The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 4: Last day

I wake up with no one next to me. I sit up straight and wipe the sleep out of my eyes still feeling sleepy. Suddenly I heard alot of noises caming from down stairs, wondering why mom was up so early.

I look around the new room as I didn't got the time yesterday when we came back for town. I was in my room I recall asking her to sleep with her. I checked the time to see how late it was for mom to be up so early.

My eyes widen in shock when seeing that it was 10:23, did I slept that long and why didn't mom wake me. I grabbed my phone from the small lamp desk, checking if chrissy didn't left any message for me and Im still waiting for the call from dad. I felt a little sad about it, but i just push that feeling away.

I have two calls, one from chrissy and the other from my dad making me smile. I wonder if he had called mom asking why I didn't answer his called. I will call them, but right now I need a hot shower. I climb out the bed and make it up and left mom's room and went straight to my own bedroom.

I enter my room and immediately I undress my night clothes walking into my bathroom. It was a white tilled bathroom with a toilet, bath and a shower so nice I smiled walking to the side of the shower and switch on the water to run while I wait for it to get warm.

I pull my hair out of the ponytail and pour some hair shampoo on my hair and rub it smoothly through my hair. The vanilla scent of the shampoo smelling so nice and fresh in the bathroom. I step under the water with my eyes close letting the water fall down on my nude body while i wash my hair under the shower relaxing into the the warm water.

I can feel how every tight muscle relaxed by touch of the water making me moan out washing my body now. The water help me to be fresh and clean starting a new day with a good mood. The warmness drain out all the tiredness.

When i was done and satisfied with everything, I felt ready to take on this day. There is so much to do today, things needed to be on they right places. I wrapped a towel around my body and walk out the bedroom finding my boxes here in the room.

Today is my last day here at home. I'm starting with my pre matric year and I'm so happy next year is my last year. I have to pack out all my things from this boxes, I don't want more work when I came back from school tomorrow, I also need to and look for a job. Mom told me she would help too asking around for me.

New place, new houses, new school new classmates and new teachers. I do not know should I be happy or what. Im just praying that they will all be nice to me... "Oh Lord I pray for a nice teacher and nice classmates. I don't know if I can do it with bullies, I'm so dead.

They think everything is just about them because they get spoiled and having that luxuries life's. We all go to school to study not to be bullied. I suddenly I felt bad and sad thinking that I've to start my school tomorrow without my best friend, this is going to be a long year for me. I wonder if she is okay.

After I put on some clothes, I packed out all my things from the box and took it out of my room and help mom down in the kitchen cleaning the kitchen and putting away everything.

"Mom, are you going to register me tomorrow? I askes her putting away a few plates.

She sight, wiping off the sweat from her face leaving some black dirt on her face making me giggle..." No honey didn't I told you that I have already registered for you online? She asked me

"I can't remember, but it's fine if you did, I just wanted to know that's all. "I told her biting on my apple.

"I wonder what do you remember? "she asked as I just stare at her thinking about the woman I bumped into yesterday.

I just can't get her out of my mind and it is so confusing why I just can't stop thinking about her. I still felt that spark when we touched. Her eyes and her smile, is just so amazing to see someone so magnificent. Everything about her is just perfect.

"Darling I think I'm going to have a bath to get out all this dirt, I should have hire someone to clean this place up for us." she told me me looking around the kitchen. Where did your mind went this time? "she asked me eating her apple with one hand on her hip watching me like her prow.

"Uh, uhm just somewhere confusing", I told her the truth.

"I heard you, but okay I'm going to my room and taking a nap after the bath.she said walking out but stop and peek threthe door," I got you a job at Mac Donald's, you starting tomorrow around three. "she told me and walking out again.

"Yes! I yell throwing my hands up in the air and walk back to room to also clean of the sweat and dust. I take my phone and press on chrissy phone number thinking if I should call her, she might be asleep and I don't wanna wake her, but I couldn't I just wanted to hear her voice I Dailed her listening on how her phone rings. I wish for her to pick up the phone, when she did I couldn't stop smiling.

HI babe, I thought you have forgotten about me she said sounding so asleep.

Hey love, how on earth will that happen, I can't forget about you. I told her.

Is just, I was awake the hole time waiting for you to call me, I think I have fallen asleep waiting for you", she told me.

"You so sweet babe, I'm sorry that I didn't call you sooner, me and mom was busy. How you doing, are you happy about school tomorrow?" I asked her feeling so excited to speak with her.

"I'm fine, I just can't shake the feeling off that you guys are not here and I don't know if I'm happy about school tomorrow, I'm going to walk alone tomorrow." she spoke making me feel sad about hearing that. "I'am so sorry about that, babe you going to be fine, I'm also trying to be strong here. We have to pull through." I told her.

Yes I know how's mom, asked her to call me when she have time.

"She is fine and doing just well, promise to let her know when wakes up. Dad called me mos, but I just find the call this morning. He never called back." I told her feeling really bad that missed his call. "That's nice at least he did called like he promise. I think you need to call him back Lucia. She spoke groaning.

"I don't think that's a good idea, are you okay there?" I asked her.

"Ye, s I'm just sleepy you know mos it's night time here, what time is it there?" she asked me.

I checked on my phone for the time, "it's 12:40 friend. I'm happy to hear that voice of yours, I miss you.

"I miss you too and I love you guys. It is also nice to hear your voice babe."she spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Thank you dear, I think you need to go back to sleep and please think about coming to us if something it's wrong, just anytime okay. "I told her.

"Yes I will, bye babe enjoy you day."

"Goodnight to you love, sweet dreams mwah." I great her.

After a long a day of cleaning the house unpacking things mom left me mos to do the rest since I wake up late. I could finally rest throwing my tired body on the big couch in front of the TV. Mom made us delicious dinner and now I'm full and tired just in the mood for nothing. Today was a nice day, me and mom spending time together growing our bound more stronger. I laughed to myself thinking about my mom and her childlishness. She can work on my nerves sometimes, but I love her and I'm glad she is my mom.

The women who I don't know suddenly pops up in my mind. Why do I think about her so much. I felt strange like someone is watching me as I peek over my shoulder seeing nothing. I couldn't shake if this feeling that someone were watching.

"Mom, I suddenly called out maybe is just one of her tricks again to scared me.

"Yes honey, is everything okay do you want some water? "she asked me I sight and taking out that feeling about someone watching me.

I scream when suddenly something ice cold falling on my face hearing my mom's laughter. She throws ice cold water on my face

"Mom, was this necessary now, really you so stupid sometimes." I told her wiping my face.

"Oaw, is my baby angry no?", she asked speaking in a baby language.

"Please Don't ever do that again, it's not fine really." I told her looking very sad. I sit back with my arms crossed above my chest and my legs also crossed on the couch.

"What's your case?" she asked me siting down next to me kissing me on my cheek.

"Nothing mom, is just you really scared me there and you know how I hate it",i told her feeling to cry.

"I'm sorry then love, I will not do it again." she told me,its time for bed now it's late already. "she said and helping me off from the couch.

"I'm sleeping in my bed tonight mom, goodnight."

"Goodnight darling sleep tight,

"You too mom, love you.

"Love you more my baby. "she said and walk off to her room.

I enter my room and close my door. I get out of my clothes and wear my night clothes when I felt a cold gust of wind making me flince s. I stop frozen holding my head when I sew that the window I know I close is open.

It's scares me because I swear I know I close it. I was so scared to move and close the window but somehow find the courage and walk up ther and Close it.

Tommorw is going to be a long day for me.00000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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