The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Alpha Ash & Nikolai
“Perfect, I’ll meet you there.” I reply back smiling down at my phone.
Today is the day that I have been waiting for for the last decade. King Nikolai is hosting the Alpha Summit at his castle. It gives
me the perfect opportunity to lay siege while the castle is at it’s weakest. Nikolai thinks he only has to worry about the witches
and the wolves, but he’s wrong in that aspect. When the Dragon King Luscious, found out that Nikolai was harboring his twin
sons, he was more than happy to lend a helping hand in defeating the Vampire King.
My plan isn’t just to kill Nikolai. No, that would be to simple, he would get off way to easy if I were to kill him. I plan on making
him suffer. First I’ll deprive him of blood, then I’ll let him watch while he’s too week and frail as we kill everyone near and dear to
him. I’ll save his luscious mate for the end. I
ke her mine first, promising her if she submits to me, I’ll let Nikolai live. And then when I’m finished, I slit her throat right in front of
him. By then he’ll be beginning to die, but still I won’t be finished. I’ll continue to deprive him until he is just a shriveled sack of
skin and bones, and then I will kill him. Yes, that will be a punishment fit for a king.
I’ve assigned Draq and Dru to Mary today. I’ve advised them to keep her distracted at the market. I don’t want her anywhere
near the castle today. People say fox shifters are sly, I always ask them if they’ve been around Alpha Ash. I know he has
something planned today.Why else would he have threatened my mate at her coronation. I have a gut feeling that he’ll bring up
his suspensions that Mary has phoenix blood today. It’ll cause the perfect distraction durins lay siege on the castle. At least when
this happens, I know Mary will be safe. I can’t imagine losing her, I witnessed first hand the pain my mother went through losing
her mate. I’d never wish that type of pain on anyone, not even Alpha Ash.

“Your highness.” snarled Alpha Ash, giving me a half assed bow, disturbing me from my thoughts.
“Alpha, its a pleasure.” I replied, nodded my head to him as a courtesy, “Feel free to roam around the first floor, we’re just waiting
for a few stragglers and then the summit will commence.”
“And where is her majesty?” Alpha Ash asked with a wicked glint in his eye.
“If you must know, Mary is under the weather. She will not not be participating in the Summit this year.” I replied, as I tried to hold
back my vampire side, which wanted nothing more that to snap Ash’s throat.
“Ah an heir in the oven already? Not that I blame you, your mate, she’s something isn’t she.” Ash replied with a smirk on his face.
“Speak of my mate again and I will kill you.” I growled letting my vampire aura show clearly this time.
“Now King Nikolai, I didn’t mean any harm. I was just appreciating your mate’s beauty.” Ash replied, before he turned and walked
towards the conference room.
I circled the first floor one more time, checking for stragglers before heading towards the conference room, already knowing that
the conference was going to be a long one.
As I walked into the conference room, I was shocked to see the amount of leaders that had shown up this year. Each
Supernatural race had sent their leader, their second in command, or a spokesperson in their place. Even the smaller clans had
sent someone to represent them, Trixie represented the pixie race, who were rare and few these days. Giselle represented the
elven folk, Bjorn the dwarves, and Geneva who represented the sprites. There were many other small clan representatives, but
even I couldn’t tell you their species or who their representatives were. It was one of the changes I wanted to make. I wanted to
let everyone in my kingdom have a voice. And of course there was Prince Ambrose representing the Fae race, Raya
representing the Dragon clan, Hectate representing the witches, and Alpha Ash representing the shifters as a whole. I was
surprised to see a Dragon representative present, they never attend this gatherings, but I put my poker face on not letting my
shock be seen.
Taking my place at the head of the table I began the speech I had been practicing, “First and foremost, I would like to thank
everyone for being so lax about the sudden change in location. As I’m sure the majority already knows, I have found my mate,
and I have been hesitant to leave her since the attack on the castle while I was gone. I would like to now open the floor to any
representative who would like to discuss changes they’d like to see in the kingdom.”

Prince Ambrose was the first to rise, “I would like to see more representation in the royal army. We have many young men and
woman in the fae territory that wish to join the royal army. They’re skilled
fighters, but from the looks of it, it only appears that vampires are a part of the army.”
How did I not realize, that I only surrounded myself with my own kind? I guess since I constantly had Draq and Dru by my side, I
didn’t think of how the rest of the castle looked.
“But of course,” I reply, “Anyone who would like to join the royal army can. We will hold open training classes. Whoever passes
the training will be offered a position with the army.”
There were mumbles of agreement around the table no one seemed against allowing anyone who wanted to, access to join the
* Thank you King Nikolai,” Ambrose replied, “I would also like to add a few fae to the investigation. team. Our numbers keep
increasing with the recent string of murders, and my tribe is getting antsy. They want answers on what is happening to their lost
family and friends.”
“I will welcome anyone who would like to be a part of the investigation squad, we need all the help we can get lately.” I reply once
Hectate seems to disagree with this response, “The fae would not be impartial to evidence found. They’re on a man hunt for the
person responsible. Whose to say, they won’t point evidence at their enemy.” Hectate responded.
“Are you calling the faerie race liars, witch?” Ambrose asked, his wings sprouting from behind his back, growing in size, until he
hovered over the witch, making her cower down beneath him.
“Of course not,” Hectate responded, “ I just think, as you’ve shown everyone here today, that faeries are driven by their
emotions. Their judgement would be clouded,” Hectate repsonded with a smirk on her face.
“Okay, we will put a pin on this for now Ambrose, and we will reconvene on it when the other topics are addressed.” I reply.
Ambrose looks irritated but he doesn’t argue with my decision. Instead he takes his seat at the table allowing time for another
representative to speak.

“I would like to discuss the laws against pixies breeding.” Trixie states as she stands up from her chair, “This law is old as well as
crude. My species is dying out. Within the decade the Pixie line will cease to exist.”
“I did not know there was such a law. This law will be removed, effective immediately, this ruling is not up for discussion.” I reply
using my kingly position as well as releasing my vampire aura to back my claim.
“I would also like the law between pixies and faeries breeding to be banished as well. Faeries are the only being besides pixies
themselves strong enough to mate with a pixie.” Trixie responds.
“Why was this breeding banned in the first place?” I ask.
“It was before the war with the humans.” Ambrose said speaking up, “The faeries and the pixies lived in harmony. Many of the
children were half breeds, and they were strong. There was one child in particular, Sunshine Spring MorningBreeze, who was
the strongest of them all. She had a knack for spell casting as well as mind control. The older she became, the stronger her
powers grew. Eventually Sunshine took over the pixie-faerie realm, and killed all the individuals who were biracial. She then
created a law that our races couldn’t mate anymore. She was terrified that someone stronger than her would take her place.
Eventually Sunshine died from poisoning and the world turned back into a semi normal state, but that law was never lifted.”
“Ah I see. Is there anyway to reduce the power these children would have, at least until they come of age.” I ask.
“After some extensive research, we think we may have developed a power reducing bracelet.” Trixie replies, “But we would need
someone to test this on, and without a child of both races, I cannot guarantee the bracelet will work.
“Let me take a moment and consider this law. From what I heard it is for the safety of the kingdom, but I am tired of controlling
how others live.” I reply.
“Tell us how you live King Nikolai.” Ash states, a glean of wickedness showing once again in his eyes, “Please share with the
group about how the Vampire King ,the King of the Kingdoms, mated to a woman who is somehow related to the phoenix.”

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