The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Thirty-One: Long Way Back

Mackenzie groaned as she soaked in the bath that accompanied their room. They were a few hours away from finally being home and for the last two weeks, all they have done is spend their time in this room, taking up all of their time humping each other’s brains out.

Granted, once you set a fire it is hard to burn out and man was Zachariah Woods hard to burn out. That man could go on forever and there were a few times when Mack wondered if she would ever be able to walk again. Her body ached and she was starving from all of that activity but yet, as she lay in the warm water, she couldn’t wait for him to come back from talking to the captain so that she could jump him again.

Mack groaned and sunk down deeper into the water, her hands resting on her stomach as she had to wonder if there was a child growing in there. She had no magic potions as she liked to call the drink, that would take a possible child away and right now she had to wonder. Mack didn’t feel sick nor did her breasts hurt so the typical signs were not there after the two to three-week process but that didn’t mean there was no possibility and she questioned herself.

Was she ready?

The bedroom door suddenly opening snapped her out of her thoughts as she turned in the bath and grinned at Zack. “How much longer?”

“About ten minutes.” He said as he came over and crouched down. “Ten minutes isn’t enough time to dirty you again so I have to wait until tonight.”

Mack pouted. “Awe, what are you going to do with me all over you?”

“Probably die.” He shrugged as she laughed and sat up.

She was finished with her bath and was ready to hope out as she readjusted the locket around her neck and grabbed a towel. Zack groaned behind her as she stood and wrapped the cloth around her body. “Stop complaining, my clothes will be ripped off in a few hours anyway.”

Zack’s pouting face only caused her laughter to increase as he stood and exited the room while grumbling. “If I can wait that long.”

Once the door was fully closed, she shook her head and got dressed. Mack didn’t think that this would ever happen, weeks of never being able to say a single word to him without it being an argument and now he is pouting like a baby that wants to be wrapped up in her arms forever. She wouldn’t have ever thought that this would happen and now; here she was, In love with a man who was a massive softy but a true king and leader to his people.

Mack looked down at her body and for the first time ever, she wasn’t disgusted with herself. She knew it was stupid to only start loving herself after meeting her soulmate but if it wasn’t for Zack, she would still hate everything about herself and the way her stomach and hips stuck out in her dresses. She would despise how large her breasts were and plump her butt was but now, all of that resentment was gone and she couldn’t be happier.

With one last look at the cabin, she exited the room and made her way up the stairs where she found Zack standing by the railings looking out over the water and towards the oncoming island. What she wasn’t expecting to find was the array of dark smoke that lit the sky as she would have normally been able to see the castle.

“What is happening?” She questioned as she joined his side, Mack knew he wouldn’t have the answer but the words had slipped out of her mouth before she could think.

“I don’t know.” He responded as he gave her a concerned look. “When we reach the docks, run to the castle. There you will see women, children and the elderly entering a hidden bunker on the west wing.”

“But, what about-”

“Please!” Zack begged as he grabbed her hands into his and kissed her palms. “Just, do as I say.”

She wanted to protest but the look in his eyes caused her to give in and nod her head. He leaned forward and grabbed her face before kissing her forehead, the lingering feeling made her stomach flip as she tried to think positively. Maybe it was just a fire, maybe the loud screams they were hearing the closer they got were just people being silly but Mack knew better.

Even as they docked and they kissed each other one last time before she ran, she knew that he wasn’t going to chase after her like the first time she ran from him and take her into his arms. Mack so desperately wanted him to appear behind her, pull her against a tree and tell her everything was going to be okay but it wasn’t.

The closer she ran to the castle, the more devastation she saw with her very own eyes as the sounds of loud witch-like cackles were made. Villagers screaming in fear as some fought for their homes and businesses and others were running for their lives, not knowing where to go or who to turn to until they saw her.

Instincts kicked in as she ran into the burning village and tried to direct every single person she could find who needed help. Her lungs felt like they were going to explode with fear and adrenaline as she found herself deep into the fire, coughing up smoke as she tried to cover her face with no luck.

Her eyes fogged with tears as she realised that she had made a massive mistake, she was lost and the smoke didn’t help as the salute of a figure came towards her. Hands were placed onto her shoulders but her eyes were too blurry to see who it is. “Girl! What the hell are you doing out here?!”

She recognised the voice but couldn’t pinpoint who was talking to her as the man lead her through the smoke. “Who...”

“Simon, girl!” Simon screamed as his frail old body pulled her young one out of the danger. “I knew this was coming but your arrival was not supposed to happen!”

“I was just trying to help.” She choked as they found an opening and ran up the hill towards the castle.

“No, you were getting yourself killed!” He yelled as he pushed her with all of his strength. “Run! Before I kill you myself!”

She would have laughed at how serious he was being if it wasn’t for the situation and instead she thanked him and ran towards the one and only place she had ever felt safe in.

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