The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Eighteen: The Red River

The soft touch of her hair being gently removed from her sticky face caused Ava’s eyes to slowly open with a groan. Her insides felt like they were trying to tear her to shreds and from the look on Lucas’s face, he knew what was going on.

As if the smell wasn’t the instant indicator.

“I just filled the bath for you and it is filled with soapy bubbles.” He softly spoke as she groaned and slowly sat up but his hands stopped her. “Hold on, there is so much, I fear you’ll pass out.”

“What do you- oh,” Her words caught in her throat as she looked down and noticed the soaked sheets. Her eyes began to form tears that she couldn’t prevent as she let out a choked sob. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, baby. You don’t need to say sorry for this.” He said as he held her in his arms and allowed her to cling to his chest. She felt embarrassed that this happened and annoyed because she should have been more prepared. After what happened yesterday, Ava had felt the tight pangs of pain in her stomach and tried to dismiss it as a sign of relief but instead, it was the sign of her period. And that wasn’t the worst part, as soon as her period was over, she’d go into heat and she didn’t know if Lucas knew about that yet. “Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.”

Ava bit her lip, she didn’t know what she wanted, but the bath idea sounded nice considering she was covered in her blood. “I need to clean these sheets.”

“No, I’ll do it.” He persistences as she slid her legs out from under the wet sheets and tried not to react. The sheets were white but not anymore. “Do you need any help walking? I heard Eugene say once that you have a hard time during shark week.”

Her eyes widened. The way he had said shark week instantly made her laugh like a maniac. Her head was thrown back as she covered her mouth with her hand. Ava hadn’t heard anyone call a period, shark week before but it made sense. “Who…”

“Abby calls hers that.” He chuckled while he stared at her face. He looked less worried now, his eyes a little brighter from the sound of her laughter and happiness. “Abby has a lot of names for most things.”

Ava stood and stared down at her soaked nightgown. “I can see why she calls this shark week. She also called you Lukie-Bear.”

He groaned. “She calls Raph, Raphy and Zack Zackass. I’d rather be compared to my own backside than here Lukie-Bear.”

She laughed again, this time with a pained groan. “Can I call you that? You’ve had your nickname for me from the moment we first met.”

He pulled his lips into a thin line before he shook his head and kissed her forehead. At first, she thought he was going to say no until his lips lingered on her skin making her sigh. “You my beautiful, sweet and caring mate, can call me whatever you wish. You can call me an asshole for all I care just as long as your attention is on me.”

“Attention hog.” She snorted playfully which earned her another chuckle.

“Always when it comes to you.” He then kissed her nose before pulling away and pushing her towards their small bathroom. “Now go and relax before I show you how much attention I truly desire from you.”

Her shocked gasp made her quickly move towards the bathroom and close the door. She shouldn’t have been so surprised, she felt his need for her on a daily basis but she was bleeding and covered in so much blood that being between her legs should have been the last thing on his mind. But then Ava rolled her eyes and mentally groaned, he was a vampire. If anything, blood would turn him on more.

Once she closed the door she turned and noticed the bath instantly. Steam was admitted from the bubbly water and she had to admit that she was impressed that he had done this for her. It was still early, the sun was barely visible against the horizon and yet, he had gotten out of bed, ran a bath for her and even laid out a fresh, new outfit with underwear and padding for her period before waking her.

Lucas Woods was the epiphany of a dream man and he was all hers.

Ava felt her eyes well up with tears again as she undressed and balled her blood-coated items into a ball to deal with later before she rinsed herself off. She didn’t want to hop into the bath and instantly be bathing in blood so she walked up to the sink, grabbed a cloth and cleaned between her legs. There was so much blood and the smell was making her sick but she tried to ignore it all so that she could enjoy the small luxury that Lucas had given her. Once she was done, she finally stepped into the bath and groaned as she sunk into the water.

Her cramps were never bad but they were a hindrance. It was the body aches that got to her and between the back pain, the headaches and the random horniness, she sometimes wished that she just got the cramps.

Once she finally settled, she allowed her mind to wonder but all she could think about was Lucas. He thought she was the beautiful, sweet and caring one when he just described himself. He was so selfless and giving that he dropped everything to be by her side, even if all she needed was to find a hair brush and then he would take the next ten minutes brushing and styling her hair for her. He jumped at her every beck and call and she felt guilty for it. She felt guilty that she loved it so much and she felt guilty that he did these things for her without a single complaint.

The more he proved that good men still existed, the more she felt herself warm up to the idea of finally giving her body over and treating him to what he deserved. Heck, she wanted to drop to her knees and show him how thankful she was with her mouth. That idea made her clit spasm as she adjusted in the bath and tried to ignore it but it was hard when she woke up every morning with his hardness against her back and her stomach and sometimes her ass. She would feel it whenever he hugged her from behind and she would feel it whenever she hugged him. She would see it whenever she did anything, even look at him and now she was tired of just feeling it and seeing it through his clothes. Ava wanted to see him, touch him, taste him and she didn’t know how much longer she could wait until those cravings finally made her snap and give in.

He deserved it. He deserved to be treated like royalty and have his world explode in her mouth and between her legs. He deserved it because he has proven time and time again that he did.

Ava felt her eyes grow heavy as she noticed how wrinkly her hands and feet had become and decided to hop out of the bath. Thankfully the water wasn’t red and she was able to clean the rest of her body without any issues but she still felt slightly embarrassed about the bed. Lucas would have woken in that mess and would have been covered himself but she didn’t see any blood on him unless he had changed before waking her which she hoped he had.

The outfit he picked for her was his clothes, she had been wearing some of Mackenzie’s outfits despite them swimming on her but she wasn’t one to complain. They were comfortable and she loved the smell of pinewood which Lucas had stated was Zack’s scent. Ava had picked up that the boys had their smells. Lucas was mint, Raph was lavender and Zack was pinewood but she didn’t know the extent to which they went to make sure they had their scents until she started sharing a room with Lucas and found that Mint was everywhere.

And that included his trousers and button-up shirts.

She opened the door and entered their bedroom, Lucas was standing by the vanity placing something down before he turned and smiled. “Feeling better?”

She nodded as she eyed the bed and found that it was perfectly made with fresh sheets. “I got a bath, and now I get to wear your clothes. I feel more than better.”

His smile widened as she approached him and wrapped her in his arms. “Good, I want nothing but the best for my little wolf.”

“You give me more than the best, Lucas. You make me feel loved, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

“Even food?” He questioned as he turned their bodies and showed her the tray of breakfast that he had placed on the vanity when she first came out. He then ran his fingers through her damp hair and hummed. “Eat up, I’ll do your hair and then Gene and Cole can finally come in and stop waiting at the door.”

She went to protest that she could do her hair and that Gene and Cole could come in now until she felt his gentle touch in her hair and his fingers slowly massage her scalp. “Remember when you said that you didn’t deserve me?”

“I do and I stand by what I said.” He said as he sat her down on the small chair beside them and got to work.

“I should be the one saying it.” She moaned as her eyes closed. He was making everything extremely hard to concentrate and she suddenly found herself wondering what else he could do with those fingers. “I need to do something to thank you.”

He paused and pushed his chest up against her back. His warmth made her sigh and then gasp as she felt his lips on her neck as he talked. “Sleeping beside me, telling me you love me and allowing me to treat you like a princess is all I ask from you, my love. You have already given me more than I could ever ask for.”

And with one final spine-shivering kiss on her neck, she knew that he spoke the truth and that only drove her desire for him.

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