The War God’s Favorite by Jenny Fox

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

The Prince’s Tent While listening to Kairen and the General, Cassandra couldn’t ignore all the eyes on her. The camp

only had men, thousands of them. They all wore the very same black armor, like Kairen’s. The only

difference was that the higher-ranked ones, like the men in front of her, had extra decorations, like gold

braces or belts. The Prince, however, was the only one wearing dragon scales on his armor and

braces. But aside from that, there wasn’t any display of wealth.

With so many eyes on her, Cassandra was glad to be covered with the fur cloak. Being the only woman

was sort of intimidating, even with the Prince standing right in front of her.

Kairen was talking with the old General about conditions at the camp. He had only been gone since the

previous day, but many of his men were trying to hold his attention. She could only stay still behind him

and wait.

Most of the conversation was about tactics, training, and new recruits. Cassandra listened, but she

wasn’t knowledgeable about any of those things.

“We also have to consider food rationing, My Lord. We have doubled the hunting teams, but it’s getting

harder for everyone. The men are starting to talk…” said one of the Generals, awkwardly.

“I have brought more,” Kairen said simply.

“Thank you, My Lord.”

The man was about to say something else, but another of the lieutenants spoke ahead of him, so he

stayed quiet. Despite his beard, Cassandra noticed he appeared to be younger than the others. He

would frown every time another of the high-ranked officers spoke, clearly paying close attention to each

word that was said. Then, the oldest General, who appeared to be Kairen’s second, invited him for a

tour outside of the training grounds. He briefly turned to Cassandra.

“Stay here.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

Kairen left the tent first and all of the men quickly followed after, though some couldn’t stop themselves

from looking back at Cassandra before leaving. She didn’t avoid their stares. Instead, she tried to

remember each of them. There were about twenty in total, and once they left, the room felt strangely


Cassandra was now all alone in the large tent. Holding the fur cloak tight around her, she got up and

wandered around. Not touching anything, she observed each item in the room, a little curious about her

Prince’s life at the camp. The table was mostly filled with military books and maps. Cassandra knew

how to read, and it wasn’t her first time seeing maps, but she couldn’t help but smile a little when she

spotted one where her homeland appeared. The Rain Lands were so small on the maps compared to

the Dragon Empire… The territory had been annexed by the Eastern Republic, so the map was

probably old. Her finger slowly traced the route that, as far as she can remember, had probably been

taken all the way to the Capital. With being bought and sold over and over again, she had seen a few

places, but the majority of her life had been spent in the Capital.

She didn’t have any regrets about leaving those places, though. She never made friends there, or had

anything of value. Slaves couldn’t own anything anyway, not even their clothes. Cassandra sighed and

brought her fingers up to her slavery collar. It was heavy and, most of the time, painful too. She had

touched the locking mechanism so often she knew it by heart. Only a slave trader possessed the key to

open one of these. And even if she got rid of it by chance some day, it would take years for the red

marks it had carved into her flesh to disappear. Slavery was something that was never forgotten.

Taking her eyes off the many maps, Cassandra headed to the wardrobe. As expected, the Prince didn’t

have many outfits, and close to no jewelry, except for a few gold chains and rings that she didn’t dare


The furniture was probably the fanciest thing in the tent. Most of it was expensive wood, surely carved

by a specialist. There was even gold in some parts, in the throne-like chair or the head of the bed. It

wasn’t as low-key

as the Prince’s room in the Castle. Was it because he spent most of his time here?

“Excuse me?”

Surprised, Cassandra turned around. She didn’t think someone would come here while Kairen was

away. It was a rather young man carrying a large basket. He looked even younger than she was, and

seemed quite shy too. He bowed a bit clumsily to her.

“I was told to bring this here for His Highness, Ma’am. Is it fine if…”

Cassandra was surprised he was waiting for her approval to put his basket down. She nodded.

“Uhm, sure, please do.”

“Thanks, Ma’am.”

He walked to one of the corners of the room and put down his basket, taking out some armor.

“It was done while our Lord was away by our blacksmith, with reinforced iron and dragon scales,” he

explained with a strong northern accent.

“Is it from Krai… I mean, His Highness’ dragon?”

“Yes, ma’am. We collect them when the Black Dragon sheds its scales so our blacksmith can break

them and reshape them for His Highness’ armors. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It is…”

Cassandra walked closer to look at the armor and indeed, it was gorgeous. The black of Krai’s scales

was shining and perfectly molded into the Prince’s armor. The blacksmith had even been very precise

while re-carving the scales’ shape, making it look like the original pattern. As if she had praised him,

the young soldier smiled.

“My teacher is very good! He is one of the best in the Empire.”

“Are you an apprentice?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I came here a year ago to follow my master and complete my apprenticeship.”

Cassandra realized some of the youngest soldiers she had spotted were probably apprentices, just like

him. Indeed, an army required many types of expertise, like the blacksmith master he was so proud of.

Embarrassed by her eyes on him, he blushed a little and bowed again.

“I’m Orwan, Ma’am. I’m part of the first blacksmith team.”

“Nice to meet you, Orwan. I’m Cassandra.”

“Uhm… Nice to meet you, Ma’am… I mean, Lady Cassandra.”

Once again, it felt odd to be addressed like that, but she didn’t say anything. Actually, she noticed a

bad burn on his hand, and frowned.

“Are you all right?”

“Oh, this? It’s fine, I get burns like this all the time… It will heal.”

“No, it looks like it’s infected. Have you not tried to get it healed?”

Orwan frowned, looking a bit embarrassed.

“No, Ma’am…”

“Don’t you have healers here?”

“We do, but…there are only a few, and mostly for high-ranked officers.”

“What if someone else is injured?”

“We usually put water on it, and our lieutenant will give us a few days of rest.”

“What if it’s bad? This could seriously lead to losing your hand!”

“Hem… There is the Red Room, but…”

“The Red Room?”

Orwan nodded.

“That’s where they take the people who get badly injured, Ma’am. But no one really wants to go there,

it’s rumored to be a place where… well, where people go to die.”

Cassandra was confused. Why would they allow people to simply die…

“Where is the Red Room?”

“In the third East building, Ma’am. But it’s not a place for a Lady like you, I have to say…”

“I understand. Thank you, Orwan.”

He nodded, a bit embarrassed. Had he said too much to the Prince’s concubine? Orwan took a couple

more weapons out of his basket to display along with the armor, and left after a quick bow.

Cassandra was left alone once again. She was bored, but she didn’t want to disobey Kairen and

venture outside. However, there wasn’t much to do in the room, except read military books, and she

had no interest in those. She went to the other cupboard and, after hesitating, opened it. It was only

food storage – dried meat, a couple of wine bottles, and some bread. It seemed someone had brought

it recently, though. She closed it and turned around. That was it for the Third Prince’s tent. Cassandra

spent a little more time looking at the armor and weapons but really, she had no idea what to do. If only

she could at least step outside to see Krai and pet him. But Kairen’s orders kept her from it. She didn’t

want to ignore it, as he could easily get angry anytime she did something he didn’t approve of.

Without many options, she decided to just lay on the bed, keeping the fur cloak around her, and listen.

The atmosphere was very different from the deserted Onyx Castle. The camp was so lively that she

could hear a lot of things going on all the time. Horses throttling, men chatting, metal striking metal…It

somehow reminded her of the Capital. Back then, whenever she closed her eyes, she would hear the

life in the City outside her walls. The tent was even thinner though, so sometimes it felt as if people

were standing only a few steps away. Cassandra could even pick up some of the conversations, mostly

about the Prince’s return or the food shortage.

She woke up from a light kiss on her bare shoulder. The Prince’s smell, now familiar to her, took her

away from her slumber as she opened her eyes. Cassandra couldn’t remember when she had fallen

asleep. Kairen was standing over her, with his bare chest and an undecipherable expression.

“Your Highness…”

The Prince didn’t answer, and instead leaned in to kiss her. As always, his lips were warm and skilled

enough to wake Cassandra completely. He got under the cloak with her, caressing her hips and neck

with his large hands. For once, the Prince actually took the time to take her dress off properly, pulling

the laces of her corset one by one, kissing the skin revealed underneath. Each time his lips flirted with

her skin, Cassandra felt her own temperature rising. She was so accustomed to Kairen’s touch now,

how could she still be so reactive? Unable to resist, she would shiver, gasp, and wriggle under his

hands. It wasn’t so scary anymore, except for that hint of shame every time she responded to him.

His lips suddenly ventured to her thighs, and she gasped brutally. Where was he…! But before she

could even think, his tongue was licking her there, and she moaned out of surprise. The Prince was

actually going down on

her, kissing her pussy! Cassandra was completely overwhelmed by the surprise and the

embarrassment. Yet, Kairen’s skillful mouth soon pushed those feelings from her mind.

“Your Highness!” she almost screamed in panic.

He was mad! A Prince licking his slave, there…! Cassandra had no idea how to respond, except with

panic, and… pleasure. It was hard to ignore. She was so wet, and his tongue was driving her crazy,

going in circles, diving in and licking again. She was gasping and moaning loudly, unable to stop. She

couldn’t even think straight, as she felt the sensations deep within her stomach. The hotness between

her thighs should be impossible! Her hands feeble, she tried to push him away, awkwardly reaching for

his hair. But Kairen ignored her, and kept going with his impossible torture.

“Oh God, Your… Highness…” Cassandra panted.

As her moans got louder, she suddenly realized they were in a tent with thin walls! In a flash of lucidity,

she covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hold back her muffled moans that kept coming.

“What are you doing?”

As he had stopped, Cassandra shook her head, she just couldn’t endure this! But Kairen grabbed her

wrists, trapping both of them in his hands alongside her hips, and immediately went back to pleasuring

her. Cassandra was dying of shame. She couldn’t repress her moans. It was way too good, as the

Prince only focused on her most sensitive area, his mouth, tongue, and lips, attacking her relentlessly.

“Pl… Please… Oh please, stop…” she cried, trying to fight her pleasure and urges.

But he did not stop. Kairen sucked her clitoris, driving her to the edge of pleasure and craziness,

making her moan louder. She had never experienced this. Her entire brain was focused on her intimate

area, as she closed her eyes, like a fire burning. She couldn’t endure anymore. Cassandra suddenly

felt it, like a spark, something that suddenly burst inside her and made her cry out in pleasure. A long,

intense and almost painful orgasm, came so hard that her whole body spasmed for a few seconds.

She was out of breath when she finally came down. Kairen released her wrists, and she covered her

eyes, unable to believe it. Her Master had pleasured her without relieving himself at all!

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