The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twelve: The Island

The wait was killing her as she sat in the small boat and waited for Lucas to come back from the ship. He had told her to wait with his crew before he disappeared and came back ten minutes later with new clothes and a strong scent of mint which indicated that he had bathed. The new smell surprised her but it wasn’t bad and it suited him as he pulled down a small dingy and told her to jump in before he pulled the ropes and allowed the boat to drop into the water.

Her eyes looked up to try and see if she could see him but there was no movement and for a moment she wondered if he had left her here until the sounds of water being disturbed made her look away from the ship and turn around.

Lucas was waist-deep in the water as he came over and pulled himself into the boat. His movements were awkward and she couldn’t help but laugh as he finally got settled and glared at her with a glint in his eyes that she couldn’t place. “It’s not that funny.”

“It is,” She beamed as she watched him grab the ores and start to row. “It was like watching a dog trying to get into one of these things. Your body refused to cooperate.”

“My body cooperates when it is needed.”

Ava felt her face instantly flush as she looked away from him and observed the water as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. She leaned over and placed her face in her arm as she grazed her free hand over the top of the water. The sounds of the waves and the seagulls made their peaceful silence all but graceful while Lucas gently rowed, taking his time while he watched her.

“I have observed something.”

Ava turned her head and placed her cheek on her arm. “And what is that?”

“When we first met, all you ever did was greet me as my title and now it is like my title doesn’t exist.” He said with a content look in his eyes. She could see that he didn’t mind, as if he was relieved but the mention of his title made her suddenly nervous as she still hadn’t told him that she wanted to go back with him when he decided to leave.

“I stopped addressing you as my prince the moment you planted one on me and then made it your life goal to crowd my home with flowers.” She laughed before she hummed and touched the necklace that he had given her. Ava refused to take it off, it was a part of her skin and she would die with it around her neck. “But I don’t see your title. Even back then I never saw it but I had just had my heart ripped out my chest so your arrival wasn’t convenient.”

“I think it was.” He said as she saw his eyes darken a little at the memory. “I was looking for you and you came to me. Our mate bond might not have been there at the time but I felt it and I have been looking for you ever since. I’m sorry it took me so long to finally come back to you.”

Her breath hitched, his gaze was so intense that she felt like they were the only two people around and technically they were. “You know how to seduce a girl.”

He smirked, his eyes enhanced from the sun that reflected off of them. “I will forever seduce you as long as I see your beautiful face turn as bright as it is now.”

Ava pouted and turned her attention back towards the water. She wanted to ignore the burning feeling inside of her body and the heat that had spread to her face but she didn’t think it would happen that quickly as she gasped and sat up. Her eyes locked onto what looked to be a long fin as something human-like had swam past their boat. “Did you see that!?”

“See what?”

Ava refused to take her eyes away from the water as she wanted to see it again. “I just saw a mermaid!”

She could feel his frown as his rowing slowed and the boat hit the shore of the island. Ava hadn’t realised that they were so close to it but she was glad as she quickly hopped out and walked in the water to see if she could see another one. “Mermaids live in The Cave of Beasts. They have for centuries but to see one here…”

Lucas had trailed off and at first, she thought that he didn’t believe her as he made sure their boat wouldn’t disappear on them before joining her side. “I saw one, I swear it.”

“I believe you.” He said as she felt his hand on the small of her back and his other hand on her elbow. “But we don’t know what they are like. They are as hidden away as the dragon shifters and they have made sure that we think that they don’t exist. If they are coming out now, it only means that Sawyer is on the move but I don’t see why they would be here.”

“Because we are linked to him.” She mumbled before she turned and faced him. “When do you plan on leaving?”

Lucas pulled his lips into a thin line as if he hadn’t thought about it. “I was only planning on staying for a week to make sure no war was started but it seems that the war will never be now.”

She bit her lip and started to fiddle with her fingers in nervousness. “But if you were to leave, let’s say in a few days, would you be willing to have three more people on your ship?”

His eyes brightened as she suddenly became very aware of how close they were standing. “I will always have room for you by my side.”

Her breath hitched again, Ava knew that if she went on her tippy toes she would be able to kiss him and she felt her body leaning to do so just as something splashed in the distance and made her jump. Her eyes turned towards the direction before she gasped and pointed. “Look! Another one!”

She missed the disappointment that was written on his face as he followed where she was pointing just as another mermaid jumped out of the water. The female was so elegant and her golden tail shone under the sun as Ava squealed and clung to Lucas’s arm. A male followed after, his silver and purple tail looked as if it matched the females and Ava wondered if they were mates. “I think we’re disturbing a mating ritual.”

She nodded. “Can you read my mind?”

He looked down and raised an eyebrow. “What if I can?”

Ava’s eyes widened slightly before she dared to be bold. “Then you’ll know how badly I envy them.”

She saw his fangs indent the edge of his lips. “I’ll give you five seconds to run then my little wolf before I catch you and make your dreams come true.”

Her heart jumped into her throat as she bolted. Her nerves got the better of her as she started to laugh and ran back onto the island where she realised how small it truly was. There were only a few trees and a small cave that held a small pool of water that was deep enough to swim in but as she ran, she knew that Lucas would never let her get that far.

Ava heard him coming after her, the water splashing behind him as she passed a tree and felt like she could win this small battle until she felt his arm around her waist. Her girlish squeal and giggles followed as she felt herself being lifted and turned around. Her back hit the next tree before she felt his lips on hers.

Her laughter turned into a loud moan as her fingers instinctively cupped his face and curled into his hair. The taste of him drove her body mad as her legs wrapped around his waist, his hands moving from her sides and into her hair. Sparks triggered through their connected lips, her body shivering from the feeling while she felt his tongue graze her bottom lip and Ava happily allowed him in as another moan slipped out.

She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think as she felt herself melt into him and embrace the feelings that she had never felt before. Ava had never felt so safe and loved from one simple kiss and as they finally pulled apart and tried to catch their breaths, she didn’t want to let him go.

After a few moments, she opened to eyes to find that he was already looking at her with adoration in his gaze. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you.”

She smiled, placing her forehead on his as she cupped his face and enjoyed the sight of him leaning into her touch. “Then kiss me again.”

And he obliged.

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