The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three: Sexual Tension

The cool breeze and the slight sway of the trees helped her calm her nerves as she walked over branches and stepped onto crunchy leaves. Mack had woken that morning filled with excitement and had woken Zack because of her constant mumbling. But she couldn’t help it, going somewhere new, finding an assassin who is a master at hiding was the most exciting thing to happen and she got taken and is going to be crowned as queen of Vampires.

Zack and August were with her, she wondered why Zack wanted to come considering their discovery the day before but he said his brothers had it covered and that is all she needed to hear. Thinking about those two annoyed her a little; however, Mack kept trying to find them just to find out they were purposely hiding and keeping their eyes on her.

She wanted to be friends with them, not their personal show that they can follow around with their abilities and silent footsteps.

“Just up ahead,” August said as he pointed. “In that tree was the last time I tracked her scent. She has moved some distance since then.”

“She must be avoiding you pretty hard if she is moving further and further away from the castle,” Mack said to herself before she spoke up. “Do you have any idea why? I am still figuring out how mates work but I do know that you have some kind of connection to what your mate is feeling.”

August’s eyes were alert, she felt more sorry for him the longer he went without his mate and she wondered if there was more to this than just a simple assassin with a vampire grudge. “I have picked up on something but I do not know what it is. There is a block in our mate bond and I fear that she is in trouble.”

“Like a curse or…”

August nodded. “I think so but I am hoping I am wrong.”

Mack hummed. She didn’t know how to respond and thanks to Zack’s questioning whether this girl has a curse or not made the tension worsen.

It wasn’t his fault or hers. August had been tense the second they left the castle and the closer they had gotten to finding his mate, the tenser and more shut off he became.

She looked around her surroundings. There wasn’t much to see besides trees and bush, the occasional opening to be able to see the bright blue sky and small streams. But then her eyes landed on a body of water, the lake wasn’t large but it was clear enough to drink if they made a fire and boiled it.

“We should take a break over there.” She pointed. The boys agreed and they walked towards the lake. Mack couldn’t help herself but bend down and touch the water. The cooling liquid was refreshing and she decided to splash her face to cool down. The area was peacefully quiet as Zack spoke to August at a distance. She couldn’t hear what was being said but she could feel their eyes on her every few minutes and Mack had to roll her eyes each time.

She moved her eyes away from the water and examined the rest of the area. There were weeds and long stalk-like bushes. A few Lillie Pads and a frog that was trying to catch the mosquitoes that were buzzing around his head. And then she heard the cutest little quaking noises. A large duck was waddling towards the water and behind it were seven babies. Mack’s heart melted in seconds at the sight as she stood and ran towards Zack so that he could see them as well. As girly as it was, Ducklings were her weakness.

“They are so little!”

Her wide eyes made him chuckle. “Are you like this to all babies?”

“Only ducklings and puppies and kittens.” She mumbled as she noticed an eighth duckling failing to catch up to his siblings. “Oh! And sometimes babies. Depending on the baby and its mother.”

As she spoke, the eighth duckling started to limp. Its little legs were running so quickly that it was struggling to move with the weight of its body. The rest were already in the water and she wanted to help it but just as she went to move, Zack had already made his way towards it. Bending down and offering a hand before the duckling waddled over and hopped into his hand.

Her heart jumped at the sight and the instant trust this duckling had towards Zack as he carried it towards the water and helped it swim. Soon the duckling swam off and joined its family as Zack made his way back. Mack felt herself tighten her thighs as her hormones decided to go off. The entire sight in front of her sparked an instinct she didn’t know she had and now all she wanted was for August to go away so she can jump Zack and make their own babies.

Mack internally slapped herself and tried to shake it off but it was hard. Every day she found herself wanting to get closer to him and it was getting harder to resist. Eventually, she will give into the mate bond and her feelings and disaster will strike. The disaster is that she will bounce on his waist till he’s unable to move.

And then she had a breakthrough. Her eyes locked on movement in the trees that she had to follow but her words never left her mouth to say why she had begun to run. The boys shouted behind her but she didn’t care, it had been so long since she had seen these two creatures and they were not going to escape her now.

The felines moved fast but she was moving faster as she called out but they were still too far away to hear her, that or they were ignoring her. They were moving so quickly it almost seemed as though they were leading her somehow as branches slapped her in the face.

Her breathing had become heavy and her heart wanted to jump out of her throat but she didn’t care. Spotting these cats meant that they were closer to August’s mate but she didn’t realise how close until she almost ran straight into a wall. Her feet made a skid mark in the dirt as she grunted and rubbed her forehead.

The boys had caught up as she looked around and happily grinned at a confused August. “I think we found the Guild of Assassins!”

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