The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three: Abby

“Girl, you keep fidgeting,” Abby stated with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her lips. “Still a bit swollen, ay?”

Ava widened her eyes. She tried not to think about the fact that she had been woken up with Lucas’s head between her legs for the last three days. It was like she had awoken a beast who refused to let her go until he’d eaten, and that meal was her. “It’s…It’s not like that.”

Abby rolled her eyes, and Mack chuckled. “Sure, sure. Where is your man anyway?”

“He’s with August,” Ava said as she tried to cross her legs but couldn’t. Everything was swollen, and it was her fault. She couldn’t say no to him. That and his tongue made everything feel better. “He didn’t tell me why though.”

“Uh, yes! The Woods brothers and their ability to fuck you into orgasms that make you incapable of asking questions.” The way Abby had said that so casually caused Ava’s face to redden and her eyes to widen. “I mean, make love.”

Ava didn’t say it out loud but Abby was right the first time. There was no making love, it was pure fucking and Ava loved it. She loved it so much that when she came to breakfast the next morning, she forgot she had to face her brothers and their questions and yelling freaked her out. They wanted her to be marked and happy but didn’t want to know that she had opened her legs which contradicted their need for her to be happy. And that was them - when everyone else found out she was grilled with questions about what he was like in bed, how big his dick was and how good he was with his tongue.

She felt like she had developed whiplash by the time Mack took her to see Ryan so she could get new clothes, she had to repeat everything she had told the others so that Ryan was satisfied. The poor guy didn’t have a mate of his own and could only get his sexual gossip from Mack, Abby and Ava.

“We have a particular liquid to help with soreness and swelling.” Mack finally said as she breastfed Kendrix. “It looks and smells like goat’s milk but it does the job. I can get you some if you like.”

Ava looked up from where she was sitting on the concrete slabs. The sun blocked her view of Mack’s face as she held her hand up and was greeted by the garden and the thousands of followers that accompanied it. “That would be great, thank you.”

Abby crossed her arms and hummed. “That drink would have helped weeks ago.”

Mack laughed. “I only just discovered that it existed. It would have been great to have squeezed this one out of me.”

Abby made a face and it was then that Ava realised that Abby was there during the birth. But then she frowned. “How come Nymeria is so…”

“Reserved?” Abby questioned with a tilt of her head and a slight smirk. “She’s always been like that. Actually, we didn’t think that she would come to the dinner considering she’s only been inside the castle once and that was for Mack and Zack’s wedding. And then she helped with your Alpha and that was surprising enough. Somehow August convinced her to join and well, she’s kept to herself since.”

“Yeah, I was shocked that she spoke.” Mack continued once Abby was finished. “She usually stays in the shadows and doesn’t say a word. I want to talk to her but her glare is intimidating and even though she has a weird drive to protect me, I don’t want to piss her off.”

Abby shrugged. “She’s not the only one who has that weird pull to protect you.”

Ava nodded. “I have it as well.” She then bit her lip and looked down at her hands. That morning Lucas had taken her down to see her Alpha and to say that she wasn’t stressed was an understatement. He still thought that he had authority over her which is laughable now but when she was down in the prison, she felt like her old self again. Thankfully, Lucas was there and knowing that gave her the strength to get her closure and then she walked out. Ava didn’t know what they did to her Alpha after that and she didn’t care, the only thing she cared about was the fact that her pack was now powerless but she knew they would elect another Alpha to take over. Hopefully, someone who changes the old ways and creates a new life for everyone.

“Maybe I should talk to her,” Ava said as she moved her eyes towards Mack and Abby. “I was able to get Sawyer to talk to me and we all know what he is like. Nymeria isn’t that scary.”

Abby shrugged. “Want one of us to come with you?”

Ava shook her head. “No, I’ll be fine and besides, I don’t think Lucas and Gene would be far away. Gene is currently watching us from a distance right now.”

Mack turned and widened her eyes just as Gene ducked away so that he wouldn’t be seen. Cole swore and Gene told him to stay quiet which made Abby laugh. They have been at odds since the moment they stepped off the boat. They haven’t quite settled into their new lives yet which means that they have been following her around. Ava wasn’t mad about it but she wished that they would relax and take Zack on his offer to buy them a house of their own. They were happy in the castle but she knew they didn’t feel at home until they got a place to call their own.

“Are they okay with you being trained to do…what are you doing?”

Mack’s words made her shrug. “I’ve never been able to connect with anyone with nothing in my hands. I normally need an object but I guess I’m out of practice because I couldn’t connect to you.”

Abby scoffed. “You did fine, you found yourself in the dining hall and I felt you there. I might not have been the one you were trying to talk to but you made it here and that was the main thing.”

Ava nodded and shifted in her spot. “Do you think he would want to talk to me?”

“No,” Abby said honestly. “And I don’t think you should try. Just see how far away he is and then come back.”

Ava nodded again before she closed her eyes. She tried to remember what Sawyer looked like and found his face instantly. He was an attractive man, she wasn’t blind to that fact but he did scare her with his blood-red eyes that reminded her of Nymeria and his midnight black hair. It was so black that it was almost purple when the sun hit it at the right angle. He had a strong jawline that made her breath hitch when she first saw him and stubble that seemed to have attracted Marley in seconds. He was tall and held a dark demeanour that sent a chill down her spine. Didn’t help that he held a non-stop glare and scowl on his face and barely spoke two words unless Marley addressed him.

Ava shivered as she remembered how brave Marley was for being so fearless around him. Granted, the mate bond made her fearless but Marley never had that type of fear that Ava knew all too well. Her green eyes held so much confidence and bravery that Ava was almost tempted to ask them if she could come along on their journey and if it wasn’t for her brothers, she would have. Ava shook her head and tried to dismiss that thought, there were many ‘could have happened’ that had crossed her mind many times but there was no point in thinking about it all.

She squeezed her eyes closed even tighter than before. Abby only allowed her to have a ten-minute break but she needed a longer one. The headache was starting to get to her and she was feeling like the world was spinning around her in the form of vertigo. This was a familiar feeling, a feeling that made her heart skip a beat, her excitement getting the better of her as she felt her world spin into a mist.

Darkness swirled and so did her body until she found herself standing on what looked to be a dock. People rushed around her as she looked around and found that this place felt different. The air was lighter and the people seemed happier. The water was clear to the point where she could see the bottom and there were mermaids. That wasn’t the shocking part for Ava as she gasped as a shadow flew over her and made her look up to find dragons. So many dragons in all different shapes, sizes and colours. Ava knew that she was standing in The Cave of Beasts, the area that was supposed to be created from stories and never existed but it did exist. These people were real and she found herself tearing up at the sight.

Ava turned her back from the water, a new determination swelling in her heart as she walked and allowed her instincts to take over. She didn’t know where she was going nor did she know where to find Sawyer but she was here for a reason and she was going to find out why. Her feet led her through a few more people until she came across fishing houses and a market. The smell made her nose crinkle with distaste but she pushed past it and kept walking until she found herself outside of a small cottage.

It reminded her of her home back in her pack but somehow she didn’t feel anything towards it as she opened the door and peeked inside. There was a female humming on a chair, her knitting needles going wild as she rocked and enjoyed her peace. She was an older woman, her greying hair giving away her age but she still looked young and vibrant. Her soul felt like it had a fight in it and as her red eyes turned towards Ava, she felt like she was looking into a female Sawyer.

“I see my son hasn’t made it to the castle yet.”

Her statement made Ava jump as she looked behind her to find that this woman was in fact, speaking to her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to welcome myself in.”

“None sense dear. You’re here because you’re looking for him but you need something to find him completely.” She then hummed and placed her needles down. “Sawyer left three weeks ago, he should be a few days away but we will see for ourselves.”

Ava sucked in a breath and nodded. She watched Sawyer’s mother stand and walk towards a shelve that held many books and artifacts. “How did you know?”

Her question was open but she somehow knew that his mother would answer the right way. “I always know dear. I’m the reason why he’s coming to you, to begin with. I want grandchildren and I want to meet the girl who finally broke his stubborn ass and thank her for it. I might have watched him suffer the last two years but that suffering was needed and now it is time for him to love.”

Ava nodded not knowing what to say so instead she looked around the small home and played with her fingers. “You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you.” She said with a soft smile. “Soon you’ll be able to see this place in person and take in the beauty outside of this fog.” She then picked up an item and watched towards her before she gently took Ava’s hands into her own and placed the item into her palms. “This will lead you to him.”

Ava nodded before she felt herself get pulled away from where she was within the blind of her eyes and as she opened them, she found herself standing in the middle of nowhere. But it wasn’t nowhere, not entirely as she adjusted to her surroundings and caught movement a few distances away. She caught up to the person quickly and widened her eyes in excitement. The item worked and as she watched Sawyer walk towards the castle, she found hope suddenly form inside of her chest.

“Ava, what the fuck is that!?”

She blinked, the sudden pull made her quickly stand from where she was sitting and puke. Her guts spilled right but Abby’s feet as she groaned. “Oh, come on!”

Ava gasped and held her stomach with her hands which were now holding the small item that Sawyer’s mother had given to her. “Sorry, you pulled me out too fast.”

“I know but…really!?”

Mack laughed as Kendrix clapped as if he enjoyed watching her almost vomit on his aunt. “I was in The Cave of Beasts, I spoke to Sawyer’s mother and she gave me this to find him.” Ava opened her palm, the small golden ring held a single white diamond. It was so simple but beautiful and Ava knew she had to give it to Sawyer as soon as he arrived. “The second she put this in my hands, I found him.”

Abby and Mack nodded before Mack opened her mouth. “How far away is he?”

Ava didn’t hesitate as she smiled. “Two days.”

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