The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Eighteen: Shook to the System

“This is ludicrous! I was only acting in there but fuck me! Why the fuck-”

“Lucky for you to be able to act when they throw this on the both of us!”

“Why are you yelling at me as if I already knew? I thought you knew!”

“I didn’t know!” Zack yelled in frustration, pacing his office floor as Mack leaned against the sofa with her arms crossed.

The lunch with his parents ended shortly after their wedding announcement. Between Lucas getting so mad that he had thrown his goblet of blood at his father instead of punching him and Raphael laughing his ass off as if he was watching a comedy show, both Mackenzie and Zack unknowingly called it off early together. With Zack saying it out loud and her keeping that exact thought in her head.

“Is there any way we could stop it?”

Zack shook his head. “No, I had suspected that this would happen which means they have already planned everything out. All we need to do is show up.”

She pulled her lips into a thin line. Surprisingly, the times she has thought about her potential wedding day, she thought she would be the one to plan it with her fiance but instead, her future mother-in-law and father-in-law have done all of the ‘fun stuff’ for her.

Mack’s head suddenly snapped up to eye Zack as she thought of an idea. “What if we complete the mating process? What if you get me pregnant? Would that mean that we wouldn’t have to marry?”

He paused in his steps, she could see that he had almost choked on air from the sudden breath he had sucked in. What she had said did come as a surprise, not in a million years did Mack ever think that those exact words would fall out of her mouth so easily but they had to do something. They needed time, a lot of time and throwing marriage into that will be the biggest mistake of their lives.

“Are you really willing to let me between your thighs and take you completely?”

The way his dark eyes had flashed the darkest shade of blood red sent a shiver down her back. She had to squeeze her thighs together just to prevent herself from falling into that trap. “What other way is there other than leaving this place and finding an abandoned island somewhere.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“I don’t need to!” She mumbled a little flustered. If he kept staring at her the way he was, his eyes hooded and his head slightly turned as he looked at her, Mack would find herself allowing him to do more than just imprint himself between her legs. “It was stupid of me to even say that out loud, just forget it.”

His head tilted, his eyes seeming to glow even brighter before he was suddenly standing over her. His body heat radiated against her chest as she felt herself shiver. The intense pulsating she was feeling between her legs caused her to swear at herself. She was supposed to hate him, not want to get down onto her hands and knees and suck his soul out.

She felt his breath on her neck as her own suddenly became none existent. “As much as I would love to take you up on your offer. Your idea is flawed.” He said as she could feel his fangs graze against her mark. It took everything in her not to moan and grab onto him for dear life. “If I impregnated you, our wedding day will be pushed forward and neither of us wants that.”

“I... I d... didn’t-”

“Consider that?” He chuckled before pulling back and grabbing her chin so that they would be in direct eye contact. “It’s cute how red your face gets when I am close to you.”

Her eyes widened, her heart pounding so hard against her chest that she felt like passing out. “I... I uh... you are an ass!”

With her sudden courage, she pushed him back and escaped his office. Mack placed her hand on her chest as she practically ran down the halls. She didn’t know what had suddenly gotten into him but she found herself wanting to go back and push him further to see what would happen.

Mack widened her eyes again. Feeling how wet she was and how much he had just turned her on was the scariest thought that had ever crossed her mind. she hoped that he couldn’t hear how hard her heart had been pounding or sense how much she wanted him to pound into her against that couch. She hoped with everything in her that his vampire senses were crap and didn’t pick up any of her horny, sinful thoughts and wants.

From Zack’s actions, she had almost forgotten about this wedding and the fact that she would be married to him. Suggesting that they had sex before then was the stupidest thing she had ever come up with but she ended up having the most shocking results and Mack kind of liked it as much as she didn’t want to.

Shaking off her shaky legs, she opened the door to her bedroom and paused. A strange woman was making the bed she had already made, her little hands were fiddling with the duvet as she huffed at the wrinkles.

“Can I help you?”

The woman jumped, her grey eyes going wide as she moved away from the bed and bent her head down as a sign of respect. “Forgive me, your majesty. I am Daisy, I was assigned to be your maid.”

“By Zachariah, I am guessing?” Mack groaned with a tired sigh.

Daisy nodded. “His majesty assigned me to be by your side at all times and cater to you as you see fit.”

Mack’s lips pulled into a thin line as she eyes Daisy up and down. A petite little thing this girl was, her height was about 4′8 and her hair was as grey-white as her eyes. Mack couldn’t tell how old she was but she assumed that Daisy was younger than her and definitely someone who could not protect her if something went wrong.

Although in saying that, the girl was a vampire.

“I don’t need you to cater to me, Daisy,” Mack said as she entered the room and closed the door. “But I do want to know something.”

Daisy smiled. “Anything, your majesty.”

“Tell me about Vampires.”

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