. Give me a day, I will try to find their information but is this necessary?”

“Unfortunately, it is. Other than the staff, everyone can leave the palace at their will so it doesn't make sense for them to wait till the banquet to meet her.”

“We have two days before 25th, maybe we can catch him before it,” I comment with a sigh. I should have focused on seeing the face of the man rather than fighting the tuhu.

But there is no use of regret now. I just hope whatever they were talking about was nothing much.



A blast of warm air hits me and I let out a sigh of comfort after enduring a shiver all the way from the home. The clatter of plates and many voices makes me reassure that now I am under the shelter, protecting me from the cold winds as the smell of coffee graces my nose. I greet the owner and sit at my reserved table.

Without wasting any moment, I remove my overcoat and sit crossed legs before glancing at the digital clock on the wall.

25th December. 4:23

“Here is your coffee,”

I look away from the clock with a jerk, when did she come here? I rub my palms together before picking up the cup while shooting her a smile, “Thanks. Weren’t you off today?”

“Holiday season is approaching so there are lot more customers than usual, they wanted extra hands so I came. And of course, I will be paid extra. Another date?”


She shakes her head with a helpless smile, “It’s your fifth in the last two weeks. Anyway, good luck. Call me if you need anything else.” She waves and walks away to the other table.

Not more than minutes later, the doorbell chimes again and I aimlessly sweep a glance at the door. Immediately, I straighten up at my place and take out my phone to check myself for the last time. As I am tucking my hair behind my ear, the chair in front of me is dragged back before my date settles himself on it.

“Hey,” I say a second before looking up,

“Hey, you are Valencia, right? Sorry, I am late.” The man with brown hair and green eyes questions. My voice dies down as I raise my eyes and trace his features. Surely, Kaira’s taste never disappoints. I have come to trust her taste after getting to know her affection for Ryouhei. I snap out of my praises for Kiara and compose myself.

“It was only 10 minutes...You are much more handsome than I saw in your photo.”

He leans back and smirks, “I know. Though you are not to my taste, you are gorgeous as well. I think we will be good together.”

My hand pauses mid-air. I blink and look away, why did I think of her suddenly, “Uhm...How do you know Kaira?” I take a small sip from the cup to hide my trembling lips.

“We are cousins. My mother and her mother are sisters. What about you? How do you know her?” He answers once he was done ordering for both of us. The pause gives me time to hide my feelings.

“We are from the same university. Originally, I studied Physics at Transvius university but after becoming an Extander, I was transferred here.”

His mouth falls open in surprise, “Transvius university? Isn’t that difficult? I thought only toppers could get in Transvius? As far as I have heard, it gives free education to all its students but it is difficult to get in.”

“I ranked 2nd in my batch in high school finals and 959th in university entrance exam so I barely got in.” It only accepts 1500 students per year so the student body is pretty small as compared to other universities. But the plus point is their free education and quality of the teaching.

“Wow, it means you are good at academics. It doesn’t match you but I am okay with it...What sequence are you in?” My right eye twitches at his question.

Here we go again.

I grit my teeth and answer with a laugh to hide my emotions, “I am sure, you heard about it from Kaira. I am from Sequence 13.”

“So...can you help me meet Prince Ryouhei?” He asks in a tone like there is nothing wrong with it. I keep my eyes on the table to hide my irritation. Why do they always talk about Ryouhei? Aren’t we on a date?

“We are not that close and he is usually busy with cases, his studies, and work.”

He clicks his tongue and lets out a disappointed sigh, “Then what is the use of being in his Sequence, you can’t even meet him-”


I flinch and turn toward the door to find men running into the cafe. I lower my cup while turning my attention toward the door. What is happening? A second later, one woman runs in right after them and they all close the door of the cafe before looking around in panic. “Block the door, quickly block the door.” The woman shouts after coming in and starts grabbing chairs.

From the corner of my eye, I notice the owner of the cafe coming out before she tries to calm them and make sense of the situation. Other customers start getting up or turning toward them to see what is happening and me being one of them.

The man covered in sweat, the first one to run in turns around and shouts, “There...there are tuhus in the back alley and they are coming this way. There are around 40 of them. Quickly block the door.”

Instantly, all the thoughts of the date leave my mind and I stand from my seat. The cafe filled with confusion suddenly turns into full panic mode. I stare at the people helping the intruders to block the door before looking at the time.

5:00 PM

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