The War God’s Favorite by Jenny Fox

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

The Culprit Cassandra took deep breaths, closing her eyes and focusing on the soothing smell. Dahlia gently

rubbed her back and helped her ventilate a bit.

“Does this make you feel better?” Asked Kairen, standing on the side.

She nodded.

With Dahlia’s help, Cassandra had created a solution of lemon and verbena, and was now inhaling it

from a little basin. The vapors were helping her greatly for her nausea. She had puked again after the

previous scene was too much for her eyes and stomach. A bunch of servants was cleaning the area,

while Cassandra had been accompanied back to her herbal garden, where she could have some fresh


“Damn, I really don’t want to have kids,” sighed Shareen, who was also watching next to her brother.

“Shall I call mother?”

“I am fine,” said Cassandra. “I already feel a lot better.”

She may have to produce more of that solution from now on. She didn’t think it would be so effective.

“I will go and buy more lemons later,” said Dahlia.

Cassandra nodded, grateful. She could always grow more verbena here, and even a lemon tree.

“Let’s skip the banquet,” said Kairen.

“Again? Brother, father will really throw a fuss. And it’s the last evening before the New Year


“I don’t care.”

Shareen didn’t add anything as her brother already had his usual glare on. Cassandra also wished the

Celebrations were already over, so they could finally leave the Palace. However, she still hadn’t

forgotten the matter of the snake. She glanced at her fingers, which were mostly clear of any blue tint


“No, let’s go,” she said with a sigh. “I want to find out who was behind that snake.”

“You think you’ll know tonight already?” Asked Shareen, surprised.

Cassandra nodded and stood up, walking back to Kairen.

“Can we take a bath before that?”

Of course, he agreed, and Shareen decided she need one too, in her own apartments. Dahlia, who had

naturally taken the lead of the servants preparing the bath, also made sure to include verbena and a bit

of lemon into the scents of their bath, which helped Cassandra relax even better. For once, Kairen let

her bathe alone, only staying by her side once he had dismissed everyone with an efficient glare.

“Those make you feel better?” He asked, looking at the plant of verbena Cassandra had brought from

the garden inside their room.

She nodded.

“I’ve always liked this scent. They grew in the south too, but it was probably a different species. The

ones I remember were blue and purple, not white like those… I think the smell was stronger, too.”

“We can get more if you need.”

Cassandra chuckled. She knew her Prince would rather all the verbena in the country just for her if she

asked. It would be a bit too extreme, though. She shook her head, and got out of the bath with his help.

“No need,” she said while giving him a peck on the lips.

The demonstrations of affection between them were now so natural and regular, Cassandra barely

blushed anymore. Kairen always watched her every move, his presence had become something she

was used to and craving when he wasn’t close.

Once again, she repeated the usual picking of a new dress, some jewelry and even put some flowers in

her hair, as she couldn’t stand the perfumes brought by the servants. She had never liked those strong,

thick smells from the Empire’s beauty product to begin with, but with her pregnancy, her sense of smell

was even more sensitive. It didn’t lessen her beauty at all, though. The white flowers she had picked

from her garden suited her adorably, giving her an even purer appearance than usual.

Cassandra got a few whispers when she entered the Imperial hall, from giggling concubines who made

fun of her hair decorations, whispering about how her prince must be unwilling to spoil her, but

Cassandra really didn’t mind. She probably would stop hearing such things once the news about her

herbal garden spread…

Kairen was glaring around, too, making sure any concubine or princess that met his glare shut up

instantly. Compared to his gentle and innocent concubine, the War God was still as scary and

impressive as ever for anyone else. They took their seats, once again, Cassandra on Kairen’s lap. No

one seemed to dare react to that anymore, though some concubines were red with envy. Shareen sat

next to them with a long sigh.

“So? How do you intend to find her?” She asked.

Cassandra smiled, taking a look around. After carefully observing the various concubines, she had one


“The woman in red, the second one at the second Prince’s feet.”

Shareen frowned for a while, trying to remember.

“That’s… Vrehan’s newest concubine. She’s a soldier’s daughter, I think. I can’t remember her name…

Why do you think it’s her? Are you sure?”

Cassandra slowly nodded, but remained silent because of the Emperor’s entrance. He took place on

the golden throne, looking a bit unhappy. Cassandra wondered if something had happened, but the

Emperor simply sat and ordered for the usual festivities to begin shortly. Even she was a bit hungry, so

Cassandra started eating along while watching the dancers’ performance. She wasn’t really looking at

them, though. Truth was, she had her eyes on the young concubine. After a while, Shareen leaned

closer to her.

“Cassie, spill it! How are you so sure?”

“Look at the dark circles under her eyes,” whispered Cassandra. “She hasn’t slept well or not at all.

After hearing me, anyone who had been in contact with the snake would have been too worried to


“Because they would believe you?” Asked Shareen doubtful.

“Even if they didn’t, all I needed was to plant a little seed of doubt. With my blue fingers, she probably

couldn’t help but wonder endlessly if it was real or not. If she could die in her sleep. After that, it would

be hard for her to sleep properly. Unable to rest properly, she would feel more and more tired, making

her wonder even more if those were the symptoms…”

Shareen stayed speechless. Cassandra’s plan was to have the culprit tire herself out and show signs of

fatigue? The Princess couldn’t help but frown.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit light?”

“Look at her hands,” whispered Cassandra.

Indeed, something looked wrong about the young concubine’s hands… They couldn’t possibly have

turned blue, that was obviously something Cassandra had made up. No, actually, they looked red and


“What did that little…”

“She washed them too much,” explained Cassandra. “She saw my blue-tinted hands, and her natural

reaction was probably to try and wash as much as she could, thinking it could make whatever she got

on it away without the antidote.”

Shareen was impressed. Just a few words from Cassandra had made such a mess in that woman’s

head. Not that their second brother’s concubines were usually very smart at all, but still.

“You had predicted all that?”

“I didn’t think she would ruin her skin on her hands, but I was hoping to see the lack of sleep after a

couple of days…”

Nevertheless, it was impressive. Cassandra’s days of treating patients and dealing with dumb and

entitled concubines had left her with some unexpected skill…

Truth was, a big part of it was also due to this country’s people’s poor education, especially in anything

related to medicine. Most concubines were chosen for their looks, but not very smart to begin with. A

strong and educated woman like Kareen was a rarity inside the Palace. Cassandra had hoped it would

also be the case of the culprit, who had obviously sent her the snake without really thinking of its effect.

“One of Vrehan’s concubines, of course…” whispered Shareen.

She was glaring in their second brother’s way, but he didn’t see it, absorbed in a heated discussion with

his sister Phetra. Cassandra wondered if he was behind this… The feud between those siblings and

Kairen wasn’t to be taken lightly, not if she wanted to survive.

Her Prince, too, had his dark eyes sending murdering looks their way, while still holding on tightly to


“How are you going to deal with her now?” Asked Shareen with a smirk.

Cassandra had no idea. She would have let her Prince deal with it, but if that woman was only a pawn,

she didn’t really deserve death…

“I heard sister Shareen had some interesting outing with brother Kairen’s concubine today,” suddenly

said Phetra from across the Hall.

Immediately, everyone else stopped talking. That woman’s voice alone was enough to make

Cassandra’s skin crawl. What was she up to now? She glanced in Shareen’s way, but the Princess had

an interested smirk on, like a cat prepared to play with her prey.

“You should watch your concubine, older brother, she seems to carelessly wander outside the


“What are you talking about, Princess Phetra?” Asked one of the concubines.

That woman was a poor actress. She had a smile on, and Cassandra could tell she was only too happy

to play Phetra’s little game. Cassandra stayed expressionless, but Kairen’s fingers were restless in her

back. Despite his solemn face, she could tell her prince was annoyed too.

“You are well informed, Princess Phetra,” replied Cassandra.“I wonder why my outings with Princess

Shareen are of any importance to you?”

Phetra’s face turned sour. One could tell she didn’t expect Cassandra to reply back to her, and was

pissed about it. Her expression was torn between anger and disgust.

“You’re right, it shouldn’t be too surprising to see you two hang around the whores’ houses…”

The insult was so clear, even the Emperor slammed his hand on his throne.

“Phetra! Watch your words, daughter, or you’ll anger me!”

“There is nothing upsetting about this, dear Father,” said Shareen. “After all, you knew that place long

before we

did, Phetra, didn’t you? I bet it must remind you of your dear mother?”

Cassandra didn’t expect this. Their mother was a prostitute? Phetra turned green in anger, even

standing up. Next to her, the second Prince Vrehan glared at her.

“Phetra, sit.”

“What is the meaning of this!” Said the Emperor, pissed. “If you have things to say, Phetra, say it now

or shut up!”

“My apologies, Father. But I was upset because of Shareen’s misconduct today. Did you know she

mistreated our younger sister?”

For a few seconds, the Emperor seemed confused.

“Your younger sister?” He repeated.

“Valeria, Father! She mistreated Valeria!”

Shareen laughed loudly, and even Cassandra felt their situation pitiful. The Emperor had so many

daughters, he couldn’t even grasp who Phetra was talking about right away, even after her name was

given. He probably didn’t care much for the younger princesses.

“Oh, right, Valeria. What of her?”

Phetra was obviously annoyed that their father didn’t care much about the situation. She clicked her

tongue and, to Cassandra’s surprise, Valeria emerged from the shadows behind her. The young

princess was visibly very uneasy about being there, and on the verge of tears, but Phetra pushed her

forward without a care.

“See! Shareen grabbed her arm so violently! Is it fine for her to abuse her younger sisters? Don’t you

hate us fighting, father?”

Cassandra noticed the bandage on Valeria’s arm and sighed. Truly, this was too much of a show. She

had been there, she knew that, despite Shareen’s tight firm on her arm, she certainly used such force

that would require those bandages or even any medicine. Did Phetra had her put it on just for show?

This was too much!

“Aren’t you going to say anything for her, Father?” Insisted Phetra.

“Well…” Sighed the Emperor.

“Are you done, Phetra?” Growled Shareen, annoyed. “That child isn’t even injured!”

“Look at this! Does she seem fine to you?”

Cassandra stood up unexpectedly, and all eyes went on her. She had enough of Phetra’s game, trying

to make such a show and even use her younger sister for this.

“Take off her bandage, then.”


“Take off her bandage. I am the Imperial Physician, I will tell if she is injured or not.”

Phetra was about to protest, but a glare from the Emperor kept her from it. Cassandra was appointed

Imperial Physician by the Emperor himself, she had every right to make use of that title. After a few

seconds of hesitation, Phetra put on a smirk.

“I am sorry, she cannot. Another Imperial Doctor she saw said the bandages cannot be removed for

two weeks, or she’ll have a scar.”

Cassandra sighed. This woman was so stubborn…

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