The Warmth of the Hearth

Chapter For Luke

Carson stands in a huge hall in front of his father, Kayden Blaise, the lord of House Blaise and known to be the most powerful Agni mage in Ezicion. His forty-eight-year-old father wore a rough beard, his bulky figure greatly resembling Carson’s. He stays seated at the other end, on his enormous throne that always seemed to make him a lot smaller than he actually is. Beside Kayden was an empty seat, meant for Carson’s mother. She was bedridden by a sickness they have not heard of and was thus forbidden to leave the room, her meals being delivered by the house servants. The huge windows that lie on the sides of the great hall allows the room to be brightly lit, their crimson curtains hung up for light to come in.

“Father, I thank you for taking the time to see me.” Carson bows, his right hand on his left chest. He stays still, waiting for his father’s response as they were trained to do so ever since they were young.

Kayden raises a hand and speaks, his gruff voice filling the entire room. “Speak boy, I do not have the whole day to spare.”

Carson raises his head, looking his father straight in the eye. “I wish to talk to you about something that I have discovered during the Academy Examinations.” He pauses. Carson has prepared the words for his father to hear, knowing that Kayden was never known for his patience. “The death of Luke Laisren and the sabotage of his house, and the possibility of th---”

Kayden cuts him off. “The school being involved?” He puts his elbow on the arm rest and puts his cheek on his knuckle, his crimson eyes serious. “We have heard about some questionable movements within the Academy and a few of the upper houses. And to think that Luke would be a casualty...” Despite being strict, Kayden cared about his children, including Luke.

“You know something about this incident?” Carson asks, his eyebrows furrowing at the thought of his father keeping secrets from them.

Kayden sees this and sits up straight, looking Carson straight in the eye. “Not a lot more than you. All we know is that there are strange activities involving manna from Blepalon.” He leans in, both hands on his chin. “And from what you said, this might be more dangerous than we thought.”

Carson continues to speak. “There was an unidentified mage, said to be weaving some sort of dark mist. Do you know anything about that?”

Kayden’s eyes widen, as if he was terrified by what he just heard. “By the gods... war is coming.”

Carson looks at him, his eyes showing visible confusion. War? How could that signify war? He opens his mouth to ask, no longer keeping his formal tone. “What are you talking about?”

“That was no mage Carson. Only one being could be capable of weaving that magic you speak of...” He looks at his son, and visions of the old wars flood him, stories that he has only ever heard of from his own elders. “That was darkness itself. A demon, one that feeds off of fear. One that cannot be killed.” He pauses, his breathing slowly getting heavier. “There is no name for that monstrosity, and those who are unfortunate enough to face it do not live to tell the tale. When it comes, war follows. A darkness shall befall all of humanity, and none will be spared.” Kayden walks towards Carson and looks at him straight in the eye. “We must move, time is of the essence.”

This confuses Carson and he can’t help but ask as his father walks away, “Move to where?”

His father looks at him, already at the huge doorways that allow entry to the hall. “To prepare for the worst.” He leaves, the servants closing the doors behind him and the great metal structures shut with a loud thud.

Carson turns to look at the throne, both seats empty. He sighs, knowing that his life may be starting to take a turn for the worst. A sudden movement in the corner of his eye catches his attention, his head turns to see what it was. Claire stands there, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

“I heard.” Claire speaks, now standing upright.

Carson looks at her, worry visible in his crimson eyes. “This really is way more than us Claire, and you still wanna go for it?” He puts one hand on his waist, his breathing steady.

She looks at him, determined. “You’re not flaking out on me, are you?” Claire approaches him, looking up to match his gaze.

“Alright then, but no decisions without me knowing aight?” Carson ruffles her hair, which causes her to thwack his arm off of her. He looks at her, now serious in his tone. “For Luke.”

Claire looks at him, responding. “For Luke.”

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