The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twelve: Mated to Death Herself

The last three days had been the calmest and most collected days she had ever experienced. Zack was friendly, gentle, and the complete opposite of who he was at the beginning. They would have genuine conversations and sit and enjoy the silence at night with the crackling of the fire to break it.

She felt herself slowly slipping into comfortable ease, an ease where she could see herself opening up and talking without fear of him betraying her but at the same time, she still did not trust him. As much as she wanted to, her gut was telling her not to and she trusted her gut more than her heart had sadly decided to betray her every command.

Mack turned to her side and opened her eyes after sighing loudly. It was the third day and Zack had told her the night before that they were only a couple of hours away from the kingdom. She wondered how she was able to escape without needing to go into the village itself but she figured there was a back way, around the mountains and ocean from what she could see and from that, she stopped thinking about it altogether.

Her eyes were slightly blurry but she could still make out that she was currently alone. The last few days she had taken note that Zack was someone who hated mornings and waking up where she would wake up early and stay awake. Because of this, she would try and hunt for food which she was slowly getting better at. She had caught a snake for lunch the day before just from throwing her knife and Mack couldn’t help but feel pride about that accomplishment.

She sat up and looked around, confusion set in as she tried to find Zack from where she was currently sitting. Mack would have stood and physically tried to look but thanks to her slightly heightened senses, she knew that he wasn’t too far away.

Mack decided to stake out the fire, the timber only had a few sparks left which she stomped out with her foot before she packed away their things. Zack had been carrying everything from day one and she felt useless because of this. She was used to being in charge, being the person who took the load off of everyone else and travelling these last few days made her realise just how much she did for people who would never do the same for her.

“I think it’s out.”

She jumped, and her eyes landed on Zack as he held a raised eyebrow at her excessive stomping. “Just making sure.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “We are closer than I thought we were, actually ten minutes away.”

Mack pulled her lips into a thin line. He knew this already but only just decided to tell her this now and she couldn’t figure out why. “Let’s go then, I want to sleep in a real bed again.”

She felt the air stiffen as she walked past him, her eyes frowning as she watched his face pale. “Actually, I needed to talk to you about that.”

“Is this going to piss me off?”

He didn’t give her an answer but a slight shuffle of his feet. “I am being forced back into my own room again and technically your room is my room.”

She felt her face drop, her heart beating rapidly inside her throat as she turned away from him and started walking again with no response. It wasn’t the fact that he would be in the same room as her, heck, she didn’t care if they shared a bed. It was the idea of knowing that he would be there as she hasn’t exactly been with a man. Sure she had a few make-out seasons just to anger her parents but to be close and personal with someone was terrifying.

Mack always assumed she’d die alone after running away.

The castle had come into her line of sight and her body felt heavy. All of a sudden, she didn’t want to be around him anymore. She didn’t want to smell his scent or hear his voice, she just wanted to be alone. Alone and staring into oblivion until this feeling of guilt, regret and unholy horniness went away.

She could feel him wanting to say something from behind her and she was thankful he had decided to keep his mouth shut. There was this ich in her that wanted to make them start fighting again, to bring back that old tension and replace this new, comfortable one but instead, she said nothing. Her legs took her to their destination until her eyes landed on the white-haired, wanna-be albino sitting against a tree with his head in his hands.

“August!” She called out, relief of seeing a slightly familiar face almost made her jump in the air with joy but she retained herself as they came towards him.

His silver eyes looked dull and tired as he looked up and gently smiled at the two in front of him. “I knew you would get her back, your majesty.”

Mack glared at August as she studied him. “What happened?”

His eyes widened, shaking his head as if he hadn’t been in a crisis a few seconds ago. “N… Nothing, your majesty.”

“What did I tell you about keeping things, August?” Zack said, crossing his arms and tilting his head as he waited.

“May I speak out of terms?”

“You may.”

August sighed, casting his eyes down and finding his fingers to be interesting. “I found my mate.”


“But she is an assassin who kills Vampires.”

“-Oh.” Mack finished, realising that she had spoken too soon before she groaned. “This mate of yours didn’t have her companion around did she?”

August frowned softly. “Not that I noticed, no.”

“Those cats, the sneaky-” She cut herself off, feeling frustration get to her as she slowly began to realise why they were out there in the woods so far away from their human and happened to run into her suddenly. They planned it all, they planned it so perfectly it was as if they knew that their human was mated to August and that Mack, herself was mated to Zachariah. “Where is she now?”

“I do not know.” August sighed sadly. “She refuses to give me her name and threatened to kill me if I tried to follow her.”

“Sounds like someone I know,” Zack mumbled to himself earning a glare from Mack. “Just give her time, she will eventually come to you herself.”

“Really?” Mack deadpanned. “Is that really what you are going to tell him after all of this.”

“Well, I tried to wait it out but instead you decided to lock yourself in the room and refused to leave!”

“Oh, I wonder why!”

“If you weren’t so stubborn, we would have figured everything out but you just had to make everything harder for me!”

“For you?” She scoffed, sticking her finger in his chest as she felt her blood boil. “You kidnapped me, remember asshole! You were the one who kept me locked up in that castle as if I was Rapunzel and expected me to suddenly love and want you and play some good little wife who does what she is told!”


“I didn’t expect-”

“Oh, you definitely did!” She snapped. “If you waited for me to come to you then you did a shit job about it! If you think for one second-”

“Mackenzie you’re bleeding!” August yelled, his eyes staring at her feet as she looked down and moved her dress to see the blood running down her legs.

“GREAT!” She screamed in rage. “JUST FUCKING GREAT!”

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