The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 2

Well, I wasn’t dead yet. So that’s a plus, right?

I fluttered my eyelids a bit to open them and see bright lights beaming down on me. My whole body ached from the impact of the fall after the jump, so any little movement was searing through me. I looked to my left to see an IV pump pushing fluid into a catheter in my left arm. I looked at the bag to see it was just some fluids, thank goodness. I then looked at my arms and legs to see that I wasn’t shackled or chained. Maybe this was my saving grace.

But I didn’t know that for sure.


I instantly ripped the IV out of my arm and sat up in bed. My head started spinning, so I tried to hold it and just sit for a minute to gather myself. When I felt better and ready to leave, I stood up and started to scan my surroundings.

There were about 10 hospital beds lined against each side of the stone walls. My bed was against the right side, while the others were on the other side where there were several windows high above to let some sunlight in.

No, we don’t sparkle in the sun or dissipate into ash. We can live just like humans and the sun does not affect us in any way besides being a nuisance.

Behind me was what appears to be some type of nurses area, although nobody was there. I slowly walked over to the desk to see if I could get any information on where I was at or whose Kingdom I was in. Then suddenly my throat lit on fire and I could feel the ice blue in my eyes begin to light up.


I looked to the right of the desk to see a whole fridge packed full of blood. My nostrils flared at the had been so long since I had even tasted pure blood. I walked over to it and just stared in lust. All kinds were right there waiting for me to sink my teeth into them. O negative, A positive, B negative...they were just sitting there. No locks, codes, nothing to get in. Just THERE.

Take one.

I reached my hand out to touch the glass of the fridge, to be greeted with the overwhelming feeling of bloodlust. I could feel my tattoo on my neck burning; the urge to take it all and drink it down mere seconds away from erupting.

You can’t do this, you’re not here for this. Run.

I pulled my hand back away from the fridge, pissed that I decided to not take it all. But, I’m not here for anything other than to get as far away from Malachi as possible. I looked down the hallway between all of the hospital beds and started for the doors that hopefully would lead me outside. I began the trek, which caused excruciating pain with each step.

That is, until the door began to swing open.


I stared wide-eyed at the door as what appeared to be a nurse walked through. She instantly saw me and dropped the tray of food she was bringing in. I could tell that my eyes were still lit up, so that would startle anybody.

Most vampires have grey eyes that do light up and have almost what you would call a sparkle to them when their bloodlust kicks in or they just get pissed off. Me? Nope; bright blue all the time and glowing icy blue when they change. So yes, it’s a little unsettling.

“Yo-you’re awake,” she stutters, “Let me tell his Majesty you are up.”

I shake my head, “That won’t be necessary. I do not plan on staying around. I need to get out of here. I don’t want to cause any more trouble than I have.” I start to head for the door and she steps to the side. I begin to reach to push the doors open but they open against me and almost knock me down in the process. I take a few steps back and glare, trying to figure out who the hell else is in my way of escape. My eyes then instantly widen when one of the most handsome men I have ever seen in my life comes through the door.

He is wearing black slacks with a white buttoned up shirt that has faint lines checkered on it. The first 3 buttons of his shirt are undone, showing a bit of dark brown chest hair. I look up at his face to see that his eyes are a piercing almond color with hints of gold. He has a thick, but not long, beard and mustache that is so dark brown it is almost black. His hair is dark brown and tousled around his face, the length right around the bottoms of his ears. The brown in his hair is so dark it is almost black and has natural golden highlights. He’s tall; extremely tall. He appears to be around 6′6", making me feel like a dwarf standing at 5′6". He was fit; his sleeves on his shirt were so tight hugging all of the muscles that flexed whenever he moved his arms.

I’m sure my face was in complete fan-girl mode, so I instantly shut my mouth and glared at him. He looked me up and down as I balled my fists up, trying to show I meant business. I'm sure I looked very intimidating with my dirt-stained face, ripped clothes, and bruises all over my arms and legs.

"What's your name?" he spoke. His voice sent chills down my spine; it was gravely and rough with a slight English accent.

"Melody," I answered, trying to be as strong as I could while the pain from the jump still coursed through my body, "And yours?"

He curled his top lip up in what appeared to be disgust, so I decided to take a different approach to the situation. "Listen, I don't mean to intrude. I was just trying to get somewhere safe. As I informed the nurse, I just want to leave and be on my way."

"When was the last time you ate?" he asked. I looked at him in confusion. What the hell kind of question is that?

"Um, what do you mean? Like, food or a feeding?" I replied.

"Either," he said, "You look very malnourished for a vamp." I looked down at myself, and he was right. All vampires are what you would call skinny, but only because they have to stay in shape in order to defend and attack if need be. I was skinny, but not fit by any means. You could practically see my ribcage through my white shirt.

"I was just bringing her a plate, your Majesty", the nurse cut in, "Until I came in and saw her awake and trying to leave." He darted his eyes at her. "Get her another plate, nurse Eden." The nurse bowed her head and immediately left the room.

So this is the King. Ah, shit.

"You really don't have to do that," I protested, "I just want to be on my way."

"What were you running from, exactly?" he asked. I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, I got away and I plan for it to stay that way." He looked me up and down once again, stopping when he saw the bruises around my ankles from the chains that Malachi kept on me. I looked at his eyes and almost saw a hint of sadness to them, but quickly faded away when he met my eyes yet again.

"Stay and eat," he commanded, "Then you may leave if you wish". With that statement, he turned and left. Once the doors to the ward closed, I let out the biggest sigh. Was I holding my breath?

I turned on my heel and staggered back to the bed I had woken up in. I sat down and inhaled, letting the smell of the blood from the fridge fill my nostrils again.

It smells so good.

I heaved out a sigh, hoping that whatever food the nurse was bringing would be at least decent.

By the time the nurse had came back in, I had accidentally fallen asleep with my head in my hands. I jumped when she sat down on the bed; her eyes grew wide when I stared at her in shock. She handed me a tray of food, full of pasta and snap beans.

"Thank you," I whispered, finally smiling for the first time in a long time. I then looked up at her to see her smiling back. Her eyes were the normal gray, but there was something in her smile that felt like it could brighten any dull mood. She had blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun, no makeup, and a few fine wrinkles around her eyes that showed she had many years of experience. She seemed to be in her early forties, about 5'2", and slender. She was wearing navy blue scrubs and had a small key necklace around her neck. She must have seen me looking at the key, because she tucked it away under her shirt quickly. I then turned to my food and began to eat.

Oh my heavens this is amazing.

It had been so long since I had eaten regular food. All Malachi ever fed me was raw vegetables and raw meat like sausages, steak, and beef.

I devoured the meal in less than 10 minutes, finally feeling a little bit more normal. I wiped the rest of the food from the corners of my mouth and smiled at the nurse, who was looking at me like I was a cannibal or something.

"Thank you, again," I said, "You've been extremely kind."

"I know that his Majesty can seem rough around the edges," she replied, taking my plate, "But he really isn't that bad once you get to know him."

"I don't plan to do that," I said, standing up, "I just want to get as far away from here as possible."

"May I ask what happened?" she asked, looking at my ankles. She had not moved from her spot on the bed where I was once sitting. I looked down at my ankles and then at my wrists, rubbing them nervously. All of the scars and bruises there definitely stuck out like a sore thumb.

I let out a big sigh and sat back down on the bed. "So I was basically a prisoner. Long story short, King Malachi doesn't like me because of who I am so he wanted to just keep me barely alive where no one would find me. I don't want to go back to that miserable place, so I would rather just stay far away from him." She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes, and didn't probe any further on the subject. "Well, if there is any way that I can help I would be more than happy to be of assistance."

I smiled at her. "Thank you, but this is something I have to do alone." With that, I gave her one last look before I started for the door. That is, until I heard something being thrown my way.

I turned around to catch a small bag of O negative blood in my hands. My eyes instantly were set ablaze, and my breathing became labored.

"I thought you might need that, with the way you were looking at it earlier," said the nurse. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the bag. I licked my lips in pleasure. "Where is the bathroom at, please?" She pointed to a door behind the nurses desk, and I practically ran to devour the bag.

I slammed the door behind me and stared at the bag in my hands again. It had been so long since I had a chance to taste a drop of any kind of fresh blood. The smell was enticing; I had to get into it NOW.

I ripped the bag open from the tubing end so I wouldn't make a mess and I could feel my tattoo heating up again. I then stuck the tubing in my mouth and forced myself to drink slowly.


I wanted so much more once I finished the bag, but this would have to do for now until I could find a fresh kill once I got the hell out of here. I put the empty bag in the sink and noticed myself in the mirror.

I wasn't myself anymore. That young, spunky, beautiful little girl was now gone.

What has he done to me?

I used to have the fullest cheeks with just enough cheekbone that it looked like I had natural contour on my face, plump pink lips, beautiful copper-brown hair with golden streaks throughout, and eyelashes that girls would pay hundreds for.

But not anymore. Now my face was more pale than ever, the veins in my forehead and temples visible to even the human eye. My lips were thin and dry, my cheekbones so close to the skin that they could break through any moment, my hair was a tangled mop the color of a mouse with no life whatsoever, and my poor neck covered in bruises from being thrown around like a rag doll.


The tears began swelling at the edges of my eyes and I held them in as long as I could before the dam finally broke. All of the years of torture, the pain of losing my parents, and the simple fact that I had no one. It was enough to make the strongest of vampires break.

I sobbed so hard until the door practically flew off of it's hinges and the nurse barged in, pulling me close. She held me on the floor while I cried, and for the first time in a long time I felt the touch of someone who cares.

She cares about you. Somebody cares about you.

God, this made me cry even more. I was losing control; my tattoo began throbbing and burning. I knew with time if I didn't calm down I would burst at the seems. I finally slowed down my breathing and dried my eyes. I looked up at the nurse and gave her a weak smile through my red, tear-stained eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to see me like this. It's just...I don't know. I have never had the opportunity to let it all out. For so long I had to suffer in silence, and now to have somebody to just be here and act like they don't know how much it means. Thank you so much."

She looked at me with a smile beaming from ear to ear. "Why don't you stay a few nights to get some rest? His Majesty won't mind at all. My treat". My smile turned into a scowl. "He seems like he doesn't want any intruders in his home. I would hate to wear out my welcome."

"Oh nonsense!", she exclaims, "I promise he will not care. I'll talk to him myself; I can usually make the hard-headed bastard listen." We both had a little giggle at this, and I got up off of the floor with her assistance. She linked her arm through mine and we started walking into the ward area.

Just about that time, the 'hard-headed bastard' walked through the doors with a look on his face that wasn't one of welcoming.

Ah, shit. Here we go again.

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