The Water Nymph’s Plaything: A Lesbian Spanking Fantasy Adventure

The Water Nymph’s Plaything: Chapter 3

“Oooh, Mistress…” moaned Sally through a mournful sniffle, wriggling in place across Modan’s knees as she caught her breath.

Now that her bottom was no longer being set ablaze, she was able to think straight again, and it began to dawn on her just how royally she’d screwed up. And with that realization came a fresh wave of panic.

“I am so sorry that I displeased you. I promise I’ll do better from now on. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it, I swear. I’ll practice whatever you tell me to. I… I’ll clean your swamp! Whatever it takes, just please don’t make me leave before I’ve had a chance to learn from you!”

“Clean my swamp?” giggled Modan, her laughter rich and darkly musical as she gently rubbed Sally’s bottom. “It’s not dirty, but perhaps I’ll have you clean it anyway… whatever that would entail. No one’s ever offered to do that for me before.”

Still chuckling, she reached out with her free hand to casually pet and play with the exhausted mage’s golden hair. Pulling her silky locks free of their frazzled bun, she ran her fingers through them while with her other she began to slowly trace her forefinger down along the divide between the panting girl’s cheeks, almost, but not quite, rubbing at what she found smoldering just at its base.

“Mmmm…” groaned Sally, eyes rolling up as her back arched on reflex. “M… Mistress, I…”

Modan leaned over her captive acolyte, deliberately squishing her large, wet breasts against her back, and then snatched something up from a nearby tree branch.

“Get up,” she ordered, leaning back again and patting Sally’s sore buns gently, but firmly.

The naiad’s post-punishment ministrations had left her gasping and shivering in embarrassed delight, but she still scrambled to obey as her weight shifted off of her.

“As you say, Mistress!”

Kneeling awkwardly next to her on the mossy root, torn between sitting and kneeling (and wondering with some trepidation if not fully sitting down would result in more spanks), she slowly and reluctantly eased herself back onto her tender bottom and let out a low hiss. She would definitely be remembering this spanking for a long time to come, that was for sure. Modan spanked even harder than Mistress Alviren on her best days!

At least I have an entire bog’s worth of hot water to sooth my poor bottom in…

Looking totally serene and composed, and perhaps maybe just a little bit smug, Modan reached out and offered her a handful of swollen, black berries.

“Here, these were already ripe.”

Using her other hand, she popped one of them into her mouth and crushed it between her teeth, humming a little to herself and licking the dark, purple juice from her lips.

At first Sally eyed the unknown berries warily, but she quickly decided that if Modan was willing to eat them, then they were probably fine for humans too. And so, with a helpless shrug of her shoulders, she popped a couple of them into her mouth and bit down. Instantly, any wariness she might have been feeling vanished, washed away by the berries’ sweet juices as they flowed along her tongue.

“Oh my.”

With a massive grin, she popped four more of them into her mouth and chewed eagerly, savoring their unique flavor.

“These are delicious!” she declared happily around a mouthful of berry pulp, some of their juices dribbling down her chin from the corners of her mouth as she did so.

Then, suddenly remembering her manners, her burning bottom a vivid reminder of the times when she’d acted so unladylike back at the monastery, she hastily wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and blushed.

“Um… sorry,” she mumbled, before popping another berry into her mouth with a bit more restraint, chewing it carefully before swallowing this time.

‘Sorry, and…?’ prompted Modan, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

“And…?” stalled Sally, making sure not to dribble any juices this time as she racked her brain for what the nymph was expecting her to say next. “And, um…”

Oh horsefeathers! she moaned silently to herself, drawing a blank and squirming uncomfortably on her mossy perch as the throbbing in her bottom grew suddenly more pronounced.

With no warning other than a cruel grin, Modan once again grabbed hold of her by the shoulders and hauled her right back over her lap and into the exact same position she’d been in just a few moments earlier, getting back to work delivering full-armed spanks to her already sore sit-spots.


‘What about ‘thank you’?’

This time she didn’t bother with building up any steam, but instead just picked up right where she’d left off, delivering open-handed swats to the two bouncy cheeks stretched out across her thighs with the same speed and ferocity as she had at the very end of Sally’s previous spanking.

“Ack! Oh! Owie!” squealed the already-sore mage in surprise, the fires in her bottom lit anew as her mind raced to catch up with the fact that she was back over the water nymph’s lap getting spanked for being rude.

Shocked and appalled at her own lack of manners, and knowing full well that she deserved every single smack she was getting, she gritted her teeth and took her spanking with only the minimal amount of yelps and small wriggles for a full minute before finally breaking down and crying once again.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she squealed into the mist. “Thank you for the berries, Mistress Modan. They were delicious!”

“You’re very welcome,” replied Modan breezily, stopping to rest her palm comfortingly on the top chubs of Sally’s tush, petting her naked, quivering back for a brief moment before redoubling her spanking efforts. “But you are going to be a very polite human from now on! Do you understand?”


With that declaration she sacrificed some of the force of her swats in favor of rapid-fire speed as she began peppering the repentant mage’s burning buns randomly.

Half a heartbeat later, Sally’s squirming and squealing rose to unprecedented new heights as she writhed over the naiad’s lap.

“Yes Mistress, whatever you say, Mistress!” she howled. “I promise to be the most polite mage you’ve ever seen. I’ll never, ever, ever, ever forget to say please or thank you ever again, and I’ll always, always, always show you whatever courtesies a nymph is owed!”

She wasn’t really sure what those courtesies might be exactly, but at that moment she was prepared to do whatever it took to keep her bottom from actually being set on fire. Even for a Cindertouched, that wasn’t an inviting prospect!

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Ignoring Sally’s pleas, Modan continued to relentlessly pummel her ample backside for the next few minutes, the screams and cries of a girl who never knew her bottom could hurt so much from just a hand spanking alone echoing off of the tree trunks before slowly dying amidst the steam and fog of the swamp.

It was the human’s own fault, really.

If she didn’t have such an enjoyably jiggly tush, then she wouldn’t have had to spank it so much.

In the end, Modan finally stopped swatting only once Sally’s face was as wet with tears and sweat as it was from condensation, and her bottom was so hot that she could actually feel the warmth radiating out from it from nearly two feet away.

It looked even rounder and plumper now, and was certainly more eye-catching in its new color.

“Hmmm… I’ve changed my mind,” she declared suddenly after spending a few idle moments kneading the girl’s battered cheeks with both hands and running her fingers up and down, heedless of whether it was soothing or hurting. “I think I’ll keep you here for several days and nights… Perhaps longer.”

She squeezed extra-hard with those last two words, digging her fingernails in roughly against the tender skin of the moaning mage’s central divide.

“You’re a sweet little human…”

Pulling the sizzling cheeks in her hands away from each other, she smiled hungrily down at what she saw exposed there.


Modan bit her lip and chuckled under her breath at the girl’s entertaining reaction before continuing.

“Albeit a very naughty one.”

She let out a dramatically long and exasperated sounding breath as she continued admiring the contents of her lap.

Oh yes, she could definitely entertain herself with this captured prize for a while yet.

“But I will still be happy to teach you how to properly speak to the trees, and the insects, and the waters. And perhaps even some other things too… should you please me.”

Letting her captive’s cheeks go suddenly, smirking as she watched them wobble back into place, Modan moved on to petting and caressing Sally’s back and shoulders, and straightening out the girl’s sweat-soaked hair.

“Have the rest of the berries, if you want them.”

She then slapped her bottom just hard enough to reignite the fire, and giggled again.

“T-thank you, Mistress…” replied Sally with a shuddering half-sniffle, half-moan.

A heady mixture of relief that her spanking was finally over (at least for the moment), excitement that Modan had decided to let her stay and was willing to teach her so much, and a fluttering sensation in her lower abdomen at how she’d phrased her plans as her having decided to “keep” her for several days (or more!) washed over her, filling her entire being until she felt like she might burst.

Grinning lazily, she heaved out a satisfied sigh and popped the few remaining berries into her mouth all at once, chewing contentedly.

She had no idea what was going to happen next, but she couldn’t wait to find out.

“No one has ever called me ‘Mistress’ before,” mused Modan as she watched her eat. “But I think I’m growing to like it.”

She leaned over her again then, and Sally felt a tender kiss on her blazing, right sit-spot.


As the nymph’s soft blue lips came into contact with crimson skin, the mage girl let out a short gasp of surprise as an electric tingle intermixed itself with the twinge of pain from the contact, feeling her heartbeat accelerate as she recognized the sensation of an empowered signature – a magical, personalized symbol created and sustained by the Power – being affixed.

“There. Now nothing in this swamp will hurt you… unless I tell it to.”

“Wow! Really?”

A giddy frisson overrode any exhaustion Sally might have still been feeling after Modan had finished affixing her mark, the seal on the extra-sensitive undercurve of her right cheek seeming to make it even more sensitive for a brief instant as a new kind of warmth pulsed pleasantly from where it had been applied.

“Yes really.”

Squirming in delight across the naiad’s lap, it took a supreme effort of will for her to fight down the urge to crane her neck back and see what the mark actually looked like.

There would be time enough for that later, she supposed.

Modan just giggled, and tickled the sensitized spot a little with her fingers, which made Sally squirm even harder.

“It seemed like the best spot for it.”


She then slapped the spot in question, much harder than any reasonable person would think necessary.

“Up you get.”


A yelp of surprise escaped from Sally’s lopsidedly-smiling lips at the sudden, sharp swat, and she was back on her knees in a flash, kneeling beside her new mistress on the mossy root. Grateful to have her tender tush out of the line of fire for the moment, she sheepishly rubbed at the spot on her right sit-spot where she could still feel the ethereal presence of Modan’s seal humming lightly, and offered the naiad a watery and deeply humbled smile.

“Thank you… Mistress.”


The word tasted differently on her tongue than it had just a moment earlier, but she found that it was far sweeter than any berry or apricot could ever be.

Modan smiled warmly back at her, her dark, liquid eyes gazing deep into her own bright green ones before nodding once.

“It’s almost sundown. Do humans still sleep at night?”

Looking up beyond the semi-open canopy above her, Sally was startled to see that the once bright, cerulean sky of afternoon – or what could be seen of it through the omnipresent white fog – had given way to the crimson of evening.

“My goodness, I’ve been here for so long!” she marveled before realizing that her mistress had asked her a question and was still awaiting an answer.

Fidgeting slightly and blushing as she tried (and failed) to make herself meet the fathomless depths of Modan’s inky black eyes, she hurriedly added.

“Y-yes Mistress, I… that is to say, we, still need to sleep every night.”

For a brief moment she considered elaborating about things like pajamas, bedtimes, curfews, and sneaking around to stay up late and avoid them, but decided that that might not be the best topic of discussion to broach with her bottom still naked and throbbing from her last spanking.

“Alright then.”

Drawing in closer, Modan smiled lazily down at her as she trailed a hand up from just above the young mage’s smoldering crotch, across her smooth belly, and over her breasts, stopping just below her chin and oh so gently tipping her head back so that she was forced to meet her gaze.

“Still hungry?”

Sally couldn’t help but feel as if small surges of Power were pulsing from the fingertips underneath her chin, and meeting her mistress’s gaze, she smiled back at her as the irrational desire to say something sassy welled up within her.

Now that the spanking was over with (or at least, Sally hoped it was over with), she realized that her stomach was still growling.

“Yes Mistress,” she chirped, her soft smile giving way to an impish grin. “We humans cannot survive on a handful of berries alone, you know.”

“Alright then,” replied Modan, seemingly unfazed by the younger girl’s irreverent tone, her own smile broadening as she stood up on the slick branch.

As she turned around, presenting Sally with an excellent view of her bare thighs, pillowy buttocks, and swanlike back, she reached into a hollow in the tree trunk and pulled out a thick, struggling, black snake. She spent a moment or two stroking its head gently with a finger, and then just as casually, snapped its neck.

“You prefer to soften your meat before you eat it, do you not?”

Dropping the now dead snake onto the branch between them, Modan sat back down.

“Can you make fire?”

Sally’s heart had leapt up into her throat upon realizing that there had been such a big and scary looking snake so close to her this whole time, and with a nervous half-laugh, she surreptitiously ran her fingertips along the ethereal seal on her right buttock.

“Um… Yes Mistress, I can, but um…”

Feeling the tips of her ears starting to heat up again, she cast a sidelong glance back over her shoulder, nodding toward her crimson backside. Conjuring heat might have been the first spell she was taught, once the Celestine Order had recognized her as a Cindertouched, but right at this moment…

“I’m not so sure I’ll be able to, um… to really, uh… you know, concentrate on channeling the power right this second.”

Blushing to the roots of her golden hair, she cast her eyes down to her firmly pressed-together thighs and mumbled.

“Um, sorry about that…”

“Distracted by a different fire, are we?”

Modan smirked, and then picking up the dead snake, she bit down into it, tearing away a sizable mouthful of raw meat and scaly hide, chewing it thoroughly. As her jaw worked, she let the blood from the creature trickle down onto the branch beneath them, which in turn caused the epiphytes growing there to shiver and writhe as more of the blue-black berries swelled up in tight bunches. She then wiped most of the blood off of her chin and grabbed a handful of the berries, squishing them into the open snake for her next bite before nodding toward the others.

“Help yourself.”

Grimacing at the… primal way her mistress was eating their meal, Sally briefly considered looking for some dry twigs that she could use to build a fire the old fashioned way, but just as quickly shrugged off the idea; it was far too damp and foggy for that to ever work. So, a bit reluctantly, she decided to embrace the moment and take it as a small punishment for not being able to focus and channel the Power while she was… well, distracted. Besides, the whole reason why she’d left the monastery in the first place was so that she could experience new things outside its walls, right? And so, seizing the other end of the thick snake in both hands, she grimaced at it for a moment and then bit down with all her might.

And nearly gagged.

Still though, she forced herself to push past her initial revulsion, and soon enough her need for food overrode her delicate sensibilities, and she was sating herself on the raw flesh of the snake as if she were a native girl of the Western Wastes.

It really wasn’t that bad once you got used to the texture, actually.

In fact, it was kind of fun!

Having the soft warmth of her mistress by her side certainly made the task far more enjoyable as well.

“Maybe you little mortal things are more adaptable than I thought,” observed Modan with raised eyebrows, clearly impressed.

She then flashed her a bloody smile and the two of them fell into a companionable silence as they ate their dinner, their mouths almost touching before they finally came to a stop.

When Sally finally declared that she couldn’t eat another bite, Modan tossed the rest of their snake up into the canopy. From above them came the sounds of a brief scuffle in the leaves as unseen creatures fought for the remains. This disturbance went completely ignored by the mistress of the bog however, who casually wiped most of the blood and juice from her mouth and chin with a satisfied smile while the steam and fog took care of the rest.

The air here is like a constant, gentle bath… realized Sally as she wiped her own mouth and saw that she was far cleaner than she should have been given how messy their meal was.

‘Ready for sleep?’ Modan asked.

With a weary nod and a somewhat-strained smile, doing her best to focus on whatever was coming next rather than what she’d just done to that poor snake, Sally replied, “Yes Mistress.”

Then, frowning and casting an eye about to take in the swampy water all around them, the boiling mud in the center of the clearing, and the massive, arching roots that could be used as benches, she blushed and asked tentatively, “Um… where exactly am I supposed to sleep?”

Then, feeling a sudden twinge of worry pulse unpleasantly in her stomach, she added in a rush.

“I-I’m not going to have to leave you and return tomorrow, am I?”

“You won’t,” came Modan’s simple reply.

It was neither a threat nor a promise, just a statement of fact. One that that she seemed completely certain about. She then helped Sally back up to her feet with one hand gently gripping each of her upper arms. Their breasts were so close now that they were almost touching, and with an enigmatic, little smile, she gently backed the sleepy mage toward the knobbly tree trunk directly behind her.

“I suppose I could let you breathe water and allow you to sleep where I do,” she drawled before giving her head a small shake. “But I can only sustain that for so long…”

Suddenly, cool, damp, rubbery ropes began to creep their way around Sally’s ankles and waist, the longer, thicker vines that hung between the tree branches above them slithering their way up and around her nubile young body while Modan held her firmly in place.

Distracted as she was by the prospect of actually being able to breathe underwater, Sally was blissfully unaware of what was happening to her until it was far too late. Panicking, she began to thrash around against the vines and her mistress’s unyielding grip as she cried out.

“Noooo! What are you doing? Let me go, let me go! ”

But Modan simply shook her head with an amused smirk and replied, “I said that you would stay with me, sweet mage, and that’s exactly what you are going to do.”

She then spent the next several moments highly entertained as she watched the vines encircle themselves around Sally’s legs and each of her arms, before finally wrapping themselves snugly around her chest, squishing her ample breasts outward through two of the tight coils. Moans of embarrassment, and more than a little bit of pleasure (which in turn produced even more moans of embarrassment), were wrung from the blonde girl as she continued to struggle valiantly (but ultimately futilely) against the creeping vines.

“But… but… w-what… what are you doing?” she breathlessly gasped as she wriggled within their slithering grip, her thrashing taking on a distinctly more squirmy quality to it as the seconds ticked by and she found herself more and more ensnared. “L-let me go…” she panted half-heartedly.

Modan just shook her head, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

“That’s quite enough struggling!”

She crooked a finger then, and the vines obediently responded by yanking Sally forward, forcing her to bend over at an almost perfect ninety-degree angle and holding her in place with her arms raised up to either side of her.

Ducking under the grasping creepers, she stepped casually behind the trussed-up mage.

“You asked for a place to sleep, and I’m giving you one. And I’ll have you know that I do not appreciate your complaints.”

“I wasn’t complaining, I was just, um… just…”

Trailing off as she cast her gaze back over her shoulder, Sally watched in mounting dread as she saw another length of vine lower itself from a higher branch and wrap itself three times around Modan’s strong forearm, leaving a short, whippy length for her to grip in her hand.

Oh dear…

As if reading her mind, the grimly grinning naiad swished her little whip back and forth through the air a couple of times, before hitting her other palm with it.


It landed with a stomach-churning impact, and Modan took a moment or two to savor the look of terror in the young acolyte’s wide eyes and fluttering lips before lifting her forearm high to deliver the first blow to her naked right cheek.


It was just as well that Sally was so thoroughly restrained right then as Modan cracked her vine whip across her already sore bottom. Had she not been held in place by the slick vines, she would have most certainly broken position and danced around clutching her welted buttock for over a minute! That would have definitely earned her extras had Mistress Alviren been the one wielding the lash, and she had a sneaking suspicion that Mistress Modan would not have been any more lenient either.

So instead she tossed back her frazzled mane of bright blonde hair and let out a long, high-pitched squeal of pain followed immediately by a jumbled mess of promises to stop struggling, to sleep wherever her mistress desired her to, and great sweeping declarations of total and complete obedience from then on if only she would just stop. But even as she babbled out her pleas, she knew that they would not be heeded.

“You always promise that after I’ve started punishing you. Never before. I wonder why that is?” mused Modan as she THWACKED! the short length of vine down again, this time higher on Sally’s right buttock, before landing another THWACK! vertically on the opposite cheek.

At her unspoken command the vines bent the babbling mage over even further, forcing her round, red bottom to stick straight up into the air for more licks at random.


Left and right, up and down, from one angle and then another, soon twenty lines of pure balefire had been cut into her already burning seat, wringing from Sally an unending chorus of wailing moans of pain, embarrassment, and the Power help her, pleasure from deep within her very core.

When the vines had yanked her further forward, thrusting her bottom up and back for even more discipline at her mistress’s hand, she’d abandoned all pretenses of offering up excuses and pleas entirely and had instead simply cried and cried as she took every stripe that the naiad decided to give her.

She’d been lashed before on a few rare occasions when she’d been a novice back at the monastery, mostly whenever she’d done something to really displease one of her instructors, but those sessions had never been anything like what she was experiencing now. Each caress of the impromptu whip hurt like the blazes, but coming as they were from her mistress, Sally couldn’t help but take them all with the meek and open heart of a learner wishing only to serve.

Although that did very little to stop her from yelping in pain with each line of pain etched across her ample backside.


Then, just like that, the whipping had come to an end and Modan was there caressing her smoldering cheeks, tracing the lengths of the puffy, swollen welts crisscrossing them with her fingertips in smug self-satisfaction. And as she savored her handiwork, the young mage soon found herself purring and panting as the throbbing ache in her backside pulsed its way deeper and deeper inside of her, burrowing its way between her parted, trembling thighs and making her lightheaded as her clit hummed with pent-up need.

In that moment she would have promised to crack open the moon itself using the Power had her mistress commanded her to.

“Oh gods below,” she panted, breathless as her mind and body swam with conflicting thoughts and emotions, the lingering pain in her backside near overwhelming as it warred with her need for release.

Modan was content to just let her new student cry for a bit however, still petting and soothing her flaming cheeks as she drank in her squirming and breathy moans.

“Here,” she said sometime later, stooping down to gather up something from the root beneath their feet.

Her voice now had a playful charm to it as she crushed a handful of the berries they’d been enjoying earlier and began to rub the thick, cool juice all over Sally’s maroon cheeks.

‘These will help with the burn.’

Modan’s fingers explored every mark, every handprint, every swell and dimple, turning Sally’s limbs to jelly as she massaged the soothing juices into her scalded flesh. She even crushed a second handful of the fat berries and worked their pulpy juice along the insides of her cleft, spreading her battered cheeks wide and making her gasp and squirm anew as cooling relief washed over her twitching rosebud, before finally rubbing an extra-thick layer over her carmine sit-spots, which she lifted up away from the girl’s thighs for that purpose.

“Although, they might not help for long,” she chuckled as she finished up and had the vines pull her thoroughly spent student upright once again before petting her hair and chin from behind. “At this rate, you’ll be getting yourself in trouble again before midday tomorrow.”

She giggled.

“And probably again after that.”

She then pressed her soft breasts and hard nipples to Sally’s back and whispered tauntingly into her ear.

“And you’re going to be here for several days and several nights. Maybe even longer…”

With those ominous words still ringing in her ears, Sally could only watch as Modan swan-dove into the water below, once again without leaving so much as a ripple to mark her passing. The vines then hauled the thoroughly restrained mage up off her feet, provoking a shocked meeping and twitching from her as they shifted her off the branch entirely. She quickly got used to the feeling of helplessness and weightlessness however as the vines carried her, and soon they lowered her through the steam until she was hanging just a few feet above the warm water, surrounded on all sides by life and thick moisture.

Coming to a gentle stop, they continued to cradle her so that she was lying face up with her arms and legs splayed out to either side of her. And a moment later, another thick vine then snaked its way down from the canopy above and looped itself under her head, easing it up into a more comfortable position.

“Comfortable?” asked Modan a moment later, sticking her face up out of the water beside the dangling Sally with a wide grin.

Despite the fact that this was easily the most embarrassing position she’d ever been in, Sally couldn’t help but admit – with a spectacular blush – that she was indeed quite cozy.

“Y-yes Mistress, I’m very comfortable…”


Reaching up, Modan gave the acolyte’s bottom one final squeeze from below, savoring its springy warmth.

“Sleep well, little human.”

And with that, she disappeared soundlessly back into the murk.

Exhausted, Sally quickly followed suit and soon sank down after her new mistress into the world of dreams.

After all, it had been a very long day.

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