The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One: A New World

Mackenzie found herself being watched like a hawk as she followed Daisy down the village streets. Zack was with them and following in a deep silence that she was trying to figure out.

After their lesson and Zack being the only one who could teach her how to dance, Daisy suggested that they finally go into the village. As much as she wanted to go initially, sudden fear struck her when she was told that they were going.

Mack did have a choice of course but she didn’t want to say no due to the fact that it was her idea, to begin with. But being so close to so many vampire’s made her realise how insignificant she really was just being human. She had demon blood but Mack didn’t know how to tap into it, nor did she want to try; however, right at this moment as they walked through the streets she wished to have some protection of any kind.

“Here is the bakery,” Daisy spoke as she showed Mack around. “You can find the finest cakes and scones.”

“What are scones?”

Daisy paused in her steps and pulled a face as if Mack should know what a scone is. “It is… it is like bread but more… dry.”

“It tastes like shit.” Zack chimed in. His sudden, loud opinion caused Mack to snort out loud and cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

“It… yes,” Daisy reluctantly agreed after gaining her composure from her King’s outburst. “They do not taste very good.”

They walked down the paths a little more before Daisy stopped again. Her eyebrows formed into a frown before she turned and dropped her head.

The sudden action caused Mack to turn and look at Zack before asking her a question. “What is wrong?”

“I apologise.”

“For what?”

“My sister is currently following us.”

Mackenzie’s eyebrows raised before she looked around. Just off in the distance she could spot two little eyes peeking through two barrels. The kid looked no older than ten and was almost the spitting image of her sister. “What is her name?”

“Brit, your majesty,” Daisy said as she raised her head. “She will not approach as she is shy. Brit likes to watch me when I am in town in hopes that I will go home and see mother and father.”

“Then go!” Mack said with a shrug. “I have this one here so you go and be with your family for a while.”

Daisy turned her eyes to Zack but he just shrugged. With a bright smile, Daisy’s face lit up with relief. “Thank you, your majesty!”

With that said, she quickly ran towards her sister who had fully stood and was waiting. Mack didn’t have to guess the smile on the girl’s face as they had enhanced hearing, which she still envied. To be able to spy on people’s conversations and get away with it would be the biggest gift anyone could ask for.

Mack turned her attention away from the girls and looked around. The town was no different to her village back home, the brick houses and buildings with straw and mud roofs. The doors were old and slowly being eaten away from mites and candles sat on window ledges to try and reflect any light they could into the homes.

Besides the vampires, Mack felt like she was at home here and she would happily build a home and live amongst the people.

“So, why are you so quiet?” She questioned out loud as she eyed the curious bypassers. “You normally would have had an opinion by now.”

Zack didn’t answer at first and for a moment she thought she would have had to slap him to wake him up from whatever daydream he was currently in. “I have a lot to do and very little time to do it.” He responded with a tired sigh. “Coming into town helps.”

“Did I pull you away from important work?” She questioned again with an apologetic look. Mack didn’t want to be a burden and knowing that he will be king soon meant that he will have more and more duties that he is obligated to do.

Zack shook his head and placed his hand on her back to gently push her to walk. “It is only wedding stuff. It can wait.”

Mack did a silent ‘Oh’ before she allowed him to lead her. As much as she wanted to ask about how it was going, she didn’t want the same intense incident as last time. If he pulled that move again, Mack was sure that she would allow him to fully mate with her and she hated herself for it.

Stupid hormones and the mate bond didn’t like to be told what to do!

Her eyes observed the area a bit more before she suddenly stopped. Zack walked straight into her and grunted before he spoke. “What is it?”

“Is that a tailor?”

“Yeah it is. why?”

Mack grinned and started to slap his shoulder in excitement. “I own a tailor back home. I made dresses for larger women like me and sometimes clothes for men as well.”

Zack stared at her amazed before she realised that he didn’t know this about her. There were a lot of things that he didn’t know and she made a mental note to tell him things about herself before they get married. “Let’s go in then.” He suggested. “I want to see you make something.”

“But, what if the owner doesn’t let me?”

Zack chuckled, his smile caused her heart to skip a beat while the ongoing, sparks kept hitting her in waves from their contact. “You are the Queen, you don’t have to ask.”

Mack wanted to protest but she had no response. He was right but she didn’t like knowing that she could do whatever she wanted when she wanted just because she was now royalty. It felt wrong and entitled and Mack wasn’t one to accept entitlement.

They walked into the building, the little bell ringing as Mack opened the door before she was suddenly greeted with a bunch of different kinds of fabrics and clothes. There were suits and dresses, shirts and pants. Wool and what looked to be leather was laid out on a table and Mack couldn’t help but walk towards it as she noticed the thin, white fabric that was originally sheep wool. She loved the concept of turning something like wool into a fabric that you would never think came from what was used.

Zack walked towards the counter and picked up the little bell to ring just as a man came out. He looked to be the same age as them with the lightest blue eyes she had ever seen and the cutest little blonde curls. She just wanted to coo at him and tell him how adorable he looked but with Zack right in front of her, she had to hold herself back. Knowing him, he’d get jealous and probably kill this guy.

“Your majesty, what a nice surprise.” The guy said with a nervous laugh. “I paid my rent for the month, sir.”

“We are not here for that,” Zack said with a sigh. “Your queen was interested in your store.”

With the announcement of Mack, his eyes finally moved away from Zack and widened in shock. “I am so sorry! I didn’t see you there.”

Mack laughed. “It is fine, I just want to know how you made this fabric so thin. I wanted to make my wedding dress and I am interested in using this fabric.” She then paused as she noticed the way Zack’s eyes had darkened but she dismissed it. Mack didn’t want to think about what was going through his mind. “With a price of course.”

“I can’t charge you.” He said sheepishly. “You are my queen but I will help you with your dress.”

Macl grinned. She was going to pay him no matter what but she needed a dress and like hell was she going to allow her mother-in-law to choose her dress for her. “That would be lovely, thank you. What is your name?”

The name bowed his head as a sign of respect. “Ryan.”

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